Way OT: What's going to happen to the USA if Trump becomes our next President.
He is an asshole, a rich asshole with a big mouth. Can he do what he is spouting off on the campaign trail??? Nope, like every President it become clear that Washington will remained mired in partisan politics and his powers will be curbed by the Supreme Court and Congress. No doubt the USA will deserve what it gets if he becomes our " leader "
Trump is crazy, but is take him over Hillary - lesser of two evils so to speak.
Seriously? "...his powers will be curbed by the Supreme Court and Congress." Like the clown we have now?
Say what you will about all of our Presidents, it is our Constitutional right and our duty to engage ourself, however we can in the running of this country. You guys want to read some entertaining stuff, read my Red file. We won eventually in stopping the Vietnam war as our Presidents found out their war policies were ineffective and quite damaging to our service people in a failed war.
Trump could have the opposite effect in one ways. Obama has caused gun sales to skyrocket. Trump may cause them to plummet. Trump is over promising just like Obama did. At least with Trump, no one is saying they won't have to work anymore because Trump will take care of them. I heard someone say that before Obama became President.
Yes I saw idiosyncrasy the movie.
Enlighten me. You state about obama's deeds, "Much bad, but some good." I am at a loss to find any good. Well, if you use "facts" spouted by this administration, don't bother.
Still, happy you are back. You just got me thinking how many good friends I have that are liberal. Maybe something is wrong with me!
America is the Roman republic in its last days. Shine, perishing republic!
You might be right though.
An asteroid could hit too.
If so, hopefully we all wake up in a parallel Earth in our same bodies and think it was all a bad dream. Then all of you will sound as crazy a me.
RE: your spanish.
I've no idea what you said to, damn, can't even remember her name, but never saw her in the club again after that encounter.However, I am pretty damn sure I saw her working in a bank. There was that quick recognition glance, then she went in back. Never saw her there again either. Oh well, only had a couple of nice LD sessions with her.
But then, I never thought he'd still be in the lead at this point.
National polls are kind of meaningless for.primaries. If trump fails to score a W in the first two states, he's probably done.
Obama has done enormous damage to our long term economic prospects, most obviously with Obamacare but also through various regulatory agendas. What should have been a period of real economic recovery instead was a muddled quagmire of anemic growth, with folks dropping out of the labor force en masse, seeing their real spending power get walloped by spiraling health care costs (premiums, deductibles), taking subpar employment for lack of better options, etc., all the while with interest rates buried at emergency settings for his entire fucking tenure. What's even worse though is what's to come in the form of massive looming unfunded entitlements.
People are frustrated and rightfully so. Trump is a product of that frustration.
What's not to like (except the guns from my perspective)?
Why should he spend anything. The media follows him around like a stray puppy. All he needs to do is say anything and it will instantly be all across our land, and at no cost to him.
What the fuck are you smoking???
I'm actually starting to believe that Trump has a good chance of beating Hillary in a general election, especially once hatred over Obamacare continues to balloon, with rising premiums and tax penalties, as well as with his anti-immigration stance, which plays well with both rednecks and blue collar Democrats.
Now a brief intermission while I hit my favorite strip club.. :)
Trump has now targeted two groups (Mexicans, Muslims) very harshly, which no serious presidential candidate would do. He is incredibly obnoxious and bigoted without shame. I'm almost starting to believe he made some deal with Hillary to win the GOP nomination (since they'll nominate just about anyone who wants to be a part of their club), just so he can continue to act like a buffoon therefore letting Hillary run away with the presidency in exchange for some sort of business deal... After all, the Clintons were at Trump's wedding.
Never the less, all personal biases aside, any smart gambling person would place their bets on Hillary for the W, even if they hate her. The odds are in her favor.
He's not stupid, despite how some of his comments sound. I'm sure he has polling experts on the payroll and well understands that he's writing off Latino votes. I'm guessing that he's gambling on mobilizing the Republican base and picking up disgruntled blue collar Democrats along the way. We shall see, but history may well show that he is playing a brilliant strategy.
Height of foreclosures = effect of the Bush administration, which is axiomatic, and I wasn't even old enough to vote but still knew he was a moron. 1/4 of your taxes go to the psuedo war Bush created. Yayyy. Bye.
Rick - Latinos make up a significant portion of US citizens, do you know how much? If you did, and looked at historical precedent (like last election lol) you would understand that as the growing Latino population increases, the importance of their demographic vote is huge. If you honestly, all bias aside, think Hillary will lose to Trump, I cannot wait to talk to you 11 months from now.
The lefts are bad, and the rights are downright delusional. Let me give you some actual objective point of views. Obamacare and foreign relations are the worst things that happened during Obama's tenure. Some of you righties make such a big deal about foreign relations. Get over yourself, it's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, there's a lot of other stuff more important. Obamacare was a complete disaster, I think most people will agree on that. Anyone with some kind of brain can see that the economy is much better now than at the end of the Bush tenure. The economy is pretty good right now. I guess Rick Dugan doesn't remember how the economy was 7,8 years ago.
If it comes down to Hillary vs Trump, of course Hillary is a better candidate than Trump. I can't envision anyone being worse than Trump. That being said I certainly won't vote for Hillary, so I will stay independent.
What I do judge Presidents by is whether they do things to impede or assist growth during recoveries and boom times. By this measure, Reagan, G.W. and yes, even Clinton, ended up being good Presidents. I also judge them by fiscal responsibility and this right winger cannot help but give Clinton good marks on that front too, though I also believe that the Dems losing control of Congress early in Clinton's tenure had something to do with it.
But Obama has failed on all fronts in my humble opinion. He spent obscene amounts of money, established unfunded future entitlements that will be crippling to the federal budget in the near future, has crippled the spender power of consumers by forcing high health insurance expenses upon them (which is hurting consumer spending) and has run the most anti-business (meaning anti-growth) regulatory regime since FDR. The results have been the worst post-recessionary recovery in many decades.
Sorry for the long winded explanation, but I wanted to be sure that we were all sitting in the same "informed citizen" category Nina. ;)
Anyway, I've spent too much time on this thread already and I'll leave it as "we shall see." :)
I despise concept of welfare. If you are a healthy, young individual, then I don't understand why state would be obligated to support you.
Semantics! A good link below that SPECIFICALLY mentions that libs like to use deficit to cover obama's incredible debt!
"Unemployment is 5%". About 1/2 correct. E6 ( real rate) is 9.9%, November 2015.
It helps to know what libs talking points are.
A quick point. You do know what caused the housing crash, correct? You do know who tried to get it corrected in Congress, correct? And then you do know that Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said...
Check the 1:35 mark!
Tell me, when was the last time the government made money? Not printed, made.
Trump has.
In a sense, but then if you knew, you would dodge the obvious.
A dancer presidential candidate has to show us their tits!
Speaking of tits, the avatars are so small to tell. Is yours still MG?
I replied to that post. I need MG back! :)
I am also 22 credits away from graduating with a Political Science degree, concentration on Public Policy, and minoring in history. So yes, I know what I'm talking about. I wouldn't discuss it if I didn't. That wasn't directing at you in particular, but any other geniuses here asking me entry level questions about politics as if I don't know the answer.
Excellent idea! Vote Libertarian!
First illegal executive order, "The law will leave strip clubs alone and Harleys for every sensible adult."
Let's hope that obama hasn't set the bar where all the illegal things (executive orders) he gets away is permanent.
Our national debt has increased several times more than what it used to be. Taxpayers will likely pay in the end. I believe younger generations will likely vote for Hillary or Sanders thinking they will give them more for nothing. maybe even free college tuition. I think we'll all pay more with any of those choices. On the other hand, there's no telling what Trump might do. The one thing I dislike most about Hillary is her proposal to tax all of our retirement accounts 1% every time we buy and sell a stock. That would wipe out my lifetime savings with her plan given enough time. I guess in her mind that would be mission accomplished.
Sadly, these days, Congressional Republicans for the most part are demo lites! :(