Treating yourself.
This is a piggy back off a couple of earlier threads. What do you guys do to treat yourself after a bonus, promotion, or an overall job well done ? Not something small but something kinda special.
It really depends on my mood and the time of year for me. I like to treat myself to a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle 20 year. or if the time of year is right I like to go on a 3-4 day out of state hunting trip. Other times I'll go to a club and find a nice natural titty girl and take her to VIP for an hour.(Something I rarely do when alone).
It really depends on my mood and the time of year for me. I like to treat myself to a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle 20 year. or if the time of year is right I like to go on a 3-4 day out of state hunting trip. Other times I'll go to a club and find a nice natural titty girl and take her to VIP for an hour.(Something I rarely do when alone).
I'm also going to play a $2,000 poker tournament
That's my two crazy treats
So while I do have daily rhythms and cycles, and a great deal of reflection time, none of it is for escapism. I am not selling myself to get money to pay for ways to escape.…
We are what we do, what we make our priories, our values.
Aristotle said that the most important activities are ends activities, not means activities. These latter are just things done for some other ends. So you want to only be engaging in ends activities, things which are their own ends, their own intrinsic rewards.
As such I do not need decompression, or escapism. I do though have lots of rythms and cycles, with lots of time for reflection.…
But most importantly, I do what I do bc I have a passion and a purpose and no money will be more valuable then me showing the world what the fuck greatness is.
girl's time in vip!
For me, girls in say a place like TJ, yes there is cost, but I will do it because I want to know the girl and be bedding down with her. But I see the money as just a show of respect and care. And the overall reason I will do it is not escape or celebration, its because it is something I want to happen. Should work out that I am seeing the girl regularly and having other types of involvement with her.
Do yourself a favor and get yourself a bottle of
Blade and Bow. Now *that* will be a treat.
You’ll be flushing that Pappy shit down the toilet.