Two truths and a lie

avatar for NinaBambina
Let's play.

I'll start. Which one is the lie? I'll make my first one easy:

1. My GPA my freshman year of high school was a 0.8
2. I was onced booked into county jail for attempted murder
3. I was once nominated for (but didn't win) a Peabody award for a Detroit-based documentary I helped create and direct


avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
The GPA one? No idea :p
I'll let you know shortly.
And when I said "I'll make my first one easy" I meant the 3 statements in general, not just claim number one.

I'll post which one is the lie when someone else makes a list. But they have to guess my lie before they do.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Ah. Sounds good. For consistency, I will repost that I’m guessing Nina’s lie is the GPA.

As for me:
1. My favorite dessert is tiramisu
2. I’ve been to Massachusetts before
3. I own a yellow bikini
Lol I'm guessing Nicespice's lie is #1.

Thank you for your contribution Mamisan :) I would guess your lie is #2, because your massage parlor business seems booming and well-run, but since SJG still posts here I think the like is #1?
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Guesses so far:

Nina: 1 lie #1 1 lie #2
Nicespice: 1 lie #1
Mamisan: 1 lie #1, one vote to they are all true. She’s always honest
Nina #2
Nicespice #3
Mamisan #1 unless sjg is leeching off the neighbor's wifi
Nina 3 nicespice 1 mamasan 2
Nina's lie is #1
Two truths and a lie:
1. I drive a Dodge Viper
2. I was a virgin until I was 21
3. For 3 years in a row I was given a Platinum Pass for free admission to my favorite club

I really hope the Viper isn't a lie! I've loved Vipers my entire life!!

.....too bad Corvettes are better :p
Two truths and a lie

1. I am an alcoholic and a pothead
2. I was arrested for petty shoplifting
3. I flunked 12th grade
Gawker's lie is #1, although he may have had one in the past. That's my guess.
Gawkers lie #3
Chessmaster you lie is #1?
1.i think nicespice is very pretty 2.i love tj 3.i actually like nicole 1994
Obviously your lie is 3, Countryman.
Nina - 2
Nicespice - 3
and i don't care about the rest of you
Ok here are my results:

1. My GPA my freshman year of high school was a 0.8
^^^There were some, uh, family issues in high school resulting in me rarely making it to school, and only making it to 6th 7th period when I went. I also didn't care about school. I spent the next two summers in summer school to make up for it! By Jr year I had a 3.7.

2. I was once booked into county jail for attempted murder
^^^To clear the air, I have never been convicted of any criminal offense. Anyway, I was indeed booked into county jail for "attempted murder," over something my ex, who has like 11 felonies now, did. However, I was never charged with it, and my charge ended up being "accessory after the fact" b/c during interrogation I wouldn't snitch on my boyfriend. I was given a probation program called HYTA, completed it successfully, so a conviction was never and can never be entered. This happened like 7 years ago.

3. I was once nominated for (but didn't win) a Peabody award for a Detroit-based documentary I helped create and direct
^^^This was a random lie I thought of. I have been nominated for and won awards, but none as big a deal as a Peabody!
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
I will choose gawker lie as number 1.

Here are 3 for me.

I once asked a favorite dancer if anyone else was having electrical issues in the club. She said no, only you. To prove I wasn't joking, I shocked the hell out of her when she touched me at the stage.

2. I've been directly underneath a strong tornado and walked inside the eye of a large dust devil for about a minute or two. The dust devil actually formed around me and grew.

3. I've tested every car I owned to see what the top speed actually is.
1. I date (FWB, not P4P) model quality civie hotties.

2. I wear a fashionable back brace because I'm missing 2 vertebrae.

3. I am actually EchoPizza running a parody troll account.
3 is true 1 & 2 are lies.
#1 is a lie. Love 'me but spend $$ on women first
DC9428 - I moved there 2 weeks before turning 21
This thread is getting so confusing. That's been happening a lot to me lately and I don't even smoke grass.
Apparently NinaBambina was never convicted for that time she shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.

To be fair, the dead man in Reno was kind of non-brilliant. Probably why she skated on the charges.
Yay I got Gawker's right.

DC9428 - your lie is #2 (I hope)
Flagooner, it is pretty simple.

Everyone who is participating makes 3 statements about themselves. Two are true, one is a lie. You have to guess which of the 3 statements is a lie. For example, one of my 3 statements was that I was nominated for a Peabody Award. That was false. The other statements (booked in county jail for attempted murder, 0.8 GPA my freshman year of high school) are actually true.
Oriomsmith's is the toughest one yet. Idk which number to pick.
1) Even though I first learned to drive on an automatic as a teenager, I didn't own an automatic transmission car as an adult until age 48.

2) I have been to both Panama City, FL and Panama City, Panama.

3) I've spent the night in hotel on a road trip in both Lexington, KY, and Lexington, NE.

Bonus #4 for crazyjoe- I have taken a shit in 47 out of 50 states, exceptions being AR, MT, and WY.
DC9428 - ok, given what you said about chessmaster, and that I think I remember he's said his name is chessmaster because he's good at chess, I'm gonna guess #3 is the lie.
Minnow I will guess your lie is #1.
Nina, I actually remember you mentioning 1 and 2. If not here, then the pink site. Looks like I'm too late.

@Minnow, I'm guessing #2 and 4. You've never been to Panama City, FL. And you've went BM in 49 states with the exception of WY or maybe WV. Am I close?
@two_bits is sort of interesting. #1 should be the lie, but given the alternate reality two_bits lives (or it could be a dancer) and #3 is the lie. This is fun.
Dominic77 - Yes, I've mentioned 2 here before, but I think the people who saw it thought I was joking because I probably said it very casually.
@orionsmith, that's a hard one. #2 is lie. I'm first thought is like @DC9428 that you should be dead. But maybe low energy dust devils are possible. I've electric zapped girls with static before on purpose to mess with them, but I find to build up enough charge I need to walk back and forth continuously on carpet for like 30 minutes deliberately beforehand, so it's hard to believe you set her up if your joke was premeditated.
I’ll play
1) I’m 64 years old
2) I wear a back brace
3) I have a 32 year old girlfriend who is
gorgeous and quit stripping for me.
Twentyfive, you're supposed to guess on someone else's before just jumping right in! That's part of the fun!
1. I’ve trained hunting dogs and presently have a field trial champion.
2. If you saw me in a bar, odds are I’m drinking bourbon.
3. I’ve been to 45 of the 50 states.
Hunstman, my guess is #3 is the lie.
Chessmaster, #3 is a lie. (unless you failed gov't class or missed a phys. ed. credit or something on a technicality).

DC9428 #2 is a lie. Come on. Bud Lite has no flavor. Miller Lite, amirite?

Minnow likes manual transmission mustangs (Bullitt), so he's a three pedal connoisseur like me. He'd never own a slushbox. ;)
Oh, and I meant my earlier guess of “2” for Nina. Getting it wrong I’m staying with 2 for nicespice. In fact, I’m going with 2 for 25 and DC also.
I'm doing another:
1. I have never gotten a traffic ticket.
2. I was suspended from high school for two weeks for smuggling in alcohol.
3. The number of men I've had sex with is five.
nicespice, #2 is the lie.

mamisan, #3 is the lie, because you're holding back details. ... FEMA was called and DJT send relieve aide.

twentyfive, #2 is a lie (it's a tuscl meme and you are great shape. you've mentioned #1 and alluded to #3 since that's your preferred beauty and maturity range for a partner.

huntsman, #3 is the lie.
Oops, I jumped in early. I'm guessing o-smith's lie is #3, because he crashed 1 or more of the cars before he could get to top speed. I guess he technically could survive #2 if he were on a submerged submarine directly underneath a waterspout. (term for a tornado over a body of water). D77- are you saying that 2 of my statements are lies ? (RE- "I'd never own a slushbox, Panama)
Nina is lying in 3. She’s only had sex with four guys. Might be higher if she counted women.
minnow, yes, two statements. One of the first three is a lie. and the crazy joe bonus question, I'm taking the liberty, since I'm not CJ, saying the that one is a lie. I think you've too well traveled to be limited to 46 states. I 100% believe you'd avoid owning a slushbox, if possible, given the sporty feel. I also believe you'd find humor in having been to the country Panama but not to city of the same name in Florida (given the distance and logistics). You have a funny wit like that. Hell, you probably were in Lexington hotels (respectively) on the same day, cannon-balling it from one to the other. That's how I read you humor and persona. But I've been wrong with you before. I probably have this image of you that you fly around in richard branson's plane, reading a ton, owning expensive watches, and whatnot.

"2) I have been to both Panama City, FL and Panama City, Panama.
Bonus #4 for crazyjoe- I have taken a shit in 47 out of 50 states, exceptions being AR, MT, and WY."

^^^ lies.
Hm Hunstman... Interesting assessment of my new list. You'll find out shortly.
Nina, #3 is a lie. I know it was small, thinking like 3 or 4 partners. Can't recall exactly. That's part of a quirky paradox about you that Tuscl can't believe about a Dancer in Detroit, of all places.
I passed 12th grade.

Orions lie #2
Dc's lie #1
2 bits lie #1
Minnows lie #2
25 lies #2
Huntsman lie #3
Ninas 2nd lie #1
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Commenting on @Gawker, I thought losing his virginity at 21 was the lie. He should have listed being a high school principal, which is a cool job and seems stranger than truth on a strip club forum.

My list
(1) went to school parodied on Big Bang Theory (known for socially-inept nerds).

(2) ran into @GammaNu at David Duke rally, and turns out we hit it off.

(3) used to surf as kid, and was once taken by ambulance to ER with a gaping skeg wound in my back about 1 inch from spinal cord.
You’re being clever here Nina so I had to go for it. :)
1. I have a big dick.
2. I make bank.
3. I’m in love with a stripper.
1. Lap dances are for chumps! 2. Sex tourism is for chumps! 3. Sjg is not tuscl version of Einstein!
I can’t picture Random Member at a David Duke rally. 2 has to be the lie.
1. I have never gotten a traffic ticket.
2. I was suspended from high school for two weeks for smuggling in alcohol.
3. The number of men I've had sex with is five.

^^^The lie was #2. I never got suspended in high school and rarely got in trouble. My senior year I was dating an older guy, so I was able to sneak in SoCo and share it with my sister and friends during lunch hour. Never got caught.

I've never gotten a traffic ticket. Although, rethinking that, I actually was charged with a DUI last year because I was mistaken for my sister. I wasn't driving and I got it cleared up / case dismissed. When I got my first car ever, as a teen, I got pulled over a lot but never actually given a ticket, and now I drive very cautiously. Haven't gotten pulled over in about 8 years.

I have had sex with 5 men and zero women.
DC9428 - your lie is 2.
RandomMember #1 is the lie
#1 is actually my lie. The part about training dogs was true and so was the field trial champion part. But I stopped training a few years back so my present dog is just my buddy.
I wanna do some more!
And I can't believe 2 seemed to be the universal lie for my second set of two truths and a lie. You guys think I was that wild in high school?

Again, I got pulled over a lot when I got my first car, but got breaks each time. Since then, I simply don't get pulled over anymore. I'm an overly cautious driver.
Lol DC, you're the one who said you thought I was a wild child in high school. ;)
I think it's more of a normal high school thing to do. Not goody-goody, but it's not like I was getting wasted or bringing in heavy drugs. I'm sure there were others drinking.
If I could go back, I'd miss behave more.

I didn't start smoking weed till college, and I only smuggled in the alcohol a few times during senior year.
Ok I'm gonna do another one (this is fun)

1) I've never had anal sex
2) I've never had any kind of surgery
3) I've never seen Gone With the Wind
I’m going with 2 again, Nina.
2, for my third list, that is?
^^^ Yep. Hoping you’ve ass fucked. :). I’m guessing you’ve seen Gone With the Wind.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
@25 obviously doesn't wear a back brace. Congrats on your stripper GF @25 and hope you guys are happy.

My comment about the David Duke rally was supposed to be more ludicrous than having pad thai with little green space aliens.

Nina Quiz # 3- I'm picking #2 .

As for my quiz answers, looks like crazyjoe doesn't like dancer threads. My lie is #2. I've been to Panama City, Panama, but not the one in FL. I'm curious why Nina thought #1 was a lie, or if she was just taking a wild stab. Dominic, I don't wear any fancy expensive watches (yet), and I've never met Richard Branson. I am getting the feeling that you've googled some of my posts. Bonus question #4 is the truth. I may have posted somewhere that I've stayed in hotels in 49 states, MT being the exception. I was eating low fiber during my singular limited stays in AR and WY. I have taken a whizz in all 50 states, though.
Minnow - I thought 1 was a lie because, and yes this is partially a wild stab, but I figured since there's a while between being a teen and being 48, you'd owned an automatic by then? Idk. The others seemed so specific.
How do we know 25 doesn't wear a back brace when he sleeps? Or drives? Or something else doctor ordered.
Aw DC I was torn on yours... I guessed wrong though so I'll take the L.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
My lie was #3: I do not currently own a yellow bikini
Damn. Another wrong guess on my end.

Yellow bikinis are awesome though, just tellin' ya lol.
Might wait on a few more guesses for my third list and then reveal.
Lol the 2nd one in my original (booked into county jail for attempted murder) was entirely true. But ok. Nice guess.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
I did have electrical issues for several months even in the summer time. I suspect it was a combination of high iron in my blood and the way my shorts rubbed one new strip club chairs every time I got up to tip strippers on stage when one club got new chairs. I became super charged. I usually touched the metal railing so I didn't shock the dancers. I wondered if others were having the same issue. Problem went away after I gave blood.

3 was the lie. I never tested my current car to see how fast it would go. I once had an officer tell me he could arrest me for going 15 over with out of state tags. I drove slower after that.

A big tornado went over the house I was in. It took out all the trees and branches overhanging the house and chopped them off at roof level. My bedroom wall was shaking. Only reason I'm probably alive was because someone built that house with a gazillion nails to withstand a cat 5 hurricane apparently.

The dust devil that formed around me seemed almost paranormal. I usually don't talk about that stuff because I wouldn't even believe it myself if I hadn't seen it. Maybe it was a cool coincidence since I was already walking but really weird. The dust devil was at least 12 stories tall when we both stopped at my building. I got a big face full of dust when I decided to walk through the eye wall. Not strong enough to hurt me. It dissipated after I got out of it. Actually I'm thankful cameras were not common back then. I'd be famous. I met a stripper who claimed she was inside a dust devil too. What are the odds?
at 68 I've been coddled,protected, and kept from negative forces. for my occupation I should be done long time dead. definitely according to the teamster pension averages. should be long long dead. but I'm still fucking here. seeking the next girl I can fully enjoy.
Well orionsmith, you are apparently a very lucky individual. For what it's worth, I was going to guess #3 as the lie, just because the others were so detailed and everyone would automatically think #2 was a lie.
Dc9428, are you talking about Orionsmith?
Lol that's why I copy and paste mine when I do my Reveal... speaking of which... one is coming up soon.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
If it wasn't for weird stuff, we wouldn't have any mysteries though.
It was probably a friendly ghost following me around. Scared a guy in the lobby big time. I was wondering if he saw something I didn't. 2000 people lived in the building and no came into the lobby the whole time I was there for about 20 minutes or so. Whatever was the source followed me to another building. I found out the buildings were haunted. Ghosts were moving stuff for me. Never happened again. At least I know without a doubt the paranormal exists.
Ok are you serious?

1) I've never had anal sex
2) I've never had any kind of surgery
3) I've never seen Gone With the Wind

For this particular list, #1 was the lie. I have never had any kind of surgery. I was supposed to get my wisdom teeth pulled years ago, but never did. And nope - I actually have NOT seen Gone With the Wind.
Looks like I made the right guess for the wrong reason on o-smith. Minnow Quiz #2- pick the lie.

1) I've been to both London, England, and London, KY. I spent several days vacation in the former, stopped long enough in the later only to grab a quick bite to eat, and refuel my car.

2) In my pre-Tuscl days, I had multiple business trips to Portland, OR and Portland, ME. I patronized strip clubs in both cities ( 1 in ME, 4 in OR )

3) I've spent several nights in Richmond, VA, but I've only dropped in for food or gas in 3 other Richmonds(IN, KY, and CA).
"How do we know 25 doesn't wear a back brace when he sleeps? Or drives? Or something else doctor ordered."

You don't know, but anyone who was paying attention when I posted about my spinal problems, read that my issues were with cervical disks. My back is fine it's my neck that gives me problems, so I guess i could say, you are just being a pain in the neck, but no I never wear a back brace.
Minnow, I’m guessing 3.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
I'm not asking people to believe me but I was serious. I've seen stuff that would spook many people. Lucky me. I'd probably have the same reaction that I had when someone I knew in college said he drove through a rainbow and saw colors all over the place. People were asking him what drugs he took.
Orionsmith I believe you. It's just crazy.
Txtittyfag hit the nail on the head with his #1!

Nina is very full of herself! Holy shit!

“Let’s play a game to see how much you know about me - and me - and me!”
Cashman - because it's entertaining.

I'm full of myself? Have you read my current tagline? LOL.
I must have missed the post about 25's back issues or just forgot about it, but I thought two bits was the one with the back brace.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
@flagooner's not exactly the brightest guy here
^ Not so Random I’ve taught him a few tricks, he can beg for pussy, he can pay for pussy, he can even pay to beg for pussy
(Apologies to lopaw)
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