Cuddly Wuddly - Just wants to cuddle and talk and expects to be paid for hanging out BFF - take her to the VIP and she just tries to talk the whole time Air Dancer - no explanation necessary Alkie - Free drink whore Porn Star - Not a porn star per set but an 'I'm gonna handle your biz and drain you dry' gal The Stormy Daniels - she'll tell everybody about everything, big mouth gal The Cockblocker - bought a dance from her earlier, she won't leave you alone Door Vulture - Stalks those walking in The Psuedo Intellectual - Prides herself of being smart and witty and wants you to know it The DDs - The 'buy me a dance because *points at her gigantic tits*' gal The Troll - Obese and not attractive compared to the rest of the shift, she.. is.. always... lurking... LDK Queen - No explanation necessary
Have at it gentlemen (and ladies - you're even welcome too spice lady). Let's see what you come up with!!
The Germaphobe - prior to the dance puts sanitizer on your hands; sanitizes the whole dance area; and puts a cloth b/w you and her even though she's wearing a double-thong at least
The Emotional Manipulator - "thank you for not touching me at all during the dances; you are such a gentleman - you're the best customer I've ever had - I wish all customers were like you - you made my day by coming in today"
The PL buys every word and eats it up like a ham-sandwich
No idea what customer service is dancer - thinks it's perfectly fine to talk on the phone, or be texting, or talking to another dancer, while dancing for you and charging you of course
I love these, as I've encountered dn near all of them. I HATE that tiny high pitched voice one. So phony that it's a huge turn off.
And the VIP only dancers, never had one because I have to test drive first. Anyone ever had one of them? Do they actually deliver in VIP or is it like I expect......a rip-off.
The '$10 extra to touch me' dancers..... there's a club in Northern California (Gold Club Centerfolds) where at night time it's pretty much the standard. So every dancer says contact dances are $30, no touch dances are $20. They successfully converted the entire club, this is the only place I've encountered this.
The Buzzkill, thankfully only encountered this in low mileage clubs that I'll never set foot in again. Or girls that trip off of you adjusting yourself.
The take you for granted dancer - you've been with her several times b/f - then after a while she comes up to you when she sees you come in the club, says hi and tells you she'll come back - then proceeds to work the room for 2-hours b/f coming back to you
The Crisis Counselor: "My rent is due tomorrow and my ex-boyfriend just stole all my cash, can I get $400?" "My car broke down! Can you paypal me $200?"
The Unicorn 2 - super-hot - great sense of humor - super-easy to get along with - loves sports - then you find out you click w/ her so-well b/c she's actually a dude/tranny - not that there's anything wrong with that
The FML - when you realize that the dancer has probably had sex change operations and you're too drunk to care and just think 'god bless that surgeon.'
Could you imagine what Subraman goes thru SCing in San Francisco - again not that there's anything wrong w/ that - you do you Subraman - no judging here on TUSCL unless it's a RIL (a tranny fave falls under "everyone has their type")
The Wife 2 - she's danced for you before - after that approaches you every time as soon as you walk in the club - sits next to you and never leaves your side - if she does have to step-away she leaves her belongings w/ you to mark her territory
The Kung Fu dancer, I had one that had to be a fucking 3rd Dan in that shit. I'm talking about before my hands could even make contact on a boob, she was doing that wax on wax off shit from Karate Kid. Matter of fact you could call her 'The Matrix dancer' also. She was dodging my hands like those agents would dodge bullets. Those dances were frustrating as fuck but looking back, I gotta admire the gal's skills lol.
The Cockswain - she grabs your dick OTP the moment she meets you and it hardly ever comes off from that point forward. She even leads you into the private dance area by it.
The itty bitty dancer - gives you an air-dance for most of the song then grinds on you for a little itty bitty during the last 10-seconds to sucker you into another song/dance where she repeats the process
The Bernie Sanders dancer - "we should all get paid $100,000/yr just to dance on stage and just work 2 hours per shift - that would be fair - omg really - ok bye"
The Rookie - has no idea about stripping - thinks guys will throw tons of $$$ at her just b/c "she's hot/cute" - thinks custies will just give her $$$ for her just talking to them and she may not even need to take her clothes off
The One Trick Pony - lap dances are boring for the most except for the 20 seconds she knows what she is doing even though she doesn't know what she is doing, The One Trick Pony can be harmful to your wallet. Hint: it doesn't get better.
The Man n Cheese - so simple, nothing special, you've outgrown it, but reminds you of why you got into the Stripper World and are happy to have it served every now and then
Can't keep her accent dancer. The dancer who puts on a fake accent and can't keep it going. Often it's and fake Asian or EU accent that keep switching to standard local American.
Tell you her life history dancer. Within first sitting down, you know more than you ever want to know about her dead beat fiancé, three kids with different fathers, car and house she just bought.
Automaton Lapper. Sits on your lap in one position through out the dance, motion and speed never waving.
Hey everyone I am giving a dance, dancer. Dancer who talks loudly in the next booth over while you are trying to enjoy your dance.
Fitness coach. A usually hard bodied dancer who lets you know her workout routine in complete detail, and gives out fitness advice. Extreme cases even try to get you to join them at their fitness club.
Nutritionist. Similar to Fitness coach but talks about nutrition instead.
Lol I guess not to many NJ/NY or MA guys here, but dont forget "The Brazilian" This is a smoking hot FOTB girl who speaks conversational english and will act like she's your GF for 30 minutes, blow your mind in the LD room, and be able to move on to the next guy like nothing happened.
The Honey Badger - a ruthless bitch who will try to steal from both you and her fellow dancers and is usually in the center of locker room drama involving broken locks
Excellent ... loved "Kung Fu" and yes I too forgot about "Matriarch" ... ROFL ... and there are also ...
The Broadway-Bound : she knows how to high-kick, has a choreographed performance prepared, uses a top hat or a cane, asks "how did you like my routine". Broadway-Bound can transmogrify into ...
The Special Effect : fire-spitting, or bathing in giant champagne glasses, and always ready for a pole-trick when unnecessary.
Generally neither The Broadway-Bound nor The Special Effect gives anything like a worthwhile lap-dance. There are also Circus Acts (really, I ride a unicycle to work! really! with my pet anaconda!) and Acrobats or Aerialists (I once did a number suspended from three cables over Niagara Falls ...). You get the gist.
The Starlet - Just dancing until she gets 'discovered.' Play here is to tell her your cousin's best friends daughter is an intern for Rob Reiner and you might be able to make an introduction.
last commentThe PL buys every word and eats it up like a ham-sandwich
And the VIP only dancers, never had one because I have to test drive first. Anyone ever had one of them? Do they actually deliver in VIP or is it like I expect......a rip-off.
The '$10 extra to touch me' dancers..... there's a club in Northern California (Gold Club Centerfolds) where at night time it's pretty much the standard. So every dancer says contact dances are $30, no touch dances are $20. They successfully converted the entire club, this is the only place I've encountered this.
The Buzzkill, thankfully only encountered this in low mileage clubs that I'll never set foot in again. Or girls that trip off of you adjusting yourself.
Man these are great, keep em coming!
Could you imagine what Subraman goes thru SCing in San Francisco - again not that there's anything wrong w/ that - you do you Subraman - no judging here on TUSCL unless it's a RIL (a tranny fave falls under "everyone has their type")
(*discussion board inside joke)
> Door Vulture - Stalks those walking in
Nooooooooo!! I only just got my drink and haven't even seen your stretch marks yet!
> The Psuedo Intellectual - Prides herself of being smart and witty and wants you to know it
I have also heard of physics! Please tell me more...
> The bareback is no big deal queen - tries to mount you bareback w/o even asking
Well... OK, you are exactly the kind of girl I would want to raise children with. (I'm not even shitting you guys, I swear she could tell)
Uhhhh yeah, some of us misogynists go from time to time. Lol
The Grand Wizard...…
The Show is too epic to be left out, though:…
sometimes my hoes tell me its too big and they run to find pistola's tiny little cock after i've thoroughly worn them out
My bitches keep wanting to fuck pistola, too, but I haven't formulated a rationalization yet
Tell you her life history dancer. Within first sitting down, you know more than you ever want to know about her dead beat fiancé, three kids with different fathers, car and house she just bought.
Automaton Lapper. Sits on your lap in one position through out the dance, motion and speed never waving.
Hey everyone I am giving a dance, dancer. Dancer who talks loudly in the next booth over while you are trying to enjoy your dance.
Fitness coach. A usually hard bodied dancer who lets you know her workout routine in complete detail, and gives out fitness advice. Extreme cases even try to get you to join them at their fitness club.
Nutritionist. Similar to Fitness coach but talks about nutrition instead.
The Broadway-Bound : she knows how to high-kick, has a choreographed performance prepared, uses a top hat or a cane, asks "how did you like my routine". Broadway-Bound can transmogrify into ...
The Special Effect : fire-spitting, or bathing in giant champagne glasses, and always ready for a pole-trick when unnecessary.
Generally neither The Broadway-Bound nor The Special Effect gives anything like a worthwhile lap-dance. There are also Circus Acts (really, I ride a unicycle to work! really! with my pet anaconda!) and Acrobats or Aerialists (I once did a number suspended from three cables over Niagara Falls ...). You get the gist.
This girl can also be called the village bicycle or the neighborhood mattress.
The Big Frog - a 7-9 dancer who works in a dive club ("little pond") where the other dancers average no better than 6
The Double-down - still in her 20s but has had two or more kids with the same on again/off again baby-daddy