haggling over VIP prices

avatar for roldes
Do y'all haggle over VIP pricing? If so, how do you go about it?

I paid what I knew was too much for a VIP w/extras lately, but I was hesitant to haggle because I didn't want to give the dancer's already indifferent attitude toward me any reason to become worse. She was hot and was my pick in the club at the time, so I paid what she quoted and made the best of it.

What kind of advice would y'all give me?


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avatar for Smalltowncpl
7 years ago
I know what the club going rate is so that's a given. So that's where we start negotiating. I'll ask what's on the menu and if she throws out some crazy number I tell her a number that I think is fair and go from there. I'll go up $40 from the fair price for the right girl.

Just be careful . Some places have a set starting fee. 15 min. $150 and up. Some dancers can set their rates some can't. Just be clear about a price and what she is doing.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Nope. I’ll either pay what she wants, or say “no thanks”. In my experience, all haggling gets you is resentment and sub par performances.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
The first thing to consider is are you willing to say no? I first ask if they do VIPs. If I get a yes, I then ask what is on the menu and what are the cost of services. If what she is asking for what I want is more than I'm willing to pay, I counter offer with what I want and what I normally pay for it. Then she can take my offer or pass. I'm done because I know there are other dancers that are hungrier.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
GMD does have a good point and many times I follow his recommendations.
avatar for Smalltowncpl
7 years ago
^^^^ I'm with you.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
I have discussed payment in advance twice and despised both experiences. I tip afterwards.
avatar for Smalltowncpl
7 years ago
You never pay first !
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
I don’t agree with the never pay first rule. I usually don’t, but just depends. I have been burned of course, but 99% of the time I have gotten what I paid for. Sometimes the girl just needs a little reassurance. On haggling, that just depends too. If the first number is fair (usually isn’t), I just accept. If it’s too high, I’ll counter. I don’t think it creates any resentment/negativity. Why would it? It’s business. Does the car salesman resent you because you ask for a discount from MSRP? No, they expect it, and girls who throw out inflated numbers expect it too. Of course, they’ll gladly take the Stripper Suggested Retail Price if you’re willing to pay it.
avatar for Smalltowncpl
7 years ago
I have honestly not had many times when I was ask for money up front but 99% of the time Im with a girl that I know and there is a level of trust.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
I wouldn't say "haggle" but I'll do some modest negotiating if needed.

If she comes in at a reasonable place, no action needed. There is no upside to nickel and diming a girl.

If she comes in too high, then I'll counter with something more reasonable. Sometimes they accept it, sometimes they counter back, but rarely do they walk away unless I am being unreasonable in where I am holding firm - which almost never happens.

I've negotiated countless ITC and OTC events and disagree with gmd's notion that this results in inferior performance. A girl who starts with a pie in the sky number is usually taking a shot at a big score, but will often gladly take a more modest score if it is still a good number. In fact, I'd contend that my own experience improves when a girl clearly understands that I'm not a pushover and that she had better perform if she wishes to get paid.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
“A girl who starts with a pie in the sky number is usually taking a shot at a big score, but will often gladly take a more modest score if it is still a good number.”

Bear in mind that When I say I don’t haggle, what I mean is that I don’t do any kind of back and forth. If, when I say “no thanks”, she comes back with another, more acceptable, number, I’ll probably agree.

Likewise, if I’m the one making the initial offer, and she declines, I don’t come back with another. If she makes an acceptable counter, I might accept.
avatar for minnow
7 years ago
..."dancer's already indifferent attitude"... That right there is a buzz kill, and such a dancer wouldn't be getting a VIP from me in the first place. That said, I don't like to engage in bazaar style haggling. I'll accept her initial quote if reasonable. I may then make a counter offer. If not taken, I'll just move on.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Actually I think GMD has it right, if I was to do a VIP I’d prolly not be interested in haggling, if she came at me with a reasonable number I wouldn’t have a problem, if she threw out a crazy number I’d decline.
@OP I’d never get a single dance with some girl with an “indifferent attitude “ I’d pass immediately.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
My "payment" comment was misconstrued. I have never ever handed over money before a dance of any type in a strip club. I meant on only two occasions have I ever discussed what I want for a service and the cost. Usually sex just happens and I tip afterwards. Must be enough because they come back.
avatar for two_bits
7 years ago
"I have discussed payment in advance twice and despised both experiences."

Great, a lawyer that hates negotiating. Just another example of why anyone that would hire you to represent them is an idiot.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
I agree with Dr. evil.
avatar for goldmongerATL
7 years ago
i have counteroffered a few times and got ROB treatment. Got in there and asjed for what was agreed and was told that was only available at the original price. Then offered what I wanted at a higher total than the original offer.

Lesson- make sure what you are getting did not change when the price changed
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I'm not comfortable haggling w.r.t. anything; strip-club related or not - I try to educate myself w.r.t. the going-rate/fair-value and are more-comfortable walking away than getting into a back-and-forth.

I also rather make the offer than ask her, to avoid the back-and-forth from a possible initial sucker-price.

Extras are not my primary-thing when I SC; I partake more on the spur-of-the-PL-moment so not that hard for me to walk away from an uncomfortable exchange - I also mostly hit dives where it's often more of a buyer's market and I try to usually make a bit above fair-offer b/c am as opposed to low-balling a dancer as to over-paying - giving a bit-above fair-offer tends to lessen the back-and-forth - she's def free to pass on my fair-offer but depending on how she reacts to my fair-offer if she cops a bit of an attitude then than usually poisons-the-well where I'm not interested if she comes back and agrees to my price.
avatar for goldmongerATL
7 years ago
Funny moment - a girl (not a Follies Griffin girl!) once gave me a super high price for VIP. I jokingly asked if that price was just for her or included her sister, too.

The girl had this amazed look and asked me how I knew XXXXXX was her sister.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
It's always gonna be a risk doing VIP w/ an unknown dancer whether one haggles or not - paying top dollar is no guarantee of top-treatment and no guarantee of not getting ROBed - in fact it's been my PL-experience that dancers that deal in the modest price-range often try harder than the ones asking top-dollar which may often be entitled GPSers.

I rather risk bad-performance at the going-rate than bad-performance at an over-paid rate (as long as one is not trying to low-ball her).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I try to hit the going-rate or slightly-above - but it's not uncommon for me to tip-extra at the end if I feel she tried hard to please me - not common but at times I'll tip as much as 50%-extra the agreed price if I feel she tried hard for me to enjoy myself - again these are dives so the 50%-tip is off a lower-base than it would be at an upscale club.
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
I don’t like to haggle either, and as long as you know the going rate at the club, there shouldn’t be much haggling. During the discussion, there should be no more than 3 price quotes, the original offer, the counteroffer, then the counter to the counteroffer. If after this no agreement can be made, it is time for both parties to move on.

The way I see it, if the girl makes the first offer and you think it is too much, make a counter offer that is about 75-80% the most you are willing to spend. Chances are she will then respond to your counteroffer with a number that is really close to the most your willing to spend, and then a deal is made that is fair for both sides.

Sometimes they ask me what I want and how much I’m willing to spend. I give them a number that is 75-80% the most I am willing to spend. Often times they respond with a number just a little higher, and usually it matches the most I am willing to spend.

Of course, this does not work if the dancer quotes $500 and the most you are willing to spend is $150. If her first offer is more than double what you’re willing to spend, just politely decline and go look for a girl that will take less.

IME, girls do not give a subpar performance if a negotiation has to be made. Most of them are used to it and just want fair compensation.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Almost never haggle. If I don't like a price, I say "No thank you." Sometimes, the dancer will counter with a lower price. If I still don't like the price, that's the end of it. Sometimes, she'll walk away after I say "No thanks", and then return later in the shift with a lower price. Sometimes I take that offer, sometimes I don't. Depends on the vibe she gives off.

I agree with the others here. If you haggle like you're buying halibut from a fish monger, you're going to get a shitty experience.

"... I was hesitant to haggle because I didn't want to give the dancer's already indifferent attitude toward me any reason to become worse."

Based on that description, you were heading for a lackluster experience regardless of haggling or price. But, hey, I've made the same mistake. The hottest dancer isn't always the best dancer.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
gold monger. high five sir!!!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I hate the dancer sorta open-ended question "so how much are you looking to spend" - not sure why but it kinda rubs me the wrong PL-way.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
^^^ Because there's usually no right answer to that question.
avatar for shanny72
7 years ago
"How much you looking to spend?"

As little as possible
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
"How much you looking to spend?"

Isn't my dick payment enough?
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Mine wouldn't be.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
o my goodness. if my dick and my small tip ain't enough... smh.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Idk, but I'm sensing two issues here:

First, I think that, for some of you, your unwillingness to negotiate really stems more from discomfort than anything else.

Second, we're not all coming from the same place in terms of what we might "haggle" over.

If you're secure in what you do and confident that you have a firm handle on what is reasonable, then neither of these should be an issue. I'm not talking about quibbling over small differences. If I'm counter-offering, it's because she's at least $100 (and often more) over what's reasonable for a hot girl in her area and she likely knows it. I've never had a girl turn in a shitty performance because of a negotiation and I've lost count of how many of them I've conducted. I can only guess that some of you guys are either trying to squeeze them too much, which might indeed get negative results, or this is being used as an excuse to avoid personal discomfort - idk.

I'm honestly rather surprised by this thread. I for one am not inclined to rely upon some weird passive-aggressive approach to striking a deal. Now I have a pretty relaxed and kind way of going about this sort of thing and that probably helps, but I always assumed that working out a reasonable price with a girl was SC 101 stuff. I guess the more I learn, the less I know. ;)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ don't patronize us
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
^ just calling it like I see it.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Front room makeout session. Then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room. Then take her home with you and continue to see her regularly.

avatar for TrollWarnBot
7 years ago
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avatar for steeldog65
7 years ago
MisterWonderful--o my goodness. if my dick and my small tip ain't enough... smh.
There is a joke here about the small tip but who am I to say . . .

I normally don't haggle, like others, if it is too high I will say no thanks and see if she comes back at a more reasonable rate. Lately I have had some great luck with just the room rate and nothing more which makes me very very happy.
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