Demographic Changes and Strip Clubs

avatar for nicespice
So one thing I said earlier: The customers who favor white blonds tend to be more easygoing spenders, both ITC and also on this discussion board. (Exceptions like Sirlap duly noted :p)

US trends suggests that the % of the population that is white will be decreasing over the years.

Do you guys think that who are considered the “favored” girls will change(because of a shift of who the most buyers are)?
Or that overall spending will just decrease(because there’s something inherent in non-white cultures)?

What do you guys think?


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Most everything in this country is still coded by race.

I think more white guys are getting used to women of color.

avatar for NJBalla
7 years ago
You might be 10 years behind. In NJ blonde strippers are a rarity and usually the ones who are blonde are overweight. In my experience blonde women generally start to wrinkle and deteriorate after 30 so marriage is a higher priority than dancing.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
The white blonds would be at NYC right? :p

I’m basing my experience based on personal experience. The money in Austin, TX is a bit better than San Antonio, TX. San Antonio doesn’t have much in the way of “majority white” girls.

Even in Austin, the most profitable clubs are heavily white. The other clubs are second tier and have more $5 and $10 dances.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Blacks and Latina's have earned good reputations. They dance in order to earn a living.

White dancers, more often than not, sorry to say, they dance because they are the family scapegoat, they are Shit Heads

avatar for steeldog65
7 years ago
I wiuld assume the preference for white/blonde us based on decades of marketing what a beautiful woman looks like. ie. Barbie. Until that changes to a degree, the perceptions of beauty will stay the same. However, you nicespice are a callipygian delight and thus I assure you, you could easily take my money.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
There is still a racial and socioeconomic hierarchy. There are those who support it. And there are others of us to try to subvert it.

avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
@San Jose Guy, what is your ethnicity, if you don’t mind saying?

@steeldog In my area, I wouldn’t say Asians have a disadvantage. Mostly because there’s not many of us.

You should come to Miami too :p
avatar for steeldog65
7 years ago
I love brunettes soooo much!
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 years ago
We got fat white trailer trash girls here in NOLa, and hot fit african-american girls. In general.
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
I don’t think we are going to notice much change very rapidly because even with demographic shits, there are still going to be plenty of white blondes around. Some will decide to be strippers.

As far as the customer base and spending is concerned, I have no idea what a changing customer base might be willing to spend on but I suspect that the changes in how sex is marketed and consumed will have a bigger impact on the future of strip clubs and potential stripper income.

It wasn’t that long ago when Blockbuster stores seemed to be on every block for movie rental. Porn used to be something we had to pay for. “Must see TV” was whatever Thursday night shows NBC had. So I think strip clubs will change in unforseeble ways due to factors other well before demographics change things.
avatar for NJBalla
7 years ago
The blonde thing (platinum) to be exact was more popular in the 90s and early 2000s. I rarely see blondes in NYC or NJ. As said before lol all of the blonde women are in a rush to get married in thier 20s as father time is ticking on thier looks. The only ones left to perform and usually the russians who are well known to be robots in the LD room and have the barside experience of a wet rag. Perhaps in more rural areas you might come across blondes more, but not here.

In an unrelated topic are blonde women really popular in porn right now? The only blonde that I see routinely putting out work that is popular is goldie rush.…

And dont give me any Alexis Texas BS. shes way past her prime and more of a novelty act. She wouldnt get a 2nd glance at many clubs in NJ
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
“Other factors”. Not “factors other “. I fucking sounded like a poor man’s yoda.
avatar for April9424
7 years ago
I think blonde barbies will always be popular with the high roller champagne room crowd at “top tier gentleman’s clubs” who just want the “hottest” dancer and drop thousands for basically nothing. Maybe it’s a status thing?

There are a lot of “nightclub” or more chill vibe strip clubs nowadays and those places usually favor a different look but they also attract a different type of customer. I doubt the big places like penthouse, rhino, sapphire, ricks etc are going anywhere, and their customer base isn’t gonna change noticeably any time soon. I prefer dark hair but keep mine blonde for this reason cuz it makes a big difference.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
steeldog posted: "I wiuld assume the preference for white/blonde us based on decades of marketing what a beautiful woman looks like. ie. Barbie."

Right steel, marketing departments are real geniuses at re-writing our sexual instincts and preferences. Most people who work in that space would say that they seek out and respond to market preferences rather than try to re-write them, but your view just sounds sooo much cooler. ;)

All we need are the tinfoil hats and we can make this a real party. :)
avatar for boomer79
7 years ago
I would think the demographic changes would kind of offset. More often than not people go to the club looking for a younger version of their own demographic. It’s more a matter of the buying power of the customer that likes that kind of dancer that affects earnings.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
^ Too bad the marketing departments couldn't do as good a job of selling attraction to all the fat chicks that were being trotted out on magazine covers and internet sites about a year ago during a wave of "body positive" nonsense. But who knows? Maybe they'll have more success trying to sell deep ebony types to guys who are normally attracted to fair skinned girls. ;)
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
“We got fat white trailer trash girls here in NOLa, and hot fit african-american girls. In general.”

Do you know which group makes more money?

“I think blonde barbies will always be popular with the high roller champagne room crowd at “top tier gentleman’s clubs” who just want the “hottest” dancer and drop thousands for basically nothing.”

True. Even if the white population is slowly shrinking, their (largest portion of) money isn’t going away yet.

@Rick so what if, say Black or Mexican customers had the most money? Do you think they will still be favored then too?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
One would assume that overall white people are better off financially than minorities and why the minority clubs may charge less - kinda like home-prices usually tend to be lower in minority neighborhoods vs white neighborhoods.

It appears most people tend to be attracted to their particular demographic group thus white custies seem to mostly stick to white dancers and white custies as a whole are probably better off financially than minority custies as a whole thus clubs with majority white clientele are-able-to/can-get-away-with charging more.

It's socio-economics which is in part tied to ethnicity.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Changing demographics may not necessarily mean white-people/dancers are gonna lose-out, it can just as well mean that more of the minorities are catching up to where the whites are.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
A hot woman is a hot woman, I work in LV and I’m a blonde Barbie, there are black girls who could be the most beautiful women in the room and they are giving PLENTY of dances.

This discussion topic always makes me give a pondering facial expression—why does anyone assume what it is like for person xyz? This thing about blonde women and their earnings is always a hot button topic in dancer blogs.

I am blonde, and that’s one facet of my looks/personality/presentation. ONE. I can show you five trashy blonde girls in a club for every one upscale blonde girl—and same for any other hair color—it isn’t a universal experience. I do not know why anyone assumes anything about the type of customers a girl may have, or how successful or terrible she may be at her job.

In this thread alone more than half the men are saying they don’t care for blondes. THERE ARE TOO MANY VARIABLES to the customer and dancer’s experience in the club to predict how someone spends or makes money in this environment.

A guy may love blondes but have a dumb rule in his head that he won’t get a dance unless the girl immediately sits on his lap to talk to her; if the hotest “9” blonde comes over and breaks his rule, he doesn’t dance with her.

There are too many variables in an interaction to predict or measure these things based on someone’s hair color.
avatar for carlos_spiceyweiner
7 years ago
I've seen fewer and fewer blondes in the clubs over the years. In some of my clubs, they're rare--maybe only 1 or 2 at best. I see far more brunettes and African Americans.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
If changing demographics makes blonde strippers more of a rarity, I would guess it would make them more desirable.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
@Nice: I tend to believe that our sexual attractions are largely a function of genetic pre-dispositions. Now what that means in terms of certain groups favoring their own types or certain other groups I'll leave to people much smarter than me.

For example, I am very attracted to dancers who are: (1) raven haired Italian and Eastern European girls; (2) Light blond girls with bright blue/green eyes; and (3) white or lightly mocha colored Latinas with that dark long hair. Fuck if I know why, but it has been the case since I can remember.

But do I think that the rise in minority prosperity and spending will bring more demand for minority dancers? I do, because to some extent I agree with Papi about general like to like preferences. In fact, i think we are already seeing it play out in places like certain boroughs in NYC, where minority dancers have more or less taken over almost all of the clubs in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
"Changing demographics may not necessarily mean white-people/dancers are gonna lose-out, it can just as well mean that more of the minorities are catching up to where the whites are."

Bingo this is the actual truth ! Papi you nailed it.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
I like thinner women, smaller boobs, smaller ass, pretty face, brown hair and brown eyes. I will do dances with blondes but in my 7 hour marathon last Friday at Desires the choice was no whites. As far as demographics go? For a long time strip clubs went with golf tournaments, cigars, steakhouses and all the other trappings of wealth. 10 - 20 years ago was strip clubbing's zenith. Those days are gone and the older, white with money demographic is dying off as well. Younger people are most likely not going to have the same numbers with well paying jobs, because jobs are dying out themselves in the name of "progress". Also, the young like and are used to a more on-line experience. They don't want to sit and chat with a dancer and then get close and intimate for money. We all know this people. We see it in the club. It is the disdainful walk up to the stage and the flinging of a handful of dollars at the dancer. Then walk back as your friends hoot and cackle. No contact at all. I am not a "minority", but I don't see "minorities" flocking to dancers of their race any more than I do white people. Granted I don't pay attention, but having the same atf for 12 years I have gotten to see a lot of her customers. They are all different races, but we're all the same in that we're professionals who have time and money and like the whole chat, naked, smile drive home experience. She has a lot of loyal regulars, most are white, she is of Haitian descent. Pretty face, great bod, smokes weed........
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
@Papi good point

@Pinksugardoll “This thing about blonde women and their earnings is always a hot button topic in dancer blogs.”

I recognize your handle from Tumblr back when I used to use it. I liked your stuff on there xD

I definitely became aware of race because of the blogs. But I agree with a lot of it based on my experience.

For example, I used to do some midshifts and even dayshifts at this one club in Austin. Most of the white dancers were a bit older. There were also black dancers, some of them really beautiful.

While the rules were enforced more strongly on the rest that they couldn’t stay past a certain time, the rules didn’t really apply to me. One time I was even there later than I intended and I apologized to the night shift manager. He was indifferent and said I could be there as long as I wanted. I am not white, but I definitely had more privilege with management.

And I think I had advantage with customers as well $ wise despite that (I suspect) I gave out lower mileage than they did. I try to mind my own business, but I’m pretty sure based on customer attitudes they were used to getting away with nipple sucking and FIV with a lot of them, which I didn’t allow. I’d love to say it was my awesome personality and hustle, but I don’t think that explains everything.

I do agree that the more class markers ethnic minorities take on, the more they can “move up” But I do think they still have to work harder to get there. Especially because in clubs, men have had more alcohol and are in more automatic mode than conscious mode.

Which of course doesn’t discredit your hard work and hustle :) I will say that you have advantages, but you took what you had and maximized it well.

@Rick ah thanks for the clarification. I couldn’t tell if you were trying to make a different point.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
It does seem that blond is more equated with desirability/attractiveness - it appears to me that lot more women (actresses, models, etc) go from brunette-to-blond vs blond-to-brunette
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
In my 20+ years of mongering I have yet to see this phenomenon of a significant demographic change in a strip club, but if one did I would only have issue if it got to the point where there weren't at least two white girls. They are just my type period. I have had dances with every race but at the end of the day I'm always going to be attracted to and after the all natural 8+ blondes. The only time I don't care about her ethnicity is when she is a 9+ and just smoking hot. Then it doesn't matter.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Similar ratios
Brunette to Blonde : Blonde to Brunette
Breast Augmentation : Breast Reduction
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago

If there are two dancers that are both 9s and one is white and the other one is not, is it a toss-up or you pick the white one all things being equal less skin-color
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@flagooner 75% of the time I'm going with the white girl but there is quirky shit that attracts me to women beyond race. For example if the non-white 9 had a big honker nose like Cher I might choose her over the white girl. Or if she reminded me of a hot movie star like Halle Berry or model like Tyra Banks I may choose her over the white girl.

If you dropped both of them to 6-7 then 99% chance I'm taking the white girl but still with me you never know. I may not like a woman's nipples and pass on her.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
I mean @Papi!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I'd probably take the one who gave the better hanshake.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@Papi sorry my bad.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I meant handshake.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
Them damn demagogues, anyway!
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Papi should have taken that as a compliment.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@flagooner yep I was thinking of that. LOL if she grabs my dick AND balls I take her over the one that just grabs my dick.
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
My tastes are generally standard American, which ostensibly revolves around white blondes as the “standard” for desirability, but I think I can safely say I am an equal opportunity PL and have done dances and more with just about every ethnicity and different shapes and sizes, so changing demographics isn’t going to bother me much. Actually, I think some of the prettiest girls I have seen are mixed-race.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
@Sirlap My cousins and I are all half white. Two of my cousins have a child and that child is 3/4ths white. I don’t really pay much attention to the Filipino community but I think there’s a bias :p
avatar for pistola
7 years ago
Austin - sexually frustrated bearded hipsters who secretly find clean cut women refreshing

San Antonio - working class dudes who are more than happy with $10 dances and will just drink till she's cute.

avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
Nicespice: I was thinking of you when I made my last comment, but couldn’t remember if you had previously disclosed your mixed heritage here, so I didn’t want to “out” you.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice absolutely the Filipino community has bias! OMFG most native Asians are super biased against black people! Blame how they are portrayed in movies and news media over there. Filipinos included in this. There are huge misperceptions of black people in Asian cultures. I have seen it in several.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Aww, thanks doctorevil :)

@Pistola My Austin club has some of the hipsters and locals for sure, but it’s mostly out of towners from other areas.

And many of the dancers in San Antonio, while a step below Austin, are still very attractive. Just heavily skewed Latina.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@doctorevil that's what I'm talking about with nicespice too. She's smoking hot so I don't give a fuck that she's Asian when I prefer hot blondes. 9+ women are beautiful all around. As mentioned, at that level skin color doesn't really matter.
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
I heavily favor Asian & brunettes and I'm about as easy going and generous as they come. Not sure where that stat came from?
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
@Sirlap This is true. I would cringe when I’d have to listen to racist stuff. I haven’t been talking to anyone anymore except my mom though. So yay.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
@lopaw Sure thing, which stat? If it’s on average earnings, it’s based on anecdotal evidence from dancers. If you’d like, I’ll later link something more reliable than “it is well documented” :p

(And of course, I acknowledge attitude and hustle are important as well, I just mean what I say as a baseline)

avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
I wonder how many blondes San Jose Guy has duct taped up in his mom's basement?
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
@nicespice - Interesting thread topic but it might have been better to put a disclaimer at the top to dissuade people from just discussing their own personal preferences.

Do the higher end clubs in Austin allow twerking? The weirdest clubs in my opinion are the mixed clubs that cater to both make it rain/twerking lovers crowds and old white guys/twerking haters.

Past that I don't buy into the idea that clubs are racist. Or at least I would say that it is an oversimplification. A strip club is just a business that is trying to maximize it's profits and to do that it caters to customer preferences:…
avatar for April9424
7 years ago
I think I shoulda specified that my observation in regards to blonde barbies was just based on hair color and body type/style, not race or anything. I’ve seen plenty of Barbie girls who weren’t white but dyed their hair blonde and went to the gym and wore lots of pink and sparkles.

I actually think the average guy would prefer a girl who is a bit more “real”. My point was that the guys who seek out high maintenance girls like that tend to be “easygoing spenders” like spice said in the op
avatar for minnow
7 years ago
nicespice, I'm surmising that the question you're asking in a roundabout way is "How will the ongoing paradigm shift in US population demographics translate into a paradigm shift in strip club customer preferences?" "What exactly will that paradigm shift look like ? I have no ready answer for that, because I'm not so sure that the strip club SPENDING customer demographic duplicates the US population demographics. I presume that is the demographic profile that you, a dancer is most interested in. As of today, ~60% of US population is non-Hispanic whites. This demographic has a greater share of higher income households, which should translate into higher $$ share spending in clubs and thus "voting power" for preferences.

One thing I've noticed in some mid-tier FL clubs the last 3 years or so is an increase in dancers getting butt injections/enhancements. Not a majority, but an increase from a few years ago. Twerking, phat booty contests, etc, are more a young black or Hispanic thing than an old white guy with money thing. So I guess the (slowly) changing society demographics has already influenced 1 aspect of strip club "norms".

avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
@Skibum -- the only lawyer on planet Earth who doesn't write in paragraphs.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Never mind demographics, I predict that brick-and-mortar strip clubs will wither away as the sex industry becomes further Uberized. Why support the infrastructure of the club when you don't have to?
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
I must have a high roller taste and as poker builds my bank I'm turning into a high roller myself lol

I'm a Irish man myself that loves Irish, German, French and Russians the most

Then I got the Hispanic, Asian, Arabic and India looks second most

I'm down with African Girls but usually mixed or lighter skin tones and green eyes

Not a racist thing as I myself fully embrace the hip hop community and even grew up in and around the hoods in my community.. black culture is deep inside me and is why some of you have thought I was back myself...let's just say I'm dark chocolate on the inside indeed

With that said I do favor lighter complexions the most

avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
I don't think I agree with NJBalla: there are plenty of blonde white girls in NJ clubs. But the closer you get to NYC, the more likely they are to be dye-jobs. The further south and west you travel, the more likely you'll find a few natural blondes, here and there, probably because of the German and Polish influence (more common in PA and Delaware).

I think men tend to like blondes because blonde hair makes women look younger. That's my theory for why probably 40 or 50% of men are attracted to blondes even though natural blondes only make up, at most, 5 or 10 percent of the American and European populations. I can't think of any other explanation.
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
It's definitely some kind of biological issue for reproducing for sure
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
@PaulDrake “might have been better to put a disclaimer at the top to dissuade people from just discussing their own personal preferences.”


“Do the higher end clubs in Austin allow twerking?”

Yes they do. Though to be fair I think even the nicer Austin have more of a party vibe that “gentlemen’s”. There’s no gowns required at any.

@PaulDrake This is true. And also just supply/demand (someone who is black may be from a lower income background and more likely to strip in the first place)

Which I think also explains Eastern Europeans being relatively cheap at an FKK. They have low status there so they can’t charge a premium.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
“My point was that the guys who seek out high maintenance girls like that tend to be “easygoing spenders” like spice said in the op“

True. There are definitely black barbies. I think race is still a “mark against” one. For example, I know of one club (I’m sure you do too) that has two white girls to wear dreds. But I doubt they’d allow it for the rest.

“I think men tend to like blondes because blonde hair makes women look younger. That's my theory for why probably 40 or 50% of men are attracted to blondes even though natural blondes only make up, at most, 5 or 10 percent of the American and European populations. I can't think of any other explanation.”

Good point.

avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Blonde and asian public hair tend to be finer, less coarse. But now that most dancers lop it all off that doesn't matter. While I'm not a fan of the 70s nuclear cloud bush, I miss a maintained bush.
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
I'm more of a leg and ass man as well as brown hair and dark eyes.......everyone has their own taste but from what I notice the girls who do the best overall seem to be blondes with long hair and enhancements.

Some of the recent comments I shared on here about Sapphire's of Vegas seems to support the idea that too many minorities impact their bottom line ( dancers) Oddly I also noticed after it a was discussed on here that suddenly their (Sapphires) social media accounts went out of their way to show pictures of Latin ladies and AA ladies.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
“In fact, i think we are already seeing it play out in places like certain boroughs in NYC, where minority dancers have more or less taken over almost all of the clubs in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx.“

I wonder whether NYC trends are going to trickle to the rest of the country. If so, then dancing will fall second tier to bar tending for the favored ones.

@minnow idk how I neglected to respond to your comment yet. You hit the nail on the head with what I was trying to ask. And that’s true. So you think the better way to try to predict the future is observing white male millennials then?

@Skibum “Younger people are most likely not going to have the same numbers with well paying jobs, because jobs are dying out themselves in the name of "progress". Also, the young like and are used to a more on-line experience. They don't want to sit and chat with a dancer and then get close and intimate for money.”

So you suspect strip clubs may not evolve but just diminish in favor of sugaring (for the elite) and camming (for the masses) then?

“suddenly their (Sapphires) social media accounts went out of their way to show pictures of Latin ladies and AA ladies.”

Hm, I wonder if clubs are getting accommodating. I don’t really travel dance, but I did notice that one club that is starting to get more flexible with hiring black dancers. Still definitely the minority but it used to be virtually none.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I might be an outlier when it comes to dancer preferences. When I first started going to Providence, RI, clubs in the late 1990s, there were a lot more slender white blondes dancing, and more white dancers in general. This was good for me, because at that time I strongly preferred slender white blondes.

As time has progressed, the number of slender white blonde dancers has decreased along with white dancers overall. There's a lot more African American and Latina dancers who trend towards being thick. This is still fine by me, because I've become more attracted darker and fuller-figured dancers as time goes by.

So, ultimately, I'm still spending my money. Does that mean that customer tastes adjust to what the market offers? Or, have the guys who exclusively want slender white blondes moved to other markets (SA, escorts, etc.) rather than pan for gold in the SC?

It's also possible that I'm a horny opportunist.

Unsure. But I am spending my money.

Side note... I seem to remember that Providence had more Asian dancers in the late 1990s and early 2000s, but I could be wrong about that.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
I guess it varies. I'm an olive toned brunette with brown hair and brown eyes and I bank. I am usually a top earner.

When I auditioned at my first out of state club where they had really hot girls and high hiring standards, I expected to see dozens of blonde, enhanced "Barbie" types. There were actually MUCH more brunettes than blondes. I only saw a few blondes with boob jobs. There were a lot of foreign girls, mostly from Eastern Europe, a few Asians, a couple blacks, etc. So being blonde didn't seem very popular. There were almost as many redheads.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
^To add to my last post, the upscale Manhattan clubs almost have a shortage of (American) blondes. If a man finds a blonde with fake boobs who can speak English and have a conversation with him, he should consider himself lucky.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
OP maybe when you deal with nonwhite customers you let your predjudice/bias slip out and dont even know it. i dont know you but i know you have a preference for white men, and a dislike for other races. You say some pretty stupid shit about other races on this board, and if thats your MO in the club its easy to say why non white men would not spend any money on you. Its okay to have your preferences but keep them to yourself and maybe your money will go up from non-white men.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
Also how the fuck do you know what white strippers earn and white men spend. Are all white men high spenders?
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Salty.Nutz, do you have some examples of this? Do you also think I come across as racially insensitive (or whatever) on here?

I seriously want to know. I don't want to offend anybody.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ "I don't want to offend anybody."

Uh, yeah, me too.

avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Lol, he was talking about me. And no, I do not have a racial preference, especially since my usual work style is lap hopping instead of VIP sales. So I especially don’t care about making large money off any one person.

Idk if I’ve ever made a dig at middle aged white dudes who dress up in a suit and try to talk your head off and try to lead you on like they are about to be a generous spender. But they are in fact trolls who spend way less than the cholo across the room. But there you go.

And I would like to say again. Yes, facial symmetry, personality, and work ethic can out do race. But race is still a factor. The question is whether the default advantage group is changing. Not just with any individual, but overall.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Nicespice, I know he was talking about you. I was asking if I, too, have made similar comments than whatever ones he is referring to.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Ooh yeah, and my favorite regular that I had (before he started pushing OTC too hard and I had to be done with him) was not only black, but also a drug dealer and a thug.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^ Not discounting all of the evidence to the contrary, at some point the default advantage, may change, but I think right now I think the minority is beginning to catch up, and it remains to be seen how that might manifest itself in the future.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
@nicespice. That wasn't cool.

Going through life after having a stroke is hard enough without having to be mocked for my facial asymmetry caused by it.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
"was not only black, but also a drug dealer and a thug."

Aw, my ex boyfriend was a Romanian drug dealer and thug. ❤️
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
But since some want to disagree with my basic premise. And certain trolls are using it to suspect I’m race baiting. Here’s one source from the Economist that touch on what I’m talking about. Granted, the focus is on prostitution and not stripping. But I don’t think preferences would change much on lap dance vs intercourse.

“Appearance matters a great deal. The customers who reported encounters to the website we analysed clearly value the stereotypical features of Western beauty: women they describe as slim but not scrawny, or as having long blonde hair or full breasts, can charge the highest hourly rates (see chart 3). Hair that is bleached too unconvincingly to be described as blonde attracts a lower premium, but is still more marketable than any other colour. For those not naturally well endowed, breast implants may make economic sense: going from flat-chested to a D-cup increases hourly rates by approximately $40, meaning that at a typical price of $3,700, surgery could pay for itself after around 90 hours. The 12% share of women featured on the site who are described both as athletic, slim or thin, and as being at least a D-cup, suggests that quite a few have already taken this route.

A prostitute’s rates also vary according to her ethnicity and nationality. What attracts a premium in one place can attract a penalty in another. According to our analysis, in four big American cities and London, black women earn less than white ones (see chart 4).
We had too few data from other cities for a reliable breakdown by ethnicity. [...] black women command very high rates and in Singapore, Vietnamese ones do. In Dubai, European women earn the most. What counts as exotic and therefore desirable varies from place to place, and depends on many factors, such as population flows.

Local markets have other quirks. According to the site we analysed, an hour with an escort in Tokyo is a bargain compared with one in London or New York. Yet a cost-of-living index compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit, our sister organisation, suggests that Tokyo is the most expensive city overall of the three. The apparent anomaly may be because escorts who appear on an English-language review site mostly cater to foreigners, who are not offered the more unusual—and expensive—services Japanese prostitutes provide for locals. These include the bubble baths and highly technical massages of Sopurando (“Soapland”), a red-light district in Tokyo, which can cost ¥60,000 ($600) for a session and involve intercourse (although that is not advertised).

A degree appears to raise earnings in the sex industry just as it does in the wider labour market. A study by Scott Cunningham of Baylor University and Todd Kendall of Compass Lexecon, a consultancy, shows that among prostitutes who worked during a given week, graduates earned on average 31% more than non-graduates. More lucrative working patterns rather than higher hourly rates explained the difference. Although sex workers with degrees are less likely to work than others in any given week (suggesting that they are more likely to regard prostitution as a sideline), when they do work they see more clients and for longer. Their clients tend to be older men who seek longer sessions and intimacy, rather than a brief encounter.

Link provided…
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
"The question is whether the default advantage group is changing." i clearly have no idea wtf you are talking about, i have seen hot asians, blonds, latin, blacks in SC. Whenever i had sex with any race/color, i couldnt tell the difference if it was white, latin, asian, or black pussy. it was just pussy, nothing magical about it.

and yes Nina you do it to.
avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
7 years ago
Yeah! You go salty! You’re so smart! Put these dumb bitches back on their knees where they belong!!
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
"and yes Nina you do it to."

How so?
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@Salty it’s very simple the default advantages are with the majority in this case there are still more people who self identify as white caucasian, but the advantage is getting smaller as the birthrate of minority communities is much higher, ignoring immigration for the purpose of this discussion the brown and yellow people are making more babies and the white people are making less does that simplify it enough for you to understand.
avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
7 years ago
Nicerice puts a lot of fancy statistics from the economist on here but let’s face it!! She’s just a rice queen who is just trying to blame her race!

I can’t help it that my white pussy makes more than you LOL
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Shut up Juice, you were just in my messages asking to pay for me to send you pics. GTFOH.
avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
7 years ago
Guess again baby
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
One of the confounders in all of this is mixed ethnicity. Granted, it’s much less likely with blondes but mixed can be a really hot look, ime, and I think in the opinion of a lot of others. But I’ve got nothing to base that on other than anedoctal observations.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
Okay, do you agree with my statement about nicespice having a prefrence for whitemen over nonwhites, due to a bias?

its not wrong that nicespice likes 1 race over another, then she looks for info to support/reaffirm her beliefs. We all do it, but i believe if she didnt do that, she would probably make more money then the "favored" white girls. And maybe the cholos would spend more money on her.
avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
7 years ago
Nicespice claimed she doesn’t care about race becaise she lap hops anyways LOL but let’s face it I when they are white all their dicks are out!!

Asian girls always have the hots for whites

I don’t care about race. I just like it when I swallow a load and it tastes salty
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
We are also becoming more of a blended society. The idea of you must date within your own race has dissipated over the past two decades considerably, especially in urban areas.
So not only are people not thinking the same way they did about what makes a person attractive but physically there is a blending of traits....
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@Salty I don’t agree that a preference for one type is indicative of a bias, I think
It’s more likely Pavlovian, than Freudian.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
This thread isn't about anyone's personal racial or hair-color preferences. She's asking if men's preferences will change as the racial makeup of the country changes; or if men will simply spend less as the country gets browner (because there won't be as many blondes available, etc).

Obviously not everyone prefers blondes. But considering that natural blondes make up such a tiny fraction of the adult population, they seem to be disproportionately popular.

Look at Playboy magazine, which at one time was as good a proxy for men's sexual preferences as any other outlet. Back in the day, probably 4 out of 5 Playboy Playmates were blonde, whether natural or otherwise. I'm sure there was a reason for this. And I really don't think the reason was that Playboy was a "racist" publication. (Of course, Playboy doesn't even have nudity anymore, so the times have changed, but the observation is still valid.)
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^How is that helpful;)
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
It's not. It just made me chuckle.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^Me too
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Thank you BurlingtonHoFactory.

One thing I can say is that being forced to look for data for support my blond quote helped me with my question.

If anyone doubts me, then I quote:

“Hair that is bleached too unconvincingly to be described as blonde attracts a lower premium, but is still more marketable than any other color.”

It also helped out with helping with my question. It said:

“A prostitute’s rates also vary according to her ethnicity and nationality. What attracts a premium in one place can attract a penalty in another. “

So I do believe there will be a shift now. It’s starting and will keep going on over the years.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
As long as there is hydrogen peroxide, we will have plenty of blondes.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice have you ever considered validating your assumptions by working at a mainly AA club and seeing if business changes for you as an Asian?

I understand you are looking for general trends but it ends up being based on personal information anyway. To truly answer your questions would require actual strippers earnings based on their race, their customers' races, and the majority demographic at their club. Meaning it's not really something individual customers can answer outside of their personal experience.
avatar for minnow
7 years ago
nicespice, are you a sociology major in college ? Or are you in your early 20's and planning to be still dancing well into your 40's ? If you are neither of these, why do you care ? Secondly, what is your "angle" ? Are you thinking that because there will be fewer natural blondes coming into the pipeline that customers will "learn" to favor non blondes, maybe even Asians ? Or that fewer white customers in the coming years will make money tighter ? Or that the demographic shift might find more customers less enthusiastic about white blondes and more enthusiastic about Asians ?

I ask your age, and long term career plans because demographic trends take a decade or more to really have a significant impact on club experience. Are you bothered that white blondes are out-earning you in club ? If so, don't count on demographic shift in population helping you anytime soon. Case in point- rap music. Rap music was originally "on the radar screen" in the late 80's/ early 90's. Yet heavy metal/rock was the prominent music genre until about the last 5 - 8 years when rap elbowed in as the more prominent genre. (I mostly go to mid tier to high end clubs.) If you're in your 20's now, you'll probably be in your upper 30's before you notice a significant demographic shift in clubs.

Lastly, if you have such a serious interest in club demographic trends, you'd be better off posing that question on the pink site. Really, strippers have a much better handle on club customer demographics than a customer. First, I don't pay that much attention to customer demographics beyond a vague general awareness level. I'm zeroing my attention in on the dancers, namely, which ones that I'm attracted to seem most likely to provide a good experience ? How many are there in the club right now ? You correctly observe that blondes are "favored" in American culture. I like blondes as much as the next guy, but I'm "EO" wrt favored dancers. If I see a redhead, brunette, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, whatever that is attractive, friendly, and compatible with me, guess who I'm spending my money on ? Honestly, who is better qualified to observe and comment on customer demographics ? 1) A customer who visits club once, maybe twice a week for a 2 hour visit, and has minimal/zero interaction with other customers 2) A dancer who works 2 - 4 6 hour shifts per week, and interacts with dozens of customers per night.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Good point Sirlapdance. I’ve avoided those clubs though, because I don’t want to give a lap dance for $5 or $10. (Which is how those clubs are in my area.)

There is one club in Austin (Expose) that has several white girls that advertise $10 specials. But reading some of the reviews by TUSCLers are full of complaints that a lot of dancers don’t honor that price.

I remember when I was at one club, and a customer told me that he avoided another club because it’s full of white girls who are demanding sharks. So I joined that one :p
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Asian girls tend to make good money at the clubs I have worked at, not only because of the Asian Fetish but simply because there is a shortage of them.

As far as being out-earned by a blonde, as I've stated I'm an olive skin toned brunette, very dark hair, and I usually out-earn just about everybody. What can I say? I'm a great saleswoman.

However, one racial trend that has played to my favor is the surge of the "exotic" look becoming popular, mixed race people in particular. I am mixed race, I identify as mulatto, but to guys in the club I am racially ambiguous. (Italian, Middle Eastern, Indian, Latina, and even Asian have all been guessed). So that actually plays in my favor, and many men tend to think mixed women are generally very beautiful.
avatar for woodstock
7 years ago
Spice, funny you say that because the last time I was at Expose, a dancer told me she had switched clubs from P10 (North), because every time she went into VIP with anyone at P10, they pulled their dick out right away.

And you're right in that pretty much no dancers at Expose during the $10 special happy hour will actually dance for that price, even when offered 2 for $20. One dancer (very hot) asked for $25 per dance, and a minimum of three dances. I noped right out of that one, even though we were up in the lap dance area near the DJ, and she was already on my lap. Ironically, I had planned on getting at least five dances in a row from her, until she pulled that...
avatar for Countryman5434
7 years ago
I am a white man i prefer latina and asian girls! Most white girls have gps! The only exception to me is a pretty natural redhead!
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
“If you are neither of these, why do you care ? Secondly, what is your "angle" “

Because another discussion in another topic made me think of it. And instead of making it go off topic I made a new thread.

No I don’t have a personal interest. Unless my boyfriend and I break up then I won’t continue into my 40s. I wouldn’t mind doing so though.

As far as stripperweb, I might post the same discussion there, but I haven’t used the site there aside from lurking and reading about the Austin area from there. So I’ll visit there but I won’t post there.

Sometimes, I’ll post in another area that’s not stripperweb. Luckily there’s been some good responses in this thread which makes posting on this forum worth it.

Unless you think that it’s a stupid topic? In which case, I will heartily apologize and make an alias troll account.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
“Asian girls tend to make good money at the clubs I have worked at, not only because of the Asian Fetish but simply because there is a shortage of them.”

I’m in shortage too :p I like teaming with other Asians too. It’s fun.

“Spice, funny you say that because the last time I was at Expose, a dancer told me she had switched clubs from P10 (North), because every time she went into VIP with anyone at P10, they pulled their dick out right away.”

I know about the P10 reputation. That’s why I never applied there :p

“Ironically, I had planned on getting at least five dances in a row from her, until she pulled that...”

I’ve also heard about 3/$100. I’m pretty sure they charge it because they get away with it.

Which goes into my main point that there’s a reason dancers get away with it when there’s a lot of white dancers. I like working with white dancers too :p
avatar for BigPimp69
7 years ago
Strip clubs are weird.

Why these ladies dealing with these different rates? All my girls charge the same in my lineup. Cum over where it’s fair

Only need to start out with $5000. You can work it off
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Nicespice, there is nothing whatsoever wrong about your OP. It is a very good thread.

We do though have huge numbers of people on this forum who continually try to discourage reasoned conversation, try to rule it out of bounds by attacking the person who posted it. Just ignore these aholes.

You are a dancer, so you are young. So as is usually the case, you lack the years of experience which many customers will have. There are things you don't know much about.

As I see it:

1. Minorities are over represented in strip club dancers because minorities are historically coming from a disadvantaged position. So just as you see more blacks in pro sports, and even in boxing, and in entertainment, you see more minorities in strip clubs. And likely for the same reasons there are more in all forms of prostitution as well.

2. Asians are somewhat a special case, as I see it, strip clubs are not really part of their culture. Their culture is more massage and hostess bars. So yes there are Asians in strip clubs, but they are still under-represented. So, as some guys like them, they do make good money and are in high demand. San Francisco is one place which has at times had a good compliment of Asians. Lots of Filipino girls in strip clubs, but not many Filipino's in massage. Not so many Vietnamese, but lots in massage. In strip clubs there are some Chinese and lots of Thai. But of course there are exceptions to all of this.

3. Now, about what it is actually like for a white guy to engage with these women. In my view, it just comes down to common social experience, like school, the work place, ordinary stuff. How much social experience with that group do you have? And you are young, America used to allow legal segregation in housing and schools, and transportation. So many people do not have much experience, especially with Blacks. So this feeds fear and stereotypes.

I wrote about a Black hooker at the Brass Rail Contest Night, sitting down so that her entire front is pushed against my side, from sternum to crotch, and having her face about 2" from my ear. I was not comfortable with that. Her race was not the only reason, but it was part of it.

In my future travels I will be seeking out the extreme Black clubs, and turning on some charm and doing deep bra stuffs and getting front room makeout sessions with black girls going, and will likely be waking up with them in the mornings.

I have already posted about a front room makeout session at SF New Century, with an extremely cute black girl that I was going to try and invite to lunch when I had spotted her walking quickly on the sidewalk. I got more than I ever could have imagined possible. She was wonderful.

And then in civvie and massage places, most guys get HJ, but I on the other hand have vast GFE-FS Asian experience. And then in our underground circuit I got my experiences with Latinas.

So again, I think it is just a matter of experience and familiarity.

4. Now about the outlaw factor. Much illegal activity has always been done by the members of linguistic and ethnic minorities, they see themselves as showing solidarity to beat the system, and by making money by doing prohibited stuff. So there are great AMPs in San Franscisco. But if you tried to do what with white girls it would not work.

And then in a White Strip Club, the bosses can say, no front room friendliness, just 'wanna dance', you make more money that way. White girls will believe that.

But Black girls know that is bullshit and they have told me so. So as widely reported, the black style is to sit on the guys lap and start licking his neck and nibbling at his ear lobe. They are defying him to start making out with them.

And so no matter what the laws and rules are, they won't be followed in a black club. The women will stand together and subvert the rules.

Where as in a white club, the girls see the rules as protecting them.

And then our Latina under ground I enjoyed the girls who absolutely break every rule and do front room FS, and are totally GFE, and line up all the OTC sessions they can get.

5. So then what are this White Guy's views about girls of the 4 major groups, girls in strip clubs:

White girls in strip clubs tend to be the family scapegoats, living destructive life styles, and with heads full of shit. But there are a few, highly politically conscious. We would get them as refugees from the SF clubs. This small sub set is very interesting.

With Asian girls I have always gotten along. But overall I do not agree with Asian culture, seeing it as conformist, parent pleasing, and overall fatalistic and superstitious.

Latinas have a well earned rep for maximum GFE and for an almost hypnotic appeal. And I believe that in their culture prostitutes are not looked down up as much as they are in the US, and this greatly raises the quality of the girls.

Blacks reportedly are actually the best at GFE. But you have to get to know them and be careful. I have found that blacks are the group which it is easiest to get crossed wires with. The history of animosity is so great, that things are just always more touchy and one needs to be most careful.

avatar for stripfighter
7 years ago
The population of certain groups may be declining but if the money is still concentrated and largely controlled by them, I don't see changes. At least not any time soon.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I think our OP is talking about the demographics of strip club dancers, and minorities tend to be over represented. I don't think she was talking about the customers.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
You need to re-read the original post.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Thanks for the input SJG. Sorry it took so long for me to reply.

Interesting observation. Though frankly speaking that makes me even more happy to be in club with white girls :p
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
"Thanks for the input SJG. "

Have those words ever before been uttered?
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^That made me chuckle
avatar for justaguy79
7 years ago
This thread is a shitshow. I can't believe how many guys on here have essentially the same view of the social order as some silly undergrad feminist (social construction, privilege, "racism"). How can you sit there observing unvarnished reality for so long, and still persist in these delusions?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
justaguy79 said "I don’t understand why your opinion aren't exactly like mine!"
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Weird that justaguy puts racism in quotations as if it's a made up word that doesn't exist.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Thanks a lot. I thought we had each other's backs.

Racism definitely exists, we're just lucky that we don't have any in the U.S.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Racism definitely exists, we're just lucky that we don't have any in the U.S."

Lol right. There is no racism in the US. You are dumb as a rock, and less useful than one.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ Sure racism was rife back in the 1960s and before. But it has since been virtually eradicated.

Can you point to any specific examples during this century? Didn't think so.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
1. I was asking Nina.
2. Wikipedia? Really? What did that hot State Farm chick say? "They can't put anything on the Internet that isn't true."
Yeah, well "Bonjour."
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
"Can you point to any specific examples during this century? Didn't think so."

Well, here is a map of known, documented, various organized hate groups spread out across the US (such as the KKK, Neo-Nazis, etc). There are almost 1,000 of them. But I'm sure the hate groups are very peaceful and not racist at all, even though racism, violence, and hatred are their platforms.…
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
"Can you point to any specific examples during this century? Didn't think so."…

And yes, that is from Wikipedia, where there are cited sources. Dylan Roof also confessed for it (pretty sure there's video footage) and included that he wanted to kill all those people simply because they were black.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
"Can you point to any specific examples during this century? Didn't think so."

And this incident of a man getting angry that Latino workers are speaking to their Latino customers in Spanish and threatening to call ICE on all of them isn't racist either, right? He was also recorded on video at a small pathetic Trump rally hurling profanities.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
1. Hate groups do exist, but you haven't shown that they participated in any acts of racism.

2. I will not accept wikipedia. Nor would any serious person try to use it as evidence.

3. How is that racist? Have you ever thought that he has a good faith basis in thinking that a law has been broken and is thus going to contact the proper authorities.?
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
See, you can't come up with just one concrete example. And the one you did try was awfully obscure.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
racism - "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

I've been called a "chink" in the last five years which by definition is racism. I've seen antagonizing hate group rallies on the news in the last year which are also examples of racism.

Get a clue flagooner. Reset your definition of racism. It exists in this country today. And you don't need Wikipedia or anything else to prove it. Go into a ghetto as a white person and you'll likely experience it yourself first hand if you don't want to believe the minorities in this country that experience it daily.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
"1. Hate groups do exist, but you haven't shown that they participated in any acts of racism."
---So you honestly don't believe that groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazis are not racist? Is that what you are telling me? If there is no racism, why do these racist groups exist?

"2. I will not accept wikipedia. Nor would any serious person try to use it as evidence."
---This has to be a joke. Dylan Roof's mass murder of 9 people in a historically black church was national (probably international news). It is well documented that he is/was a white supremacist and neo-nazi. I'd tell you there are thousands of news articles about this, but you'll say there's no proof. So here's video footage of him admitting to do it and say he was targeting black people:

"3. How is that racist? Have you ever thought that he has a good faith basis in thinking that a law has been broken and is thus going to contact the proper authorities?"
---Are you joking? He was mad at them for SPEAKING SPANISH, not breaking any laws. That was his reason for the tirade. His name is Aaron Schlossberg btw. You can Google him. But he doesn't like Jews either, even he is one.

If you don't think the KKK is racist, and don't believe they participate in acts of racism, and don't believe that Schlossberg is racist, and don't believe that it was racist for Dylan Roof to murder 9 black people while they were praying just because they were black, then you are immume to facts and logic.

There is clearly racism in the US. You choose to pretend there isn't, probably to hide your own obvious racism.

I bet you and this woman would make a great couple. After all, she isn't racist at all.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Wikipedia is a valid place to *start* research via cited sources. Would you be happier if I spam this thread with dozens of links from disparate sources? Would you actually click through on a mass of disparate links to different sources?

Also, regarding last year's Unite the Right rally, you do remember that people got run over and killed, right?

No, we don't make black people sit at the back of the bus, drink from different water fountains, or eat at separate restaurants anymore. That said, the fact that racism has had to become more covert and oblique, and now has adopted less blatant symbolism and language, does not mean that it has been eradicated.

I already strongly suspect that we won't agree on this, which is fine.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ amen, Nina.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ amen, Ishmael.
avatar for JamesSD
7 years ago
I think the era of the "Barbie doll" is slowly ending, specifically the huge fake boobs, bleached hair, tan look Playboy was pushing in the 80s.

Will there always be a market for slim natural blondes, especially if they have big tits? Of course.

I think strip club demand sort of mirrors what is happening in Hollywood. Dark hair and light eyes is pretty popular with sexy actresses, although blonde or lightish hair is still very popular. There are a decent chunk of Latina sex symbols. The list of Asians and Black women is pretty short, and the most popular are often biracial.

I've noticed the working class Mexican guys in the club always go for white blondes, and Indians seem to tilt that way too.

I live in a heavily Mexican area, so I know my view is slightly skewed. White girls here can make Bank without much bang for the buck, but the Mexican girls are way more likely to provide extras.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Thanks Sirlapdancealot. And I agree, amen Ishmael.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
And Sirlapdancealot, your comment to clueleesflagooless was great, too. He's deluded.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
You guys really think Flag is serious? He said racism has been gone since the 60's. He might as well be also say that front room make out sessions happen in every club in the US.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
He's trolling like he always does.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ Like the drunk old fool he is.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
flagooner troll, never, that guy just stirs the pot ;)
avatar for JamesSD
7 years ago
Luckily racism ended in 2008 when we elected a half black man President!

Racism against Muslims and Mexicans isn't real because... Reasons? The same reasons a serial adulterer is an acceptable president but a bj in the oval office was impeachable I guess.

Seriously, yes it's way better to be black in 2018 than it was in 1950. But obviously racists still exists, and racist dog whistles (or shouts) is an effective political tactic.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ @Nina wrote:
"---This has to be a joke..." And
"---Are you joking?...

Duh. Of course I was joking. It is too fun pulling your strings as your puppet master.

I was just surprised that a couple of other pseudo-intellectuals showed their lack of common sense as well.

The most obvious example of institutional racism is the higher standards that Asians and Caucasians must meet to gain acceptance into the most selective universities.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Obviously that last sentence was a joke, too.

It's interesting that since you don't have to face systemic racism, that as a white man, you feel fine joking about it.

You the one lacking intellect. Even other people, some being white (and me being half white), were calling you on your bullshit. Thank god not every white person is a racist little bitch like you.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
You're*, before you go nit-picking at a typo because you know I'm not wrong.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
Racist violence is very rare today compared to a hundred years ago. But that doesn't mean that racism is gone. flagooner is just a typical liberal who thinks that words and thoughts are the same as actions.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^ You think he’s a liberal really, lol
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

Listen commie, if you don't think of something more funny and creative to say soon I'm going to put you on Ignore. That's the one thing that every internet troll fears most
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I didn't read his comment until 25'she input. LOL. I was the one that asked for acts and not just words.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Well yeah, that would hurt if I was a troll.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

Racism and racist violence are not the same thing. If you can't tell the difference then you're just another snowflake.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@flagooner posted -> "Duh. Of course I was joking. It is too fun pulling your strings as your puppet master.

I was just surprised that a couple of other pseudo-intellectuals showed their lack of common sense as well."

It's fun pretending to be a pseudo-intellectual too and calling our your pseudo-joking troll posts.

I'm surprised you think anyone really takes your pseudo-sober posts seriously. You're trolls aren't that crafty. You've responded to my puppet strings as much as anyone responding to yours.

LOL as if anything posted to TUSCL is "intellectual". Get a clue, again!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
LMAO as if we don't know flagooner passive aggressive drunken troll.
avatar for minnow
7 years ago
nicespice, whatever gave you the notion that I think this thread is stupid ? Just because I offered some constructive criticism towards a source with a better handle on the subject does not mean that I think you're being frivolous.

To the contrary, strip club demographics is a fascinating subject, but a very inexact science. If you want to predict future demographic trends, you must first define the current demographic reference point. That in itself is tricky, because strip club customer demographics don't necessarily resemble the national, or local demographics. Furthermore, the $$ spent is likely not proportionate either. (i.e, Non-Hispanic Caucasians comprise ~ 60% of the population, but might well represent 75% or more of the $$ spent in clubs- something I assume would be of interest to a stripper.) I'd be glad to expound on this subject, but there's not enough bandwidth here to cover all the bases, and something best done over drinks.

On an earlier post, you asked me if I thought you should observe young white millennials to predict future trends. To that I'd say yes- if you can find enough of them in the clubs. Because that generation has hardly known life without the internet would be , IMO, more likely to seek online entertainment than visit club. But, a subject for another thread........
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
LOL as if anything posted to TUSCL is "intellectual". Get a clue, again!
So you think We aren’t intellectual ?

“You hurt me so bad”
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@twentyfive shaddup you senile scrotum.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Ooh such a tough insult lol.
Here’s how you play the dozens
You young whippersnapper the best part of you ran down your mamas leg
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ LOL an oldie but a goodie. That's TUSCL "intellectual" trolling! Well played!
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
We have something in common.

Something from me ran down your mama's leg too.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@flagooner yeah your pussy tampon blood
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^Oh please why don’t you just go with yo mama so fat jokes ;)
avatar for BigPimp69
7 years ago
Flagooner, knock it off. Just because you want to troll people doesn’t mean you need to make light of racism. Wtf is wrong with you?

Maybe you will be more englightened when you can appreciate all the fine women my lineup has to offer. I have honkies, negroes, chinks, wetbacks and many more...
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@twentyfive your greasy granny wears combat boots

avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@SLDL yo momma so fat that when she goes shopping for a house dress she goes to Bass pro shoppes, and buys a five man tent ;)
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@twentyfive INFINITY!!! (bitch)
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^again “you hurt me so bad” older TUSCLers will recognize that line.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
They don't get much older than you.

If they are older, they're sure to have Altzheimer's and won't remember shit.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
NiceSpice, usually the more Latina's and Blacks in a strip club, the more reasonable the rates, and the higher the mileage.

So if you worked in an exclusively Latina club, or especially an exclusively Black club, then more would be happening, and for less money. In part it is because these are minority groups with a historic disadvantage, so they will do more. But also, it is because they to a degree have an outlaw solidarity, they don't care about the club rules, or about the law. It is more a matter of pride for them that for anyone who treats them well, they will deliver.

In my future travels, which I anticipate running at least 10 years, building up an organization, I will be going to Black clubs first, wanting quick results. And also, all the stereo types about Southerners are about White Southerners.

Minorities usually are far more politically conscious that whites.

But Blacks are the best. In any group of people, it is always likely that if there is one black woman, then she will be the smartest.

So about where you are is the fault line. I had pegged that spot long ago. To the West, Latinas. To the East, Blacks.

I have always gotten along with Asians, but that doesn't mean that I agree with their culture.

And for Whites, its more like about %30, the enlightened ones. The rest are shit heads.

avatar for nicespice
7 years ago

I’m a shit head too :(
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Referring to Whites, about 70%.

No, Asians not that way, and this is why I most always get along well with them, but I still do not agree with common aspects of their culture.

The most open minded and easiest to get along with are Latinas. This was what blew me away about the core group in our local underground clubs. Just right up close about two inches from being nose to nose with me, looking right into my eyes. I'm lucky she didn't turn me into a show donkey right then and there.

GFE and FS are completely natural for them, seemingly for most all takers. Being with them was a life changing experience.

Also, long ago, making out with an extremely cute black girl in the front room of SF New Century was a life changing experience.

It was her open tongue kissing with another girl, the ending of her stage set, which made it so it would almost have to go that way when she was then sitting on my lap.

avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
7 years ago
“Just right up close about two inches from being nose to nose with me, looking right into my eyes. I'm lucky she didn't turn me into a show donkey right then and there.”

Why not let her?

And nicerice, stop trying to be white become politically aware already!!
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Let her? I had absolutely no power to stop her. She had me, and she knew it.

That's how Latina's are!

avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
7 years ago
“Let her? I had absolutely no power to stop her. She had me, and she knew it.

That's how Latina's are!”

That is sooo sexy! How did it feel as a donkey?
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
She stopped just short of turning me into a show donkey. But overall the experience has been one of taking myself and my life apart, and then trying to rebuild.

After that 2" range experience with that girl I've been completely transfixed, never able to live as I had before. Latinas, they really are different. Their power is hypnotic.

They are completely wired up for f2f intimacy. And I tell you, DFKing is just the most natural thing in the world with them. And it is a magical experience. Shamanistic, just like back when hairless apes lived in caves.

Apes used to live in trees, but then when they came down they found that they had two arms free, so that they could do things like carry around extremely immature big headed infants. I am convinced that that has to be how it all started.

They started using fire to cook food, and to keep the big cats away, and to keep warm. So they lost their hair.

Hairless apes have the most difficult deliveries. They have the lowest ratio of mother to newborn size, even less than it is with elephants and rhinoceros, with their longer, 22 and 16 month gestation times. Hairless apes are the extreme of mammalian evolution, a bottle neck.

avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
7 years ago
I think most of this board is extremely immature big headed infants.

And it’s a shame! I think you would have been a great show donkey!
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^^ :) :) :)

Well I think that girl knew I wasn't yet ready for it. But even a basic $5 no touching dance still got one a little kiss on the cheek

I'm moving in that direction though.

avatar for TrollWarnBot
7 years ago
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

Trish_Club_Lust - definite troll account

san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is widely mocked and considered potentially mentally unstable, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate

L1oydSchoene - secondary alternate screen name used by SJG
avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
7 years ago
But which cheek, SJG? On the face or below??
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
In LA (at least at the clubs I go to) blondes aren’t that popular. Customers seem to be like brunettes and Latinas better.
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