
Comments by minnow (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    General Colin Powell dies age 84 Complications from Covid
    RIP, General Powell. In addition to what prior posters said, I'll add that he was a Corvette owner. Joe Biden also owns a Corvette. See ~ 2016 YT video with Jay Leno where then VP Biden takes Jay along for a ride in Biden's 1960's Vette, and Colin Powell pulls out from a side road in his modern Vette and drags him. Note too how more "with it" Biden seems then vs now. End of OT diversion.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The ATM walk of shame
    I haven't used club ATM in over 10 years. I never felt shameful as I went solo to ATM rather than have dancer lead me by hand to it. That last time was at a So Cal club that had an outrageous $20 transaction fee coupled with $200 limit. (another downside of club ATM's). The bouncer was "thoughtful" enough to steer me to a nearby convenience store ATM that had a more sane transaction fee. The Mons Venus ATM's (they've always had 2 or 3 in far back corner) had a fee more in line with banks ($3 as I recall), but a $200 limit. There was less need to use that one when ABC store was demolished and a Chase Bank (with ATM) was built in it's place.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A Game-Changer?
    Interesting, hope they succeed. This will hopefully reverse the trend of the last 2 decades or so in Corporate America.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New Mons Venus Business Model - Sustainable?
    Corr. 3rd line in() should have read "non - weekend nights."
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vaccine mandate protests causing havoc with air travel?
    One of the universal laws of nature: "Whenever management screws up, they blame anything and anybody else but themselves."
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Cooking at Home
    Thanks for the cooking tips, fellas. I'm don't go much beyond making a sandwich, or grilling something that I could slap BBQ sauce on. I do appreciate the aspect of saving money and time by "home cooking". With many hotels offering fridge and microwave, I extend that mindset to traveling scenarios. I'd keep precooked grocery store chicken and frozen veggies in fridge. Nuking frozen spinach on dual paper plate for~ 8 minutes seems to work. Put frozen spinach in microwave, take shower, eat spinach, eat sub (IMHO grocery store subs better than Subway, etal, and I'm good to go. Alternative suggestion: Put spinach in micro, read a Papi review, eat spinach while still reading review, nuke chicken for 3 minutes while reading review, eat chicken while finishing reading review. I'm ready for club action now, just might make the 8pm cutoff time for day/night cover charge changeover. PS- desertscrub should really learn how to home cook vs eating at McDonalds. Then he could take a shit in his own bathroom vs having to search for a crapper with a door on it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    This thread is entertaining 1) A divorce lawyer posting that he's happily married. 2) mark94 post- If pundits wrongly predicted 9 recessions, the 3 that did occur must have been a real doozy.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Visiting multiple clubs in a single night.
    I might have done 4 one night in Ft. Lauderdale area in my pre-tuscl life in the 80's. Since joining tuscl, my max has been 3, but involved doing afternoon shift at 1 club, and night at 2 others. I'm not a 19yo on spring break anymore.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Club Delight
    This tale really takes the cake as an example of "Anything written on Tuscl should be considered a work of fiction". To the 3 - 4 tuscl members who actually approved this piece of work: I have a bridge, and some AZ beachfront property that I'd love to sell you.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Tattooed dancers, or Tattoos in general
    I'll repeat my prior posts: THW (Typical Hot Women) getting tats is like a Ferrari owner defacing his car with bumper stickers. That said, I also recognize that I'll be awful lonely in clubs if I rigorously adhere to my no ink preference. Still, less ink is better, IMO.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Good visit to 2001, but very expensive
    3 hours off the press, no mikey m rant, and customary "Shakespearean Post" from AZ Turd Blossom. My PSA of the day: One doesn't have to be a VIP member or even log in to view dancer shift or complete lineup. After passing "are you 18" gate, click on "girls in club now" for shift line up. Click "all girls" link to see who is in club. Not perfectly maintained, but on that page, you should see current shift on 1st page, followed by dancers on prior shifts (more or less in order of 1 to 3 prior shifts) with some random dancers thrown in. Not all pictures are good or useful, but gives you a decent idea on what is available. Still not quite as good as being able to view her on stage cam. In turn, not quite as reliable gauge as actual visit.(See my 2010 article on "Website Pre- Screening For Club Visit"- my 1st article under my profile.) Hth, you're welcome.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    Night Driving or Day Driving?
    Eckster, you should get your eyes checked for cataracts. Could it be that besides night driving issues, you can't fully appreciate the beauty of the female species, nor see fit to submit a single club review ?
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    Southeast USA
    How to get Better Lap Dances
    Not sure how much of this article was original, but a few things..... 1) Judging by several threads/posts, many tuscl members dress like little boys. (Shorts, non-collared shirts. 2) Wrt last sentence in #3- If that happens, make it a "1 and done" dance, pay dancer, thank her for dance, and move on to better prospects. Life is too short to waste on low mileage dances.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What's up with scanning IDs in PA?
    IME, this isn't a prevalent practice, but I'm aware of some OH, IN, and NM clubs doing this. I propose that founder put a "Driver License Scan", Y or N section on basic club profile. I'm not the only tuscl member where such a scan is a deal breaker item. Some clubs are only rigorous about this in weekend nights, days/ early evening week nights not so much.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Suppressed news site about Covid vaxed dying
    OP has 9 years as tuscl member, and not 1 single review, or at a quick glance any threads started that are strip club related. Did OP get lost and accidentally stumble here instead of tinfoilhat.org ?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    "Urban" strip clubs
    IMO, outing clubs with song cutting DJ's are about on same level of usefulness as outing ROB's.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Best Villain of All Time
    I'll go with Indio character in spaghetti western "For A few Dollars More", played by Jean Marie Volante.( yes, that's his name). Lee Van Cleef plays the good guy dressed in black, teaming up with Clint Eastwood to catch Indio. So many good scenes in that one, with the final duel being a classic. I'll give Christopher Walken honorable mention for his role in "True Romance", and as Bond Villian in "View To A Kill."
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    OTC: Is spirit/frontier worth it for atl roundtrip?
    I can top your suggestion, 25. How's this: "Charter a BBJ to get a BBJ on OTC in ATL." Go to www.paramountbusinessjets.com, and charter a Boeing Business Jet (BBJ). Average rates for this aircraft are ~ $12.4K per hour. Hey don't screw around with $53 fares on cheapo airlines when you can get a ride befitting the Tuscl $350K plus club. Net Jets fractional share on a jet fleet 1/6 to 1/3 the gross weight of BBJ... Pshaw!! YOLO, and I expect nothing less than a Papi A-grade review from Estafador on his ATL escapade.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    111 Rules for Strip Clubbing
    How much of this is original, how much is cut and paste/copy ? Either way, 1 helluva long read for those long delays between flights.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Motivational Speech by Juice
    Has shailyn met juice ? Which tuscl members have actually met juice ?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    In 20 years stipclubbing in Austin, this is the most ghetto hood strip club experience I've ever had.
    Avoid like the plaque?? Do you bother brushing and flossing, nickiefree ? At least you're avoiding the bubonic P-L-A-G-U-E. If you're going to rant, at least use Grammarly App.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    REAL WORLD PROBLEMS: Lunchables Shortage
    This would be no problem for juice if he had kids. He'd just load them up on leftover chicken fangers.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How far are you willing to travel for the club on the average Tuesday?
    One early week visit to fave club with traffic and speed trap gods cooperating got to club in 29 minutes flat with an open parking space near front entry. Alas, it appeared that mikey m dropped a deuce in the parking space about where I'd be exiting car, so I wasted 2 minutes driving around to the back lot. I guess 31 minute drive makes me hardcore according to rick.