
Comments by minnow (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Great strip clubs of only 4 years ago that fell off
    J-Mac beat me to it. Based on Tuscl review volume, Mons Venus has slid compared to 2017. Pre pandemic, one could figure on a weekly (2wks tops) review submission on the Monz. Now, only 3 reviews from July on, last review over 4 wks. ago. @25- Interesting restaurant comment. It's not always a Johnny Come Lately eatery that shutters. Sometimes long standing restaurants sell out to commercial interests. The Colonnade Restaurant had been around since the 1930's, 3 generations of family owned and ran the scenic Bayshore Dr. property until 2016 when it was sold to developers for $6.5M. Sometimes, chains close 1 location and move to a more lucrative location. In 1 midwestern metro area, Outback Steakhouse moved from a strip mall, into a closed Sears Automotive Center in major mall ~ 5 miles away. Point of OT detour being that commercial interests can (and do) move in on a property that they want badly enough.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Title of thread implies that you're considering being an ex-pat, but so far you've only provided shallow reasons as to why you'd want to do that. (Cost of living only). Have you ever been to Mexico ? As a tourist or on a business trip ? If so, what did you see while you were there that made you think you'd want to pack up and leave USA to live there ? Tax avoidance ? If you're keeping US citizenship but living in Mexico, you could only spend 15 days a year in USA. Are you willing to be far away from family/friends just to save some $$ and maybe find a nice young senorita ? Do you value freedom of mobility that your own automobile has provided for so many decades in good ole USA ? Have you checked into auto insurance rates down there, or even if you can be insured at all ? You still have time, if you're serious beyond the initial lark stage, I'd take an extended vacation there, and check out how extended day to day living (2 week stay or more) works out for you. That means driving around different towns there. PM shadowcat, he took several trips into Mexico when he still lived in So Cal.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Rules (reversed)
    Good post, T-don, I'd smash the like icon if founder would put that in OP. IMHO, you should post this on the "Pink Site". Getting my popcorn supply up if you do.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    Vocalist Sophia Krista of Brass Against pees on fan’s face onstage
    Nope. IMHO, fan should have offered to wipe her after she finished.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Dead famous people to bring to a strip club
    ^^^^^^ John Banner (aka Sgt. Schultz) would be ideal VIP bouncer- "I see nothing, I know nothing."
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Dead famous people to bring to a strip club
    Nobody has named an astronaut, so I'll name 2: Alan Shepard: Anyone who would hit a golf ball on the moon has to be cool. Plus other stuff chronicled in Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff". Wally Schirra: Besides off duty practical jokes, his "Turtle Club". ( "Are you a turtle"?/ "You bet your sweet ass I am.") Turtle Club originated as a drinking club among then Army Air Forces pilots in WW2. One philosophy of Turtle Club is that you don't get anywhere in life unless you stick your neck out.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Dead famous people to bring to a strip club
    Ben Franklin, Burt Reynolds, Babe Ruth, Ian Fleming, Roger Moore, Winston Churchill.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    OT: Your Entrance Music
    7 Nation Army by White Stripes Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Club Prices and where they are going; Where's your line in the sand?
    "If somebody can afford $20, then they can afford $40 - $50." Another way of looking at this would be to scale your proportional expenses to your income: major corporation income. I suspect for many tuscl members, $1 in expenses or income would be equivalent to lower quartile F500 corporations earning/paying $10K - $50K. A person averaging 3 lap dances per week: $20 increase per dance price would be like a major corporation incurring $600K - $3M. Nicespice, do you think that a major corporation felt it's labor costs, (or any other business expense) was $3M per week ($156 M/ year) too much that they wouldn't seek ways to cut such an expense ? Hmm, lessee, average total employee compensation ~ $100K per year, lets cut our workforce by 1560 people. Or put another way, if labor union bargaining position costs was $156M more than company "wants" to pay (they could afford it, but execs gotta have their annual big bonus) that company won't dig in their heels ? So it goes with Muddy, et al.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Does anybody remember TUSCL meet ups?
    No big meetups on my end. I've met 10 tuscl members. Largest meetup was 3, most of the time just 1 other member. While it was nice to chat with someone with common interests, chit chat didn't last more than 10 minutes before we pursued our respective "activities".
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Reviews versus Penthouse Letters
    I hear ya'. The key is the review isn't about you, it's about the club. Anybody can concoct a "Dear Penthouse" like experience. (aka, write a bullshit review). While personal anecdotes of club visit are nice icing on the cake, I need to see enough details to convince me that you were actually at club. It doesn't have to a remodeling contractors or building inspectors report. Again, just enough to convince me you were actually there. (Layout, prices, etc.) Remember, it's not about you, it's about the club.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    The Makeup of a PL
    An amusing/entertaining thread with a bit of stereotyping. Wrt Category #3: Is it not possible for at least some people in this category who 1) Have a viable well earning career 2) Can properly compartmentalize the total strip club experience, never letting it adversely encroach on ones finances nor non club activities. 3) Don't stalk or otherwise creep out club dancers. I agree that creeps/stalkers most likely fall in Category #3 (with even some in Category #2), but don't stereotype with such a broad brush.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    McD isn't my 1st choice in fast foods, haven't been in one since pre-Covid. Slightly OT, went in a Bob Evans after a 2yr. hiatus. I wasn't entirely enthralled. Menu was noticeably sparser, no more fried chicken patties, baked potato n/a, just mashed, home fries. Previous counter with swivel chairs had chairs removed, counter for takeout orders only. Maybe it's just a few Bob Evans, or system wide, IDK. It seems that businesses are more geared to simplifying takeout orders than previous dining in business model. A pre - Covid FL full service car wash is now drive through, self serve coin vacuums, employs 1/4 of pre covid crew, they just monitor the drive thru with a few dry toweling car for tips. Welcome to the post Covid new normal.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Heading to Clearwater looking for someone to go strip clubbing with
    Try pm to "mikeym". Buy him plenty of booze and you'll be regaled by tales of how much he hates certain Tampa clubs. You might even get to see him get ejected from club for drunk obnoxious behavior. He claims to live and club in Pinellas County area.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Let’s Go Brandon Announced on Southwest Airlines
    At least he didn't rant about gays and grannies like the guy on hot mic several years ago.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    30 Years at Five Strip Clubs in Houston
    Hmm, no reviews since 2014, double submits a "wall of text" article, manages to get both approved. Two for the price of one, how clever. I have a suggestion for you. Please learn how to hit "Enter" for paragraph spacing. Enjoy your 8 weeks free VIP, you sanctimonious freeloader.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Ever got caught up in or witnessed any political disagreements in a club?
    Never witnessed political arguments in club. One club owner (Joe Redner, Mons Venus) ran for office of several occasions, usually City Council. I saw campaign material in club. For entertainment, type in "Redner vs Katz" in YT search. In that clip, Joe Redner had a chair thrown at him by opponent Tony Katz.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Please don't judge me, give suggestions
    Go back to your job at Bangalore Movers & Packers....
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Club ad for Southwest Airlines......
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Newbie going back for seconds
    So you just got ONE dance ? No extensions ?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    1st time. Might be the last.
    So you went after midnight and didn't find that many dancers to your liking ? I'd wager that the ones you would find attractive were taken in multiple launchpad/spaceship/ champagne room dances by customers who spent a lot more than your $30. Early bird gets the 1st worm.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Newbie going back for seconds
    Several unanswered questions here: 1) PAYMENT- Did you pay upfront for a fixed time/number of dances ? Or pay the dancer after the songs? 2) WHO- did you pay ? Did waitress collect fee prior to dance(s), or did you just deal with dancer who then gave part of her cut to club staff for VIP cubicle rental ? If your report is accurate, it sounds like there might be a relaxation of VIP rental prices/ payment process. I assume you got 1 of 2 large couches on left side of club. Prices for those were $150 per half hr. (nominally $15 per song). Regular single seat cubicle was $60 for 15 minutes (nominally $12 per song.). So it sounds like a significant VIP rental discount from spring levels that you got. If you dealt only with dancer on paying, and she paid appropriate cut to club, sounds like club cut down cost and annoyance factor. (Read my article on ne Mons business model that I wrote earlier this year.)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What Are You Paying More For Now?
    Seems like everything is going up, except interest rates on checking, savings, money market accounts, and short term CD's. Just to show how absurdly low those interest rates are, put this in your pipe and smoke it: 1) Time required to double your debt on 30 year mortgage if you failed to make payments would be ~25 years. 2) Time required to double your money on many interest checking accounts at the same bank would be anywhere from 1440 to 7200 years, depending on bank and account balance.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Does jealousy make you MORE or LESS likely to cheat?
    Besides the non-standard marriage living arrangements, I'm puzzled as to why you're letting an event that apparently happened 14 years ago live rent free in your head. I don't recommend seeking marriage counseling from anonymous posters on internet boards. Anyway, you don't strike me as an asshole based on your postings. (at least not too much of one, W15 + 1)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    If nothing else, may D-lac catch a freezer full of fish, and not use minnows for bait.