Anyone else feel like a total schmuck when they have to go to the ATM at the strip club? It feels like a walk of shame to me. The whole club gets to see you waddle over to an overpriced ATM because you got sold hard. Hell I can't help but feel at least sympathy when I see a fellow PL walk up to the ATM.
I'm usually good at bringing what I want to spend and nothing more, but some opportunities are too good to pass up, even if my big brain knows how dumb I am walking up to that ATM...
I only just recently received a debit card, (first one I've ever owned) I still have never used it except when I go to a bank other than my home branch, as a preferred ID, I've never spent more cash than I had on me at anyplace, strip club, casino, racetrack, or any other venue. I guess that's better than feeling like a schmuck, but truthfully I've never noticed any one at the ATM in any of the strip clubs I have visited, and when I play in most casino's I have a line of credit, but I've never been tempted to ask for a marker so.....
No shame at all. I only use a club ATM under very limited circumstances. I don't step foot in a club without enough money to have a good time, to include a VIP if I find the right girl and the mood strikes me. There have been times when I have had a good time, my cash is depleted or close to depleted, I'm getting ready to leave, and then a gorgeous, must have girl sits down next to me and makes clear what she will do to me in VIP. Under those circumstances, I have no problem going to the club ATM, getting out enough money for another VIP, and paying the club ATM fees, which depending on the club, range from merely outrageous to the equivalent of anal rape.
Now, what I won't do is allow a girl to lead me by the hand to the ATM machine and stand there and watch while I take out the money, as I have seen on many occasions. Yes, that's pretty shameful.
I've never had to use the ATM at a strip club. It is a bit amusing to see a stripper walk a guy to the ATM and stand by him until he gives her what he owes her. Sometimes, the girl will even alert the bouncer to standby as well.
Normally I bring plenty of cash with me and never bring plastic in the door. As others have said, it's partially a matter of maintaining spending discipline.
Now that said, I have done it a few times over the years, but it has almost always been because a great opportunity opened up near the end of my visit. And no, it's never been a situation where a girl walked me to the ATM - that's some shameful shit indeed.
The last time was a couple of years back, when a last minute OTC opportunity opened up and I found myself a Benji short of the negotiated payment. The hotel was right around the corner but the nearest bank ATM was further away and through a few series of street lights. So I went out to my car, grabbed my ATM card and went back in to round out the wad. I felt a twinge of sucker shame when I accepted the ATM fee, but it beat having to hike to another ATM and keep my OTC date waiting in the process.
I learned the hard way back in Vegas in 2010 about strip club ATMs and their ridiculous fees. I think those fees had to be some of the highest in the nation. They charged a 10% fee on whatever amount you were taking out. So taking out $500 incurred a fee of $50. And that doesn't include the fee your bank will charge you for using a different ATM than their own. And that was 11 years ago, I bet the fee is probably higher now. Never again!
Like Warrior said, I bring enough money to have fun, usually more than enough actually. If I manage to spend all that, it's definitely time to take my ass home.
I haven't used club ATM in over 10 years. I never felt shameful as I went solo to ATM rather than have dancer lead me by hand to it. That last time was at a So Cal club that had an outrageous $20 transaction fee coupled with $200 limit. (another downside of club ATM's). The bouncer was "thoughtful" enough to steer me to a nearby convenience store ATM that had a more sane transaction fee. The Mons Venus ATM's (they've always had 2 or 3 in far back corner) had a fee more in line with banks ($3 as I recall), but a $200 limit. There was less need to use that one when ABC store was demolished and a Chase Bank (with ATM) was built in it's place.
If a bar charges you $3 to change $20's into singles it might be better to utilize your new stripper friend that you make that night. Both benefit since you want the singles and she gets rid of a pile of ones.
I've been calling it "the walk of shame" for years lol... Yes, I've done it a few times. In all cases, it was because I had an opportunity for something spectacular, and while it's important to be smart enough to have a policy ("only spend what you bring in cash") it's good to be wise enough to know when to break it. I always bring my wallet and all my cards, etc., I don't need to leave those in the car in order to stay as disciplined as I need to be, but I still have the flexibility to take advantage of something great now and then
I always think “well, I fucked THAT up” when I have to do that. Running through my pre-game limit plus increased chance of Mrs Carey seeing the transaction on our statement? Pretty much a fail. Then again, titties!
I've never used an ATM. Not sure if I even remember my pin number. My credit union is only 5 minutes from my house and I keep a strip club fund at home and replenish it whenever it drops below $500.
I have one regular who will make like two trips to the ATM every time he comes to the club for me. And will withdraw the money while I’m on stage. Despite the fact he’s a pretty habitual individual and the range of how much he is going to spend is pretty predictable at this point. And he won’t get dances from anybody else if I’m there, so it’s not a spur of the moment thing either.
I don't remember the last time I hit the ATM at any of the clubs I go to regularly. There have been a few times when visiting new to me clubs in other cities that I have hit the ATM because the talent level was higher than I had expected and I needed some extra funds.
I’ve left clubs to find a bank ATM but in a strange city after midnight in less than desirable neighborhoods, that’s not ideal either. Especially the ATM’s where you have to get out of your car.
The lesson learned is better planning stay disciplined
Really surprised with those never using debit cards, never using ATMs, etc. (not just in clubs). Are you the ones keeping check printing companies in business and bank tellers employed?!?
^ No I haven't written a check in, I think eight or nine years, I owned a business for many years, and I made regular trips to the bank, it was easy enough to get cash when I made a deposit, now that I'm retired all of my bills are set up either to be paid by credit card that I get either miles or cash back bonus, the bills from them are auto debited and the few bills that don't get paid by CC are taken care of with a bill pay account, it's still easy enough to stop at the bank every few weeks to get cash I doubt the bank tellers are very busy on my account.
There's shame in spending more than you anticipated? I don't think so. The shame is paying like $18 to withdraw cash from your own account. I won't do that. If it's somewhat close to reasonable like 6-9 bucks, maybe. Otherwise I'll leave and find a bank or a 7-11. There have been times I've left in search of an ATM and then just called it a night once my clearer thinking came back, so the club lost a couple hundred because they tried to charge me $18.
Did it once while under the influence of boobies, learned my lesson. After getting paid, the dancer got high-fived at the bar by a more senior dancer, so I figured it was like some sort of rite of passage for them - getting a PL to the ATM!
I hear it a lot from escorts that there are guys, even regulars, who just don't want to schedule ahead of time. They always text and ask them if their available immediately. When you think about it, that's how sex typically is in works of fiction, unplanned, the couple is swept away by passion. Maybe for some guys, hitting the ATM, except at the last minute, just takes all the gusto out of it.
Since most of you don't know where I live, I can admit I keep a sizable amount of cash, that I replenish at first chance after going to the club. Rickthelion knows where I live, that's why I don't keep any meat in the freezer.
A word of caution to those using ATMs. I had a fried visit me in Atlanta from Ohio and he couldn't find an ATM anywhere that would accept his card. I wound up cashing a personal check to give him cash while he was here. He reimbursed me after he got back home. He found out from his bank that he needed to notify them in advance if they will be traveling out of the area.
^Most banks no longer require you to tell them about a trip before you go any longer but I'm sure it varies by your own personal habits and the institution. If you are going out of the country, it might be a good idea to call before just in case.
I've had a card cloned 3 or 4 times in the past and have now made it a habit to look at my accounts every morning as a habit. You don't have to be careless to fall victim to this. Some banks, like Capital One, are pretty on top of you habits. But, it's always a pain in the ass to get hacked, especially in the middle of a trip. It's a good idea to carry more than one card to protect yourself in this instance since your card will be shut down once fraud is detected.
I despise paying ATM fees anywhere. When selecting the bank account I have dedicated for stripclub funds, I chose a bank that offers fee-free cash withdrawals from the ATMs found in the convenience stores near all of my favorite SCs.
@Mike710. Thanks for that tip. Since my wife can see my bank transactions, I had assumed that the fee for using the ATM at a strip club would be half of my house. Now all I have to do is report my card was lost.
And they don’t take travelers checks either 🙂 A lesson my wife and I learned about 30 years ago when we first started clubbing. It was at the Crazy Horse II in Vegas where we had just had a remarkable VIP, confident in the fact that we had plenty of money to cover. That turned into a pretty long story when, after solving that “issue” we got back to the truck to find that I had locked my keys in it in my haste. Sigh. All’s well that ends well though, we are still together and still clubbing together and still married. 🤗😁
I almost never use the ATM in the strip club. I'm not one of those "leave it in the car" guys, I just generally bring enough cash to cover what I might want to do. To paraphrase Rick & Subra, there's been a few times where an opportunity arose and I chose to broke the no ATM rule. I don't recall feeling any shame, if anything I think I was excited about what I was about to do. No real regrets once home either.
I don't much recall noticing others hitting it up either, aside from a few special cases where dudes were walked to the ATM by a dancer. Particularly a dancer I knew to be ROB or at least all talk and no action. Or a few times when I've seen dudes kicking, punching, and cursing at the ATM, presumably because they were out of money.
The ones I think are worse are the guys who use credit cards to buy funny money. The club takes 10-20% of the sale to the customer. Then they take another similar size cut from the girl when she trades it in for cash. Knowing that, the girls certainly up their prices to cover. So the guy who is doing it is probably paying 50% extra. And if he's using it a credit card, he probably doesn't have the money to begin with. I definitely judge those guys, although I'm sure there are some scenarios where it makes some sense (corporate expense card, etc)
Dancers have told me that, what the club tells them about funny money is, they have to cover a lot of credit card chargebacks. Presumably due to wives asking wtf is this charge?
If you use the ATM in the strip club, you are a dumbass and deserve to feel accordingly. This hobby requires you to have control over your penis and wallet, and you have clearly failed on at least one front.
I haven’t seen a dancer actually walk a dude to the ATM yet.
That is definitely a walk of shame.
Using the club ATM is just a rough one for experienced clubbers, as we should know to be prepared. A regular dude hitting the ATM is likely more common.
Cheers to Dolfan, he nailed it. I’ve used the ATM on occasion but at least the fees are pretty clear. It’s usually when the club wasn’t in the plans or back when I drank I just dialed to properly plan at all.
With that said recently I was high on boobies and used a card for the second 30 minutes of a VIP at Ricks in Chicago. $350 became $550 really quick. And I still didn’t get the desired outcome, but that’s on me for being timid and also not really knowing the place.
When I go I try to roll with the high end of my budget in cash. My grandfather had a theory… in the 80’s he always had $800 in his wallet. As he put it, $800 can both get you into and/or out of any trouble that you are looking for. I’ve adopted a similar outlook.
I go into the club with enough money to have a good time. On the rare occasion that I empty my wallet, then I damn sure am not going to dig the pit a little deeper. Plus I refuse to be gouged, even though my bank reimburses me a certain amount of times per month for out of network ATM fees.
===> "The last time was a couple of years back, when a last minute OTC opportunity opened up and I found myself a Benji short of the negotiated payment. The hotel was right around the corner but the nearest bank ATM was further away and through a few series of street lights."
Shit this comment was almost prophetic. Just last night I almost found myself in the exact same situation. I avoided it by a whisker. When all was said and done I had less than $60 left in my pocket, which was a small fraction of what I started with. If I had been in the club just a half hour longer I would likely needed the club ATM to supplement. I actually thought about this thread when I was doing a cash check following the OTC negotiation. 😁
But don't feel bad, I've had to go across the street to my bank and get cash, and without any plastic or my check book. Dancer I was engaging with told me how to do it, told me to tell them I need to use a counter check.
She knew all about it, as it was her bank too.
Good though, she had reversed herself on "I don't kiss".
Beautiful and painted up girl in strapped on high heels and a mini-dress. We had a wonderful FRMOS.
“ My grandfather had a theory… in the 80’s he always had $800 in his wallet.”
A friend of my family growing up had a similar practice.
Nowadays you have to be careful with that though. Cops catch you with a lot of cash, and they’ll take it on the assumption that you’re using it for drugs. And you’ll have no recourse, 4th Amendment be damned.
How is leaving the strip club to go to a bank to get a counter check any different than hitting the ATM in terms of either preparation or self control? It's at best a way to save on fee's for the ATM, at the expense of time and convenience. If you're doing that, setting up significant obstacles for yourself to avoid an action, then navigating those obstacles to enable taking that action anyway, that's something you might want to talk to a professional about. I'm not a professional, but that seems like a red flag to me.
Don't get me wrong, leaving plastic in the car to give yourself a chance to pause and reconsider a decision you're making a few drinks in while you're blood is focused away from the brain isn't a big deal. It's not a technique I use, but its understandable. Leaving it at home, then going to a nearby bank? I'm totally judging a dude I think just did that. And if the chick he's trying to spend on is hot, I'm probably stealing her while he's gone. Maybe even hitting up the ATM to go for a round two or three, ya never know. And while I won't judge the guy who left the card in the car, I might very well try to snake that girl too. I wonder how many times I've done that without even knowing.
Maybe in Biden's Build Back Porkier Plan, there's a provision that all strip club ATMs will have to have breathalizer, and you have to blow under a 0.15 to be authorized to make a withdrawal. Cause Joe's watching out for ya.
===> "How is leaving the strip club to go to a bank to get a counter check any different than hitting the ATM in terms of either preparation or self control?"
Time and additional complexity are the natural enemies of impulse decisions, especially when there is alcohol involved. For some, the need to head out to the car may lead them to reconsider and maybe even drive off instead of going back in.
Let’s remember the source of the comment about going to a bank across the street was SJG. He has not been to a strip club in 40 years. He does not have plastic - credit cards or ATM cards - or a drivers license. His only option would be to make a bank withdrawal.
Not just strip club in mind, but my ATM has a $200 daily limit. My best friend has the same and when we are together we always joke $200 out of each account isn’t enough for us to get into trouble, and not enough for us to regret the next day.
Of course we have said we can change the limit, but we have kept it where it is, for over 20 years for that specific reason.
Ooohhh, I see what you did there Musterd. Poker-Poke her...get it everyone? 😉
All joking aside though, I honestly don't know how any married guy without a side account somewhere does it. IME most married guys who screw around with strippers either own their own business (and hence have a cashflow stream outside of the home bank accounts) or find a way to squirrel some money on the side. But it has to be so much more complicated for married clock punchers because they need to manage the paper trail more.
I'm pretty good about bringing enough cash to do what I want to do. In the last 5 years, there was only one instance where I got it wrong.
I'm not sure how much shame there is, but I don't love the incredibly high ATM fee. Also, club ATMs are often managed/stocked by the club staff. I'm wary of any scanning of my ID or credit card at the club. I'll do it if I have no choice, but I avoid it as a rule.
^^^ when I was married, I hid this easily, two ways:
1. I kept control of my salary. This is basically the #1 mistake most guys make -- they hand over finances completely, and now they can't make a move without her seeing it. Hell, I know married guys who have to ask their wives for permission to spend the money that they (the husbands) made.
2. I also played the standard tricks, just in case my account ever got under the microscope. If I needed to take out $200, I took out $300 instead. If I needed $40, I took out $80. The delta got stuck into the SC fund. Of course, even 10 years ago, we used cash far more than today. These days, the SC and my SB are 90% of my cash spending; I buy almost nothing with cash anymore, so harder to cover
I like the Idea of the guys that are truthful with their wife, it probably makes for a stronger more fulfilled relationship, I don't think my marriages would have survived that much truthfulness, but maybe I should have been more open, then I might not have been married and divorced three times, but it is what it is, I have a good relationship with my exes and my children I hang my hat on that.
0% chance my marriage would have survived that much truthfulness. The guys who can do so, you made an awesome choice in spouses, congrats. Not all women -- IMO, very few -- would abide her husband regularly going to strip clubs, much less getting extras or OTC.
^ Not so sure these guys made any better choices than anyone else, I got married all three times never contemplating that I might be over sexed, and truthfully the girls I married were happy to do anything that made me happy, they were all gorgeous, I just got bored with the same ole same ole and was such a selfish bastard that I hurt these great gals, terribly, I wish that I knew then what I know now the outcome might have been better.
Suppose your wife has a low sex drive, but feels obliged to do her "wifely duty". She somehow manages to find out you've been withdrawing $300 from a strip club ATM on a regular basis. She files for divorce, estimates how many times the two of you have fucked, and wants $300 a pop as part of the property settlement. What would your response be?
I take in what I can/want to spend, my driver's license, a couple of condoms, and nothing else. With some of my ATFs, I even show them - "this is what I brought with me tonight, your mission, should you accept it, is to make sure I have enough fun that I don't care if you take it all". If its a new girl or club, then I start slow, unless she shows signs of being fun in the VIP, I take her back for a LD first and tell her this is her audition to determine if we are going to VIP. I have had a few try to get me to go to the ATM but I tell them I don't have a card.
Lol y’all really overthink shit. It’s a strip club and every guy is in there for a reason. If I only came with 100 and need more either imma use the atm or drive across the street and use one. It’s no big deal or does it determine if someone is poor or not.
last commentI doubt my ability to say no - and not having the plastic is a good thing.
I don’t know what the fees are - for using a strip club ATM. But I’m sure they are brutal.
Now, what I won't do is allow a girl to lead me by the hand to the ATM machine and stand there and watch while I take out the money, as I have seen on many occasions. Yes, that's pretty shameful.
Now that said, I have done it a few times over the years, but it has almost always been because a great opportunity opened up near the end of my visit. And no, it's never been a situation where a girl walked me to the ATM - that's some shameful shit indeed.
The last time was a couple of years back, when a last minute OTC opportunity opened up and I found myself a Benji short of the negotiated payment. The hotel was right around the corner but the nearest bank ATM was further away and through a few series of street lights. So I went out to my car, grabbed my ATM card and went back in to round out the wad. I felt a twinge of sucker shame when I accepted the ATM fee, but it beat having to hike to another ATM and keep my OTC date waiting in the process.
Yep. I agree. I learned to always bring enough cash. But in my early days I did the Walk of Shame
Low limits suck. $100 limit used to be common. One club I know was only $50.
That was years ago. Perhaps it’s higher now
Like Warrior said, I bring enough money to have fun, usually more than enough actually. If I manage to spend all that, it's definitely time to take my ass home.
I think some people just don’t DGAF
The lesson learned is better planning stay disciplined
So tactically, *pretending* to use the ATM is the play...
Since most of you don't know where I live, I can admit I keep a sizable amount of cash, that I replenish at first chance after going to the club. Rickthelion knows where I live, that's why I don't keep any meat in the freezer.
This is some next-level stuff. You beginners shouldn't try this yet
I've had a card cloned 3 or 4 times in the past and have now made it a habit to look at my accounts every morning as a habit. You don't have to be careless to fall victim to this. Some banks, like Capital One, are pretty on top of you habits. But, it's always a pain in the ass to get hacked, especially in the middle of a trip. It's a good idea to carry more than one card to protect yourself in this instance since your card will be shut down once fraud is detected.
I don't much recall noticing others hitting it up either, aside from a few special cases where dudes were walked to the ATM by a dancer. Particularly a dancer I knew to be ROB or at least all talk and no action. Or a few times when I've seen dudes kicking, punching, and cursing at the ATM, presumably because they were out of money.
The ones I think are worse are the guys who use credit cards to buy funny money. The club takes 10-20% of the sale to the customer. Then they take another similar size cut from the girl when she trades it in for cash. Knowing that, the girls certainly up their prices to cover. So the guy who is doing it is probably paying 50% extra. And if he's using it a credit card, he probably doesn't have the money to begin with. I definitely judge those guys, although I'm sure there are some scenarios where it makes some sense (corporate expense card, etc)
Proud to say I have never done so.
That is definitely a walk of shame.
Using the club ATM is just a rough one for experienced clubbers, as we should know to be prepared. A regular dude hitting the ATM is likely more common.
With that said recently I was high on boobies and used a card for the second 30 minutes of a VIP at Ricks in Chicago. $350 became $550 really quick. And I still didn’t get the desired outcome, but that’s on me for being timid and also not really knowing the place.
When I go I try to roll with the high end of my budget in cash. My grandfather had a theory… in the 80’s he always had $800 in his wallet. As he put it, $800 can both get you into and/or out of any trouble that you are looking for. I’ve adopted a similar outlook.
Shit this comment was almost prophetic. Just last night I almost found myself in the exact same situation. I avoided it by a whisker. When all was said and done I had less than $60 left in my pocket, which was a small fraction of what I started with. If I had been in the club just a half hour longer I would likely needed the club ATM to supplement. I actually thought about this thread when I was doing a cash check following the OTC negotiation. 😁
But don't feel bad, I've had to go across the street to my bank and get cash, and without any plastic or my check book. Dancer I was engaging with told me how to do it, told me to tell them I need to use a counter check.
She knew all about it, as it was her bank too.
Good though, she had reversed herself on "I don't kiss".
Beautiful and painted up girl in strapped on high heels and a mini-dress. We had a wonderful FRMOS.
A friend of my family growing up had a similar practice.
Nowadays you have to be careful with that though. Cops catch you with a lot of cash, and they’ll take it on the assumption that you’re using it for drugs. And you’ll have no recourse, 4th Amendment be damned.
TJ Street………
Bound In High Heels…
Don't get me wrong, leaving plastic in the car to give yourself a chance to pause and reconsider a decision you're making a few drinks in while you're blood is focused away from the brain isn't a big deal. It's not a technique I use, but its understandable. Leaving it at home, then going to a nearby bank? I'm totally judging a dude I think just did that. And if the chick he's trying to spend on is hot, I'm probably stealing her while he's gone. Maybe even hitting up the ATM to go for a round two or three, ya never know. And while I won't judge the guy who left the card in the car, I might very well try to snake that girl too. I wonder how many times I've done that without even knowing.
Time and additional complexity are the natural enemies of impulse decisions, especially when there is alcohol involved. For some, the need to head out to the car may lead them to reconsider and maybe even drive off instead of going back in.
Of course we have said we can change the limit, but we have kept it where it is, for over 20 years for that specific reason.
Oh I know!
I needed poker money!!!!!
All joking aside though, I honestly don't know how any married guy without a side account somewhere does it. IME most married guys who screw around with strippers either own their own business (and hence have a cashflow stream outside of the home bank accounts) or find a way to squirrel some money on the side. But it has to be so much more complicated for married clock punchers because they need to manage the paper trail more.
I'm not sure how much shame there is, but I don't love the incredibly high ATM fee. Also, club ATMs are often managed/stocked by the club staff. I'm wary of any scanning of my ID or credit card at the club. I'll do it if I have no choice, but I avoid it as a rule.
Congratulations. Unfortunately not every married guy is similarly situated.
We do it by not lying to our wives about an entire facet of our lives. By not hiding who we really are from them.
1. I kept control of my salary. This is basically the #1 mistake most guys make -- they hand over finances completely, and now they can't make a move without her seeing it. Hell, I know married guys who have to ask their wives for permission to spend the money that they (the husbands) made.
2. I also played the standard tricks, just in case my account ever got under the microscope. If I needed to take out $200, I took out $300 instead. If I needed $40, I took out $80. The delta got stuck into the SC fund. Of course, even 10 years ago, we used cash far more than today. These days, the SC and my SB are 90% of my cash spending; I buy almost nothing with cash anymore, so harder to cover
Well, maybe not the 1st time,
But after that.