
Visiting multiple clubs in a single night.

Monday, October 4, 2021 11:26 PM
Last week was a first for me. Visited four different clubs at night before I found what I wanted.

Club 1 – Bailed after 45 minutes
Club 2 – Bailed after 15 minutes
Club 3 – Bailed after 30 minutes
Club 4 – Eventually found what I was looking for & spent the rest of the night here.

Speaking about my club experiences with a friend, he said I was crazy & he would have gone back home and ordered an escort online.

So how many of you have visited multiple clubs in a single night & why?


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Multiple clubs in one night makes it all more expensive.


    Caramel Star, woman who knows how to dress for sexual pleasure:


    OMS Martinism
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    4 in Tampa one night. All close to each other
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Not something I do regularly - I do it when I go to a club(s) I usually don't hit and wanna see what it's like - if it's not doing much for me then I often try out another club(s) as to not go home empty-handed per se.

    When I hit one of my go-to clubs I usually don't hit another club - I usually hit multiple clubs if I don't get my-fill per se at a particular club(s).
  • loper
    3 years ago
    Often. Get bored with the talent at one club and head for another (and another, ...).
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Four, no. But I have visited three in a single evening. It depends on the city. Are the clubs close to each other ? In Pompano Beach, there are about a dozen clubs within about 15 minutes of each other. So it's easy to bounce from one to the other. In other cities, the clubs are might be miles apart. You wouldn't want to waste the evening by driving around.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Per @motorhead's comment, I will often hit multiple-clubs when I'm in a different city so I can experience multiple-clubs of interest in the short-time I'm there
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    I do it regularly when I fly out to Tampa for a weekend of hitting clubs. In the Westshore area there are two clubs within 5 minutes walking distance of each other and a lot of hotels.
  • Evasparkling
    3 years ago

    I was trying out clubs I haven't visited in a long time to see if anything has changed.

    But after visiting the first three & not getting my-fill,

    I went back to my go-to club so as not go home empty-handed.
  • Evasparkling
    3 years ago

    About 30 minutes apart.

    I used Uber so didn't have to worry about driving after having some drinks.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Many times. If I don't like the crop at #1, I'll go down the list.

    I've done most of my clubbing in Rhode Island and Bridgeport, where there are 3 within 15 minutse.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Maybe once or twice, but usually I like to give each club visit a chance to breathe and develop. The only time I bail out in under an hour is if things are so atrocious that I can't stand being there any longer. In many clubs not much can be determined with any certainty in 30 minutes. Over the years I would have missed out on a lot of fun times if I had been that impatient.
  • Evasparkling
    3 years ago

    I've done something similar in Pompano Beach.

    Start my night at Cheetah Hallandale to get my motors running,

    Then end my night at Diamond Dolls Pompano with a smile on my face.
  • Dolfan
    3 years ago
    Warrior mentioned Pompano, I've done it many times there. I think sometimes the level of success is as much about the time of the visit as anything else, but I actually do it pretty regularly. Sometimes I'll start at a club with a low success rate in hopes of finding a gem. If it doesn't work out, I'll make my way over to one of the other options with more consistent talent. Other times I'll do a room or whatever at the first club, then hit a club with a better stage show. Or start at the club with the better stage show as a warm up and finish off at the other club.

    Like PC & MH stated, I've done it when traveling a few times too. Sometimes its just kinda scouting them out on day one, then I'll choose one and hit it up on day two. Or sometimes I'm in a new area and I just want to see the various clubs. I've gone on strip club tours with a stripper a few times too. Sometimes just to hang out, other times because she's wanted to check out her options for working.

    I like to club on slower shifts, which usually means cheap parking, low covers, and discounted drinks. So it doesn't cost a whole lot give a place a chance. It also means the A teams aren't usually on duty. So, that means I have to hunt around sometimes to find something to my liking.
  • NJBalla
    3 years ago
    twice, but i dont think i spent more than 20 minutes in the first options, ended up finding a fav at the last place I went to that I still keep in touch with
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    I used to do it all the time, as many as 4 or 5 clubs in between work appointments during the day or mainly after work in the evening. I've mainly done it by myself but a few times I clubbed with a buddy.
    It mainly stems from not liking what I saw in the first club so I'd try another and if need be I'd continue looing.
    Anymore I've slacked off on clubbing but I suppose there will be future days when I hit 2 or 3 clubs in sequence.
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    "looking" not looing, I only loo when fakephildot is hungry.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    When I said "once or twice" I was talking about 4 clubs, lol. I will often hit two clubs in a night if the first is tapped out of potential. I also sometimes enjoy hitting on club that I know has a good happy hour and then finishing the night at a place with more amenable talent.

    The last time I hit 4+ in a single night was on the Block in B'more, but it was all such a blur that I couldn't remember which was which the next day.
  • sdraif
    3 years ago
    A couple times circa 2003-2004 I would do 4-5 clubs here in Pittsburgh. There were more smaller clubs then that didn’t have a cover or were maybe $5. So it wasn’t too expensive to hop around and see who dancing. Going to every club in one night was the best way to see a bigger variety of dancers because at the time most of the small clubs used an agency for the dancers. Dancers would work different clubs each night. A typical night would be Cricket and Anthony’s in Bloomfield, Bottoms Up in Carrick, Curry Hotel in South Park, and/or The Tennyson Lodge in Bethel Park.
  • wowsers
    3 years ago
    I did 9 in one day about 25 years or so ago. But that was the point.

    Did 5 earlier this year.
  • BAngus
    3 years ago
    Last time I went out I hit 3 on one night, almost 4. And like Mike and motorhead, it was Tampa. I started at OZ (ok, Clearwater), but it was some big birthday bash so the place was way too crowded. At least no cover due to the shindig. So after 1 beer I bailed.

    I headed up the road to Diamond Dolls which was way less crowded. Found a nice little redhead spinner who I spent an hour or so with. She had the cutest little booty which I played with at the bar. Unfortunately in the VIP her dances were more Rated R than the Rated X that I was wanting, so I bailed on Clearwater and headed back towards Ybor.

    If it was earlier in the night I would have stopped at Gold Club (which would have made it 4 in 1 night) but it was getting close to 2AM so I went straight to Scarletts/Ybor Strip. Got what I wanted and more there. I left at closing time and got home right as the sun was coming up. Surprisingly SerentySinn wasn't bartending that night, she has been every other time I visited here.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    It's pretty par for the course for me. I would say the most I'll do is 4. More likely 2 or 3. If I'm not having a good time, I'm not gonna sit there and bear down. Next club until I find something good. I'm not settling, I want to find a chick that's right up my alley otherwise save and move on.
  • Raeda
    3 years ago
    Done it once and regretted it. One subpar visit followed by a bad one and spent too much at both combined. Should have went home after the first club and try again another week
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Here's the grumpy old man take on this: I'd rather go to one club and get good dances from six dancers than go to three clubs and get good dances from two dancers at each club.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    A couple of Sundays ago I hit 5-clubs in one night – I was bored and didn’t wanna be at home so decided to recon some clubs I hadn’t been to in a while.

    The first club I hit is a Cuban-tip-parade dive (Bella’s Cabaret) I had avoided for the last couple of years but I wanted to drop in and see how it was these days – spent less than 30-minutes b/c it wasn’t doing it for me.

    Went by a 2nd-club not too far away (Pink Pony Doral) that I had also not been to in a while; there were hardly any cars in the parking-lot so didn’t even go inside.

    The 2-clubs above were in Miami where I live, so decided to go to Pompano and do a recon there – hit Diamond Dolls first; it had a decent vibe and decent # of dancers for a Su eve but DDs has never been my personal-cup-of-PL-tea so bailed after about 45-minutes.

    After DDs went by Cheetah Pompano but it was pretty-slow and fairly boring it being a Su eve now close to midnight and spent maybe less than 30-minutes.

    Up to this point I had only gotten some meh-dances from one girl at Cheetah Pompano.

    Was heading backhome to Miami which took me right past Cheetah Hallandale on 95; decided to stop in and check it out just to check it out – it was jumping for a Su eve w/ a good crowd and a good # of pretty-aggressive dick-grabbing dancers – ended up getting w/ about half-a-dozen girls getting VHM dances including some fun D.O. dances – I probably would have gotten w/ more girls if I had more funds but I had left the night just looking to recon some places I hadn’t been to in a while and wasn’t adequately funded to keep having fun at Cheetah Hallandale but in the end it was worth taking the chance and checking out one last club thinking it was likely gonna be a quick in-and-out visit just to check it out what was going-on but ended up having probably my best visit since the vax and getting back to clubbing.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    I think my record is 5 in one night. I started somewhere between 9 and 10pm and they clubs in the area closed at 2am.

    I spent around 45 minutes in each club, all of which I had been to many times before. At least at these clubs I feel 45 minutes was/is enough time to see the entire stage rotation.
  • chimera422
    3 years ago
    Right before COVID hit in 2020, when it looked like things were about to get weird…. I hit 4 clubs one afternoon/evening to collect a bunch of memories….. not an efficient use of time/money as after a few indulgences, I was too pooped to pop, but ended the evening feeling sated and having had dances/rooms with around 20 dancers. (No, I’m not 💰💰💰, Outer Space/La Pearl have $5 dances. ). Was looking for variety….
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I respect your perseverance Evasparkling. I also respect that you weren’t driving. I have hit 3 clubs on a single night - but I don’t think I’ve hit 4.

    It is smart to bail - rather than try to make something happen - as some clubs just aren’t going to provide the services you want. It sounds as though it took time - but it was worth the effort - as you ended the night on a good note!
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Years back when I hit clubs a bit more often than I do now, it wasn’t uncommon to hit three or four clubs in one session, used to do the Palm Beach clubs and hit one if it was slow I’d move on to the next till I found a club with what I wanted, I did this in pompano too occasionally but the most I ever hit in one session was 3 or 4.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    I hit 3 clubs in pompano a few weeks ago with 25 as my tour guide (reviews not written yet). Only other time of at least 3 was Vegas and I think I hit 4, all because I couldn’t find what I was looking for.
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    Some areas are conducive to club hopping with multiple clubs within sight-lines. I will admit to having some level of FOMO in the situations. Pompano Beach, Washington Park, East Tampa, and Brooklyn IL back in the day come to mind. I have done 3 or 4 visits in one night many times in these locations.

  • joker44
    3 years ago
    In my area it's always best to have a backup club or 2 to bail to if club #1 is having an off night.
  • crosscheck
    3 years ago
    I've hit 3 in one night in Providence quite awhile ago, but never more than that.
  • minnow
    3 years ago
    I might have done 4 one night in Ft. Lauderdale area in my pre-tuscl life in the 80's. Since joining tuscl, my max has been 3, but involved doing afternoon shift at 1 club, and night at 2 others. I'm not a 19yo on spring break anymore.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    I do this fairly often even when I'm home in Louisville. I like seeing who's working, and sometimes get lucky with a new one. My current favorite club is usually last on the list, whether or not I've struck pay dirt elsewhere.

    When I'm out of town and there are multiple clubs, I'll sometimes try multiple, if I have time.
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