
Marriage through stripperweb

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 4:28 PM
Mediocrity is a member on [view link] with the most "thank you" posts...Also JD is a member on [view link] with the 5th most "thank you" posts. Nolamanager is a male member at stripperweb. [view link] To Mediocrity and Nolamanager! They are getting married this week! I thought they would totally make a good couple, so I gave M his number, and a few days later I got the good news! They hit it off so well that he couldn't wait to see her. He packed up and left town yesterday and they totally eloped! I am so happy for Mediocrity, she has been waiting for this for a long time and deserves it more than anybody! I wish both of you a lifetime of happiness and bliss! ===================================================================


  • nolamanager
    14 years ago
    You are reading into that what you want to, which is my mistake for not clarifying. When I wrote, "when the chance presents itself", I was referring to instances in which violence is unavoidable and instigated by an unruly customer. Violence in or even right outside of the club is a detriment in many ways, and I always make every attempt to avoid even verbal confrontations, although they are sometimes unavoidable. It was these unavoidable, customer instigated and escalated, situations I was referring to. As far as not feeling bad for customers, if you had heard the repugnant bile customers have said in my years in this business, or seen the effect on the girls both in their work and home life, you would be as jaded and unsympathetic as I am. Yes, I am stereotyping, but my stereotyping of customers was not an insult directly aimed at any one person, nor was it meant to be offensive. Satisfied, happy customers very rarely speak with the manager to convey their thoughts, however, dissatisfied, angry customers let the manager know nearly every time, and their complaints are usually due to their own delusions about what they feel they should have gotten or been permitted to do to the girl for their money. Customer service is far from dead, although it has become quite rare, but I have heard from many others involved in this and other service related industries, "The customer isn't always right, but the customer is always an asshole." I tend to agree with that blanket statement, but always listen to all involved or observant parties in order to suss out fact from fiction. Thank you Bob!
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    ss1- I noticed that too. I've also noticed that at least 2 of the 3 were Tuscl members- 1 of whom submitted an article (nola), and another who submitted a club review, but under a different name. What a small world!
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "they totally eloped!" yeah, what could go wrong with that?
  • jaxman5150
    14 years ago
    A drunkin whore and a sleezy club manager. Sounds like a marrage make alittle south of heaven.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I'm surprised that there aren't more crossover posters between TUSCL & SW blue.
  • Yoda
    14 years ago
    There have been a fair number of crossover posters over the years and also a few notable flame-outs who's names I can't really remember right now....
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    "A drunkin whore and a sleezy club manager. Sounds like a marrage make alittle south of heaven." LMFAO! I am tempted to copy/paste that to SW but they will ban me for saying something "mean"
  • jaxman5150
    14 years ago
    That's why its here and not there, lol. Did ya where she said they had sex less the 3 hours after their first meeting. Classy!!!
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    what took so long?
  • nolamanager
    14 years ago
    You know,I could say so very many things right now, but instead I will suffice it to say that people like the majority of users on this site are the reason why I can never feel bad for customers, and when the chance presents itself, I truly enjoy beating the shit out of an out of line customer, and having them arrested after beating the piss out of them gives me a permagrin for days. None of you know us in person, so who the fuck are you to make negative comments about us or our relationship? As far as that goes, you people are known for going looking for "high mileage" and "extras" girls, girls you have not known for more than a few minutes and you know nothing real about them, not even their names, so who is less "classy"? You all seem to have forgotten something, a persons job does not define them or make them who they are, it is merely how they make a living. Yes my wife is a dancer, but that does not make her a "drunken whore". Actually, she is a wonderfully intelligent witty girl who is going to school to be a doctor. In my case, I am a strip club manager, but I am as far from the stereotype "sleezy manager" as can be. I actually take care of my girls, get to know them, and never expect them to do anything for me but exactly what the job dictates and to follow the rules of the club, and the law. I am actually an audio engineer by training and I own a company, but I happen to enjoy this line of work, and it's quite lucrative. Some of you may be mechanics, does that automatically mean that you are a scam artist? What about those of you who may be a lawyer, are you automatically a scum sucking con man, always thinking of ways to legally rob people? The point is, just like you are not your job, neither are we. You all can say what you want, but my wife and I love each other dearly and could give two shits what a bunch of people on the internet think, especially when they are more than likely overweight, lonely, sad little men, which is why they have to go to strip clubs and pay for companionship, just praying for a girl to actually touch them. By the way, thanks for lining our pockets all these years, keep up the good work!
  • Bob_Loblaw
    14 years ago
    Congrats and best of luck to nola and med.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "I can never feel bad for customers, and when the chance presents itself, I truly enjoy beating the shit out of an out of line customer" And some people say customer service is dead.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    nolamanager, I did not intend to attack you personally with starting this thread because we have never met (and probably never will). It was meant to poke fun at the stripperweb persona. I have enjoyed reading your insight from the point of view of a strip club manager. When I get more free time this week I plan to peruse through your stripperweb posts. Wish you the best of luck with your marriage. Please accept my apologies.
  • RoyBatty
    14 years ago
    "And some people say customer service is dead." Steve that is funny. I bet he tries to beat the shit out of her in less than a year.
  • nolamanager
    14 years ago
    Samsung, I appreciate your apology, but yours was not the post which upset me. I am no longer a member of stripperweb and I have deleted the majority of my posts. Thank you for the good wishes, and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have should you like. To RoyBatty and others who share his opinions, say what you like, but my wife and I are going to have a happy future together and who I am at work and who I am at home are not the same, although in either instance, I am nonviolent by nature, unless put in an unavoidable situation and never with women.
  • mediocrity
    14 years ago
    Woooooow. Some people have some awfully strong opinions about people they don't even know. Seems to me that's a tad presumptuous. Ah, stereotypes. Unfortunately, I am not one.
  • mediocrity
    14 years ago
    Also samsung, where I do accept your apologies to my husband, laughing at someone calling me a "drunkin whore" [sic] is hardly something I'd consider favourable. C'mon you guys- I'm sure you've had your fair share of whores. I air-dance, so I'm worse than a whore I suspect- I'm a stone cold rip off.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    For what it's worth, I did PM founder and editor and asked them to delete this thread out of respect for fellow tuscl member nolamanager (and now mediocrity has joined). It shows that they both have opened the message but this thread still remains. (fyi when you send a PM it is stored in your "sent messages" and is in bold font until it is opened and then it is not bold).
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