Getting a girl's number

A girl at one of my usual places gave me her number and took mine. She will text me when she is working or ask when I'm going in again to see if she can work that day.
I don't know what to think of it. I think it's bad because, although she seems nice, it could just be a tactic to get my money -- her personal ATM. But it might be good because she wants to be my regular girl. When I go into a club I usually get a room, so I tend to drop a few bills.
What's your experience with texting or talking OTC?
last commentwell the good part and the bad part are both the same, she wants to be your regular girl because she wants your money.
You answered your own question - "I tend to drop a few bills". She's a salesman and you're a known spender, she's trying to cultivate the relationship and make you one of her clients just like any good salesman would.
Depending on the girl, you may get a lot of calls or texts now to come in when she's there. As troop says, it's both good and bad. It's easier to set up OTC stuff when you have their numbers, but it's also easier for them to bug you.
If you're going to make a habit of giving out your phone number to dancers, I suggest setting up a Google Voice number (an older article on this site may help with that) or buy a "burn" phone that you only use for this purpose. Too late for this girl, but any new ones should get a number you can turn off without losing contact with your family and other "normal" friends.
She's interested in you, and that can be a good thing. If she's your type, then you'll know when she's working and you can see her on a regular basis. But she sees you as a customer, not a boyfriend. As long as you pay what you feel is a fair price for her services, you will be okay. If she begins to ask for expensive gifts or "loans", you need to move on. Also, if you have a wife or serious girlfriend, you need to be careful, because they won't appreciate your friendship with a stripper.
highly doubt you will get OTC from this ROB if you go to the rooms with her. She knows you are a lucrative customer and wants to keep you coming back to see her. Any attempt you make at OTC will end up as "well I have to work but you can come and see me and we can get a room together there". It's stripper shit. Either a dancer will fuck for money or not there is no mystery to it.
And you will get calls when she's drunk, lonely or frightened and needs a "loan."
Take the girl's number. NEVER give her yours unless you have a throw-away phone like gmd suggests.
Wanna buy some numbers? I got some for sale cheap.
For a good time, call 867-5309, ask for Jenny.
"Loan" requests can be opportunities. Just make sure you don't pay until after you get yours, no matter how much she cries. :)
never exchange numbers. always keep the convo in the club and agree to meet ITC for OTC activities. know her schedule so you can meet her, but phone numbers shoudnt be exchanged never leave a trace back to you in case she wants to burn you or screw you over
dw: Over the years, I've met lots of girls who don't want to talk about such things, even "code", inside the club. Proper precautions should keep you under the radar.
LOL - all he asked was whether exchanging numbers is a good thing. This went from the relative benefits of this practice to the girl being a ROB, looking for a loan or otherwise planning on stiffing the guy.
I am a little surprised by the responses. This practice is actually not uncommon. She is probably doing it in order to let him know when she is working or to otherwise try to drum up business, but so what?
I have girls texting me from all over the country, some of whom I have done OTC with. But the number exchange almost always happened before the OTC. Perhaps this will be nothing, maybe it will develop into something, but if he always keeps his wits about him then it should not matter if she has his cell number and texts him.
Moose42, what do you want? If you want to spend time with her in the club, then coordinating your visits with her schedule is just dandy. If you want an OTC experience, then you have to take the initiative. Next time she txt messages you with "hey, are you coming in tonight?", reply with "sorry, cant, but do u wanna meet outside the club in a few days?" Her response will tell u everything u need to know.
I've not hap a lot of numbers, but I can't recall any bad experiences. That is not to say that they won't cost you.
Been there, done that. It's my experience, the dancer wants you to come in and spend some money on her. That's cool, if I like the experience, I may well do so. Buyer beware. LOL
It's all good until you reach the point you don't want her to call anymore.
tx: At which time something like GV comes in handy. You can indicate that a certain number is "spam" and when that number calls, they'll get a "number no longer in service" type of message.
The real question is, do you want to be on some dancer's marketing phonebook list? Because that's what it is. If you like her and she's fun, who cares if she wants to let you know when she's working. Well, you might when it turns into phone spam.
But you'll quickly find out if you're just another marketing name or someone special by how she responds to you.
A coule other facts about dancers and phone numbers.
Unless you know you're talkijng about some OTC, getting a dancer's number is nothing special or permanent. Between not paying their bills and changing phones, their numbers change a lot.
An ex dancer friend tells me that smart dancers buy a separate phone to use just so they can give out a number to a customer without it intruding into their private lives. The "customer" phone can either be off, ignored or answered depending on her personal situation at at any time.
But when she wants to send out a marketing alert to all her customers, she types in one text message about when she's working and sends it to everybody on the list. It probably takes less than a minute.
And, ex dancerws tell me that they ofdter buy separete phone just
Another poor editing job! --gk
Another poor editing job! --gk
I have to agree with GK about the separate phones. When I first met my original ATF she gave me her cell phone number. Later she gave me her P.O. Box address. Later she gave me her street address and home phone number. Later she gave me her cell number reserved for family and friends. Later she bought me an answering machine to leave me messages.
She and now gridget are the only ones to ever have me phone number and street address. Of course gridget does not really gualify as an ATF anymore. Way beyond that!
Speaking of getting numbers. Last month after a BBBJ from the club slut, she gave me her number. It was already written down on a piece of note paper. She must give them out by the hundreds. Later pop came into the club. He gave me 4 free entrance passes and 4 more for the zoo. I felt like I should give him something in return. So I gave him the slut's number. I'll bet he really treasures that. lol.
You are an evil man!
Maybe you'll get lucky and she'll put you in her phone under "money." At least you'll get called.
as many have said: if you're handing out a phone number, make sure it's to a pre-paid you can get rid of if you need to, preferably one you buy someplace you don't usually go, and with cash. ten-to-twenty bucks will set you up, so the investment isn't all that great, and it gives you at least one level of protection in case the woman decides she wants money you don't have....and won't take no for an answer.
I still don't have a throw away phone or cell phone. I haven't had any trouble with my land line though. I don't hardly ever give it out anymore though and often don't even answer the phone letting the answering machine pick up. I found in the past dancers did not like to leave any messages on an answering machine. They will call multiple times if they really want to contact you though. I'm still seeing in a club one dancer who talked about exchanging numbers when I first met her. I lost a lot of interest in her and the amount of money she has tried to get out of me in the club has gone way down. All the talk since we first met has died out about exchanging numbers etc. There is a small chance I could run into her at a regular club since she mentioned she often stops by there first and I plan to eventually try out some regular clubs again. She thought I was a big spender and that was not the impression I wanted to give out when we first met. I think that tells me everything I needed to know about her asking for my number when we first met. Now that she sees me not spending as much, she hasn't asked again. I thought it was all a gimmick. I could still be proven wrong but I don't want to be seen as an easy way to get money.
I'm 1.5 hrs away from the nearest club to which I venture. Because of that, establishing communication is a must because I sure as hell don't want to drive that distance without knowning who will be in the club. Because of that, when I find a girl that I want to pursue, I give them my business card. Usually I redact the cell number so that they only have my office phone. When I really am interested, she will get my cell number, too.
True, this isn't the wisest move. I have received calls and text at very shall we say inopportune times that have nearly resulted in problems on the home front, but so far, nothing too earth shattering.
If you are going to OTC, it's imperative to have a method of communication. There have been several times that without the phone connection the OTC probably wouldn't have happened 'cause the girl wasn't able to find my hotel.
So we all get strippers Phone numbers. Any body besides me ever get a stripper's husband's phone number? About a year ago one of my favorites wrote her name and cell number on a napkin. Below it she wrote her husbands name and number. She said that if I ever needed help to call her and if I couldn't get hold of her to call him. I showed it some other dancers. They said that if I ever needed help to call him.So far I have never needed to call either one.
"I give them my business card"
With some good card stock and a laser printer you can make your own strip club cards, with just your first name (or your "club name') and goggle voice number, to give out. Hypothetically speaking, of course.
I remember one club that I used to visit years ago did not allow dancers to get customers business cards. I often saw them in the men's urinals in the bathroom after some guy gave a dancer a card. Apparently the bouncers were given the cards or they took them and showed everyone what they thought about giving out your business card. At other clubs, phone numbers were written on napkins without anyone complaining. I'm thinking the one club I used to go to was strict.
If I really need a phone, I could just go and buy a disposable. Some phone companies are making it easier and easier. I saw a commercial last night for as low as $10 a month. If I could get reliable internet service at low cost plus phone at low cost for only when I needed it, I might go after it. I haven't seen it yet.
Example of what I want: a reliable data network that doesn't routinely lose service inside buildings like AT&T's edge network does plus a simple phone plan that could be activated only when needed. Do this for a routine $25 a month for 2 gig data and minutes used or $10 a month phone for only those months when activated and I'd buy it. If I hardly ever talk to anyone on the phone and don't activate the phone portion of the simple phone, I don't get charged for any phone plan, only the data plan. If I started using the phone as my regular phone, then the wireless phone carrier wins and I drop my landline service and upgrade my cell phone service.
OK, yet another plug for using Google Voice:
A dancer's husband used to work with/for me. And of course I knew his number and where they lived.
with every phone on internet now adays and everyone on myspace, facebook, twitter, and the millions of other sites why not give out email or internet social pages that have networking so you can digitally see when they are on duty.
hell the dancer can even set up a calendar online and block out times for her 'dates', and days she will dance. technology is a beautiful thing