Anyway shadowcat, I think sometime ago I had told you that I was dating a Blue Diamond stripper's (Naughty) mother, named Mary. It all began early on when I first started going to the Blue Diamond, sometime in late 2008. I had first hooked up with Naughty (real name Louise) who gave the best damned blowjobs in the club, although a spitter! After knowing her for a couple months, I was on the smoking patio when Naughty came out talking on a cellphone. She told me she had been talking with her mother (Mary). Then Naughty said, "You should meet my mom, she's cool." I told her to give me her cell number and I would call. Well, I waited a few months because I knew her mom had been living with and dating some dude who owned a Harley motorcycle. This is what captured Mary's attention to him. Well, I kept asking Naughty how her mother was doing, and she finally said ok, except she wasn't getting along with her boyfriend and wanted to move out from him. Well, that evening I texted Mary a message saying "Sweet Dreams" on the way home from the club. She texted back, who is this, XXX? That's how it started! Mary also has another stripper daughter by the real name of Paulette (forgot her stage name). Well, Paulette is better looking than Naughty, but just as hot and nasty and can suck a dick like her mom (deep throat)! Naughty can't take length, but in place, sucks like a Hoover vaccum! I mean you would think she would suck it right off of you!!! That hard of a suction! Anyway, Mary knew I had been getting blowjobs from both her daughters and getting jacked, but didn't care nor didn't bother her, as this is how her daughters made their money. In fact, Mary would rather I stuck with one of her daughters while at the club, even knowing they were going to be playing with HER play toy, my dick! Never got into a mom and daughter thing as I never pushed it. But, there were a couple of times when I would take bring Mary to the club with me, even with Naughty dancing that evening. Mary said she wanted to watch her daughter dance. I told her that she may end up seeing her daughter play with my dick. Mary said, ok, doesn't bother me. So, I would buy Mary bar priced drinks at $6.25 a pop. After a few drinks, I would have Mary jacking my cock off under the bar in plain view of customers and other dancers, especially when they would come around for their tips. One time, Naughty got off stage and started the tip walk around the bar. Her mom already had my dick out jacking away. When Naughty approached for her dance tip (I have a stack of ones on the bartop), she looked down watching her mom jacking away on me! She asks her mom to get her a one dollar bill from my stack and give it to her. Her mom lets go of my cock to get the bill and Naughty immediately goes down and starts sucking away on me!!! Her mom turns around and starts laughing her as off and watching!!! About 15 seconds of blowing and Naughty stands up and takes the dollar bill and moves on! Later that evening, I'm out on the patio having a cigarette while Mary goes to the bathroom. Happens to be Naughty and a couple other hot dancers out with me, smoking. Mary joins us (she doesn't smoke). The other dancers want to play with my dick but aren't sure how Mary would react. So, knowing how well Mary can deep throat me, I tell Mary, "Hey hon, how about showing these girls how well you can deep throat!" So, I'm still hard as a rock and Mary says, "No problem!" She takes me out of the zipper and begins sucking like a stuck pig and taking all of me inside her mouth, doing the gagging thing like the girls in the movies do with all that extra spit and stuff. The other dancers are just stareing with eyes and mouth wide open! It was so funny! Actually, that turned out well, as later on, weeks later, those couple of other dancers that were watching Mary deep throat me, wanted to try me on for size in their mouths. They couldn't do the deep throat thing on me but I sure enjoyed their using me as practice!!! One time, without Mary at the club, both Naughty and Paulette were dancing. We all ended up on the patio smoking, just the three of us. They both started playing with Mr Happy and got him up. I told them it was my turn to please them. So they both sat on railings and pulled their g-strings aside and I would take turns sucking on their clits! These slut sisters were amazing!!
Art, I am sure that harrydave would vouch for the authenticity of this email. If he is not around, I will show the original to vincemichaels. He should be at my house in about 30-40 minutes. lol...
Hey shadowcat, thought I'd get the first of two "almost" chances of a mom/daughter get together written before lunch.
I remember it was on a Friday evening because the club (BD) was closed on Saturdays and when I took Mary to the club, it would be on a Friday only, because I had to meet my friends Joe & Donna every Friday evening. Of course Naughty was dancing and as usual getting a lot of customers to buy her beers and shots. Mary and I would be sitting with Joe & Donna, me sipping on a coke and Mary doing her $6.25 bar priced drinks, getting drunk. Remember I told you about Joe and Donna? The wild couple where Joe always wanted Donna to get drunk and relax so she would start getting frisky with whomever she wanted? (She would always hit on me, but with Mary with me that evening, she didn't) Anyway, as the evening goes on, Mary's got my cock out and jacking away and Donna, who is sitting on the other side of me, looks over and blushes. I had told Mary earlier about Joe and Donna, where Donna would get frisky with me and it was ok with Joe. So, Mary points my hardon over toward Donna and says, "You can have a turn at it!" Joe and I crack up because we know as much as Donna wants to stroke me, she didn't dare even with Mary's invitation. Anyway, Mary and Naughty gets blitzed that evening and we close the club. I'm driving them home (they are temporarily living at Mary's mother apartment). On the way home, Mary's jacking away on me while Naughty is in the backseat finger fucking herself watching the action. Naughty says, "Mom, go down on Tim, he likes it!" Of course Mary starts sucking away and this is turning Naughty on all that much. I didn't find any wet spots on the backseat the next day, thank Gawd!! We get home and both ladies go upstairs to change and get ready for bed. Mary brings down a sheet and blanket for us on the couch. I make the couch up in a bed. I'm completely naked laying on the couch with just the sheet over me. Mary's in the kitchen piddling around when Naughty comes down stairs wearing just a long white man's T-shirt. As Naughty passes me, she raises it to show me her cunt and smiles. She's caught doing this my her mom and Mary says, "NAUGHTY! Behave!" Well, after awhile, about 3:00AM, Mary and Naughty had been talking about Naughty's heroin problem, how her mom doesn't like it, blah blah blah, but always will support Naughty. They start crying and hugging and they pull me into a few hugs. All this time, my dick is getting stiff just thinking about taking advantage of these two drunk broads, at this time! I occassionally stoke my cock when Naughty looks over but she says nothing and I don't want to piss Mary off, so I behave myself. Eventually, Naughty goes upstairs to bed and Mary joins me on the couch for the night. That's about it. Wish I had "instant replay" capabilities about now! LOL
All this Mother/Daughter stuff reminds me of a joke.
A guy was sitting at a bar when an attractive 50ish woman came in and sat next to him. He bought her a few drinks and they had a nice conversation when she remarked, "Have you ever had a 'Homerun'?" "I've never been much of a baseball player," he replied. "No, silly," she responded. "A Homerun is sex with both a mother and daughter. Would you like to do that?" "Let's go!" the man answered and off they went to the woman's house. As they entered the house she turned to the guy and asked, "Are you ready for a Homerun?" By this time he was plenty aroused and said, "Let's do it!" Whereupon the woman yelled downstairs, "Mama, are you still awake?"
I keep hearing "Dear penthouse letters...I never thought this would happen to me..."
I can't imagine this happening in any of the clubs I've gone to in Columbus. There have been a few girls that looked like they had a heroine problem though...that's as close as it gets. A dancer at Rachels on the east side did complain to me about another girl who was giving the friend of a manager a bj. She didn't seem to approve so I didn't get any dances from her.
This is not made up. I went to Blue Diamond myself to meet with shadowcat's buddy and got a BBBJ right there at the bar stool in plain sight. The cost was to keep buying her $10-20 dancer drinks. If you could finish early enough, it would have only been a $20 BBBJ but it ended up being more like a $100 BBBJ because it took me a while to getting used to doing it without any privacy! The H8S action takes place back in the dark uncomfortable VIP area with a bouncer standing right outside. Not quite as high mileage as Blue Diamond but still a great club.
In 1985, I had this really great, but brief, job in downtown Albuquerque. I worked one night a week (+ 4 mids). One night, this stunning blonde came in, delivering papers. When she left, I commented on her. "That's nothing" he said, "you should see the daughter"
A couple of weeks later, I was under a desk, fixing an electrical outlet (cable/antannae hookup). I heard a nose, and glimpsing up, I see this pair of really nice breasts poorly covered by a half T shirt.
I scooted out from under the desk and saw this stunning blonde teen. I looked at her and tried not to drool. "Where's Jorge ?" she asked.
"Getting parts out of a storeroom."
"Here" she said, handing me half a dozen papers.
"My mom was fifteen when she had me" she said before turning and walking out.
When Jorge returned, I told him what appened. He replied "Yeah, a couple of guys here have been double teamed by them." __________________________
Hey, I know where those emails come from! It's all true guys. Too bad the BD got shut down. If was fun at the bar, out on the deck, and in car on the way out....
Blue Diamond stories are probably endless, and I have had the goos fortune to be a participant in some. Most of that was thanks to Shadowcat's email correspondent.
The first time I went into BD, it was to meet our correspondent. I arrived about 5:30 pm and he was standing at the bar near the back, next to a girl. I walked up and he introduced me to "Jade", who said hi to me on her left, while she handled our correspondent on her right side. I later learned she was ambidextrous.
After a while, our correspondent suggested we go out on the porch for a smoke. I do not smoke, but I had heard the porch was a good place, so out we three go. What next occurred was typical at the time. Our correspondent positions himself at a slightly obscured spot and Jade proceeds to give him head. A few minutes later, I am invited to trade places with our correspondent, and the lady works on me. A few minutes later it is history. BBBJCIM with swallow, a smile and a "Thank You" from the lady! It turns out, this is her specialty.
Cool place, too bad it closed. I'm down in Atlanta at Shadowcat's place. We went to Follies yesterday here in Atlanta and had a good time. Not quite the experience as mentioned in this thread, but I recommend Follies as a place to experience.
Some people say that a dog's mouth is very sterile.
I never went to those places in Cbus...maybe I should have. I guess I can't picture much happening in any of the clubs I've been to in Cbus would have been a better way to state it.
Prim0, Blue Diamond was not a place that welcomed new customers very well so maybe best you did not go. I only had a great time because I met up with one of their regulars there who gave me a proper introduction to Naughty.
last commentHey shadowcat, thought I'd get the first of two "almost" chances of a mom/daughter get together written before lunch.
I remember it was on a Friday evening because the club (BD) was closed on Saturdays and when I took Mary to the club, it would be on a Friday only, because I had to meet my friends Joe & Donna every Friday evening. Of course Naughty was dancing and as usual getting a lot of customers to buy her beers and shots. Mary and I would be sitting with Joe & Donna, me sipping on a coke and Mary doing her $6.25 bar priced drinks, getting drunk. Remember I told you about Joe and Donna? The wild couple where Joe always wanted Donna to get drunk and relax so she would start getting frisky with whomever she wanted? (She would always hit on me, but with Mary with me that evening, she didn't) Anyway, as the evening goes on, Mary's got my cock out and jacking away and Donna, who is sitting on the other side of me, looks over and blushes. I had told Mary earlier about Joe and Donna, where Donna would get frisky with me and it was ok with Joe. So, Mary points my hardon over toward Donna and says, "You can have a turn at it!" Joe and I crack up because we know as much as Donna wants to stroke me, she didn't dare even with Mary's invitation. Anyway, Mary and Naughty gets blitzed that evening and we close the club. I'm driving them home (they are temporarily living at Mary's mother apartment). On the way home, Mary's jacking away on me while Naughty is in the backseat finger fucking herself watching the action. Naughty says, "Mom, go down on Tim, he likes it!" Of course Mary starts sucking away and this is turning Naughty on all that much. I didn't find any wet spots on the backseat the next day, thank Gawd!! We get home and both ladies go upstairs to change and get ready for bed. Mary brings down a sheet and blanket for us on the couch. I make the couch up in a bed. I'm completely naked laying on the couch with just the sheet over me. Mary's in the kitchen piddling around when Naughty comes down stairs wearing just a long white man's T-shirt. As Naughty passes me, she raises it to show me her cunt and smiles. She's caught doing this my her mom and Mary says, "NAUGHTY! Behave!" Well, after awhile, about 3:00AM, Mary and Naughty had been talking about Naughty's heroin problem, how her mom doesn't like it, blah blah blah, but always will support Naughty. They start crying and hugging and they pull me into a few hugs. All this time, my dick is getting stiff just thinking about taking advantage of these two drunk broads, at this time! I occassionally stoke my cock when Naughty looks over but she says nothing and I don't want to piss Mary off, so I behave myself. Eventually, Naughty goes upstairs to bed and Mary joins me on the couch for the night.
That's about it. Wish I had "instant replay" capabilities about now! LOL
A guy was sitting at a bar when an attractive 50ish woman came in and sat next to him. He bought her a few drinks and they had a nice conversation when she remarked, "Have you ever had a 'Homerun'?" "I've never been much of a baseball player," he replied. "No, silly," she responded. "A Homerun is sex with both a mother and daughter. Would you like to do that?"
"Let's go!" the man answered and off they went to the woman's house. As they entered the house she turned to the guy and asked, "Are you ready for a Homerun?" By this time he was plenty aroused and said, "Let's do it!" Whereupon the woman yelled downstairs, "Mama, are you still awake?"
I can't imagine this happening in any of the clubs I've gone to in Columbus. There have been a few girls that looked like they had a heroine problem though...that's as close as it gets. A dancer at Rachels on the east side did complain to me about another girl who was giving the friend of a manager a bj. She didn't seem to approve so I didn't get any dances from her.
The H8S action takes place back in the dark uncomfortable VIP area with a bouncer standing right outside. Not quite as high mileage as Blue Diamond but still a great club.
A couple of weeks later, I was under a desk, fixing an electrical outlet (cable/antannae hookup). I heard a nose, and glimpsing up, I see this pair of really nice breasts poorly covered by a half T shirt.
I scooted out from under the desk and saw this stunning blonde teen. I looked at her and tried not to drool. "Where's Jorge ?" she asked.
"Getting parts out of a storeroom."
"Here" she said, handing me half a dozen papers.
"My mom was fifteen when she had me" she said before turning and walking out.
When Jorge returned, I told him what appened. He replied "Yeah, a couple of guys here have been double teamed by them."
It was a lot to process.
The first time I went into BD, it was to meet our correspondent. I arrived about 5:30 pm and he was standing at the bar near the back, next to a girl. I walked up and he introduced me to "Jade", who said hi to me on her left, while she handled our correspondent on her right side. I later learned she was ambidextrous.
After a while, our correspondent suggested we go out on the porch for a smoke. I do not smoke, but I had heard the porch was a good place, so out we three go. What next occurred was typical at the time. Our correspondent positions himself at a slightly obscured spot and Jade proceeds to give him head. A few minutes later, I am invited to trade places with our correspondent, and the lady works on me. A few minutes later it is history. BBBJCIM with swallow, a smile and a "Thank You" from the lady! It turns out, this is her specialty.
We go back inside and the fun continues...
On to Talladega !!!
I never went to those places in Cbus...maybe I should have. I guess I can't picture much happening in any of the clubs I've been to in Cbus would have been a better way to state it.