Showers for the girls in clubs
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Only one club that I know of (based on comments from the girls) that has a shower specifically for the dancers. A couple more have "shower shows" where you pay a hefty sum and watch the girls take a shower. Knowing the clubs in question, I seriously doubt there's any contact.
All that said, I think a much cheaper shower show could work, too. A $5-$10 admission for an area just for viewing, as long as it fit multiple people without crowding, could make the club some money *and* let the girls clean up. If the girls shared the revenue, they might be more willing to shower in public.
Anybody ever seen anything like this? Has it worked?
All that said, I think a much cheaper shower show could work, too. A $5-$10 admission for an area just for viewing, as long as it fit multiple people without crowding, could make the club some money *and* let the girls clean up. If the girls shared the revenue, they might be more willing to shower in public.
Anybody ever seen anything like this? Has it worked?
I don't know. The perv in me thinks the dancers could make a mint if they washed each *other.* :)
It was still fairly entertaining. BUT, keep in mind, this was my first experience at a club, and I really wasn't that impressed. (of course who WOULD be impressed with The Torch?! Unforunately, I missed the days when the place was more of a brothel than a strip club. Hell, now it doens't even pass for a strip club!)
Side note: It wasn't until about five years later that I REALLY discovered strip clubs and what they can be. It was on a business trip to Philly, and a girl at Cheerleaders was able to empty my wallet. I was hooked from that day on.
What was even better was the Oil Show they had with two gfirls on their nude stage with a bottle of lotion. It was guaranted woody time as the girls usually ate eacher out.
I'm always amazed at the lines some poeple draw. A LD is ok, but watching a stripper shower is too much. A BJ/FS is ok, but a kiss is too personal. LOL
LOL, unfortunately i've had a couple of those experiences too :(
The only two shower shows I've seen were two-girl affairs, but they were really not very interesting. The visibility was poor, and, of course, contact was out of the question.
Better in theory than in practice, IMHO.