
Showers for the girls in clubs

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Sunday, October 31, 2010 10:35 PM
Only one club that I know of (based on comments from the girls) that has a shower specifically for the dancers. A couple more have "shower shows" where you pay a hefty sum and watch the girls take a shower. Knowing the clubs in question, I seriously doubt there's any contact. All that said, I think a much cheaper shower show could work, too. A $5-$10 admission for an area just for viewing, as long as it fit multiple people without crowding, could make the club some money *and* let the girls clean up. If the girls shared the revenue, they might be more willing to shower in public. Anybody ever seen anything like this? Has it worked?


  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    One of our clubs, The Landing Strip had a shower stall next to the main stage several years ago. For a fee, a customer could join the dancer in the stall and wash her. It looked like fun, but the current owner took it out.
  • coolieboy
    14 years ago
    there was talk of this concept a few years back in Miami at cheetahII but was shot down by the dancers. Apparently the girls complained that it will only attract the pervs of the club and not the true gentleman. I think its an ok idea...wait ummm does this make a perv? LOL!
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I wonder what set it apart from stage and lap dancing for those girls who objected? It seems to me to be little different from those, as long as it's view only. Maybe showering felt more personal, and watching more of an invasion of privacy than dancing? I don't know. The perv in me thinks the dancers could make a mint if they washed each *other.* :)
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    St. James has had a shower mounted above the stage since it was rebuilt 10-11 years ago. It rarely gets used. Used to when the novelty was new, but hardly ever anymore.
  • coolieboy
    14 years ago
    the perv aspect according to a few of the femmes that i spoke to about the concept, was not so much the fact of showering..it was more so the fact of the seating arrangement. Apparently the concept that was pitched to them,was to have it set up as a "peep show" atmosphere. There would be individual chairs/couches and a medium size wall to separate each patron in order to create a "vip" atmosphere. The girls were concerned to to see some guy wankin off while watching them shower....not sure how that differs from the couch room/vip room/members only section etc etc...
  • DougS
    14 years ago
    MANY years ago, the first club I ever visited (The Torch) in South Bend, had a shower to the left of the stage and was used for shower shows. Guys would toss money over the glass shower walls and the girls would umm...wash. Actually, they'd pretend to be "doing things" to each other, but if you looked closely (and I DID! [wink]) you could tell nothing was really happening. They'd also use white shower gel and pretend it was cum running down their bodies. It was still fairly entertaining. BUT, keep in mind, this was my first experience at a club, and I really wasn't that impressed. (of course who WOULD be impressed with The Torch?! Unforunately, I missed the days when the place was more of a brothel than a strip club. Hell, now it doens't even pass for a strip club!) Side note: It wasn't until about five years later that I REALLY discovered strip clubs and what they can be. It was on a business trip to Philly, and a girl at Cheerleaders was able to empty my wallet. I was hooked from that day on.
  • coolieboy
    14 years ago
    aaahhhh the good ol brothel days.. =)
  • gk
    14 years ago
    I remember the old Circus and Sideshow in Cleveland had a shower show. The shower was all plexiglass wityh small holes you cold stuff tips through while the girls washed each other and "did stuff" ito each other. Mostly fake, but some really did sstuff. What was even better was the Oil Show they had with two gfirls on their nude stage with a bottle of lotion. It was guaranted woody time as the girls usually ate eacher out.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    This thread reminds me of the shower scene from Porky's. I'm always amazed at the lines some poeple draw. A LD is ok, but watching a stripper shower is too much. A BJ/FS is ok, but a kiss is too personal. LOL
  • dustyshoes
    14 years ago
    In Darien Wi. at Showpalace, they have a shower with 3 shower heads. It is hardly used, however and I don't know why. Probably because of the lack of custies. When they have a show, it's 2 girl and they soap up each other and the guys sit around a tip rail and slap $5 on their ass. I would think they would be anxious to do these but I don't know.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    I have had unfortunate lap dances from ladies who were in desperate need of a shower before they parked themselves on my lap.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    ^ LOL, unfortunately i've had a couple of those experiences too :(
  • glen_livet
    14 years ago
    A local club has a shower stage that is very rarely used. I asked one of the dancers about it, she said the dancers didn't care for it because it took too long to get stage-ready afterward (gotta dry off, re-apply make up & glitter, etc.) The only two shower shows I've seen were two-girl affairs, but they were really not very interesting. The visibility was poor, and, of course, contact was out of the question. Better in theory than in practice, IMHO.
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