OTC at Her House

avatar for rickdugan
I've read many tales about OTC in strippers' homes but never did this before. Most of my OTC happens when I travel (which is very often) and even when it is local I usually get a room. However, the other night I hooked back up with a fav in a local club and ended up at her house after hours. She is a longtime fav, we live in the same part of the city, we know where each others' kids go to school and she is otherwise a level headed girl, so I wasn't really worried about the ambush crap and other nonsense that I read about on here. I was also initially glad to avoid having to check in to a hotel, but in hindsight I wonder about the decision for the reasons below.

I can sum up the experience in one word: depressing. Don't get me wrong, the sex was great, but everything else about the experience was a bit seedy. She lived in a decent house, but clearly did not have the money to furnish it. Her daughter's room was ok, in a trailer park over-done pink sort of way, but the place was empty otherwise. We had our sex on an air mattress, which is what this dancer sleeps on. Seeing how she lived really put a damper on the whole thing somehow and I enjoyed it more when it was an illicit car or hotel adventure.

This in-home adventure is really going to make me hesitant the next time I consider fucking a dancer at her place.


last comment
avatar for Notsosly
14 years ago
Hotel room or ITC. I would never consider anywhere else... for the reasons you described, as well as many other darker tales I've heard.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
OOOOOH rickdugan:

I am still a rookie here but I realize the potent effects of the fantasy involved in what we horndogs choose to pursue.

For that reason my OTC escapades ALWAYS take place in a hotel room.

I don't presume to preach to someone whom I consider to be one of the tuscl masters but I think this way to go is rife with difficulties.

Remember, I am an Alberta hillbilly who has spent a considerable part of my life with my head comfortably stuck up my ass!!
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
With all my ATF's, I had similar experiences. Their place was crappy. 1st ATF liked my place, but OTC Gal didn't.
avatar for Otto22
14 years ago
Thanks for the confirmation of my long-held view that stripping is not nearly as lucrative as the pinkies on SW assert. The fact is that many of the lovelies that we enjoy in the club live chaotic lives OTC. While many have invited me to "come on over to my house", I have always resisted. No I know why.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Rick, I've been to one girl's house, but like you, I've known her for quite some time. Luckily, it isn't as...uncomfortable as your experience was, but your point is well taken. Beware.
avatar for sinclair
14 years ago
Was it at least an AeroBed?
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
I was sitting with a couple dancers. One asked if I lived close to the club. I laughed at the idea, "Me? Live around here? In this neighborhood? You gotta be kidding me."

She shot me a look, and stormed off. I looked over to the another dancer with a "what gives" expression and she shrugged and said "She lives two streets over." Oops.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
14 years ago
One night I got lucky and arranged an OTC "date" with one of my favorites. She suggested her house. How sweet, I thought. I will save money & still have a great time.

Just before we got to her house she casually mentioned that her boyfriend wouldn't be home until the next day. I quickly turned around and headed straight for the local Holiday Inn. You never know how close you might come to an ass-whipping from a pissed off boyfriend. So I learned my lesson that night the easy way. Don,t go home with them.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
Well, to those that re-raised the risk issues, I will just say that I have known her for a while and it was a local situation with little risk.

Otto, any number of guys on here could confirm that 100 times over. Many of these girls are almost perpetually broke, even those that make good money. In these times, however, the girls banking consistently are few and far between.

sinclair - lol - honestly I couldn't see past the pussy placed on my face. Or perhaps I was distracted by the mouth on my cock WHILE the pussy was in my face, but whichever... ;)

farmer, nobody has been doing this for so long that he cannot learn or experience something knew - hell, recently shadowcat told a mother/daughter story that blew anything away that I've ever done and was both salacious and weirdly depressing.

avatar for Moose42
14 years ago
I'm more interested in how OTC gets set up; but I'll probably be better off not thinking about it and letting it happen.

As far as your experience at her place.....you did what you had to do.
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
At least her father didn't knock on the door to ask how much money she brought home while you were there.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
I have been to some dancers' houses and apartments that are decent. These were very attractive dancers who earned good money. But most strippers live in poor neighborhoods and their homes are decorated in trailer-trash style. These girls are not well-educated or sophisticated, and even if they make good money they don't handle it well. These days when I hook up with dancers OTC, I use my house--needless to say, I'm single.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
come on rick, the air mattress was there because she uses it during the summer when she floats around in her olympic size pool out back.. lol

imo i see alot of generalizations in many of the comments. sure there are lots of ghetto/hillbilly/crackhead strippers that live like vermin in some dump but there are some that are really living well.. ok not as many as the ones living in a dump.
avatar for magicrat
14 years ago
I haven't done otc at a stripper's house, but I have either picked them up for otc in a hotel or driven them home a few times. Most are as Rick describes although a couple times they've lived in an apartment complex. I never went inside so I can't speak to the furnishings, but most do seem to barely get by. One actually told me yesterday that she had paid her bills for the month and could now make some $ for herself. I didn't ask if that was October's bills (probably) or November's.
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
Dang, rick - that does sound depressing.
I don't think I could handle the in-your-face reality of seeing how some of these women actually live. I guess that's why a nice clean (and sometimes fancy) hotel room keeps that perfect fantasy & illusion going after you've left the club.

avatar for GSWx4
14 years ago
"Many of these girls are almost perpetually broke, even those that make good money" - The one stripper's house I went to was a complete dump. Even though she brought in good money, she was evicted three weeks later because she couldn't pay her rent.
avatar for DougS
14 years ago
I've never been invited home. All of my OTC encounters have been in a hotel, save a few hookups in my vehicle, though not sure that still qualifies as OTC.

I'm paranoid - and get more so the older I get, so I would never consider going to her place, even if the opportunity presented itself.

In regards to the money / living conditions of the average dancers, I think they have the POTENTIAL to make big bucks, and some do. Not to toss out more generalizations, but these girls don't always have the most common sense, and are not the type that would be frugal. They live for "NOW" and don't care about the future, thus they tend to blow (no pun intended) what money they make on cars, big screen TVs, clothes, drugs, and far too many are supporting loser BFs and/or husbands. You also have the girls that don't make much because they either don't hustle enough or just not attractive / talented enough.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
I have a dancer right now that I've known for years, that keeps asking me to call her and come over to her place. I've yet to do so, but I would rather give her the cash than give it to a club. Somehow, I just can't bring myself to call her. I'm not sure why.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
DougS says: "save a few hookups in my vehicle, though not sure that still qualifies as OTC."

Unless you parked your car inside the club, I don't see how it could qualify as anything else. :)
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"Many of these girls are almost perpetually broke, even those that make good money"

From talking to dancers, I sometimes think that strippers are keeping half the lawyers in the country working. Between DUIs, child custody/child support cases, immigration issues, etc. a lot of their earnings seem to go towards lawyer fees.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
lol@gmd - have to agree that a car adventure is OTC.

lopaw, I have to admit that my little head was doing the thinking. It's funny how I only found the scene depressing AFTER the event was finished. When I set this up it seemed to be a wonderful idea - close to the club without the hastle of setting up the hotel room. I think next time I will deal with the hotel - the sex was good but doing it on an air mattress kinda' sucked.

moose, read up around here and you'll see plenty of discussions about OTC. Step 1, however, is (if you have not already done so) to grow a pair and not get too worried if you offend someone in the process. After that, Step 2 involves sourcing your best potential spots, Step 3 involves learning the ideal approach, etc, etc.

avatar for troop
14 years ago
georgmicrodong says Posted: 11/06/10
DougS says: "save a few hookups in my vehicle, though not sure that still qualifies as OTC."

Unless you parked your car inside the club, I don't see how it could qualify as anything else. :)


my 1st thought too lol
avatar for DougS
14 years ago
GMD / Troop;

Actually the last time I had a hookup my my vehicle, it damned near became an catastrophic ITT.

It started out with a smokin' blonde at BBF, and some excellent dances and a smattering of dirty talk. I thought we had a good mix of chemistry flowing. I'd had more than my share to drink so a few things were fuzzy, but she started talking about how she got turned on when she gave "Wild Head" (I think that's what she called it.. when asked, she said it's suckin' a guy off while he's driving). I was all for being her "subject", and she promised to meet me after the club closed. We did quite a few dances, then she said she had a few other guys that she'd promised dances with, and that she'd meet me in the parking lot after 3am.

I was gettin' annoyed that she was spending time with the other guys (I hate sharing), but when the lights came up at 3am, she came by and said "see ya outside". I quickly headed to the parking lot and drove around to where the dancers park and waited. I saw girl after girl come out.. not her. The DJ was hangin' around - probably to see what I was up to. The security guard was watching, too. I started thinking that there was no way that she was going to come to my truck with all of these guys around. Then it hit me that she had never planned to meet me. No more girls were coming out, and I was sitting there feeling pretty silly fallin' for it.

About 3:40, I decided it was over... time to head back to my hotel. On the way back, I drove past a gas station that had a lower price than I had seen lately, so thought I might as well get some gas. As I stood there pumpin' gas (NOT what I wanted to be pumpin'!), I glanced up at the station, and in the convenience a blonde caught my attention. DAMN!, I thought to myself... nice hair...(my fetish)... so I decided to finish fillin' up and wait to see what she looked like. To my surprise, it was Miss Blonde from BBF ... the one that had stood me up. I intercepted her on the way to her car and said "Hi!". She looked pretty flustered. Probably didn't expect ME! She CLAIMED that she couldn't find me and thought >>I<< stood HER up! (whatever, yeah, right)

So I asked if we could complete our plans and she said sure, but we'd have to drive off separately and she'd meet me in the development around the corned.

I got into my truck and headed over there, again feeling stupid that I'd been setup again, but a few seconds later, I see her car turn into the development and pull up behind my truck. She got out and ran to my truck and got in. She said she really had to get home, but if I was quick we could go for it. I never asked how much she was expecting - didn't matter at that point! She said just start driving, and as I put it into get, she was unzippin' and before I'd driven 50 feet, she was givin' me some impressive oral. I never thought driving and receiving head could be so difficult! It didn't help that I wanted to watch her and see myself inside her gorgeous mouth. I was puttin' along about 20mph when she looked up and said,"no, you can't drive slowly... you have to drive FAST! That's what turns me on!"

So I started driving faster around this neighborhood, which had a lot of turns. I damned near missed a turn and was within inches of going over the curb and hitting the tree, which would have made this an ITT (Inside The Tree). It didn't take me long with the sight of her going down, and the skills she employed. I warned her but she just picked up her pace and took it all in. I had to pull over 'cause my legs were shakin' - she was that good. She looked up, smiled, opened her mouth to show what she had inside, then made a theatrical swallow, followed by an "mmmmmm".

I asked how much, she said what every I felt it was worth would be fine, but "at least $30". I gave her a hundred dollar bill and felt like it was a bargain. We drove back to her car, she got out and that was the last that I ever saw of her, and beleive me I've looked. Some said she got fired, some say she left... several said that she'd moved to this club or that (and I checked each one out)... never have found her.

THAT is one experience that I would definitely like to relive, and probably more exciting than a lot of OTC encounters that I've had.
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
That's quite a read, Doug!
avatar for jester214
14 years ago
If this was a job that was actually easy to make a lot of money at, then we wouldn't see ugly girls in the buisiness.

That said, I would argue that pink represents an above the average slice of the pool.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
troop, are you saying OTC means outside the car?
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
Most of ones I have done otc don't even have a place of their own - they live with relatives. Of the ones that do:

1. P is married and has really nice house but doing her there is out of question.
2. M does not do otc, just itc and has personal mgr
3. S and her 4 kids lived with her father who was on ssi disability for mental disorder
4. J has been in jail a lot and when she had house it was in gangsta neighborhood. not a place I wanted to meet her at
avatar for gk
14 years ago
I went to one dancer's house a few times and it was somewhat downscale but I can't say I was depressed there. She kept a home with all the bells and whistles one might expect, just with different tastes and purchasing power. What was funny about these encounters is that she had a live-in boyfriend who she would always send away when I was coming over. This was pre-arranged and safe, but on reflection, I don't think i would want to do it again in exactly those circumstances.
avatar for Ch3ll
8 years ago
Yeah, it's on my mind as it has been offered. As a PL I think it's convenient for the dancer with kids, especially if it'll be when they are sleep. Anyways, bumping thread hoping to read some others experiences.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
I've done this. 20-yr-old dancer pregnant at age 15. Her place was depressing - but otherwise no problems whatsoever.
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
Lol! Did you really pay for this experience, Rick Dugan? Ouch!

Paying to be depressed. Seems like she should have paid you if the sex was good. This reminds of my college days. Lol!
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
You guys have no clue how the lower 47% sometimes live. On one hand I understand where rickdugan is coming from -- basic decency, pride in one's appearance -- but sometimes not everyone has money for the everything one wishes one would have. At lease she had he own place and she's paying her own way. But you make fun her and ridicule her. I get that. It makes you feel smug. I do give rickdugan a pass because he restarted / rebooted from nothing -- aka two trash bags of belongings on his back homeless at 20 y.o. So he recalls what it was like.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
hotels most the time. my car one time. my house with one girl numerous times. and my very first otc was at my atf stripper friends place with the two of them. nice digs btw.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
6 year old thread but interesting topic. I've seen a couple of strippers' houses, and they were definitely depressing. I knew where another lived -- smack dab in the ghetto -- and seen from the pics of herself that she'd sent me from her home that it was... not good. I do know one who lives in a nice apartment, with nice things, that she keeps spotless ... very impressive.
avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago
Dominic77, when did rickdugan say he was homeless at 20 with everything he owned stored in two trash bags? I didn't see anything on this thread about that.

I've become very skeptical of just about everything rickdugan writes. He's entertaining as hell in a sort of "here is a peek into the diary of a d-bag" kind of way but a lot of what he says just rings false.

I can't believe he would write this if he was really homeless. None of what he focused on were things that we "low class" per se. It was all focused on a paucity of possessions. He said the daughter's room was ok in a "trailer park" sort of way. Let's assume he's being truthful in his description. Maybe this is what the daughter wanted. Little girls aren't always known for elegant taste, even if they come from a family with money. Maybe rickdugan's "date" simply focuses her money on giving her daughter as much as she can. That seems kind of laudable to me.

Other than that rickdugan really focused on the absence of things. The air mattress rather than a bed. I could understand a formerly homeless person reacting negatively to things that have no class (e.g., it was a mess, there was old food laying around stinking up the place, she had a dog that pooped on the floor, etc). But he never said she was messy. Just that she didn't have as much as he thought she should.

I don't look down on anybody who can't afford much but lives with the small amount they have in a dignified manner. And I can't believe that somebody who actually experienced homelessness would do so either.
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
Dominic championing for the bottom half of the social caste. Very admirable, but should pick a better platform than TUSCL. Maybe a Bernie Sanders rally or BLM would reach more people, but very touching to say the least.

Rick Dugan still chose to go there when he didn't have to. That is the crux of the thread. Would you or wouldn't you? Keep in mind the sex is great and they've known each other. I couldn't say due to the fact I'm. It going to empathize with the ilk. Who knows, if my life was different I might have taken the same plunge. Not sure but not in my current life would I do what he has done. To each their own.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
-->"Rick Dugan still chose to go there when he didn't have to. That is the crux of the thread. Would you or wouldn't you? Keep in mind the sex is great and they've known each other."

I think part of the dividing line here is: how well do you get to know your strippers? I get to know my CFs pretty well, and my ATFs VERY well. There's a handful of ATFs who, I'm on their facebook with their family and friends, I've met some of their friends in person (and vice versa), we've spent more hours together in a month than I do with my best buddies (keeping in mind that my OTCs often last 8+ hours, and my ITCs typically last 3-5, so just 4 ITC trips per month is 16 hours spent together). For me, it's a no-brainer... by the time we've built many months of trust, we've spent scores of hours together, we know each others' real lives, I have no qualms about going to her house. And likewise, I've had a (very small) number of girls at mine.

I can totally understand that the guys who do not choose to get so close to their strippers, would NOT go to the stripper's house. I would not even consider it if I didn't know her very very well. That's where a little cognitive dissonance comes in ... I think of Rick more as a "get her OTC, bang her, send her home, don't get involved with her life or get to know her much beyond that" kind of guy, and in that mode, I'd never go to a stripper's house. But, he evidently got to know this girl well... sure, no problem going to her house, in that case.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
subraman... you got a good thing going. maybe you got game.. or you are still young.
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
I've seen three different strippers OTC a total of seven times since December. The first five times were just after-dinner (or, in one case, before-breakfast) BJs in my hotel room, but the last two were in the apartment of my ATF. Having spent *many* hours with her ITC and one night in a hotel room, I felt that I knew her well and readily agreed to move our fun to her place.

She lives in a nice-enough apartment, recently converted from commercial use, in an upscale suburb of her city. It's a little messy but fully furnished and has a living room, eat-in kitchen, bathroom, and two bedrooms. (She is childless and currently single.) I *love* visiting her there, since I save the cost of a hotel room and she's comfortable on her home turf, and can't wait for our next rendezvous in a little over a week.

At the other extreme, one of my other two OTC girls has lived in cheap motel rooms for several months with her three daughters. Her life is in perpetual chaos as she lurches from one crisis to another: no money for the room, homelessness, days without food, medical issues, etc. etc. On two occasions I have taken her to dinner -- Olive Garden and a Mexican place -- and then to my hotel room for a little adult fun. Come to think of it, one time she stayed overnight and I took her to brunch the next day. She tells me that the only time she eats really well is when I'm in town :)
avatar for Ch3ll
8 years ago
Wanted to post on this thread since I had met with a stripper at her house recently. No sex was involved, just hanging out, cuddling. And....it was free minus the to go breakfast I bought.

Like some mentioned above her place was so so, but we had a good time nonetheless. I was kind of worried at first going over, but it was cool.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Meat72 --> "Dominic championing for the bottom half of the social caste. Very admirable, but should pick a better platform than TUSCL. Maybe a Bernie Sanders rally or BLM would reach more people, but very touching to say the least." --> end quote Meat72

^^^ I disagree that a Berie Sanders rally is the best venue. I like Tuscl because there is a high concentration of ultra conservative guys here. I like to bounce ideas off of you and see what makes you tick. See an "echo chamber" where everything (appears) to think like I do (or at least how I think I do think) is not nearly as useful.

See, I want to understand why you guys are pro-life, anti-woman's choice. I want to understand why you guys are anti-gay, anti-same-sex marriage. I want to understand why you are sypathetic to business owners who want to refuse benefits to employees or service on religous grounds against gays or same-sex marriage or abortion or birth control. I want to understand why you guys are anti trans rights. I want to understand why you guys aren't more "touching." Is is the religion? Are you selfish because "you already got yours?" It is because SJWs are idiots and should mind their own business and mind their own battles?

I want to understand because I want to see if there is a way to change your mind. Or I want to understand if someone *I* am wrong about all of this. and maybe it's *my* mind that needs to be changed. Or, perhaps, more likely, is there some common ground in the center that we can meet.
Ditto for all the other things that get labeled "liberal" or "progressive" that I may argue with you guys now or in the future. I can't do this at a Bernie Sanders rally. That's just an echo chamber and nothing gets advanced nor accomplished.

Also, and maybe this is self serving, is that until I see that hard work really can get me ahead, I'm calling bullshit and checking the system (to borrow a term from basketball). But you guys all seem to believe in it, and to me that counts for something. I just want to see it work for more people, myself included. Then I can get on board.

--> "A rising tide lifts all boats." -->

Personally I've been criticized by the liberals and the social leaches for "forgetting where I came from." I ignore it. Yet I still try to help them and do good. Go figure. It's a good fight. But ultimately I'm just passing time until I crack the nut, get a real job, get some real pay, and figure out how this American Dream and free market really works. I just need a little more money to fund my SC (and perhaps p4p habits) plus save for retirement and maybe take an actual vacation. Those are what I (and many other Americans) struggle with.

Meat72 --> "Rick Dugan still chose to go there when he didn't have to. That is the crux of the thread. Would you or wouldn't you? Keep in mind the sex is great and they've known each other. I couldn't say due to the fact I'm. It going to empathize with the ilk." --> end quote Meat72.

^^^ I'll answer this. I'm frugal and pragmatic. I'd fuck her at her house under those conditions and it would not have bothered me. Optimal? No. I'd rather save the hundred for the hotel and keep it work my wife and me. Would I spring for a hotel? Absolutely. Assuming the extra $120 or so for a hotel fit in my budget and I had the the time and flexiblity to get a hotel room, absolutely I would enjoy the sex more.

But you guys do have to admit that you do piss on the lower social castes, no? Or maybe if you could be bothered to cross the street, then yes, you would piss on them. I see it here on Tuscl all time. If I see something that's not right, I call it out. And, for the record, I expect no less of you guys to do the same in the other direction. Healthy debate is good, IMO.

4got2wipe --> "Dominic77, when did rickdugan say he was homeless at 20 with everything he owned stored in two trash bags? I didn't see anything on this thread about that." --> end quote 4got2wipe

^^^ Let me see if I can find that, or perhaps Rick can. IIRC, he wrote it on StripperWeb/StripClubJunkie to the pinks there. Maybe it was fiction. Who knows. Let me see if I can dig it up....
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
4got2wipe --> "None of what he focused on were things that we "low class" per se. It was all focused on a paucity of possessions. ... Maybe this is what the daughter wanted. Little girls aren't always known for elegant taste, even if they come from a family with money. Maybe rickdugan's "date" simply focuses her money on giving her daughter as much as she can. That seems kind of laudable to me." --> end quote 4got 2wipe.

^^^ I agree that is laudable. You want to give your offspring what you didn't have (or what you can give). It's one way to show/buy love. It does come from a good place.

4got2wipe --> "rickdugan really focused on the absence of things. The air mattress rather than a bed. I could understand a formerly homeless person reacting negatively to things that have no class (e.g., it was a mess, there was old food laying around stinking up the place, she had a dog that pooped on the floor, etc). But he never said she was messy. Just that she didn't have as much as he thought she should.

I don't look down on anybody who can't afford much but lives with the small amount they have in a dignified manner. And I can't believe that somebody who actually experienced homelessness would do so either." --> end quote 4got2wipe.

^^^ I agree what having the place be a "mess" and having things out like dog poop or old food, there is no excuse for that, regardless of ones means. A little dignity and some elbow grease can address those points SANS money. I agree. Those are some of the negative aspects of being called "trailer-y." The lack of dignity and the self respect to keep the place clean, discard old food, maintain a proper sleeping space, housetrain / housebreak te dog not to poop in doors, and clean it up / disinfect it if the dog still managed to do it. Those actions don't cost much money, so there is no excuse there. Living dignified isn't too much to ask, I agree.

It was the calling out the lack of possessions that bothered me. I called bullshit on that.
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