how long on a dry well ?
Just in your observational experience, since I know everyone here is a big spender. ;-)
Dancer strikes up conversation with a customer. Customer has no intention of spending money, but hey, there's a pretty girl talking to him, so he plays along. How long before she gives up on him and moves on?
Now I'm not talking about the hustler who's talking VIP before her ass hits the chair, but a more "average" dancer.
Dancer strikes up conversation with a customer. Customer has no intention of spending money, but hey, there's a pretty girl talking to him, so he plays along. How long before she gives up on him and moves on?
Now I'm not talking about the hustler who's talking VIP before her ass hits the chair, but a more "average" dancer.
If a dancer is one of my favorite regulars, then she'll sit for a good 10 minutes or more while we catch up. And then it's usually me who asks for the dances, after which I'll encourage her to mix and mingle if she'd like. Even then, they sometimes linger for a bit, seemingly reluctant to ply the crowd. I can see why, and if I'm in the mood, will occasionally ask for another dance a few minutes later. And I've even been known to slip a Hamilton into a woman's garter for no more reason than I enjoyed her company while cuddling on my lap. I swear I like that sometimes better than having her dance.
regarding exit lines, the usual one that i get is "i'll be back"
i'm just glad that they're not terminators.. lol
I find the whole subject of how dancers approach customers, especially new (to them) customers, to be very interesting. Honestly, some of them are just clueless, but they still seem to make a living so some customers must be responding to it.
In my experience there are a number of categories:
1. Drive-by "Wannadance?" Duh. This rarely works with me, unless the dancer has certain assets that I really like or I have already decided via long-distance observation that she is worth a try. I find these dancers usually fall into two categories; the desperate ones who don't think they have time to waste and have to move on, and the really hot ones with a lot of regulars who know they can find another customer right away if I turn them down.
2. Politely standing by "Do you want some company?" is a notch above "wannadance" - immediately I give her some credit for subtlety, and having the patience and faith in her own skills of persuasion to invest some time, as well as the politeness. I also find, however, that if I answer "yes" to this question that I then feel an obligation to either get some dances or give a nice tip just for talking. So, unless I'm already half sold I'll immediately say I'm waiting for someone or not planning to get any dances.
3. "How's your day going?" as she slides into the next seat without waiting to be asked. This is either a sign of desperation or the mark of a professional - someone who knows she may not be your type, but thinks she can charm herself into a few dances. A few months ago there was a discussion here about a discussion on the pink site, where dancers were complaining that custies say "I'm not interested" before they even sit down, and how mad that makes them. So, I normally exchange some polite small talk before "thanks for stopping by, but I'm waiting for someone... and I don't want you to waste your charms on me." Because they didn't ask before sitting down, however, I don't feel any obligation for dances or tip. Sometimes I get a miffed "did I ask for dances?" but they relax when I say "I'm just trying to be honest and save you some time."
At Bogart's the entrance to the VIP is near one end of the bar, and there are a few tables against the wall on the other side of the steps. From there it is interesting to observe the dancers leading their customers to the VIP; some look like they are dreading it, others just look bored; some are strutting with a look of triumph in their eyes; some are holding the guy's hand and hauling them along, afraid they're going to change their minds... and the really smart, sales-savvy ones are walking confidently, making eye contact with guys along their path, smiling, winking, pursing their lips, saying with their eyes, "Don't you wish it was you I was taking upstairs? You can be next." This is one way to separate the real pros from the clueless ones!
Also at Bogarts is a long-timer named Renee. She is not the best looking dancer around, by far; if you saw her on the street I doubt very much that "stripper" would be the first thing that came to mind. She also goes for the little girl look a lot - two pony tails and a little plaid skirt, for example, which I don't personally like. What she is, however, is a master of her craft. She is so good at generating revenue that they let her come in at 10 or 10:30, when normally the dancers get fined for being late. When approaching a customer, she leans in and touches them in a very intimate way - not a coarse crotch grab, but an arm around the neck, a brush of a bare flesh against the arm, etc., and says "hey baby..." She stares into your eyes, and makes you feel like you're the only man in the world. Few men can resist, and off to the VIP they go. Of course the fact that extras are almost expected doesn't hurt either... anyway, it is fun watching her work the room, just like it is fun to watch an athlete who is at the top of their sport.
Enough off-subject jabbering...
When they realize its a dry well they say "Well I have to go to the ladies room." If they hit you with drinks you can take a beating but be sure to get some mileage too.