Atlanta suburb
Oregon Man Wins Right to Give Police the Finger
Published November 02, 2010
| Associated Press
Print Email Share Comments (249) Text Size An Oregon man has settled a federal lawsuit over what he says was his First Amendment right to express himself by giving the finger to sheriff's deputies.
The Oregonian reports Robert Ekas settled the suit for $4,000.
In his lawsuit, Ekas said that in July 2007, he flipped off a Clackamas County deputy while driving, and the deputy gave him tickets for illegal lane change and improper display of license plates. Ekas was acquitted on the citations. A month later, he gave the finger to another deputy, who detained him but wrote no tickets.
Ekas alleged he was being harassed.
A story earlier this year in the Portland newspaper brought Ekas national media attention, including an appearance on Comedy Central's "Colbert Report."
County officials say it was cheaper to settle the case than to proceed with defending the suit
Published November 02, 2010
| Associated Press
Print Email Share Comments (249) Text Size An Oregon man has settled a federal lawsuit over what he says was his First Amendment right to express himself by giving the finger to sheriff's deputies.
The Oregonian reports Robert Ekas settled the suit for $4,000.
In his lawsuit, Ekas said that in July 2007, he flipped off a Clackamas County deputy while driving, and the deputy gave him tickets for illegal lane change and improper display of license plates. Ekas was acquitted on the citations. A month later, he gave the finger to another deputy, who detained him but wrote no tickets.
Ekas alleged he was being harassed.
A story earlier this year in the Portland newspaper brought Ekas national media attention, including an appearance on Comedy Central's "Colbert Report."
County officials say it was cheaper to settle the case than to proceed with defending the suit
I know a dancer who shot the vice cops a finger as they were raiding the club and rounding up the girls. She wasn't on the original list to be picked up, but because she shot them the finger, she was arrested along with the other of the dancers.
Charges were later dropped, but she spent the night in jail for her First Amendment expression.
pablo does make some good points though...try not to piss cops off or they will find something to write a ticket about.
The officer and his buddies then flipped off the judge when leaving the courtroom.
ok, he expressed his right but it will come back and bite him in the ass somewhere down the road. if the cops want to get you they will and i guarantee ekas is high on their shitlist.
btw, when i was 16yrs old i was driving past the entrance/exit of the local police station. i was going west and a cop pulled out in front of me to go east. i had to hit my brakes to keep from hitting him and as we passed each other in opposite directions i looked over at him. he looked at me with a big grin and that pissed me off more and i flipped him the finger. his expression changed real fast but he kept on driving east and i basically dodged a proverbial bullet. that was the only time i ever gave a cop the finger to his face. i grew up and learned better, ekas still has some growing up and learning to do imo.
When I was a cop, I wasn't flipped off, but was disrespected countless times. In the worst case, I was taking severe abuse from a teen boy. He finally crossed the line when he alleged an incestuous act between me, my mom, and the family dog. I introduced his face to a windshield and the rest of him to a car hood.