Buy U a Drank

avatar for steve229
Just wondering if you are in the habit of buying drinks for dancers to increase their mileage in the back.

Based on my informal research, two drinks seems like the sweet spot for improving dancer mileage, without things getting sloppy.

Your experience?


last comment
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
Nah.....Since I rarely drink myself, I'm too cheap to spring for $12 dancer drinks (you KNOW they'll always order the top shelf stuff).
I sometimes seek out the slightly tipsy dancers that have gotten there on someone else's dime.
Jeezus - I'm a cheap bastard sometimes :)
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
I agree that a few drinks can loosen them up but watch out they don't get stinko. I have one favorite that makes a point of the fact that her dances get better with more drinks. Usually her husband hangs out at the club and is the designated driver. I like to see him there because I know that I am going to get some great dances from her.
avatar for DougS
14 years ago
Actually, I ALWAYS offer to buy drinks for whatever girl I am spending time with. I buy the drinks to have a good time, not just to specifically to loosen her up, but that's usually an added benefit. Except with one of "my" girls.

Even though she's very thin, the dancer that I've spent the most time with lately can put the liquor away like there's no tomorrow. Holy Crap! We've been doing Jager Bomb shooter shots (quaffers). The last time, we did 11 of them, in addition to at least four rounds of drinks (I was drinking Bud Lights - not much choice at HH, and she was drinking her girly Sex On The Beaches). Admittedly, this was spread out over her shift (7pm to just about 3am), but DAMN! AND, I suspect she's doin' SOMEthing beside "tinkling" when she takes her occassional "dressing room break" for 15 min every few hours... weed, maybe?
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Most of the drinks I purchase are for my favorite bartender. I always keep her happy. I don't even care if she asks for one if I forget to ask her. A happy bartender can be a gold mine!
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
14 years ago
I am with DougS. I always buy some drinks for the girls, but when they pass a certain point on the drunk scale, I stop buying them drinks.

In my limited experience, most girls are ready for sex (with the right guy) when they are about halfway drunk. How many drinks this takes depends on the girl and the alcohol % of the drink. Its a judgement call.

Once they get sloppy drunk, naked or not, its not fun anymore.
avatar for gk
14 years ago
I'll always buy dancers a drink too. Just to be sociable if it's someone new and to party with friends if I've known them for a while. And a few drinks definitely loosens a dancer up.

But some are all business and don't want to bother much with drinks--if you find one of these types and she delivers, that's even better because it's easier on the wallet. I know at least one like that, but I can only take so much of her personality. Another one of my favs has become very dependable without requiring a lot of drinks, even so, I usually buy her two drinks at the bar before our private dances.

I don't like them sloppy drunk either, but close to sloppy can be fun if you really like each other.

When I see favs who've had way too much to drink and it's close to the end of shift, I'll offer to get them coffee. They usually appreciate that.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
I posted about a sloppy drunk experience a while back (“I Kissed a Drunk Girl”). Like Lopaw, someone else had got her drunk, I just took advantage. Anyway, I took her to the back and we made out like teenagers, lots of DFK, something I know she doesn’t do when she’s sober.

Don’t think I ever mentioned the funny postscript though. The next time I was in the club I felt kinda awkward about seeing her again, not sure what I’d say if the subject came up. She was all smiles when she saw me, came over and gave me a hug and sat down. I did notice that she was drinking water. She said yeah, she had been drinking too much lately and was trying to cut down.

Her: Last Friday I got so drunk I must have blacked out, I can’t remember a thing.
Me: Not a thing?
Her: It’s funny, cuz I did really well. I guess some guy took me to the back for a long time doing 2-4-1’s, but I can’t even remember who it was.”
avatar for 59
14 years ago
I also buy drinks to be sociable, to chat and catch up.

When one comes by who's well lubricated it can be a fun time.

But as far as trying to get one drunk many of these girls have a high tolerance. Takes a LOT of booze to get them buzzed. One recent find is a tiny 22 yr old Asian girl. Bought her a couple the other day it was like her 8th drink in 4 hrs. A little more mellow than normal, slightly sleepy, but that was about the only hint of any effect.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
In some Detroit clubs dancers have a drink quota. Sell so many drinks at $12.00 each or the balance is added to the tip-out. Bartenders and waitresses know this and serve the dancer watered down or water drinks disguised as something fancy, usually loaded with lots of ice. Buying here a lot of glasses of water is not going to get her drunk. I have seen dancers pour out a drink when the customer who bought it was not looking or switch for an empty glass with a helpful waitress. And then ask the customer to order another round. It's all part of their game.
avatar for troop
14 years ago

the previous comment by superdude covers alot of the reasons why i don't normally buy strippers drinks.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
Understandable if you're talking about those over-priced, thimble sized "dancer drinks".

One of the reasons my current favorite spots are favorites is that they have a full bar with dancer drinks that are the same reasonable price as customer drinks.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
Spring 2009-Noon Saturday-went to Dolls and there were a pair of hispanic cousins who started dancing days after their 18th birthday. Got one dance from each, and they were both terrible.

One year later-One of the cousins still there. Saw her at the next table do a boilermaker with a guy (they let a 19 year old drink?), then went to do some dances for him. When she came back, quickly snagged her. Bought er a shot thinking that a year's experience + some drinks would loosen her up.

Nope, still terrible in the little room and the kitty wasn't available.

avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
At the immortal House of Babes in Columbus, OH., one can buy a dancer the $500 'fish bowl' drink (so named because of it's sheer size.) The dancer's cut is $167 (unless she needs medical services for alcohol poisoning!)
avatar for troop
14 years ago
what fool would spend 5 hundred bucks on a drink (even if it's a giant drink) for a stripper?



never mind, i know there are some out there.

avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Around here, buying drinks for dancers is an expensive proposition. All f the Louisville clubs I've gone too use $20 and up dancer drinks as a revenue stream. Mileage at the ones I go to msg often ranges from reasonable to wet fingers for the price of a lapdance, and anything you want, from the the right girl, in the VIP, with nary a trace of alcohol in evidence if you don't want to.

So no, I'm not in the habit of buying girls drinks to loosen them up. It isn't needed, though sometimes they're more relaxed after one.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Dancers cut of $167? What a rip off! I met a former bartender from house of babes who is now a dancer and she said the bartenders there make more than the dancers over there...she said they wanted her to start dancing so she quit and became a dancer at club x instead. Probably was stripper shit but I do believe her when she said the bartenders make more than the dancers.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
A couple of weeks ago I hooked up with a stripper who was quite obviously toasted. At one point later in the night she put her head back and fell asleep in her chair at the table we were sitting at.

Now of course she was already drunk when I met her but I have no doubt that the additional drinks that she had me sneak over to her did not help, nor did the straight Jack that she was drinking, with a straw, directly from my glass. And I used the word "sneak" because she was on a drinking restriction at the club, presumably for one or more similar episodes.

Funny thing is that, though she had trouble speaking properly and she was a little unsteady on her feet, she fucked and sucked like a champ in VIP. Guess this falls into the "one never forgets how to ride a bike" category.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Drinks are counterproductive most of the time. Strippers who want to fuck aren't better drunk.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
I always buy drinks for girls who sit and talk with me. I feel it's only polite. Their drinks cost from $12 to $20, and so this can get expensive. But I like them to have a good time. I don't think it gets me any more mileage, because they provide services based on the amount you spend in the VIP room.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
I'll go either way on this one. Straight hustle to sell drinks for the house? The answer is no. I never buy a drink for a dancer at the waitress' or dancer's request. If the dancer takes a drink at my offer I am good for it. Lubrication can make things better in the VIP. Caution: too much lubrication is NOT good for OTC negotiations.
avatar for ulitimate1
14 years ago
Sorry, random post to what 59 said, often times Asians can drink a lot because of 'Asian glow'. Asians can process alcohol differently and not get drunk as fast (Google it!).
avatar for dw.buck
14 years ago
fuk no i tell the strippers up front i rather pay the stripper than the house/club. the house gets enough cash... entrance fee, tip outs, bar/alcohol, VIP entrance, and whatever else. i dont go there to pay the club owner, i go to pay the strippers for their service to me. there is alot of ss talk up for a drink but i pay them or let them sip on a lil something i purchased before teh stripper walked over
avatar for dw.buck
14 years ago
fuk no i tell the strippers up front i rather pay the stripper than the house/club. the house gets enough cash... entrance fee, tip outs, bar/alcohol, VIP entrance, and whatever else. i dont go there to pay the club owner, i go to pay the strippers for their service to me. there is alot of ss talk up for a drink but i pay them or let them sip on a lil something i purchased before teh stripper walked over
avatar for travelingguy
14 years ago
If the dancer has been sitting chatting with me for a couple songs without the hard sell for dances then I definitely buy her a drink. Depending on my mood, I may not be there for dances but just to watch the show. If so, a couple drinks and maybe a few bucks slipped directly to her to cover her time is the least I can do. Especially since I have been finding that more clubs are requiring the dancers to get a certain number of drinks purchased for them by customers each night.
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