tipping after dances

avatar for aquavelvaman
want to get some opinions on this, and I'll use Plat Plus in Columbia as an example. Made my first 2 visits there recently, and it is instantly my favorite club.
Does everyone tip and how much after dances? I ask, b/c at Platinum, where prices are far from set and all over the board - do you have a number in mind (say 2 for 30 at night), and tip on top of that? I found the price negotiations to be a bit of a drawback - but absolutely necessacary as most girls first quote a price of 30 - 40 per dance but expect to come down. I found it more enjoyable to negotiate less (pay a little more for the dance) but not tip, and that seemed to work out in the end - but I don't want to send a signal that I thought the dance was bad - b/c usually they were fantastic. So what's better - the hard negotiation follwoed by a tip, or agree on a slightly more inflated price up front with no tip?


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avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
Since you named my favorite club, I generally do NOT tip. It is generally not expected. I will elaborate in my next review later this week. After my next 3 day trip. Starting tomorrow.
avatar for aalexium
16 years ago
In a club where the pricing is more fixed I tend to tip $5 on a $20 dance but only in accordance with the level of effort put forth by the dancer and the atmosphere she creates between the two of us. If she is simply going through the motions, just the base rate of $20 will be sufficient for her time.
avatar for gk
16 years ago
I generally don't tip. Since I'm a regular at the places where I get most of my dances, I try to set a consistent amount that I am known to spend. That way they know what they can expect from me on a consistent basis if I buy dances from them. The dancer will always ask if I want more after each dance and I just say "yes" till I'm done. Sometimes the number of dances are more than usual, sometimes less than usual. This only works with dancers who I know very well and at clubs that I visit frequently. For any dancer I don't know very well, I pay per dance at the expected price without tipping. UNLESS the dancer shows me a really good time, in which case I leave her my more typical payment to make a good impression. I guess you could call that a tip--but I use it to reward and establish a precedent. If a dancer asks for a tip I don't give one and usually don't do business with her again because I don't like that approach. I could talk numbers, but they would only be relevant at the places that I frequent and wouldn't necessarily corresponde to what might be appropriate at your regular or traveling stops. My philosophy is to always find the middle ground: always avoid being a cheapskate, but also avoid being perceived as the highest spender. You can be ignored at the low end and taken advantage of at the high end.
avatar for uscue13
16 years ago
I've only tipped once...kind of like gk, to show appreciation for future purposes
avatar for imnumnutz
16 years ago
I tip occassionally for exceptional service. I will NEVER tip when a dancer asks for one.
avatar for jester214
16 years ago
If I tip, and its rare, I do it as I'm finished with them and only when service was great. There is the rare of exception of a place where a tip is really customary.
avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
I rarely tip. If a dancer asks for a tip, I might pay her something then avoid getting any more dances from her. I consider getting extra dances even at a discounted price a tip for the dancer. She could have spent the next 20 minutes trying to get a dance but instead I got another one or two. I think that should be thought of like a tip. I'm sure some dancers would disagree. Now if a dancer gives me exceptionally good extra service during a dance and asks for a tip too, I'll give her a tip. Most dancers don't ask for tips and I don't tip extra. I think most dancers overcharge for the dance prices and just because a number of customers are willing to pay too high prices, doesn't mean I'll go along with it. At one club, I've only bought one dance in the last several months and it was a table dance for $10. The two for one at $40 is too high with one way lackluster dance action. I still visit the club but have only bought the lap dances on two different occasions in the last few years. I only went for the two for one which I think is too high at two for $40 with a gift thrown in.
avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
If I pay two for $25, I think of the extra $5 as a tip. If I pay two for $30, I think of the extra $10 as a tip already included in the dance price. When dancers and clubs realize a few months from now, maybe late in the year that the ecnomony is getting worse and that all the government spending is not working, dance prices should either come down or some clubs may start to go out of business. If I'm personally affected I may not be going to strip clubs anymore myself and won't even be giving out the one dollar tips. I've seen in the last couple of months many people avoiding tipping even the one dollar tips at the stages, it seems like things have gotten worse in the last few weeks. That is no one tipping hardly anything anymore.
avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
You'll get more value for your money here in South Carolina so please visit, spend and tip. You'll have less competition from the locals now. Tip good here and you'll stand out from all the other customers and should have lots of dancers trying to get your tips. My PR spin to help the local economy.
avatar for pop
16 years ago
Tipping is not really expected at the plus. Rather than tipping I'll get another dance. Everyone seems pretty happy with that.
avatar for MisterGuy
16 years ago
"Does everyone tip and how much after dances?"

I don't know about "everyone", but I usually tip if the service that I get is good. The amount of the tip varies though...it could be as much as an extra dance or so or just a few bucks. It really depends on the girl and the amount that I've already paid for the LDs. NEVER tip upfront! Tips are almost always appreciated by dancers. It is very true though that there are certain places (like Canada) where tipping is really not expected.

"the hard negotiation follwoed by a tip, or agree on a slightly more inflated price up front with no tip?"

I hardly ever negotiate with a dancer. I just ask what I'm going to be getting for my money upfront, and, if I don't like the deal, I just say "No".
avatar for whghIost
16 years ago
If I like the service, I would get more of it. For me to buy more, that is the tip. However, if the service is so good that I am done, then a tip is deserved or maybe not.
avatar for lopaw
16 years ago
I generally tip often, especially with girls that consistently perform above & beyond the call of duty. The only time I don'tnever tip is if it is asked or begged for. More times than not the beggars gave lousy dances anyway. Then no dice.
avatar for Ironcat
16 years ago
Beyond even strip clubs, the concept of tipping has gotten way out of hand. I have worked as a bartender (worked my way through college and grad school) so I have worked for tips. An old bartender once told me that TIP was an acronym for "To Insure Promptness" and was a custom when some service was performed quickly and beyond the call of duty. Today, people in the service industry feel entitled to a tip regardless of the promptness and quality of service. I don't buy it - I only tip when it is earned.
avatar for MisterGuy
16 years ago
"I don't buy it - I only tip when it is earned."

While I agree with the concept of tipping well when the service one receives is great, I don't agree with stiffing waitstaff & the like when the service is "bad" due in no part to anything that they did (the cooks didn't have their act together, etc.). The thing I always try to remember is that those kind of people are earning their living almost entirely on tips alone, as the minimum wage for tipped employees is almost always well below the minimum wage for everyone else.
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