TUSCL_Brother and I are planning the second convention on May 15th and 16th. That is a Fri and Sat. It will run each day from noon until ??? It will be held at the Columbia SC Platinum Plus. We got 8 members to attend the last one. We are hoping for more this time. Bro and I will arrive on Thu to scout the dancers. LOL. This is an advance notice so that you traveling long distances can make plans and excuses for your S/O's. LOL. I will get the word out to the dancers next month. Hope to see a lot of you.
There's always a possibility I'll stop by later on Saturday night. The earliest I would be able to get there would likely be around 930 to 10 though. It's too soon to tell if I'm going to be in the area or not though.
Officer: I always stay at the Extended Stay America - West Columbia. It is within walking distance to the club. So do a lot of the out of town strippers. Each room has a frig, micro wave and two burner stove. It is also within walking distance to a Waffle House. $59.99/night. There are other cheaper hotels but not as close and they do not have the mentioned facilities. It is behind the Embassy Suites, which charges 3 times that amount. In case you are thinking of entertaining a young women, you also do not have to go through a lobby to get to your room or hers. Book on line for the best prices.
Hi to everyone:) I am so glad to see that this event is coming together so nicely. I would like to thank you guys so much for putting this together and choosing PP to come play. I would like to invite all of you to come out and play and have a good time. I will be attending both days and would love to meet each one of you in person that I don't know. As for those of you that I already know..My #1 guy Shadowcat and my other wonderful friends....it will be a pleasure as always to see you guys again.
Will try to move mountains to get there. Will be great to see the old farts again (Shadow & Brother). Shadow can you get me a relative rate on DL out of YVR? Those who haven't been it is a great time at a great club. The dancers treat the TUSCL group with great care and attention. Plus you get Shadow and Brother which is priceless.
Greg, If you can make it, It would be a record for the longest distance traveled to visit a strip club. For those of you that don't know, YVR is the airport code for Vancouver B.C.
Who are you calling old? I'll buy your first lap dance.
I was thinking of telling my SO that I was gonna go pick up a few things at the market, then hop a plane & head over to the convention. But I'm guessing that she'll realize I'm missing after a few hours and proceed to kill me when I returned home. Oh well...it was a thought.
One day I hope to actually meet some of you characters in person. I'm sure it would be a hoot.
True, shadowcat - I have had the pleasure of meeting up with minnow several times. He pops into LA on occasion and I try to share with him the latest info on the clubs near LAX that I frequent. He is rather mild mannered, come to think of it...but then again I've never seen him in action in the VIP area!
I'd love to meet the dancer that you're referring to. Is she right for me because she likes girls, or is there another reason? Just curious.
lopaw:She is at least BI. She was married once and admits to living a lesbian life style. Says that she now wants DICK but every time I have tried to score with her she tells me that "Her aunt is in town". Meaning that time of the month. But she is extremely likable.Her name has been mentioned twice recently in club reviews. In StripShoppers post (above)he mentions "The Girl". He is referring to her. 6 months ago the 3 of us were talking in the club. He asked her for a dance. She told him that he had to ask my permission. He didn't ask and didn't get the dance. LOL...
So far I have commitments from 6 that plan to attend. 6 Maybe's. Maybe 3 will make it and 3 I am sorry's. I will be visiting the club in 2 weeks. I would like to tell the dancers that there will be a shit house full of us but right now it looks like the dancers will out number us. I hope that changes as the time gets closer.
Shadowcat - i will be in Charlotte for most of the week of 4-13. What time do you plan to be at the club on Wed. 4-15. I should make it around 2 or 3 in the afternoon 4-15 if my plans stay the same. Also if I don't see you, I know you don't like to recommend but who do you currently avoid? I was there several months ago - is there still a fun smaller blonde - I think Nikki around?
Mess: I will be there around 12-1PM. Am going to have lunch with gridget first. I will be there until around 8PM. Yes, Nikki is still there but usually leaves around 3 or 4 to pick up her 2 yo from day care. Avoid Avery and Lilly. Just ask for the candy man.
I am designating May 16 as breakfast day. I just saw a movie that called it "eggs and legs". I will pay for breakfast for any stripper that shows up. I can count on one. You guys have to buy your own. 11:00 A.M. at the Waffle House. Corner of Stone Ridge Dr. and Greystone Blvd. Just 3 blocks from the club. That gives us an hour before show time!
Looks like a lot of fun. (The Breakfast Day looks like even more fun! If you're ever on Dale Mabry just down from Mons Venus and 2001 in Tampa at breakfast-time, don't miss the chance to hit the Waffle House and hook up for OTC ...)
I am not free for this event but would be free for almost any time in early- to mid-August, I think. If things come up then, I might be able to travel.
You boys have fun. And remember, what happens in strip clubs stays in strip clubs.
I just spent 3 days at the club. I plugged the event to a dozen of my favorites. They said that they would be there. They wanted to know how many guys were coming. I told them that I was guessing 10-20 based upon feedback from the group. Several said that they would also make the breakfast. I saw Gridget yesterday and today. We also did lunch today. Her birthday is the 15th (We are doing lunch with TUSCL_Brother)and she plans to be there both days of the event and the breakfast as well. Surprise?
I actually had one girl ask me if founder would be attending. Wouldn't that be a hoot? I know that he lives in SO CAL and I suspect that he does reviews under another name. Still, I would like meet him.
Looks like this is spilling over to Thu as well. I got a PM from magicrat this morning. He can't make it on the 15th & 16th but will be there on the 14th.
I was notified by the SS Administration this last week, that I am going to get a tax free stimulus payment of $250. That should buy me 25 lap dances at the convention. Thank you, BHO.
12 days to go. Judging from the posts on here, PM's and emails the number of attendees will be between 1 and 20. I have talked to gridget on the phone recently. She will be there both days and make the breakfast on the 16th. I and hopefully TUSCL_Brother will take her out to brunch on the 15th (her birthday). The other girls are looking fore ward to it more than the "Masters". Be there, if you can.
Hey fellas...I am so looking forward to meeting you guys after reading all of your wonderful posts. I am really looking forward to seeing TUSCL- Bro again...it has been to long. I know the purple thong is MIA but hope you will bring a new one...lol..guys drive careful as I don't want to see any of you in the back of my ambulance before the big day..lol.See ya soon guys:)
Strange, I thought I posted already and saw my post but now I don't. I should be there Saturday night around 7Pm maybe 7 to 8PM. I'll stop by and say hi to whomever is still here. I'm wondering how do I find you guys or should I ask the door girl where the convention guys are at or the TUSCL guys are at?
I had planned on attending...got the time off, and have reservations at a very nice hotel. But the thought of driving alone 7 hours is getting to me, even though there is nothing remotely comparable to shadowcat's PP in my area.
It is very hard to pass up the opportunity to meet gridget.
But at least my cat will be happy to have me at home
Just returned from Thursday "early arrivals day" at TUSCL convention in Columbia. I arrived at 1:30 and stayed until around 6:30pm. During the day the attendees beside myself were Shadowcat, TUSCL-Brother, rob0411, Pop, and Henry. Thanks to Shadowcat for creating this event and thanks to TUSCL-Brother for making the long drive to Columbia. A fun day was had by all.It was nice to meet some other TUSCL members and put a face with the name. We all kept the dancer's busy on what was an otherwise normal afternoon at PP. Rob0411 and I were only able to stay today but the others will be there for the duration. Will be interested to hear the follow up reports on the Friday and Sat. activities. Sorry I will miss Gridget who plans to attend the Convention tomorrow. For any of you that might be considering attending I would encourage you to do so as I am sure you will have a good time. TUSCL-Brother was like a "kid in a candy store." He was constantly finding another dancer to take in the back and always returned with a smile on his face. Don't see how he can keep up that pace for another two days, but I will wait and see his report when he finishes. Shadowcat was his usual helpful self. Not only will he give you accurate info on the dancer's, but almost all of the girl's will give you "his price" of $20 for 2 which is a real bargain at this club. I am already looking forward to the next Convention, hopefully this fall.
I was able to get by there today for a bit. There was a large group and the party was cranking up just when I had to leave for work. More details coming.
I was hoping for a larger turn out. But those that made it had a great time. Snowtime pretty much covered Thu, so I not add more to that.
Friday We had seven attendees (8 if you include gridget). Besides my self, there was TUSCL_Brother, Henry, magicrat, shekitout, TimboATL and Pop. Gridget had a great birthday and was very helpful lining guys up with specific dancers. Bro and I took gridget out for her birthday lunch. The girls were great. Our tables were always filled with fun dancers.
The Saturday breakfast at the Waffle House was attended by myself, Bro, gridget and one other dancer. Bro and I were the only two present at the club but we had plenty of friendly girls sitting with us. Sometimes 3 or 4 at the same time.
I was there Saturday night. I was going to say hi if anyone was still there. Apparently I missed the group. The dancers kept me busy as normal. I was wondering if one of the dancers who has been dancing for me last week in Greenville and last night again reads this. She told me she has danced for me before years ago but I didn't remember asking her that. I guess I can't remember too good. I told her she should think that's good that I still like her even though I didn't remember. This club and Heartbreakers were more crowded than I cared for last night. I took a wrong turn and also ended up at a crowded dance club. I didn't stop any longer than I needed to even though the cars in front of me were stopped. I was wondering what these crowded dance clubs are like or if they have a dress code of some sort. Someone told me a bunch of rugsby players were at Heartbreakers. That club was packed too. I'm tired of all the crowds in Columbia.
Wow holy Necrotizing Fasciitis Batman! Yes, going solely by the date-stamps of the posts, those were some of the glory days, though I would personally wish to return to the early- to mid-1990s in Ontario and Quebec Provinces for the REAL glory days of strip-clubbing.
last commentuscue: Sorry but I do plan to be in the club Apr 14, 15 and 16. Stop by.
Who are you calling old? I'll buy your first lap dance.
I'm gonna get down there one of these days before they get you in the nursing home Shadow ;)
Oh well...it was a thought.
One day I hope to actually meet some of you characters in person. I'm sure it would be a hoot.
SuperDude: yes. Just be respectful of thy neighbor.
I'd love to meet the dancer that you're referring to. Is she right for me because she likes girls, or is there another reason? Just curious.
I didn't take her out of respect for you... I could of had her at "hello"...if I wanted! }:-D
So far I have commitments from 6 that plan to attend. 6 Maybe's. Maybe 3 will make it and 3 I am sorry's. I will be visiting the club in 2 weeks. I would like to tell the dancers that there will be a shit house full of us but right now it looks like the dancers will out number us. I hope that changes as the time gets closer.
F, Thanks for red flagging this event.
Also if I don't see you, I know you don't like to recommend but who do you currently avoid? I was there several months ago - is there still a fun smaller blonde - I think Nikki around?
I am not free for this event but would be free for almost any time in early- to mid-August, I think. If things come up then, I might be able to travel.
You boys have fun. And remember, what happens in strip clubs stays in strip clubs.
It is very hard to pass up the opportunity to meet gridget.
But at least my cat will be happy to have me at home
Friday We had seven attendees (8 if you include gridget). Besides my self, there was TUSCL_Brother, Henry, magicrat, shekitout, TimboATL and Pop. Gridget had a great birthday and was very helpful lining guys up with specific dancers. Bro and I took gridget out for her birthday lunch. The girls were great. Our tables were always filled with fun dancers.
The Saturday breakfast at the Waffle House was attended by myself, Bro, gridget and one other dancer. Bro and I were the only two present at the club but we had plenty of friendly girls sitting with us. Sometimes 3 or 4 at the same time.