Do you limit how much you spend on one stripper?

chandlerBlue Ridge Foothills
We've had plenty of discussions about how much we spend in clubs overall. What about for one stripper? Is there a limit you try to stay within? Does it depend on whether you expect to see her again?
last commentWhy are you so active these days, chandler? No luck with non-"pay for" women so your mind is hung up on strippers? Or maybe it's career problems? Is life as a failed writer proving frustrating to you again?
I'm trying to limit my total spending nowadays. Been doing a decent job of it too. I'm sure the dancers would complain about business in general if I asked them. I haven't had any dancer give me a bad attitude look of disgust at only getting one dollar in over a year now. A couple of times I had dancers react to me tipping just one dollar when the club gave out change in two dollar bills. I despise two dollar bill change. If tipping lots of dancers two dollars bills means nothing to you, good for you. While everyone else and I mean everyone is just sitting in their seats, I go and tip a dollar at the stage lots of times.
If I know beforehand there will be more than one stripper I want to see, yes, but sometimes, only one stripper is worth the money, so I will spend all on one. It probably depends on how things are going in a given day.
I scout my prospects and divide accordingly - if there's only one, she's quite the lucky dancer.
For the last year, I have been spending 90% of my money on just one dancer. I don't fit the description of a RIL because I am getting OTC dates and I always come home with money still left in my pocket. I am going to phone her today to set up lunch dates for next week.
Bro, I did give her a big kiss for you last month and she said that it did qualify as a hard on(per your request). lol...
will be heading to vegas in several weeks for the start of NFL football. i don't want to give exact amounts, but i will bring an amount well into 4 figures for gambling and clubbing. The overwhelming amount of my club time will be spent at the Rhino (have a couple of faves there), though I may check out Ricks. I usually get dances from only one or two ladies, and I tend to spend a great deal of time with them.
I spend about 80% of my SC related funds on one stripper simply bc she is seeing me for otc sessions. She is very good and I want to treat her well.
At the risk of being contradicted, I'm going to cite some $$$ limits based on my experiences in Phoenix area clubs. This only applies to the situation where you visit a club regularly, and you are focusing on a few girls. In that circumstance, it becomes more predictable:
$20-$40 per visit - she will try to get to you, but don't expect anything special
$40-$80 per visit - she will get to you ASAP; you are a fair chunk of her nightly income; however, you are not worth "down time", i.e., hanging out for free for very long
$80-$120 per visit - you are a special guy; she will hang out with you; if you sustain this, she will give you her best dances within her limits; she will do her best to inflate your ego as well
More than $120 per visit - you have activated her wallet seeking radar; she may go to dinner with you and begin a complex campaign of money extraction maneuvers; unless you are getting sex, you are not getting your money's worth and it will end badly. Come to think of it, it will probably end badly no matter what!
Boy, the school of hard knocks is not cheap, is it?
I have a new answer.
It depends on how good her tits look.
Well I guess how good her lap dances are might be a factor too.
harrydave - I think your numbers are spot on.
I basically spend the same amount per visit, and prefer to spend it on one dancer that I can "hang out" with for the couple hours I'm there. Sometimes it is a dancer I already known, sometimes a new one for me. The new one's usually say something along the lines of "I've seen you here before" which tells me they know my spending pattern and have done the math.
I have a limit for the entire time but for each stripper, I cant divide for shit.
harrydave gives a pretty good example of Phx IME. In Houston, it is about double that and the girls are a little older. Phx is a unique SC market and a relative bargain compared to other cities. Although the Phx clubs are not brothels.
Harrydave: That's the kind of discussion I had hoped to start. Maybe I should have asked about spending levels instead of limits.
I agree that there's a threshold beyond which strippers sense spending is unsustainable, and is bound to end badly. But I think your lower levels are more fluid. Many girls just appreciate anybody who buys dances. I usually just get one or two dances with a girl, so I'm a $20-$40 guy, for better or worse. I don't expect anything special, but I'm satisfied with the treatment I get.
Whatever the amount, how many of us get locked into a routine of spending the same with a stripper on each visit? Or what happens if you get carried away the first time with her and blow $100+, then a lot less on later visits?
The problem with discussing what we spend is, while we tend to view it as a transaction of money for value with some guidelines and consistent expectations, on the other side we are confronted with inconsistency, unsustainable greed, and a relationship with money that could best be described as a one night stand. That is why it is so refreshing to meet a dancer who gets the money for value thing and preserves the integrity of that understanding (basically by putting out more when we spend more on them.
In my area business at the clubs has been lousy, so I am rrying to spread my money around to more of the dancers. Usually, due to limited funds, I only get lapdances from a favorite. But because so many dancers are having trouble making their "nut," I'm buying a dance or two from different girls instead of the favorites. None of them are getting rich off of me, but I am trying to be fair and they seem to appreciate it.
How many of us have skipped out on paying for lap dances because they sucked or the stripper tried to rip us off? How many of us have given the stripper the wrong amount inadvertently which resulted in an awkward moment afterward?
It's been a while since I've had a stripper try to rip me off for a dance, but back when it happened I paid what I owed and she took the money and walked. If she knows she's in the wrong, she'll back down unless she's taken you for a mark. I don't walk on dances, though. If it's lousy, that's my fault for picking her.
Sort of a rhetorical question. Don't we put a limit on ANYTHING we purchase?
When I'm in a club, I usually plan in advance to spend private dance money on just one dancer. But as to time spent talking etc. at the bar or a table, that could be endless--or 1 to 2 hours.
I agree with "harrydave"...I've noticed that if you spend more than $100 on a stripper that she will start into her routine on when she works at the club & when can you come in again...yadda yadda yadda...
harrydave does break it down very nicely for his town.
I am sure there are strippers that do not look at it as how much money YOU spend but how much money THEY received. For example, one club I know takes half of the money a dancer makes from dances. So if you spent $120 on dances and $15 on drinks, then the dancer will only receive $60 of that but you spent $135 with her.
One of my favorites after paying her for several dances told me "now let me go give half of it away to someone else". I think that was an exaggeration, but if the club requires tip outs to DJ, bartender, etc., it may not be far off.
Steve...that conversation actually did occur. I'm hoping for better luck next trip.
My MO is to bring a specific amount into the club and when its gone, I go home. Never hit the ATM machine. OK, almost never.
If its a new club or I don't visit it very frequently, I will sample several dancers that catch my eye, usually one LD apiece, sometimes two if they are good. At some point I know who I want to finish the night with and there goes what's left of my cash.
For my regular clubs, I will usually start with a LD or two from my fav(s), then try a few new or random dancers that catch my eye (if any) and finish with one of my Favs or ATF. If she's there, she gets the most attention. And there goes the rest of my cash.
Oh, and then there is the occasional club that is so bad I leave with almost what I came in with. I call that a bad night for all concerned except my wallet.