
Comments by gk (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Videotaping in VIP/booths
    If you knolw where the camera is, smuggle in a small travel bottle of hair spray and give it a shot!
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Logging in.
    Try disconnecting your modem, then disconnent the moldem power supply and wait for about a minute, then reconnecting it and power it back up. I've been told to do the same so that it "resets" itself. It usually solves some of the small connectivity problems. Can't hurt to try assusming you reconnect everything the right way. Good luck.
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    15 years ago
    Stripper Muscles
    Yes, I believe in stripper muscles. I know I couldn't hold that pole and push myself out perpendicular like some dancerss do, at least not my entire body. And I've also seen these stripper muscles go fast when they are not used.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Where does a dancer let you finish off a HJ?
    Depending on the club she finishes on the boobs, in a cocktail napkin or anywhere/anything handy that won't be left as evidence.
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    15 years ago
    My Baby Got a Jag
    MY favs right nowe are driving beaters. One doesn't have a car (in her possesssion, at least). Butr I've seen girls driving high-end trucks, Grand Cherokees, a Lexus here and there. The ones with the nice cars either have a relationshnbip with a guy who has a real job or they have sugar daddies.
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    15 years ago
    Have you ever wondered if a dancer was on drugs and then asked her?
    Many dancers I know admit to smoking weed and can't seem to get through the day without iot. Some ared big on Percocets and Vicodins. Atg opne kparticular club there wad a big coke klphase a few years ago but the smarter ones wised u- and the dumber ones moved elsewhere with there habit. A combination of weed and alcohol makes for a very mellow and sometimes playful dancer. But I've found a couple who admit to using coke and they are unpredictable depending on what they've been doing. I don't like my dancers flying so high that they forget I'm there or they have lost tough with what is going on around them. When they cross the line between working and totally escaping reality, I try to avoid them.
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    15 years ago
    Mami, you bi?
    Lesbian dancer couples in clubs are are rare in general, but depending on the club, they can bve more the norm than the exception. Some clubs in bigger cities attract lesbians because it's an easy way to be surrounded by women. Add in the bicuious and they have quite a field day if they are players, rather than the monogomous type. While I've seen some "conversions" I know that Darby is right too. I've observed a lot of curiosity and sexual energy that found an outlet through the familial intimacy offered by the back room atmosphere. I had a short term fav once who I know was in a lesbian relationship. Her partner eventually got so jealous of her flireting with men that she had to quit! I was close to sever dancers at a club wherfe there was one very dominanty lesbian. She had relationships byut not partnerships with several of the girls. She died and to this day manay of them still grieve her.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The ultimate upsell!
    Shadowcat, interesting situation and I'd be very tempted to. But, you're not only being tempted, you're being manipulated. She knows about you and can probably figure out the kind of fun your having and the economics of it. So she must think of herself as some type of fantasy fuck and feel certain that you feel the same way. Put on your business hat. Sex is a commodity until there's value added by the parties involved. Is that fantasy trip really a value-added feature worth $500 to you? I think you're stepping outside yourself if you go for this as offered. You need to take control of the negotiations, make yourself something of value to her so you can negotiate on more equal terms. She's got you by the mind-balls; make her let go before you make a decision. Keep us posted. Either way, have fun.
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    15 years ago
    Technical question
    Rebooting doesn't solve anything. As far as I can tell, there is no problem with the sound card, but then, how do you tell if it's corrupted? I'll updating my streaming video drivers, maybe that will help. If not, then I'm calling somebody; first I'll try the Dell help desk, then go local. Thanks, everybody.
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    15 years ago
    Technical question
    It'w a constant problem.
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    15 years ago
    How do you handle upselling?
    Sometimes it's like buying a car. You have to be prepared to walk away from the deal!
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    15 years ago
    Can we have a moment of silence please!
    Was in a club last night where the door man waived the fee for a vet. God bless tghe veterans. Strip clubs are part of what we're fighting to protect!
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    15 years ago
    Are you an Ass or Boobs man?
    I'm a boner-fide ass man! But I think it's poor stripper taste for the dancer to ask. If I'm really impressed, I'll tell her, or sometimes Ill make a game of havng her guessing which one I am. Of course, with my hands on her ass, I usually give away the answer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How long does it take them to get you off in Club? Do they try to rush you?
    If they're paranoid about who's watching or getting caught, it takes a while because it's not as much fun as it could be. And if the dancer doesn't know how to "handle" things it can also take a while (see judyjudy above). I try to take my time and get the dancer off too.
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    15 years ago
    26 yr old Stripper marrying 64 year old Sugar Daddy
    Sounds like a win-win to me already, at least for the moment. Remember, in the U.S. shareholder value is a short term measure. Seriously, I've seen thjis happen. Who cares if itg lasts (unless you're related etc.) Sounds like the doctor is goinig to have fun for a while.
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    15 years ago
    (Off Topic) Want Some Chili?
    Dudester, send us a ristra of chilles and we'll make our oun "Hot Ass TUSCL Clit Twiggling Dick Burning Chilli."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do you handle upselling?
    JJ, upselling: Dancer sells her customer a private dance for agreed upon price with certain expectations. When customer is mid song/dance, dancer announces that it will take X more dollars for whatever expectation that customer assumed he was getting for agreed upon price. This is the upsell. Some devious dancers make multiple upsells within one private dance session. We call them ROBs.
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    15 years ago
    After the Dance
    Here's what I hear afterwards: Wow! Now I need to change my panties. And of course, now I need to go smoke.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "The real reasons strippers strip"
    Of course it's about the money. It's their job. But there are many complexities and nuances as we've all found. Where else could a dancer match the money on a cash basis? No where (although some bartenders and waitresses come close). Dancer's I know who've left the business frequently complain about their low wages regardless of whether they end up in a low skill job or something requiring a degree! Talking with former dancers who are contemplating returning for the big payouts I've heard two common themes when they hesitate about getting back into it: 1) they can do something better. 2) they don't want to degrade themselves anymore. Both answers sound similar but reveal a different mindset. From many long, drawn out, often drunken conversations (getting beyond the stripper shit), here are some of the other reasons they've told me they like to be dancers: 1. Bored at home. 2. Drink for free. 3. Flirting with men. 4. Being around other women so they can flirt with them. 5. Like controlling and manipulating men. 5. Don't like desk jobs (i.e. secretarial). 6. They like to show off or be or be an exibitionist. 7. Access to drugs. But the most common rationale expressed about their work: "Feed my babies." How more natural can you get? Most of the successful dancers I've met have a good work ethic and skills that are transferable to other professions. Some take advantage of this--some don't.
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    15 years ago
    mile high heels
    Ever try to buy shoes for a dancer? There's not much choice in the exotic dress stores, etc. And if you go with more of a mainstream shoe, the heals can't always take the stress. But Lopaw is right, the sole and the heal have to be in the right proportion. One thing I find annoying about shoes, however, is when a dancer buys them with clear hollow soles and fills them (the soles) with coins. I know a dancer who wears them and I always tease her about her change sloshing around all the time.
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    15 years ago
    What WON'T She Do?
    Great approach. I also know a FS girl who won't give BJs either ITC or OTC, but otherwise...Personally I like to find the boundaries and ask for a travel visa!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How easy are extras available at your club?
    1) Know the club. If it's known for extra being available. hint or ask about them when interviewing your dancer. 2) Otherwise, if you are "new" but visit the same club for one or two days/week for two or three weeks in a row and buy drinks and enjoy yourself, the one or two dancers who do extras whill likely find you.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you ever wonder about others she is doing?
    It's a business transaction. If she's selling, you're probably able to buy it. But, I've noticed some are selective about who they do business with, trying to exclude a certain undefined strata, but I'm not sure they really succeed. Be safe.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Nothing like a gal who gives a good HJ
    The other day in a club where I'm not that much of a regular, HJ dancer had been bragging all day about being wild and liking sex etc. So I took her to the private dance room and after a HJ (all that was offered)and challenged her to prove all her bravado of the afternoon. She did by licking Mr Happy to clean him up. Now that begs the question...if she..why didnt she?... Hmm, maybe next time.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "Pretend you like me."
    Lonelurker--you're right. It's in their nature. The skill is how we use knowledge of their nature to our advantage.