mile high heels

avatar for LeeH
OK, I get the appeal of heels in general -- they make your ass and legs look good. But it occurred to me the other day, what's with the extra 4" of platform?

I saw my ATF out in the real world (OTC, but not "OTC") and did a double-take on her real height. OK, so maybe I like shorter women, and that's why I sprung wood ...

But even beyond my own tastes (or the inverse of them), what's the deal with the platforms?


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avatar for stripclubspy
15 years ago
Good question. I'm guessing all or most clubs require them, otherwise you would expect there to be at least a stripper or two with different taste...

The first club I visited, a dive called Leggs Lounge, had a dancer named "Rain" who wore a traditional pair of high-heeled pumps. She was beautiful and very elegant in them, but to be honest it was a little startling to see her up on stage without stripper platforms. Maybe it's just that stripper platforms are so closely tied to strippers...
avatar for slickpeter
15 years ago
ROFLMAO with the mention of Leggs on Michigan ---- At one of the clubs I freqtuent - Subi's had a dancer who was sent home one a day when a heel broke on her shoe ---she was told that she could not dance barefooted and no one else in the club had shoes she could wear that day. Management told her that she should have had an extra pair in case something like that happened - when she left they attempted to charge her for an early out - she told them to shove it ---she was a good 7.5 out of ten and never returned to work there after the incident. I could see it happening if the dawncer was a skank or a fugly they wanited to get rid of - but not a firm,productive dancer like her.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
I don't understand this hied heeled thing.They would look just as sexy to me if they were bare footed. I am not looking at their feet. I Had a conversation with a favorite awhie back. I suggested that wearing tennis shoes would be more comfortable and give off the next door girl look, She replied that she did not want to look like the girl next door. BUt she still takes off her shoes when giving me a private dance.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
Marines have a foot thing. Feet are essential to the infantry.

With that said, I prefer strippers in sensible shoes. Sneakers work for me.
avatar for judyjudy
15 years ago
i will not ever wear the platform heels....i personally think a nice pair of pumps are quite danty and sexy, I have had no complaints
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
If you're talking about the 3-4" of platform at the front of the shoe (under the ball of the foot & toe area),then that is there to allow the dancer to wear 8" spiked heels and not have her foot at a ridiculous angle to try and walk in. It's the equivalent of her walking on 4" heels, as far as her foot angle is concerned.

Stripper engineering at it's finest.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
A question of balance?
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
JudyJudy should be in charge of shoe selection for all strippers in Detroit. Look at that style!
avatar for LeeH
15 years ago
lopaw, that IS what i'm talking about -- but that's my point. Why the *extra* 4" ? Not like 8" heels make your legs look better than 4" heels.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
OK, I see. Good question. I don't know how today's dancers wound up in gi-normous heels, but it seems to be required stripper attire. I personally love the look of the 6 - 8" heels, but they really are overkill (not to mention dangerous), especially on any dancer that has any height to her at all.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
I guess they just have to wear "fuck me" shoes. For the record, I don't care for them. I'm with jj on this one.
avatar for BaddJack
15 years ago
Nah, man, you all got it wrong. The patron Saint of strippers is Gene Simmons. 'Nuff said.
avatar for pop
15 years ago
I've seen a few girls that have comparments in the platform where they keep their money.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
the heels were probably cheaper than buying a foot stool and multi purpose
avatar for RickWood
15 years ago
I don't really care for the extra 4" platform look, but the platform shoes went too far when the clear platforms started showing up with the flashing LED's. That's just annoying to watch.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
How about those shoes that light up? Why would a dancer want to attract attention to her feet? I have one favorite that is 5'11" bare foot.Taller than me.I always try to hook up TIMBOATL (6'7")with her, when he is in the club.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
The heels really do deceive us into thinking their ass is nicer than it actually is. This lesson has cost me $$$
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Rickwood, I know exactly what you are talking about...I liked this asian dancer but after I saw her with shoes that light up leds when she walks I could no longer take her childish to wear such shoes.
avatar for gk
15 years ago
Ever try to buy shoes for a dancer? There's not much choice in the exotic dress stores, etc. And if you go with more of a mainstream shoe, the heals can't always take the stress. But Lopaw is right, the sole and the heal have to be in the right proportion.

One thing I find annoying about shoes, however, is when a dancer buys them with clear hollow soles and fills them (the soles) with coins. I know a dancer who wears them and I always tease her about her change sloshing around all the time.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
Not only are mainstream shoes not strong enough, they don't have the rubber grip on the sole. A veteran dancer and I were watching a rookie dance in regular pumps, and vet was telling me the girl was going to fall on the slick stage. She did.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
I think strippers buy clothes and shoes from ladies who sell them at the club.
avatar for DandyDan
15 years ago
The title sounds like a name for a strip club in Denver....

The whole heel thing is just awful. I am not sure why they have to be so high. The thing is, every dancer at every club I've gone too, at least in recent years, takes them off whenever they do a lap dance. Another thing is that I've been to a couple places which let them wear tennis shoes, as long as it goes with their outfit, and it doesn't really help that much.
avatar for LeeH
15 years ago
DandyDan, good catch on the title. ;-) Thought about that after I typed it.
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