
How do you handle upselling?

Friday, November 13, 2009 4:22 AM
I'm not a very good negotiator. I went to a lingerie place in Portland, Oregon and believe I paid more than I should have for a show. How do you folks handle upselling?


  • brewerfan
    15 years ago
    was this a store or strip club?
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Upselling can really hurt a club if it drives customers away. That happened recently to a local club here that had to shut down because of greedy dancers. I used to tolerate upselling and would sometimes negotiate, but no more. I refuse to haggle for a dance, and I will only pay the posted price. If the girl tries to upsell, I walk away.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I try to use the same method as lopaw, but unfortunately my head in between my legs sometimes takes over and does the thinking!
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    Usually, if they try to upsell me, that's the end of it. I just tell them no and that's it, and I leave if they don't leave (and some of them won't leave).
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    If they start the upsell cut it all short even if it's just seconds before the song. You don't want to deal with the hustlers, but rather the ones who have accepted that they need to work (fuck) for money.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I like clubs which dont have 5 other things to upsell, it's better when they keep it simple
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
    Can explain what you mean by upselling? The girls? The club? ??????????????
  • gk
    15 years ago
    JJ, upselling: Dancer sells her customer a private dance for agreed upon price with certain expectations. When customer is mid song/dance, dancer announces that it will take X more dollars for whatever expectation that customer assumed he was getting for agreed upon price. This is the upsell. Some devious dancers make multiple upsells within one private dance session. We call them ROBs.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Lopaw has it right. Just walk away.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Upselling can also include pushing champagne rooms or other lines for services not rendered to get you to spend more money/be there longer.
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
    well that seems not right to me. I have made some promises while providing extras and I always live up to them. For the most part I find that I make my guys cum a bit earlier than they actually expect to. for the record if I promise completion and it takes a extra song, so be it.........but remember i do this for fun not money
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    The funny thing is that this recently happened to me ------ I was offered the extra of a BJ for $50 ----- I accepted and told her to go ahead and get right on to it ------when the song ended and Mr Happy was not happy yet ---she told me that it was $50 per song ---not for $50 for completion like I wassold upon - I think she thought I would cum in one song ----but it was not even ready at that point----- this took place at one of the infamous places on 8 Mile ---not my typical suburban club
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
    see i think that is wrong. 50.00 per song should have been specified up front. I have found that by setting the expectation up front all parties will be ok with the result.
  • Philip A. Stein
    15 years ago
    But JJ, you can't swindle an extra $50 out of a guy if you don't play on his good natured heart.
  • rockie
    15 years ago
    I have no issue if the suggestion of an up sell is mentioned once during a lap dance. I'm done if the up sell continues after I tell the dancer no thank you. I find it funny when after 2 lap dances and a no thank you to the suggestion of the CR a dancer believes the lap dances are over. At least twice recently, I've had to tell a dancer that it would be fine with me if the dancer continues with lap dances.
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    But the price I was used to was $50 for a BJ ---in today's economy that seems to be the going price for the service ------- she thought otherwise and did feel it was inportant to lay our all of the rules first
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Girls have tried for more, ask for $100 but settle for a more reasonable $50 BJ
  • ericsacto2
    15 years ago
    To clarify my original post, it was place that lingerie shows where the girl would strip and the guy (me) would get off. AKA jack shack. She said the show would be hotter if I tipped her more. I guess that's not the norm and she was just a ROB.
  • ericsacto2
    15 years ago
    Looking back, I guess my question isn't really upselling but rather negotiating extras. How do you negotiate extras?
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    Not very good.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    jj, Sometimes you seem to good to be real.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Sometimes it's like buying a car. You have to be prepared to walk away from the deal!
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    So correct about just walking away -----in buying a car I now buy (really lease) all of my vehicles online and if the deal isn't good then I just go to a different site until I find a site to my likeing ------ I guess that means I should now be going to the internet for my sexual pleasure ---if the price isn't right - I can just go to a different porn site
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    I hate car buying. Once I made the mistake of giving a dealer my car keys so they could check out my car for trade-in value. Later, when we couldn't agree on a deal and I wanted to leave, they claimed they couldn't find my keys. I almost had to literally walk away, but the keys suddenly turned up when I threatened to call the cops.
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
    the way to negotiate extras is to be upfront and set the expectation.....it is that simple
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Negotiating is especially challenging when the stripper barely understands english
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    The "lingerie studio" type of club/setup is one that I avoid like the plague. Essentially, one forks over upfront money to spend a specified period of time in a booth/room with a dancer. Initially, sounds like a fair deal- getting some naked dances for =< regular dance prices. Once back there, one is "informed" that one must fork over more money if they want something more than a lame ass performance. Given the choice between forking over a bunch of dough for nothing, or forking over some more dough for a promise of "something", many suckers opt for the later. IMO, more of a con game than upsell. Most common upsell scenario involves customer buying basic single dances & being told that "things will get better in the VIP". My attitude is that if basic dances aren't good, VIP isn't going to get better.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Upselling is like respect, it should be earned not requested.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I will not negotiate. If you manage to get her to lower her price, you may also get her to lower her mileage out of contempt for you. I just say NO!
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    I do negotiate, but it's always in an air of mutual respect. I tend to find that a marginal reduction in price can actually increase her respect for me, rather than reduce it (I've proven that I'm not some lame-butt pushover whom she "should" rip of merely because he's weak, for example). It depends on the context. Professional negotiators have a set of rules of thumb, such as, knowing exactly what price you are willing to pay for what type of service, and knowing what your maximum number of returns to the bargaining table will be, before you simply flatly refuse to go back regardless. I don't exactly know all the rules or how to implement them. For me, the fact that I can successfully portray myself as a potential return-customer has generally been a useful bargaining chip. I believe that in a "tourist" location such as Las Vegas or New York I might be at a disadvantage, because the girls would "know" that I wasn't likely to return. In the absence of likelihood to return, the girl has no incentive to make sure that I like what she does. Except for one small fact, which is that the internet can lead to spreading the bad word, or good word, if she is noteworthy in her quality level. I don't know just how many girls' business that fact would significantly impact (either upwards or downwards).
  • gk
    15 years ago
    I don't mind negotiating, but not after I sign the contract. But like BoogGuy says, power comes knowing what you want to spend and not varying from that. That way you never cede control of negotiations to the dancer.
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