
The ultimate upsell!

Atlanta suburb
Sunday, November 15, 2009 3:40 PM
This is so very personal but yet I cannot help but share it. Let me set the scenario. She is close to 30 now. Married but no kids. I am nor sure if you could call it a happy marriage. I know that they busted up a year or so ago but got back together. He got ripped off in a national helicopter school 2+ years ago. She is now going to dental hygienist school. I joked with her. If I drive 240 miles to get my teeth cleaned, can I fondle your boobs while I am getting them done. That got a laugh but no answer. Specking of boobs.She has fakes.I have known her for 6+ years. She told me 3 months ago that she was going to have them redone. In case you didn't know, if they don't get redone every 8-10 years they look and feel like shit. She told me that they would be slightly bigger but would feel much more natural. She was totally correct. They are a bit bigger but I defy you to call them fakes. They fell like the real thing. Medical advancements! Like I said, I have known her for a long time. I have lusted after her for a long time. I always told her that she had a killer body. She always gave me good value dances. No extras. In the last year, her dances picked up a lot. I just attributed this to competition. Now for the shit. Last Friday we hooked up for what I expected to be my usual good dance. There are 3 couch dance rooms in my favorite club. The one next to the men's room I usually hate. Too many people can look in. It's OK during the day. She took me back there for the first time. Why? She pointed out the mirror on the ceiling. She was not drunk and I seriously doubt that she does drugs. The next thing I know we are doing DFK. I have not done this much since I was in High School. Then it turned into DATY. I have only gone down on 2 strippers in my life. But I wanted it.I had her laid out totally on her back. A first for me. She took my dick in her mouth briefly. A shock!i said "Wouldn't last 5 minutes with you in bed" And I meant that. Then she blew my mind. It could happen for $500. "I usually get $1,000" I was shocked and excited I am still shocked and excited. I don't know what to do. I can afford $500 but I can get FS from others for $150. I know that she can get the $1,000 from some really horny guys. I suppose that I would pay that much if it wasn't for better prices from others.Much less desirable. I am totally surprised at this situation. I would never have guessed that she would go this far. I want to fuck her but $500 is high. Can you imagine any girl that you have ever known that you wanted to fuck more and now got the opportunity. I told her that I had 24 photos of gridget naked.She said "I can do that" Before she left the club she gave me her phone number and email address. If I send her an email, am I going to commit myself to a $500 event or am I going to make a closer friend and get the price down? I gotta call TUSCL+Brother today and get his input. Then I gotta call gridget. Gotta check up on her surgery and get her advice. She never cock block's me. She knows the dancer. What would you do?


    15 years ago
    S-cat, sounds like you've already got the best intelligentsia to consult. Good luck. If it were me though, rather than saying yes or no, I'd go the third route and try to learn a little more. Take her out (most important -- OUT of the club environment) for something general, like ice cream, and chew the rag a bit. Then go from there.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Just wondering more about what she looks like? Know any celebrities that look similar to her? I remember one time I was getting a root canal done. The dentist injected the anesthetic and said she would be back in 10 minutes to let it settle in. The dental hygienst stayed in the room and asked "is there anything I can get you? a magazine, etc.?" I wanted to ask "how about a lap dance?!" but instead said "no thanks"..I spent the next 10 minutes day dreaming about it though!
  • RickWood
    15 years ago
    Damn, that's a difficult position to be in. If you want her that much, I'd set a few ground rules for the $500. I would make sure the time spent together is worth the money. For example, if your $150 FS is an hour then she will need to put in at least 3 hours, maybe 4, negotiate. One happy ending will not be enough. Have your way with her, take her to dinner and allow both of you to relax and reset, then take her back to your room and fuck the hell out of her again. You MUST set limits much higher than what you normally expect for $150 with the others. A $500 adventure will eventually get out, feelings may be hurt and prices will go up. She may be that special conquest to you, but its like the fantastic deals you get on lap dances, if you start more than tripling the price you are willing to pay how long will it be before all the prices increase? You said her dances were no extras until this past year, then they started getting better. You don't say how, and I won't pry. Has she really been getting $1K, or is that part of the upsell? Just like buying a new car, you've gotta be willing to walk away from the table. If she's gone from no extras to DFK, BJ and DATY that quick I'll bet she'll chase you down for your terms. The chase may be almost as much fun as the catch, especially if she's constantly ramping up her sales pitch. Good Luck!
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Any stripper who says she can easily get $1000 in this economy is FOS. It all depends urgently and often you intend to fuck her. If you do go with $500 for the first time, I won't get overly worried about it. Once she gets a taste of the money she'll be offering you much sweeter deals in no time. That's how it is for some of them. Don't ask if it makes any sense or not, or try to understand it, but some take how much you pay them as how much they are worth. But then the need for money always wins out (if they weren't desperate for money would they be fucking customers in the first place?). If you don't intend to fuck her too often or can be patient, then just play it out for a while and see if the price is coming down.
  • clubsblue0303
    15 years ago
    S-Cat: Please keep us in the loop. Sounds interesting.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I have seen her OTC twice at the local Waffle House by coincident. Anybody would call her her a 9. I have to bump that up to a 10. I am sure that when my buddies read this they they will want her name. They will be shocked. I will give them her name. Then they will be as shocked as me. A day later and I still cannot decide what to do.
  • Dain
    15 years ago
    No fukc is worth $1000.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Dougster states, "Any stripper who says she can easily get $1000 in this economy is FOS." I tend to agree with this statement. If a woman fucks for money AND can demand and receive $1000 a pop, well then I doubt she would even bother with stripping. Of course she could do that AND be an exhibitionist.
  • mitciv
    15 years ago
    Shadow, I'm shocked she would do daty in that lap dance room. Wouldn't she be fired if caught? Which side of the room were you on?
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    I have to agee with Dougster and Clubber. The $1000 figure sounds like BS. If she could get that much she'd not need to strip. Checked the Tampa escorts prices on TER and nobody's getting that much, and there are some amazing Playboy centerfold types available. Now, $500 for OTC GFE? That's believable. But $500 for a quick fuck in a champagne room is too much. For that much I want a bed and some privacy.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Ashley Alexandra Dupré, the prostitute known as "Kristen" New York governor Eliot Spitzer reportedly visited as Client 9 charged $1k per hour. I would go off what either gridget or tbro tells you..they know you best.
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    What is so strange about DATY in the room ---it is a common occurance here in Metro Detroit
  • mitciv
    15 years ago
    I was talking about THAT room at THAT club only
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    She got desperate for money and decided to upsell you. She may be new to charging for FS and other activities, reflecting the demands of this rocky economy. If you have any emotional attachment, once you go down this road you will be hooked. It will get more expense and harder to walk away. I would wait two weeks, take her to lunch and tell her that you don't see spending any money for taking your relationship to the next level. When she insists on money--walk away.
    15 years ago
    Peter, I saw some of that in Motown... done without a bib no less!
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I think you guys understand the situation. 2 PM's already.TimboATL guessed her name right off the bat. Have I been missing out? or is this policy change. I gotta wonder.
  • now_starring
    15 years ago
    For 1000 a pop she could have a lot of free time. Why even bother with stripping? If I was her and I could make 1000 per day, or maybe an hour's I would work less than half the days in a month. If I did strip it would only be to meet new clients assuming I did not have my own business up and running. You can advertise as long as you know how to do it without saying too much.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    "Far too pretty to be giving it cheap That’s why she’s making six figures working three days a week Yeah she’d even break a promise in the promise-land She didn’t make it this far by just shakin’ hands"
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Shadowcat, interesting situation and I'd be very tempted to. But, you're not only being tempted, you're being manipulated. She knows about you and can probably figure out the kind of fun your having and the economics of it. So she must think of herself as some type of fantasy fuck and feel certain that you feel the same way. Put on your business hat. Sex is a commodity until there's value added by the parties involved. Is that fantasy trip really a value-added feature worth $500 to you? I think you're stepping outside yourself if you go for this as offered. You need to take control of the negotiations, make yourself something of value to her so you can negotiate on more equal terms. She's got you by the mind-balls; make her let go before you make a decision. Keep us posted. Either way, have fun.
    15 years ago
    Steve, I've heard that song/lyrics soooooooo many times recently I'm surprised it hasn't shown up in a dream yet.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I new this was going to start up a fire storm of PM's. 4 so far. I guess that she is not that important to me. I will give out her name. You will not get shit about gridget. My thinking today is email her, build up the relationship and hope for better prices.BTW, she only works about 1 day a week now.I also have to consider my relationship with gridget. She will not cock block me but she knows the other girl. I don't want to fuck up an all ready perfect deal. My head is still buzzing.
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    Shadow ---remember you always have to remember which head is doing the thinking ---the little head for short time enjoyment or the big head for the long time run!
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    SS - Thats what it is. The gals who quote $1000 are going for the jugular big time. With the gals on [view link] doing it for $100 - $150 why pay more. POP with strippers here in Houston is $150 - $300 from what I have been getting it for, some $100.
  • RickWood
    15 years ago
    Player11, I have to disagree with you. You've just admitted to paying double in a Houston club what you could get from a girl on this [view link] I had a few minutes to kill and looked on that website at a few of the cities I visit. I found the same pics with different scams. Even IF you actually found a real ad and a real girl, its still a completely unknown quantity. I'm not gonna throw money away like that. I'm sure not gonna start giving out phone numbers and credit card numbers. Duh, how stupid are some people. Please note I'm not calling Player11 stupid, sounds like he doesn't fall for that shit either. Back to the OP, this one sounds like the real deal, a known quantity. She offered him a $500 deal, said the normal price was $1K so he's getting half off. Hmmmm, didn't i just see that same advertising gimmick at my local brick and mortar electronics store last week? They've NEVER sold a TV for what the original list price shows on the sale tag, but its still listed. I still say she'll negotiate down from the $500. From her point of view its better to negotiate down from $500 than from $200. Hell, it was worth a shot to see if he'd pay the full $500. Can't blame a girl for trying! Good luck SC!
  • pop
    15 years ago
    Seems like way too much money for what may be a disappointing time. The fantasy may be better than the reality.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    pop, you know me. I just PM'd you her name. Shocked? Guys understand.This is someone that I have wanted to fuck for 6 years.And now have the chance.I am tempted, even at $500, but not stupid.I actually fucked another dancer the same day and the same room for less than $100.But I do not have her phone number or email address. It may not be worth it but I gotta go for it. Just want to get the price down.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Oh fuck. She knows about TUSCL and could be reading this shit. Oh well,at least she knows where my head is at.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    sc, Then you just negotiated and should get her reply.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    If she and her husband plan on going on any vacations soon you can use your employee discount to get her flight booked and I am sure she would lower the $500 price for you. But I think you could get her to go lower with the way the economy is and with christmas coming up soon (I know she does not have kids but it is still a big shopping holiday).
  • vincemichaels
    15 years ago
    I have to agree with pop. Up in my neck of the woods, I can have FS in a few clubs with some totally fine dancers for $100-200. With the auto business totally fucked, the dancers aren't always going to totally rip one off.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I really don't think the question really has anything to do with what we would do. You do not need us or anyone for advice on what to do.
  • Jaddoo
    15 years ago
    No more than 250 and it better be for an hour of GFE. bbbj,DFK,MSOG
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I remember there is a song featuring T-pain: Blak Jak ft. T-Pain - Ball Out ($500). Basically the chorus of the song goes "When I'm in the strip club I get love for about 500 dollars Y Y Y Y Yes indeed anything you need for about 500 dollars "
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