
My Baby Got a Jag

So much for my theory that all strippers drive crappy cars.

OK, so it's used, and she got a really, really good deal because her “friend” needed to raise some cash fast to pay his lawyer (don't ask), but still, it's a Jaguar, man.

So what does your favorite drive?


  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    I know a dancer that recently had to sell her 2009 Jeep for $8k plus receive a typical stripper beater car in trade, since she had to get her kid out of jail or someplace like that
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    My fav drives a white 2009 Cadillac Escalade ---- definitely not a typical stripper hooptymobile!

    BTW she owes nothing on it --it was a ca$h deal!
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I just had lunch this weekend with a new ATF and she pulled up in a Jag and she parks it in her own house. She doesn't use drugs and is studying to be a nurse.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    When I met her, an old Olds. I went with her to buy a new truck. Then an Audi, and last I saw she was driving a Boxster.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    At kahoot's they have a lot set aside for staff and dancers to park in and be escorted out to. There are usually nicer cars in the consumer lot than the staff lot.

    I know one dancer who drove around in a Mercedes Benz 700 v14 but it was leased not owned.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    Man, who the heck pays cash for a car? That's got to be one of the worst investments around.

    From what I can remember, my former ATFs either didn't have cars at all or they drove some slightly used sedans.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    You should tell that to the champagne room floor manager that works at Club X. He is 26 years old and still lives with his parents. He has about $85k in cash saved up and he wants to buy a rare vette for 100k. I tell him to invest that money in buying ownership in the club and improving it but he won't listen. He points out stocks that he knew people invested in believing they were stable investments but now about worthless Enron, Worldcom, Sun Microsystems, AIG, etc.
    15 years ago
    Nice thread, Steve! You're making me come to the realization I've shelled out too much dough. Black Label, here I come!!!!
    15 years ago
    Mr. G., I'd agree with you except for one thing: I believe a warranty only comes on a new car (from the manufacturers who offer them.) For anyone who's ever endured a lemon, peace of mind by having a warranty is a nice thing to have.

  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Let's see - a couple Jags, an Escalade, a Benz and a freakin' Porsche Boxster? I think CTQWERTY is right, we're paying these babes too much!

    Some (most?) dancers may have no credit history or really bad credit. If they want a nice new car, paying cash may be the only option.
    15 years ago
    I'm sure Mr. G is going to point out the immediate loss of value on a new car purchase once it's driven off the dealer's lot. Whereas if someone buys a 2-3 year old car, then there's already been a fair reduction incurred due to it's depreciation, etc. Good in terms of saving money... but you don't really know the vehicle's history (CarFax yes for major things like accidents ... but what if they car has a transmission problem which has been minor and existed for a long-time but never addressed? A lot of folks may not pick up on it during a test drive.)

    Steve, your forgot to follow "Jags, Escalade, Porsche" with "lives at home with parents"...
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    Strippers on the most part live outside of the normal credit economy ----- they do not have a job and income that is traceable, they do not pay their fair share of taxes (however many of them leech off of society and the government on medicaid and food stamps for their babies), they do not have consumer credit (have you ever noticed how many of them use the pay in advance cell phones, versus the normal phones the majority of society uses? That is why when a stripper wants a nice car they pay ca$h for it.

    On the same thought - why do they have to exist in a symbiotic relationship with their loser boyfriends or pimp? Because neither of them can exist by themself in the economy of the real world - the stripper world is an imaginary one!
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
    How about a Yukon
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Pete - so true. One dancer was telling me about how much she spent on DVDs. I said wouldn't renting be cheaper? She said she didn't have a credit card, so she couldn't get a Blockbuster or Netflix account.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    none of my favs are driving jags. but none are driving junkers either. Basically the same as me. I think that the ones that do drive more expensive cars are being supported by husbands/sugar daddies. My 1st ATF was leasing a Jeep Cherokee and did have a credit card. I was shocked when she sent me flowers by FTD. Shocked 1st by she sent them, 2nd by using a credit card, she gave me her whole real name, 3rd that she had a credit card.
    15 years ago
    DVDs? My local community library used to be non-fiction free for a week and fiction $1 for the week. They were making so much in overdue fines ($1 per day), they recently made fiction films now free for a week also. Good luck competing with that Blockbuster. Only problem is with new fiction releases there's often a 75-person waiting list eventhough they'll buy four copies. 6 months down the road, all four copies are on the shelf waiting to be checked out... Now they're beginning to buy Blu-ray.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    MY favs right nowe are driving beaters. One doesn't have a car (in her possesssion, at least). Butr I've seen girls driving high-end trucks, Grand Cherokees, a Lexus here and there. The ones with the nice cars either have a relationshnbip with a guy who has a real job or they have sugar daddies.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    Over the years- I haven't seen any dancers with a Jag (yet), I've seen a couple of late model Vettes, and several gas-guzzling SUV's (seems to be more common than sports, or luxury cars).

    ss1- Hey, if I see a white ZR1 disappear from a certain Worthington dealer, I'll know who the lucky SOB is now.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    And then there are all the strippers who got DUI's and lost their licenses.
  • jester214
    15 years ago
    I often see dancers with nicer cars than what I'm driving, although that's typically a rental.

    While I'm sure some of them are just making a ton of cash. I wouldn't exactly be shocked if most of them ran out and bought a car they couldn't afford the first time they had a good week on the job. Knowing a lot of them they probably got some horrid lease.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    In Detroit you are what you drive.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "I believe a warranty only comes on a new car (from the manufacturers who offer them.) For anyone who's ever endured a lemon, peace of mind by having a warranty is a nice thing to have."

    Well, you can get a warranty on a new or some used cars (a limited one anyways), and you don't have to pay cash for the car to get a warranty. It just seems silly to pay cash for something that almost always automatically loses thousands of dollars in value the moment that you drive it off the car lot.

    I could have easily paid cash for the (new) car that I drive now, but I figured why not have the bank keep the title of the car until I finish making payments on it...and keep the warranty on the car valid until the payments are done as well. That way, if the car goes belly up, it's likely the bank's problem, not mine.

    As for warranty's on used cars, I bought a 1984 Camaro used a looong time ago that ended up needing over $6K worth of engine work on it within 11 month's time. All of it, save for $100, was paid for by GM...including the cost of giving a me a rental car while the car was in the shop multiple times...and all for the cost of $250 or so for a one-year limited drive-train only warranty. It was the best $250 that I ever spent...lol...
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago

    Your liberalism has definately made you an idiot, or is it because you are an idiot, you are liberal?

    You do not want to pay cash for a car that declines in value, but you are willing to finance it, which makes it more expensive to own. And I seriously doubt your return on any investment would exceed the finance cost.

    Regarding your logic that the bank has a problem with a financed lemon is absurd. You are the person ulimately responsible for it as the bank has recourse against you. But like a true liberal, you want to pass your problem onto someone else. You appear unwilling to take responsibility for your own actions.

    You comments on any subject lack merit, intelligence, commen sense etc.
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    Lets give txtitty a hand of applause ---he sure told Mister Guy the facts of financial life in his own way! I love your comment about liberalismmaking one an idiot and idiots are liberals
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    I disagree with your "idiot" assessment. I believe liberals are one of two things. The first, just plain ignorant lemur like humans. The second, very intelligent deceitful manipulators. I think it is obvious were the above liberal fits, and it isn't the second choice.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "You do not want to pay cash for a car that declines in value, but you are willing to finance it, which makes it more expensive to own"

    ...unless you happen to get 0% financing, moron.

    "Regarding your logic that the bank has a problem with a financed lemon is absurd."

    Ummmm, no, it really isn't. Try looking into lemon laws before you make such a stupid statement wing-nut.

    "But like a true liberal, you want to pass your problem onto someone else. You appear unwilling to take responsibility for your own actions."

    LOL...ahhhh, the standard "personal responsibility" line from another loony Right-winger. You wing-nuts almost NEVER take responsibility got the adverse actions that your policies have on the USA, period.

    "You comments on any subject lack merit, intelligence, commen sense"

    ...and your projections of your own faults onto me is quite humorous...lol...run along now...

    "he sure told Mister Guy the facts of financial life in his own way"

    ...in your dreams that is...

    Once again clubber...thanks so much for adding absolutely NOTHING to this (or any other) discussion...ugh...
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
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