
"Pretend you like me."

Friday, October 23, 2009 11:53 AM
Ever have a dancer ask you to pretend to be her regular? Entering the club the other night I see a dancer I vaguely know as a friend of a favorite. Some intense looking guy is talking to her, and she looks kinda upset. As soon as she sees me, she says something to the guy, and then rushes over to me. She hugs me tight and whispers into my ear, telling me she doesn't want to go to the back with that guy, so she told him I was her regular, and would I pretend to like her. Being the gallant (and perhaps gullible) fellow I am, I said sure. We got a table, and cuddled, held hands and talked until the other guy got bored and left. I was surprised that a dancer would turn down a private dance, but I don't know the whole back story (maybe this goes in the stalked stripper file). It could have all been SS, but she never asked me for a dance, and other than buying her a drink I didn't spend any money on her, so it turned out to be some inexpensive GFE.


  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    to answer your question, no.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Very interesting story. I don't think it was a stalker thing. If she was afraid of the guy she could have gone to the bouncer instead of you. You helped probably break that guy's heart and sent him home with a case of blue balls...she was just doing this as SS to make him jealous. You happened to be the lucky guy!
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Here's how I see it. What she asked you to do was rescue her. And yes, I've done that as a favor to the requestor, even if I didn't know her very well. But it's really a favor to her unseen dancer friend who I likely know very well and by doing this favor I've ingratiated myself to her even more. This happens all the time. Maybe the customer is asking for something she doesn't want to do, like OTC when she's not interested, maybe she senses that he's a potential stalker or something like that. I've had dancers asked to be "rescued" because someone had bad breath, bad body odor, or manhandled her the wrong way on a previous encounter. The point is, if you are a regular customer and are well known, you need to do this type of favor. But if you're not a regular or if you're at a club for the first time, it sounds like a lousy come-on to me.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I've been asked to pretend I'm the boyfriend to get some clown to leave. I dont really mind as long as it's for a stripper I know and I dont need to say or do anything.
  • deogol
    15 years ago
    Silly rabbit, pretending is for tricks!
  • LoneLurker
    15 years ago
    Women use this tactic from the time they're teenagers in ALL environments to shake loose from guys they don't want to interact with (for whatever reason). Nothing new going on here.
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    I agree with lurker (love the star trek pic, btw). I've never been asked to pretend to be a regular, but I have had a dancer ask me to tip her when she went up on stage for a finale, which I think was just an ego thing to tell the other girls that I preferred HER. I've found that anything that makes her feel sexy and flattered pays dividends.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I've pretended to be a customer before (and not a regular).
  • catman988
    15 years ago
    yes, that has happened to me a couple of times. it is because she wants to NOT dance for that person.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    "Women use this tactic from the time they're teenagers in ALL environments to shake loose from guys they don't want to interact with (for whatever reason). Nothing new going on here." I know what you are talking about...It seemed like if I was in the same area around my ex-gf (not from SC) she would strike up conversation with the nearest guy, sometimes about the most random subjects just to avoid me. However, I find it rare for a stripper to turn down a dance/money from a customer...I even know strippers who enjoy taking money from their stalkers. Then talk shit behind their backs about what losers they are.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Lonelurker--you're right. It's in their nature. The skill is how we use knowledge of their nature to our advantage.
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