
Comments by Kajohnston (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Dancer giving out phone number?
    @reverendhornibastard --> ”When a stripper gives me her phone number, I ALWAYS throw it away immediately after leaving the club (especially if I really liked her). I don’t have that much will power and I know it.” Lmao, someday I wish to have as much will power as you to immediately throw away the phone numbers I’ve been given. Brilliant! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I cannot think of anyone I kept in touch with more than two years. Either our mutual interests diverged or they got immediately cut off when they started drama. I can count on one hand the girls I kept in touch with
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    5 years ago
    Collecting instagrams?
    @nicespice What’s Instagram and why would I want to waste my time using it? I prefer real vs virtual women. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    5 years ago
    Stripper life style
    ”Nope. Couldn't care less what these ladies drive. They sacrifice their bodies for my pleasure and I will forever be grateful. I hope they make a good living and find success and happiness in whatever they pursue as opposed to being strung out on drugs, destitute and another statistic.” Ditto, @JAprufrock, @subraman, @twentyfive. Interestingly, two of my all time favs either knowingly or unknowingly helped me to become a better version of me. I appreciated and thanked them both. One of them invited me to stay overnight at her gorgeous high-rise apartment with every amenity including, indoor Olympic pool, maid service, butlers and doorman. Think of where multi-millionaire NBA players and CEO’s would live. She regrets not owning her own place and having little net worth/positive experiences after years of living a materialistic lifestyle. She shared some crazy stories about what she has dealt with to afford her lifestyle which I personally don't feel is worth it. She also realized that that good relationships are important which were difficult to maintain due to her lifestyle. The other is working still working double shifts at two clubs to afford her lifestyle and has shared similar crazy stories. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. I focus on what's best for me first and I encourage others to do the same. I’ll always be grateful for the experience and companionship they provided.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    But at least a nigga, nigga rich
    Mail order brides...
    ”Buy a wife from Vietnam for only 6000 USD. 1. Guaranteed virgin. 2. Guaranteed to be delivered in 90 days. 3. NO extra charges. 4. If ran away within a year you get another one FREE.” https://m.imgur.com/a/E3Ls3lI If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Truth is stranger than fiction.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Grabbing his junk as a sales technique?
    @nicespice Depends on the club though it's very common in the clubs near me. I agree with @dolfan @rickdugan and @twentyfive. I usually find ”the handshake” distasteful when done in public, especially if I've just met the girl, and I’ll actively swat her hands away. Civilians have done this to me too. Example, girls grabbed my junk, not brushed, while I was stuffing my pie hole in a cafeteria with lots of people around. I'm all for foreplay as long as it's done in a suspenseful way at the right place and time. ”The handshake”, brush or grab, is more likely to turn me off than on and close the sale. I'm a hunter so I enjoy the chase and suspense. If a girl is too much of a sure thing either my alarm bells go off wondering why she’s so easy and or I’ll quickly get bored. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    How Do You Come Across in a Strip Club?
    It depends on the other person, how I feel and the vibe I give off. Universally, an @$$hole though I try to have fun and be polite. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I definitely stand out. There are a few well-known fighters/actors that look like me and I usually get comments/compliments on my unique fashion style. About half the women are intimidated/nervous and half say I'm handsome/cute/cuddly/funny. I agree I’d do much better if I’d smile more instead of looking serious. Meh, hurts my face when I smile a lot (scars) and I meet more than enough people, girls and guys, that want to hang out.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Would u take me to the strip club with u ?
    @Nicole1994 Heck yeah, I’d take you to the club with me as long as you promise to be a good girl, help attract beautiful women, have fun and only use non-verbal communication. I’ll help teach you how to have fun while using only non-verbal communication.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Nina and Nicole please
    @Nicole1994 Also, be more concise and use spelling/grammar check before posting. Please and thank you :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What It's Really Like To Be An Escort (And Why I Prefer It To Stripping)
    ”Jolene Dubois is a self-confessed seductress and professional escort based in the United States. She is currently working on her exit strategy from the sex industry and plans to attend graduate school and become a true working writer.” Reads like her exit strategy is to advertise and market herself as a madam and entice young, naive, desperate women to work as escorts for her because she's a self-confessed professional. ”If you are dissatisfied with stripping, do some serious soul-searching before taking the leap into escorting and decide if it’s worth giving a try. For me, it certainly was, because after a slow start, I brought in $13,000 my second month in the business, working less than ten hours per week in appointment time.” If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Why do the dirty work when you can con others into doing it for you and earn as much or more money?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    But at least a nigga, nigga rich
    What's your dream car??
    @IceyLoco Agree. Love that motorcycle. Too bad if we ever meet I probably won't be able to hear y’all because I'm half deaf from riding around with damn loud race exhaust and no earplugs. If I spontaneously disappear know that I had an insane amount of fun becoming road kill. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What happened to all the young strippers?
    @IceyLoco No doubt. GC is actually an up to date club, with a great layout, buffet, and events in a nice area with convenient access. Even has clean, well lit and furnished bathrooms where I don't feel I need to wear rubber globes and stilts to use the loo like some nasty porta potty, that's never been cleaned at a trucker stop in the middle of nowhere that some lesser clubs have. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What happened to all the young strippers?
    @Subraman Agree about SF degradation in quality and shift sizes. GC was a poor experience, like a desert, my last visit even with a huge convention in town. A lot of experienced women left complaining about new laws and huge club cuts of 60%. Met a couple of young ones who claimed to have driven over an hour to work there though.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What happened to all the young strippers?
    @MajorBoobage SA => Seeking Arrangements website(s) => Sugar Babies
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What happened to all the young strippers?
    @MajorBoobage You nearly read my mind. Except I was thinking where are all the naturally beautiful, athletic and very fit young dancers. I still see a decent amount of younger girls. I feel it's way more common to see tasteless tats, heavy makeup, bad hairdos/nails, bolt-ons top, and bottom. Occasionally, I still meet some truly beautiful women, just seems less frequent. Maybe @NJBalla hit it on the head? Maybe I just notice these things more? Maybe I'm just getting a lot pickier? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I too prefer a more experienced woman with a great personality nowadays :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Fave beauty queen #4: miss Philippines omg so.pretty
    @niclole1994 Meh, too much makeup. Look at her other photos without professional makeup/photo shoot and see she’s just another girl next door. More importantly is she beautiful on the inside? Hard to tell from limited, curated set of photos and short videos showing off the “best of”.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    But at least a nigga, nigga rich
    What's your dream car??
    Never been a car guy so... 1st choice https://images.ctfassets.net/x7j9qwvpvr5s/494BDdYJBuMc8ay6wWC2Yi/02477ae2b2c8afbe87498a472f2cea14/Panigale-V4R-Red-MY19-02-Gallery-906x510.jpg 2d choice http://x-img.autorevo.com/2017-jeep-wrangler-unlimited-tampa-fl-6045599/1623970-20-bigger.jpg
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What do screen doors and strippers have in common?
    @jackslash You seriously need to stop messing around a publish a joke book already
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    I love a good rick fight in the morning!
    @Nidan111 Lmao, enough snowflakes make a great snowball...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Pretty front desk girls
    Meeting waitresses, bar or door girls that are more beautiful than the dancers inside? Yep, especially in MA for some reason. Embarrassed, heck no. Asked them out and or tried to cajole them to dance like a PL? Yep, sometimes successfully...usually not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Feeding on Roadwarriors post how are some clubs staying in business
    @twentyfive I agree...pretty simple. The clubs that are ”doing well” are the ones where everyone is ”doing well”; club, management, girls, customers et al.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Feeding on Roadwarriors post how are some clubs staying in business
    @twentyfive I guess “doing well” is relative and subjective. There are clubs in my area that were packed with 30+ girls and standing room only, even on slow nights, before the last recession. Now those same clubs are lucky to have 10 girls & PL’s on a busy night with good layout and furnishings. Somehow the club is keeping the doors open and lights on so that’s good. Girls I spoke with liked the mellow atmosphere and still earned more than there low paying day job so that’s good too. Seems like a PL’s dream...low competition/hustle environment. Personally, it's not my scene because I find it difficult to meet quality girls I'm interested in and lack of variety. There are other clubs that recovered after the recession and newer clubs that are consistently packed with 25+ girls. I think the layout and furnishings are mediocre. Somehow these clubs manage to consistently attract a larger pool of quality girls and customers that consistently spend enough to keep the girls working at those clubs. On a busy night with discounts, these clubs are packed standing room and most girls are consistently busy. Sometimes good for the club, girls and picky guys who like variety. High competition/hustle can make it difficult to meet a specific dancer who is busy and eventually leads to price increases. Especially when the ratio of PL’s to girls is very high. Bad for experienced girls that could VIP all night but miss out on maximum earning potential cause they get stuck waiting in line for a VIP room. Locally I've noticed a trend of experienced girls working doubles at more than one club. The majority of clubs that are ”doing well” here are clustered in about a 10 square mile radius in lower income areas where locals have lower total disposable income. Great if you’re a PL or girl that lives close by. Bad if you’re a girl or PL who lives far away and consistently gets stuck in insane traffic trying to get to work/monger. ”Follow the herd:” My wild @$$ guess as to why some clubs are ”doing well - $$$” and others are not would be due to different laws, regulations, lax enforcement, management and most importantly ”follow the herd” mentality. You could have the best, nicest management or club but ultimately customers want to go where the best girls are and girls want to work where there are a lot of customers that consistently spend money. In my limited experience, where everyone is ”doing well” consistently changes over time. ”Change is inevitable. Change is constant.” ”Change before you have to.”
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    So you want a stripper to remember you?!
    @Nidan111 How and why did you learn professional magic? Around my way there’s a magicians club but they’re secretive and entrance requires knowing an active member. I’m not going to even ask about the splits :o
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    So you want a stripper to remember you?!
    I am confident there are some girls that wish I would forget them too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    So you want a stripper to remember you?!
    @Nidan111 I am confident I would remember someone performing magic tricks or an old man doing a split in the club - sounds fun and memorable :) Most girls remember me. Never really thought about or asked why they remember. I don't feel I look or do anything special, unique or different. Maybe it’s less is more thing. There are some girls I wish would forget me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Dental Dams
    @Nidan111 Ditto @IceyLoco response and everyone else that said it’s a mood/joy killer :o