What It's Really Like To Be An Escort (And Why I Prefer It To Stripping)

avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs

An interesting article in which a woman explains why she prefers escorting to stripping.



last comment
avatar for Warrior15
5 yrs ago

She make some very valid points in that. I don't like her pricing though. But I betting that she doesn't actually get what she is claiming to in the article.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ agreed

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

"Even when the man is unmarried, he does not appreciate being left smelling like bodily fluids, cheap Bath & Body Works lotions, strong perfumes, or having other tangible evidence about his rendesvouz with you."

That is not true of me lol. I absolutely love having my clothes smell like a girl's perfume so I can smell it in the car while I'm driving home and remember the night I just had.

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

Isn’t $400-500 still considered midrange? I thought past $500 was the cut off before one would be a higher priced escort. Plus she did mention she preferred being lower volume, and valued discretion.

Yeah, I can imagine the benefits of the lack of mindgames, from either end of it.

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

Depends on the area; in my high-priced area, $400-$500 is definitely mid-range, not high end

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

Anyway, I only skimmed the article, so it may have some howlers that I missed, but at least on a skim, I think it's totally reasonable. I've pointed out for years that the flow in the sex industry is 95+% from stripper to escort/bodyrub, and only rarely the other way around, for all the reasons cited in that article: toxic environment (management, co-workers, and customers all more toxic than with escorting & bodyrubs, for example), etc. If a stripper is willing to do full service with anyone (who has been reference cleared), is willing and capable of running her own business, and can provide excellent service including being on time every time -- and I realize these are three HUGE "ifs" that can be insurmountable, which is why not every stripper is doing it -- then she'll tend to move to escorting, etc. Even when an escort decides she's not willing to do full service anymore, maybe because she has a boyfriend who won't allow it or is just plain uncomfortable with it -- the migration is more often to bodyrubs than to strip clubs.

Another good reason to take care of your CF, perhaps :)

avatar for bullzeye
5 yrs ago

Same as Sub. Where I am, $400 seems to be the starting point.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

The article is bs...


$350 to $1000 is doable as a dancer without having to resort to hoeing. When a dancer starts to hoe, its a move down, not a move up. A hot dancer can finesse men without having to put out. Its all about doing the least with tricks, for the most money.


Hoes use drugs just as much as dancers if not more. Hoes usually resort to full time hoeing coz their drug use interferes with their stripping. How many hoes run to their dealer right after fucking a trick lmfao


Its easier to market herself at a club than online. Quicker money.


Being a hooker who advertises online doesn't make her classy. There's nothing classy about hoeing and nothing classy about tricks.


Saying a hooker's makeup is classier than a stripper's is inane


A trick who chooses to solicit her online instead of on the street or in the club lol But yeah I guess you can say one on one with a hooker is more discreet than getting a lapdance on the main floor... But I don't agree that getting a lap dance is "sleazy" while soliciting a hooker online and taking her to a hotel is "classy"


Hookers don't really have flexible schedules. They have to be ready to fuck when the trick wants so they can make their money unless they want to be out of pocket.


How the fuck is she discrete if she's advertising online? Also, if being a hooker makes her so classy, why doesn't she tell the guys she sees or her roommates that she's a hoe?


Giving a cut to the club is like being pimped, but giving a cut to escort agencies is a good way to start? LMFAO And rarely is there such a thing as an independent hoe.


This is bs. A hooker seeing a trick on her own is way more vulnerable than a stripper working inside a club. An independent hooker is the most vulnerable to dealers and pimps, not a stripper lol


If she's so proud of being a hooker coz its so classy, why does she need to hide her identity? And working in a city like Vegas or some place with tons of strippers and clubs, you're way more anonymous.

The article sounds like some stripper web hooker trying to legitimate her low self esteem having ass

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

^ LMAO and you sound like a bitter and angry stripper ho try to legitimate your low self esteem bitter ass.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

Cracks me up how much IceyDodo knows about being a stripper ho. It's as if she is one LMAO.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago


avatar for steeldog65
5 yrs ago

$500 is mid range imo. I stay in that general area if I get incall, rarely exceeding $750. About what I spend in a night at a club. My current fave is less expensive but quite exclusive. She is exiting and using her remaining clients for a few final costs. She reduced her charge to increase the number of times a fave can visit. Awesome service, not a clock watcher. I haven't clubbed since she made the change in cost.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago


Its $350-1,000 an hour. Not per night, that's the major difference. Those numbers are practically unheard of in stripping. That's more like a "per night" thing.

That being said, $500 is definitely high end. I won't pay for anything above $400 an hour. Quite frankly, $400 an hour is pushing it. I especially wouldn't be inclined to accept those kind of prices from an escort working independently because there's not much justification for setting the price that high. If she was working for an agency it would make sense but if the escort is working independently, then $300 is perfectly reasonable. There's no reason to set it at $400 or $500 an hour as an independently working escort unless you live in NYC or LA.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

CC99 In stripper culture, being a hoe is more effort and more work than dancing.

avatar for JamesSD
5 yrs ago

She's an attractive, educated white woman who can keep an appointment. For her hooking is better than stripping. But she's on the top of the food chain, she picks her clients and doesn't deal in volume.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

thats what they want people to assume

avatar for GoVikings
5 yrs ago

Good read

What CC99 said in his first post in this thread applies to me too

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

-->"She's an attractive, educated white woman who can keep an appointment. For her hooking is better than stripping"

Not just for her -- as I said, if you've been around long enough, you know the flow of girls is from strip clubs to escorting/bodyrubs, and very rarely goes the other way (not counting strippers who tried to escort, failed at running their own business, and went back to stripping). It might not be the right move for everyone, especially if they can't or won't run their own business, or they won't do fs (escort) or hj (bodyrubs), but the flow in the industry is to move up to escorting/bodyrubs to escape the toxic environment of the SC. I might guess that the article wouldn't apply to street hookers or the low-end backpage girl (I wouldn't really know), but otherwise a good summary of why strippers become (at least midrange) escorts/bodyrub girls, but the opposite rarely happens.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

I don't buy that. Going from dancing to hoeing isn't moving up. Its moving down.

The so-called high end escorts get recruited by pimps/"agencies"/"agents"/etc whatever you wanna call them... when they're pretty young. And they become washed up pretty early, there are always prettier younger girls out there. By her mid to late 20s, a "high end hoe" becomes a regular hoe unless she steels a client list or has a few sugar daddies...

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

Tricky loco knows it all lol

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

You don't have to buy it, for it to be true. You just have to have your eyes open, and know enough women in both, to see it's happening. We're all entitled to our opinion on whether this is moving up or down -- but it's the girls who make that decision for themselves, by moving to escorting/bodyrubs from stripping, but almost never the other way (because it's a step down, at least as far as toxic work conditions). And, like I said, even escorts who want to downshift on the extras move to bodyrubs, not stripping -- again, #1 reason, toxic environment, worst coworkers, worst management, worst customers.

Note, of course, for a stripper to move to bodyrubs or escorting, she has to be open to FS or HJs at least; she may well have gotten her start doing this ITC or OTC. A stripper who is uncomfortable with any extras at all, has few other options besides camgirl (which many do) or pro domme (which requires higher skills and has demanding clients, so not always an option). Or, as a huge % do, she can pick and choose who she has sex with by going to SA -- in my area at least, SA is full of strippers (along with escorts, college girls, regular girls down on their luck, etc). Nearly every stripper I've spoken with, in the strict no-extras SCs I go to, are either on SA, or have tried it.

avatar for JamesSD
5 yrs ago

I mean in general with any girl the first time she crosses a mileage boundary will be the hardest. So once a girl has had sex for cash once, it stands to reason she will keep doing so until she has a scare of some sort.

And that's where your high end girls have a huge advantage picking their clients. But the club does provide safety and security.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

@ Subraman perception is reality, that’s not to say she’s incorrect about everything, but remember it’s not how much is bullshit, it’s how much sticks.

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

Yep, and it's the club's job to get customers in the door, at least the first time, she merely has to turn them into HER customers. It's worth the toxic environment if she isn't capable of running her own business. But (almost) no one who succeeds at escorting ever goes back to the SC; the SC is the "sal si puede".

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ My own personal belief having never been to an AMP nor hired an escort in over 20 years, is most of these articles are written by women with a specific agenda, rather than objectively as an addition to our collective knowledge, I discount between 50 and 75% of the claims made as wishful thinking.

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

25: I agree that you can't trust these mass print articles. I'm saying this particular article roughly matches what I've heard from both strippers and escorts for decades. And I think once you get past the whoreocracy arguments of who is better than whom (a laughable concept given that they're all sex workers), it's not hard to see that other than pimped streetwalkers/low-end escorts and trafficked amp providers, the SC environment can be more toxic compared to a mid-range escort's. It's not about who is above or below whom on the whoreocracy meter that some simple-minded people pretend exists; it's about a sex worker finding the environment that works for her. But agree, for every decent article, we've seen 1000 Cosmo articles on stripper etiquette that are all ridiculous, and 1000 articles "I'm a platonic sugar baby and I get $10,000/month";

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

@Subraman Yes but our team winning team member wants us all to believe that his/her version of strippers and clubs is the definitive one he’ll make outrageous claims and keep throwing them out until people forget where they heard it and that’s where perception become the common opinion. However flawed it might be.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

You're missing one major point. Prostitution is illegal, stripping isn't. Its a choice between a legit career vs committing a crime.

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

Sure. Which doubly makes the point that, for some women, the SC is so toxic that they'll switch to a model that is illegal -- for many of the reasons outlined in the article. It's such a issue for some women, that the flow in the industry is nearly totally stripper->escort, and even when an escort wants to back off, she's far more likely to move to being a bodyrub girl rather than back to stripping (if she's attractive enough). The other benefits are worth the legal risk and, frankly, greater physical risks -- at least for her.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

That's not why they become full time hookers. They do it out of necessity. If she's hoeing in the club and needs more money, or can't work in the club anymore for whatever reason, she'll do it full time. Most of the girls I've known who take the risk do so coz of drug habits or coz they can't compete with the younger hotter dancers.

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

It sounds like you've known lower-end, drug addicted strippers who were forced out -- which is believable that that's one reason for leaving, though those girls will typically move to being lower-end escorts as well. Those aren't the girls I'm talking about, since i have no real firsthand experience with those types. The flow out of the SCs into escorting/bodyrubs isn't limited to those girls by any stretch; many of the hotter escorts and bodyrub girls were strippers at one time, still attractive enough to be strippers but chose this instead to escape the SC, because the environment wasn't working for them. Again, the reasons reported in that article are pretty much repeated by everyone -- everyone, perhaps, except the less attractive drug-addicted types who have a whole separate set of reasons

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

High end escorts are nothing special. Coke habits, stealing from tricks, moving coz they're scared of pimps/agencies. Lots of drama....trying to get friends to join them for 3somes to make more money. Can't fuck the types of guys they do while sober... But dripping in designer shit and driving drug dealer cars lol

The myth of the happy hooker is just that...a myth.

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

Sure, there's plenty of strippers and escorts who aren't happy. But that wasn't the point -- the point was, your experience with lower end strippers having no choice but to move to low-end escorts is different than strippers who do well in the SC, but choose to switch to escorting (at a higher level) out of choice to move from the more-toxic SC environment to mid-range escorting. The article is an accurate picture of the latter group. It's not a vacation anywhere in the sex industry, but the horrific conditions of lower end girls does change

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

I was stating my experience with high end escorts as well. Its the same thing..... dividing hookers up into different categories is just an illusion for the most part.A high end escort will turn mid level hooker tricks for extra cash on the side, etc. You don't become a high end escort on your own....you have a pimp/madame with a client list... Some claim to be "agencies" but are in fact brutal. I knew one girl who was earning around $2000 a pop. She decided to see a trick on her own. She ended up having to hide out in a different city because the "agency" came after her for their cut, and the threats weren't pretty. I think glorifying hookers is a huge mistake. Its nothing great.

avatar for joc13
5 yrs ago

I have had decent luck turning middle of the pack strippers into semi-reliable part-time SBs

if a girl is working 8 hours, talking to dozens of guys, getting pawed by most of them, fighting off the worst of them, and then only taking home 200-300 at the end of the night, an offer of 200-300 to come hang out with me instead, get dinner and drinks, and then get pawed by one guy looks pretty appealing

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

joc, in retrospect I've turned nearly all my ATFs into SBs, although I didn't use that term or think of it that way until I started going on SA and realized... hey, that's what it is. I've found the same as you, pretty good luck turning strippers -- and not always middle of the pack -- into semi-reliable SBs. And found that they'll often take less than what they'd make at a good shift at the club, and I've always given credit to the more unpleasant conditions at the club for that.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ same experiences here only I dot go for middle of the pack I usually end up with much better than average looking women

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

^IME if a dancer is at least a 7, then hustle starts becoming more important than looks as far as income potential goes.

avatar for Daddillac
5 yrs ago

In Atlanta 200 bucks an hour is a cheap rate.... I have had a few at that rate and enjoyed them. one in particular is now retired but I started seeing her it was 200, she raised her rates but grandfathered me (maybe because she thought I was that old). 500 is about average. I have seen cheap great ones and expensive shitty hoes.... the price point does not guarantee anything other than maybe the location you are meeting in.

avatar for Daddillac
5 yrs ago

With all that said, If I need a weekend playmate I look to an escort, they are generally more presentable in public and less likely to want to get drunk every night. If I'm looking to pump and dump then Follies it is.

This is just my experience others may differ

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

I agree that escort pricing for whatever reason seems to have very little impact on the quality of the experience. An escort who has really strangely low prices is suspicious but for example there's no real reason to choose an expensive escort advertising at $500 an hour over a medium priced escort charging $300 an hour. The quality tends to be about the same. If anything I'd be suspicious of an escort asking for too much money because if you need an insane amount of money to have sex for an hour then there's a good chance you won't be very enthusiastic about it. Because of this I stay clear of escorts who charge more than $400 an hour because it is going beyond what is reasonable for the local market here.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

TBH its easy to turn bitches out.

But I've managed to turn every dancer I really liked....as a person too not just looks wise, into a girlfriend, side bitch or at least a hook up.

avatar for JamesSD
5 yrs ago

CC, I'm guessing the difference between high end and medium end agencies isn't he agency cut.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

LMAO this is how IceyDodo turns his bitches into "hookups": SHE PAYS THEM...just like a trick does! Here are some of her posts...

"Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke."

"Don't care where I met her and have no problem spending the money, its not an issue."

"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$. You'd think she'd want to push it. And at this stage while I know itll hurt in the long run, Id be down with it. She knows I'll spend it on her.It was pretty much like we were living in a hip hop video...materialistically, it was there for her. Designer shoes, bags, clothes, the best weed, expensive restaurants. She grew up poor and likes fast money..."

"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this elsewhere...it was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."

"... I'd even be fine with it just being about money if she just stays and acts normal."

avatar for Huntsman
5 yrs ago

The article seems pretty reasonable.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago


From what I've read online, if you pay an escort like $400 for an hour and she works for an agency. The assumption is that $80-100 of that will go towards booking the hotel , between $80-120 is the agency's cut, and the escort herself keeps like $200-240.

I think that's pretty reasonable. If an independent escort was to book a hotel room without an agency, if she charges you $300 and it cost her $80-100 then she'll get to keep $200-220 of that.

On a per hour basis, $220 per hour pays better than many of the best jobs in the country. Working 40 hours a week, and that would come out to $456,000 a year. Assuming more typical escort hours of 7-10 hours per week though, and it still comes out to $80,000-115,000 per year. That is really really good money for what is actually 2 hours or less per day of work with weekends off. In my area, this is enough to make a house at least this nice very affordable...


But someone could probably buy something more like this with that...


Part of me just feels uncomfortable with the idea of somebody making a six figure salary and not even having to work a 10 hour work week to get it. American prostitutes are already paid a pretty high income in comparison to European prostitutes so an American prostitute charging $500 an hour just feels obscene.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

And how do think she can get a mortgage etc and qualify to buy a home when she's officially unemployed? Do you believe that hookers file taxes? Get pay stubs? lmfao

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

What can she have in her name?

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

They are employed, they are usually employed as something like "modeling" and many escorts do file taxes. Vanilla businesses are actually more guilty of tax fraud than escorts are.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

That's not true... You definitely can't file a six figure income for tax purposes as a "model"

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Yes you can, because a model's income varies widely. Some models make lots of money and some models make basically nothing. Even so, if an escort makes $110,000 a year but only reports $80,000, it won't be suspicious if she just uses cash to buy a lot of things. She can still get a mortgage in her name with $80,000.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Models barely make anything unless they're up there... that sets off alarms at the IRS. Its not as simple as you imagine.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

I've read about this before and yes, its not quite going to make sense to the IRS but they are much more concerned with making sure people pay their taxes than they are with busting prostitutes. So unless you are heading some kind of drug cartel, the IRS doesn't try too hard to use your tax reports as a way to identify illegal activity. A prostitute is going to be very low on the IRS's list of priorities.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

They're interested in people making legit money. Banks, the IRS etc catch feelings about large bank deposits with no paycheck stubs etc. They suspect money laundering or illicit activities. They're not gonna say "she might be a hooker" ....illegally earned money is illegally earned money to them.

I know plenty of strippers/hoes. Why do you think they live at home, with roommates or in weekly motels unless they have another job?

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Because young people in general tend to live like that.

Its actually fairly common in middle class neighborhoods to find out that a single woman living by herself or cohabiting with someone is a prostitute. When it does happen its a scandal but its not necessarily rare in neighborhoods where people are up in each other's business a lot for neighbors to find out that somebody is a prostitute.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Because they can't get anything in their name.

Its not common for a hooker with no other means of income to be renting her own place.

You try getting an apartment without a cosigner or proof of income

avatar for theDirkDiggler
5 yrs ago

Is the SC environment really that toxic? I think that depends highly on the strip club and to a degree the stripper. Also no one seems to be taking into consideration fosta/sesta. That seems to be one reason that escorts will go back to SCs, assuming that they started out as strippers. I always thought that the SC was a convenient place to cultivate johns/SDs, whether ITC or OTC as well as making the smaller sales via regular or irregular lap dances. Also the safety aspect (from getting assaulted or ripped off) seems much higher in a SC, particularly higher end SCs, than in a hotel room or some other outcall/incall. But all this is just personal conjecture.

Also even though sex workers (mostly strippers and escorts, but also to a degree camgirls/porn actresses and "masseuses") make a lot more than average per hour/shift/day than the average worker, especially with their skills and qualifications, sex work is always inconsistent and being paid in quick substantial cash just lends to a lack of discipline in saving/investing. Also the shorter amount of hours worked tends to result in a lack of work ethic, so these girls, unless they have a very disciplined and business oriented mind, almost never make the well above six figures per year that they are capable of. Never mind that the average sex worker probably lasts a lot less than a year on average...

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

I'm just saying that if an escort figures out how to accumulate enough regulars that she can consistently find work 7-10 hours per week and makes it her career for at least a year, then escorting is extremely lucrative as a job. So I find it difficult to sympathize with any complaints that she doesn't make enough money when she could easily reach six figures working the kind of hours everybody else in the world could only dream of. If she can't find enough of a work ethic to do a job that literally only requires her to work like 5-10 hours per week then what can she do? I really don't think that coming through on a job with such low expectations when it comes to work ethic requires a very disciplined and business oriented mind. Asking for enormous amounts of money per hour might be the very reason she can't find clients, if an escort can't find enough clients then she needs to lower her price.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

TheDirkDiggler.... you're right.

CC99, you're talking about what if scenarios.

avatar for Kajohnston
5 yrs ago

”Jolene Dubois is a self-confessed seductress and professional escort based in the United States. She is currently working on her exit strategy from the sex industry and plans to attend graduate school and become a true working writer.”

Reads like her exit strategy is to advertise and market herself as a madam and entice young, naive, desperate women to work as escorts for her because she's a self-confessed professional.

”If you are dissatisfied with stripping, do some serious soul-searching before taking the leap into escorting and decide if it’s worth giving a try. For me, it certainly was, because after a slow start, I brought in $13,000 my second month in the business, working less than ten hours per week in appointment time.”

If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is.

Why do the dirty work when you can con others into doing it for you and earn as much or more money?

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

-->"Also no one seems to be taking into consideration fosta/sesta. That seems to be one reason that escorts will go back to SCs, assuming that they started out as strippers."

Dirk, that's what we all presumed would happen. It's been a while now, has anyone seen it actually happen? It's a little harder to get g2 now, because fosta/sesta also brought down many -- but not all -- of the discussion forums. To the extent I'd be able to tell, I haven't noticed any influx of escorts back into the SC (which, as I've been saying, would be a last resort for any escort who'd moved to escorting to "escape" the SC culture in the first place -- very rare they're willing to go back. Double that in CA where the overall trend is out of the SCs in general). On the forums that are left, including a private invite-only forum, absolutely no escorts or bodyrub girls moved back to striping. Where people have noticed it is on SA; on SA forums, both SDs and SBs have noticed a big influx in escorts and johns since fosta/sesta and it's been a common topic of discussion. Has anyone else noticed anything different?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

Nope. Strippers are either "freelancing" as SBs or escorts, or are leaving strip clubs entirely for SB escorting.

There are exceptions, but I think that when a stripper crosses the line into providing FS, a fuse is lit on how long they'll last as strippers. Once they decide to fuck customers, the next stage is deciding how to make the most money for the least hassle / risk.

My 2 cents...

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

Ish, it's the "will escorts move into the SCs" that I was wondering about. We were all figuring that with their advertising media shut down by fosta/sesta, that would be one of the possibilities. I haven't seen any evidence of that happening in my local area -- no escorts or bodyrub girls who I might recognize in the clubs, no discussion on the remaining forums. SA is the big shift.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

Nope. Not seeing movement in that direction.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

I don’t have any first hand knowledge but I’d take a guess that those former strippers that turned into escorts are also a few years older now and really are not quite so hot anymore fewer of them can get hired in the better clubs where they might have a chance to meet up with their desired customers.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

I'm sure that we'll get the absolute and authoritative answer once IceyLoco logs in... #twat

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

My ATF DS is more so an escort than stripper and she uses stripping as a safe means to screen her customers and also for them to screen her. She even advertises that she's stripping at the club on her escort website. She's been doing it for years and she's not "in transition" to escorting. And there's more than a few strippers in Portland like this, so it seems that there's more of a grey area between stripping and escorting rather than one vs the other.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

^^^ Sure. I can see that. If there's a crackdown on one side of the sex-work equation, you can shift more to the other and still have income.

I'm sure that there's a vast grey area.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

They don't cross the line into hoeing, a lot of hookers work in strip clubs on purpose....its a way to get tricks. Its a common strategy. That's why you get so many pimps in strip clubs.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

^ @IceyDodo FYI not all stripper escorts have pimps. My ATF DS doesn't and several of her other stripper escort friends don't as well.

LMAO but keep talking out of your ass, pimp troll persona!

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

SirLap: the pimped (by us -- personally drugged and beaten) low-end girls we deal with, may not represent the women being discussed on tuscl. In the world of Team WinningTeam, all escorts and strippers are pimped, get with it man!

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

"high end escort" is just a marketing gimmick and has more to do with the pimp's/agent's client list than it does with the quality of the hoe.

And the guy who said the article sounds like its written by a wannabe madam trying to manipulate young girls, is right

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

Team Winning Team is just a corruption of the old story about putting lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig, now Team Locka has a no pimps policy and we strictly enforce it through blocking any pimp persona.

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

Team Locka! The arch enemies of Team WinningTeam. Bastards!

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

The winning team is Team Locka, Team Winning Team the hogs got slaughtered lol

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Hoes up pimps down then?

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ Not pimpin aint easy

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

You'd be surprised at how easy it can be to turn a hoe out.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

@IceyDodo posted -> "They don't cross the line into hoeing, a lot of hookers work in strip clubs on purpose...."

^ More talking out of your ass. If a hooker is working in a strip club, that means she's a stripper that's crossed the line.

ROFLMAO do you even think before you post, dumbass?

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

LMAO IceyDodo turns his strippers out by paying them and buying them drugs just like a trick or sugar daddy would do.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

^ "his" strippers

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

You've drastically oversimplified the process. There's also beating them and manipulating them. Pimpin' ain't easy, son

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

Locka’s beat Blocka’s every time

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

You guys would just get sick and tired of winning if y’all were on Team Locka

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Easiest way is to make them fall in love

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

^ LMAO this is how IceyDodo turns his bitches into "hookups": SHE PAYS THEM...just like a trick does! Here are some of her posts...

"Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke."

"Don't care where I met her and have no problem spending the money, its not an issue."

"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$. You'd think she'd want to push it. And at this stage while I know itll hurt in the long run, Id be down with it. She knows I'll spend it on her.It was pretty much like we were living in a hip hop video...materialistically, it was there for her. Designer shoes, bags, clothes, the best weed, expensive restaurants. She grew up poor and likes fast money..."

"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this elsewhere...it was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."

"... I'd even be fine with it just being about money if she just stays and acts normal."

avatar for 3131
5 yrs ago

Article seems legit.

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