I sometimes had a difficult time getting the attention of the dancers I want in a strip club. Whether I was wearing dressy clothes or casual clothes, I often felt that I was being ignored but couldn’t figure out why. I am neither terribly handsome nor particularly ugly.
I finally started asking the dancers who did approach me what it is the dancers look for in selecting who to approach and why I often have trouble getting attention.
The most common explanation I heard for why dancers might be avoiding me is that I have a very stern and unapproachable look. A few even said I looked like I might be “vice.”
I'm older but physically fit and muscular for someone my age. So I have had a lot of girls say I look like a cop. And if I'm not smiling, I do have a bit of a frown on my face. So I have to think about opening up a little.
But I think the most effective way to get the girls to come over is to act interested in them. Tip at the stage and tell them to come over. Wink and nod your head at them. Sometimes you just have to be a little proactive.
It's funny that you say they think you might be vice. I'm 6' 200 pounds bald with a goatee I am the generic cop. I do have a tendency to smile a lot which I think saves me
I think I come across as good shape for my age, decent clothes, good hygiene. Hopefully I present as someone looking to have a good time and that can afford to have that good time.
@FunLovingFella - It’s not easy to change your demeanor. I usually just tip aggressively when I see what I like on stage or approach an unoccupied dancer who catches my eye and ask her to join me.
I've been told I come across as very young and innocent. Even though I'm 21, I could easily pass for 16 if you looked at me, and my shyness along with my general demeanor makes me seem really young too. I think it works to my advantage because dancers trust me very quickly, giving me their real names and Facebook information even the first time I meet them.
I think even though I'm still shy in the strip club though, that the setting makes me just comfortable enough that I have a good middle ground where I can still go to the stage or approach dancers and stuff like that even though I feel kind of shy. But the shyness that is there just makes me cute. Whereas outside the strip club, my anxiety is crippling.
No there's actually only one or two clubs located in the city itself, although I wouldn't call those clubs "urban" really, they've got more of a hipster vibe imo. But most clubs around here are actually in the suburban/metro area.
You can easily use strip clubs to come out of your shell slowly though. Use them to get experience talking with different types of women. Try a bad bitch type or a hood rat...
They just tell you its cute. Its stripper shit n shit.
I once got some very direct -- and helpful -- feedback about how I was coming across. I was one of only a few PLs watching a dancer near the stage, and I wasn't really thinking about myself. At one point, the girl looked directly at me, stopped dancing for a second, crossed her arms across her chest and frowned. I immediately realized that that was how I looked (see definitions of Resting Bitch Face). Ever since then I have gone out of my way not to do that and have found that a smile goes a lot farther. And the dancer I mentioned above? We ended up having a great time in the VIP.
I am usually easygoing, and people find me approachable, I tend to smile easily and make conversation with all, strippers, pls sitting at the bar, even in the supermarket people don’t find me hard to approach, I love to flirt wherever I go, always act appropriately and make friends easily.
I come off as serious or angry - breaking-the-ice does not come naturally to me and in a public-setting I usually tend to stay-to-myself vs striking up a convo w/ someone IDK - I'm also a worrywart and often thinking about things/worries in my mind that seem to reflect in my face and come across as me being angry or standoffish.
Smiling def goes a long way no-matter the situation (strip club or not) - one can often see a significant difference in a person's facial-appearance when they smile vs not.
I come across as a fun loving individual who likes to have fun. I smile a lot and I apparently have a distinctive and memorable laugh. I can converse about almost anything. If I know zero about a subject (rare), I become inquisitive ant truly interested in learning; people love talking about either themselves or their personal interests. Listening, laughing and engaging goes a long way towards having fun.
Sounds like flag needs to start another "strip club attire" thread. Stop overthinking how you look. Put on a nice pair of loose gym pants or shorts and a nice shirt and dont be afraid to tip a little extra when the girl you want comes by. It isnt rocket science. These girls want to make enough to pay for thier rent, cell phone, and trip to florida this summer.
That being said I club enough that I look like a regular wherever I go. When I first started I had to tip a little extra to get my favs attention. Now when you have 3 girls immediately run over to you when you walk in the other girls tend to be friendlier.
They usually ask if I'm a navy seal, or a movie star.
My sense is that demeanor is important; understandable why the girls save you for the bottom of the list if you're terrifying, stern, etc. There are a LOT of guys like that in the club and I never quite get it -- we're all there to have fun and most of us are practically giddy over the plethora of nekkid young hotties. Eye contact, smiles, open posture. Silly to feel vulnerable and put on your hard-guy facade to protect yourself here, of all places.
It depends on the other person, how I feel and the vibe I give off. Universally, an @$$hole though I try to have fun and be polite. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I definitely stand out. There are a few well-known fighters/actors that look like me and I usually get comments/compliments on my unique fashion style. About half the women are intimidated/nervous and half say I'm handsome/cute/cuddly/funny.
I agree I’d do much better if I’d smile more instead of looking serious. Meh, hurts my face when I smile a lot (scars) and I meet more than enough people, girls and guys, that want to hang out.
I've noticed when I'm in my work clothes I get more of the girls who think I'm there to drop a lot of cash fast. I oddly get more attention and better attention overall in my casual clothes.
I'm not sure anyone can accurately describe the impression they make on others. But for me...
Working class. Quiet. Like others above, probably a bit too serious. I've had a couple of dancers tell me that I'm not inviting. But, that I'm nicer than I look.I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not. Especially in the high bullshit environment of a strip club.
I should probably work on that, and not just from the perspective of strip clubs. We'll see.
I've never given it much thought but as long as I have a good time I'm not concerned.
My one ex always accused me of looking like a cop but that was before she started stripping for a living.
As I've gotten older I tend to dress more conservative but overall if I believe what I have been told I look like I am relaxed and classy (I've heard the classy word more times than anything else)
Last example; When I was out in Las Vegas a few weeks ago I was with someone I had met on SA and she asked if I wanted to go to a club. I told her I had never been to a Vegas club but told her what I knew about a few of them -her comment to me immediately was I needed to go to Sapphire since it was way more classier than the other two I mentioned and I wouldn't fit in them as well. My response was something along the lines of "yeah, I get that a lot"
I've been told that I come off as someone who doesn't want to be approached, which I have to admit is often true. I stand and walk a lot, so I get it. I also don't have the look of a preferred customer, so there's that too. It is what it is.
last commentBut I think the most effective way to get the girls to come over is to act interested in them. Tip at the stage and tell them to come over. Wink and nod your head at them. Sometimes you just have to be a little proactive.
I think I come across as good shape for my age, decent clothes, good hygiene. Hopefully I present as someone looking to have a good time and that can afford to have that good time.
So they do.
If you want a dancer, just go up to her. She's working and is there to make money. She won't reject your money lol
I think even though I'm still shy in the strip club though, that the setting makes me just comfortable enough that I have a good middle ground where I can still go to the stage or approach dancers and stuff like that even though I feel kind of shy. But the shyness that is there just makes me cute. Whereas outside the strip club, my anxiety is crippling.
They just tell you its cute. Its stripper shit n shit.
I've been told I give off the cop vibe, when they tell me that I let them know it's time for a full body cavity search.
Smiling def goes a long way no-matter the situation (strip club or not) - one can often see a significant difference in a person's facial-appearance when they smile vs not.
My sense is that demeanor is important; understandable why the girls save you for the bottom of the list if you're terrifying, stern, etc. There are a LOT of guys like that in the club and I never quite get it -- we're all there to have fun and most of us are practically giddy over the plethora of nekkid young hotties. Eye contact, smiles, open posture. Silly to feel vulnerable and put on your hard-guy facade to protect yourself here, of all places.
It’s amazing if you don’t look like a thug—COP!
I get that a lot. I’m always smiling, which can admittedly also attract some unwanted attention.
I definitely stand out. There are a few well-known fighters/actors that look like me and I usually get comments/compliments on my unique fashion style. About half the women are intimidated/nervous and half say I'm handsome/cute/cuddly/funny.
I agree I’d do much better if I’d smile more instead of looking serious. Meh, hurts my face when I smile a lot (scars) and I meet more than enough people, girls and guys, that want to hang out.
Working class. Quiet. Like others above, probably a bit too serious. I've had a couple of dancers tell me that I'm not inviting. But, that I'm nicer than I look.I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not. Especially in the high bullshit environment of a strip club.
I should probably work on that, and not just from the perspective of strip clubs. We'll see.
My one ex always accused me of looking like a cop but that was before she started stripping for a living.
As I've gotten older I tend to dress more conservative but overall if I believe what I have been told I look like I am relaxed and classy (I've heard the classy word more times than anything else)
Last example; When I was out in Las Vegas a few weeks ago I was with someone I had met on SA and she asked if I wanted to go to a club. I told her I had never been to a Vegas club but told her what I knew about a few of them -her comment to me immediately was I needed to go to Sapphire since it was way more classier than the other two I mentioned and I wouldn't fit in them as well. My response was something along the lines of "yeah, I get that a lot"
Practice male kegels, his cum would bust his zipper as it shot across the SC floor.