Grabbing his junk as a sales technique?

avatar for nicespice
Not a troll thread. Promise.

But board members bring it up every here and there, and Papi and Nidian mentioned it in that other thread about strip clubs vs real world.

I’ve worked in some high mileage environments and I don’t think I’ve personally witnessed that. (To be fair, I don’t care to pay too much attention to other dancers though) Nor have I done that myself when trying to sell dances. Sure, when I’ve already done multiples and I want to sell more, yes. But not while sitting tableside and drinking.

I do recall still being a baby stripper (only been dancing for a little over a month) and getting hired at a club and a friendly ol pervert came up to me and wanted to tip me for conversation and “newbie advice” and make occasional grabs at my boobs. And he also suggested I grab customers junk to sell

Is the practice actually that prevalent?


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ In some clubs sadly it’s true some guys seem to like it, to me personally it feels a bit too intrusive.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
It's called the "strip club handshake".

In my anecdotal observation about 1 out of 20 strippers used it on me. It doesn't help close the deal if I don't want a dance anyway, but all other things equal it might influence me if I had to make a choice between two hot strippers.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Not my junk bare but yeah I just thought that was a normal thing it happens so much. It does help sell the dance I’m not gonna lie either.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I wouldn't say it's prevalent, and like 25 mentioned perhaps a bit more common in certain clubs - I guess we TUSCLers mention it often bc it's such a bold move when it does happen and most guys like their dicks being played with by a hot-chick - playing with his dick can often be the way to a custy's wallet
avatar for gammanu95
6 years ago
It's not uncommon in extras environments and high-mileage girls. There are no really high mileage clubs in Ft. Myers, but the girls who give high-mileage dances and are open to extras frequently engage in the sc handshake. Offhand, Tootsie's and Pure Platinum are two clubs I can think of where the sc handshake is almost the norm. I distinctly remember one girl at Tootsie's who kept trying to upsell me to a VIP who had her hand up my pantleg (loose shorts) for a full 15 minutes while trying to caox me into a VIP room. Unlike a previous commentor, it can cause the little head to overtake the big head and close the deal on getting a dance when I am otherwise not inclined.
avatar for gammanu95
6 years ago
It's not uncommon in extras environments and high-mileage girls. There are no really high mileage clubs in Ft. Myers, but the girls who give high-mileage dances and are open to extras frequently engage in the sc handshake. Offhand, Tootsie's and Pure Platinum are two clubs I can think of where the sc handshake is almost the norm. I distinctly remember one girl at Tootsie's who kept trying to upsell me to a VIP who had her hand up my pantleg (loose shorts) for a full 15 minutes while trying to caox me into a VIP room. Unlike a previous commentor, it can cause the little head to overtake the big head and close the deal on getting a dance when I am otherwise not inclined.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Also then again I’m almost always wearing jeans. That might change things. Some of these dudes on here wear like pajamas to the club, I’m sure a grab would be a little more bold/intimate in that scenario.

Now that I think about it, I need to wearing pajamas to the club. Hrrrmmmmm.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
I would say it is a highly effective sales technique that some girls use in certain clubs.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
In my experience, as an initial sales tactic, it’s actually pretty rare, even in high mileage places. And it’s usually practiced by dancers most would consider less desireable. I see it more frequently as an upsell technique, but even then not all that common except in high mileage/extras places.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ I’m usually wearing jeans to the club but here in Florida if you hit up the Porthole or Diamond Dolls in pompano or a few lower level clubs in WPB or Miami it seems like every girl grabs as soon as they approach, not really so much in the nicer clubs, I’m sure there may be a few that do that but that’s my experience.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
spice, you worked at Cheetah-Hallandale when you were in Miami. It's common practice there.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Depends on the club as to how prevalent.
I do admit that it has convinced me to get dances I otherwise may not have.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
-->"It doesn't help close the deal if I don't want a dance anyway, but all other things equal it might influence me if I had to make a choice between two hot strippers."

Not very common in the no-extras clubs I usually frequent, but when I used to go to extras clubs, I'd say I'm aligned with this. Never ever ever would it make me reconsider a stripper I'm not interested in. But in a target-rich environment? That approach has gotten me to choose that girl, occasionally
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
It happens more in the more aggressive dive clubs. I'm not a fan.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
That technique is what sells me on VIP! Without that, I usually pass on VIP. How prevalent is it you ask? Well, 6 out of my 10 regular clubs that I visit perform such. 2 of those 6 are supposed “None Extras Clubs”. The technique is a killer move (fantastic move) when the dancer leans in close and stares me directly in my eyes as she just plays. A few seconds of silence and then some sexual banter mixed with stripper shit like, “wow, you are a big boy in a big world, aren’t you?!” .... HOOKED...VIP BABY, VIP!
avatar for jsully63
6 years ago
I’ve have dancers do it but only ones I’ve known for a while. Usually when I’m trying to shake them off when I’m in the mood to find a new dancer and she’s trying to change my mind.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
If I am happy to see her then it's cool but if it's some random I have no interest in it doesn't matter whether she grabs my mast or not. But by a girl who I have interest in it could accelerate my decision to go VIP.
avatar for 501traveler
6 years ago
As others have stated it usually happens in higher mileage clubs. In some clubs its almost expected (COI clubs ) as pretty much all the dancers use this as part of their sales pitch. Ive been greeted with the "handshake" in clubs all over the country.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
I was wondering that myself given that it comes up somewhat often. I've never had it happen to me though.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
I have had it happen about 5% of my visits. I dislike it. If that is all a dancer has to offer she is not my type. In New England its called a "brazilian handshake".
avatar for bullzeye
6 years ago
IME, it varies.

Handshake is definitely common in some clubs (Playhouse Lounge in NJ), used as a closing technique in some clubs and not at all in others.

It also seems, again IME, to be used more often by lesser attractive dancers. But there have certainly been some 9&10s that have used it on me. To great effect, I would add.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
I've never experienced it. :)
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
After reading all the responses, I’m thinking that my area of the country has more assertive dancers than other areas.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
It’s definitely common in the clubs I frequent.

It’s sometimes unwelcome. I don’t like “just anybody” grabbing my privates but some strippers don’t ask permission to be seated at my table and proceed to grope me before they even introduce themselves.

I’m no Puritan but I really DON’T like that at all!
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Here is where my problem lies. I think most females are pretty. Thus, if any female grabs my junk and plays with it, I’m pretty ok with the act. Some say they feel sorry for me. I say that I am lucky. If I think the girl is pretty, then I am the lucky one because it is my brain that enjoys the neurotransmitter surges.
avatar for Electronman
6 years ago
More common in extras clubs. I’ve had a few that will reach inside of pants for a skin on skin sales pitch. It works to convince me.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
^^^ 4 of the clubs I go to are skin to skin handi-shake
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
It has happened to me a few times. When they do it when they just walk up it puts me off. They are not interested in me but my wallet. If after we have talked a bit shared a drink or so it bothers me less sol. I know they are still after my money, but at least we have some connection by then. I wouldn’t grab their boobs when they just walk up.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
Yeah it's an invasion of my personal space and I only like it if I already like the stripper. It's annoying AF otherwise.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ "... I dislike it..."

Huh? A guy that not only visits Strip Clubs regularly but is such an aficionado that he regularly posts here doesn't like when an attractive lady fondles his junk?

That boggles the mind.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
It's very common, if not required, at the clubs I frequent.

At first I liked it but after a while it got old and I liked picking my dancer(s) rather than the dancer pick me.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
In clubs with active VIP, it is THE signal indicating which dancers will deliver in VIP and which are all talk. It is essentially a preview of extras. A brief sample. Proof of concept.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
It happens. I happen to find it trashy, but some guys really seem to like it. Also, ironically, it is often the most action you'll get from the girl as those who pull this stunt are prone to getting more demure once in the back.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
Nicespice I think you should experiment with a sample set of PL's grabbing their junk one day and not grabbing their junk the next day. Repeat as necessary to provide an appropriate sample set. Compare results ($$ earned).
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
I can count on the fingers of one hand the times I’ve had this happen. As other have stated, if I was interested in the first place, it probably sealed the deal. If not, it was off-putting.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
For my main club it's a way the dirty girls let you know what's available
avatar for gSteph
6 years ago
I wouldn't like it
Except with you
As described
In paragraph two.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
“Their not interested in me. They are interested in my wallet.”

Got news for everyone.... that statement is a TRUE statement for 99.999 % of the dancers. The benefit of the handshake early is that I Don have to waste valuable time trying to decide. Since I think most girls are beautiful in all shapes and sizes, it works for me! I have 3 clubs that I can be in and out in 30 minutes if I desire. All happy and stuff. Lol
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
@nicespice. The concept presented by uptight would be a fantastic study. We could even put it to a statistical test (or teste if you prefer) to assesss clinical significance. I would be more than happy with a blindfold and just take a seat, allow you to walk up and grab away. At least it would be a single blind, almost randomized clinical teste.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
avatar for Dolfan
6 years ago
Papi, 25, and myself are in the same area so it shouldn't be a surprise that my experience is in line with their comments. Depending on the club, It ranges from nearly every girl does openly it as an opening gesture to almost no one but the most desperate of girls do it in a discreet manner when other tactics fail. The lower end clubs and clubs where extras are more overt have a higher instance of the former. The clubs that either are more high end or masquerading as such tend to lean towards the latter.

For me, it does little. If its a girl I find attractive, I don't mind. If its a girl I don't find attractive, I don't appreciate it. In either case, I find it a bit trashy. Just for the sake of perspective, I tend to prefer lower end/divey clubs. If I were to flip it around and try to give advice for a dancer, I'd have to say there's really little benefit to grabbing my junk. If I find her attractive & don't mind, I'd probably be interested in a dance regardless. If I don't or she's borderline, it'll likely cut things off. So unless she's grabbing it for her own satisfaction, there is little if anything to be gained and at least a moderate potential for loss. There's tons of better techniques.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

I disagree, most of the COI dancers who greet me with a handshake are giving you a preview of what is to be expected.

However, please negotiate all extras in the VIP BEFORE paying for the room/dancer.

That comment was directed to newbie PL not to you Rick, I know you have game.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Gotta disagree with Dugan's comment "Also, ironically, it is often the most action you'll get from the girl as those who pull this stunt are prone to getting more demure once in the back."

I guess it depends on the club. But at the high mileage clubs I've visited around the country, if a dancer introduced with the stripper shake, then she was usually quite frisky in both regular dances and the VIP. Once again I guess it depends on the club because I'm basing my experience on COI clubs, Playhouse Lounge, and a couple other clubs where this technique is pretty much the norm.

As far as the technique I don't really mind it, even if it's a girl I'm not interested in. Honestly she can usually tell by that touch that I'm not interested since her looks didn't 'raise the flag'. If she still persists despite feeling that I'm not turned on I'll let her know I'm not interested. If it's a girl I'm interested in she can touch me however she wants, and hopefully she'll let me do the same.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Ninja'd by Cristobal. I knew someone from the COI area would have something to say about that comment lol.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
Haha Nidan. SJG already penned that name for me during a debate. I take no offence and sometimes feel honored to be mocked here. I often think it's a badge of honor.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Lol. It was my autocorrect actually. I thought it funny regardless when I reread it.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
@warrior lol, I didn’t notice it there either. But then again, my earnings for the two shifts I did were pretty pathetic...

@upright and Nidian ;)
avatar for BGSD3100
6 years ago
It's happened a couple times to me. I like it.
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
I have only had it happen to me once. The one time it did happen the nasty old Cuban didn't give any warning, didn't say anything, didn't run her hand up my leg, just went directly for my dick. I am not super comfortable being touched the first second I meet someone so I yelled jumped up and almost hit her out of pure defense instinct.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
@PaulDrake I've thought about that myself that my instincts would just be so shocked by a girl doing that that I might jump or something out of instinct. It seems like a better idea is for her to run a hand up your leg to your junk rather than just straight grabbing it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Being a variety guy I'm not that picky who I dance with since I like to get with various girls during the visit - if I'm on the fence about a dancer and she's doing a good-job of enamoring little-Papi, in my case that will often close the sale (as long as she's in the ballpark of being my type and she's not just going thru the motions when playing w/ little-Papi but doing a good job of it).

w.r.t. how the grabbers perform w.r.t. dances/VIP, on avg they seem to follow thru but I've def had meh to duds that talk a big-game pre-dances/VIP and are meh or duds when it comes time for action - IMO/IME there are def dancers that use the grabby-grabby solely to get you to buy dances w/ no intention of giving you the naughty dance you expect or they lead you to believe w/ their pre-dance friskiness.
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
I agree with the notion that it will likely close the sale if I’m on the fence. It doesn’t happen real frequently in my experience. But when it has, its been a good indicator of at least not getting low mileage.
avatar for Evasparkling
6 years ago
I love the stripper handshake...

Usually experience it more from Black Strippers...

On most occasions I would more than likely get a dance from a stripper when greeted with a stripper handshake...

Most strippers who have offered me a stripper handshake provided a higher level of Mileage...

Although I have never received a stripper handshake from the 9’s & 10’s...

We guess would be they don’t have to offer one since they usually have no problem selling dances all night at the floor...

The less desirable strippers tend to over compensate in order to sell a lot of dances...
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
For a dancer whom I don't care for come up to me and suddenly grab, I don't care for. If I like her and she's a bit sensual instead of doing something quick and sneaky, it can feel good. There was a time when some girls must have thought I had a third hand. Some Korean girls wouldn't just grab, they massaged too. The Korean girls liked to gang up on me especially f I walked past a massage parlor. One girl was very aggressive thinking it would be harder for me to argue with her if she kept massaging. After 5 or 10 minutes it became a lot harder to keep arguing. If I did that over again, I'd keep arguing. I prefer to be somewhat aroused or like a dancer before she starts grabbing.
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
6 years ago
Not exactly common by any means but not quite as rare neither depending on the club. For me it normally occurs from dancers that I have received dances before commonly as a sales pitch. Very rarely from a new gal.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Holy shit! Nicespice brings out all the TUSCL golf that normally NEVER POST!
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Holy fuck. Autocorrect. Golf=FOLK.
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
I go to non-extras clubs and it's very rare. The only time it really happens is when the girl seems desperate because she's unattractive or old or she's about to head home and wants to make a final sale.
avatar for nemesisk7
6 years ago
Can you grab my Junk ? ^^
avatar for 623
6 years ago
It happens to me a lot and I usually like it a lot. I also assume that if she’s grabbing me as part of the sales pitch that gives me license to check her goods also, potentially avoiding those rock hard bolt-ons I abhor or the dancer who develops defensive moves when touched.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
It's much more common than front room make out sessions.
avatar for Electronman
6 years ago
And is a stripper handshake a good predictor that the dancer will be receptive to a customer rubbing her pussy or tits, while seated in the "front room?"
In my experience, a good stripper handshake is a green light for front room fondling and back room debauchery. There are exceptions of course.
avatar for datinman
6 years ago
A few thoughts:

There is a lot of regional variations. In Washington Park, it is almost a given. In Pompano Beach, it is fairly common. I have only had it happen a few times in Vegas. Can't imagine it ever happening in places like Nashville.

A distinction needs be made between grabbing my dick as an opening gambit and rubbing on me at the table after drinking and interacting for a bit. The former is a swing for the fences and the later is a minimal expectation if I am going to spend VIP money.

To me, the stripper handshake is an invitation to reciprocate. Fondling her body prior to privates serves several purposes; do I like the feel of her body, is she responsive to my touch, and for her, I think it helps establish that I am unlikely to be LEO. This is probably conducive to higher mileage in VIP.

I have also noticed with some Cuban dancers, it is a way to bypass language barriers.

Finally, Nicespice, I have seen your photos. If I ever get to Austin, feel free to grab my junk and drag my ass to the VIP. :)
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
It’s fairly common where I club. I like it when hot girls do it. When not so hot girls do it, for some reason they get hotter.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
For those who disagreed with my notion that it is nothing but a con with nothing behind it, fair enough. Keep in mind that I rarely club in places heavy on extras, so experiences will differ. Every time it has happened to me, it was in a club where I knew that it was more action than I was going to see in the back.

Also, I simply dislike it. If a girl who I never so much as talked to before just walks up and grabs my junk, how many other guys has she done it to in the same night? They can have her - I have no interest in being x of yy served in a given night.
avatar for JuiceBox69
6 years ago
All i do know is if you grab it to sell a dance u better be ready to play with it during the dance or I'll see it as a lie and never buy again

Some girls will actually use it to tell a client that they will make u cum

Others use it like a scam and never deliver
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
Ricky Boy says “- I have no interest in being x of yy served in a given night.”. Right. He likes to pretend he’s the first one of the night to be serviced by the toothless skanks he picks up with his idiotic “system.”… It’s the only way he can keep his fragile ego intact—pretending like he’s some kind of suave James Bond character while he’s hanging out in backwoods redneck dives.
avatar for BigDickSammy_
6 years ago
Well, you couldnt quite get your hand around my junk with those tiny hands spicey girl
avatar for JuiceBox69
6 years ago
Heard she likes it thick n juicey
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
Not a big fan of being grabbed. However, there is one dancer that runs her hand up-and-down my leg and brushes against me very casually with her nails. It's an awesome feel .
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I like the feel of being touched by a woman whether it's charming-the-snake or just a simple caress/stroke of the back
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
What if you kicked dudes in the nuts as a sales techniques? According to one bouncer I used to know, that would work on at least one guy.

Apparently a guy used to come into the club and pay dancerz to kick him in the nuts repeatedly instead of dance
avatar for JuiceBox69
6 years ago
Lol hoe
avatar for JuiceBox69
6 years ago
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
“Apparently a guy used to come into the club and pay dancerz to kick him in the nuts repeatedly instead of dance”

Might be a bit aggressive for most men...but I’d be down haha
avatar for minnow
6 years ago
As rickdugan and gmd say.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
nicespice. i like the handshake.

jimmy. “I like it when hot girls do it. When not so hot girls do it, for some reason they get hotter.”
well said.
avatar for Kajohnston
6 years ago

Depends on the club though it's very common in the clubs near me.

I agree with @dolfan @rickdugan and @twentyfive. I usually find ”the handshake” distasteful when done in public, especially if I've just met the girl, and I’ll actively swat her hands away.

Civilians have done this to me too. Example, girls grabbed my junk, not brushed, while I was stuffing my pie hole in a cafeteria with lots of people around. I'm all for foreplay as long as it's done in a suspenseful way at the right place and time.

”The handshake”, brush or grab, is more likely to turn me off than on and close the sale. I'm a hunter so I enjoy the chase and suspense. If a girl is too much of a sure thing either my alarm bells go off wondering why she’s so easy and or I’ll quickly get bored. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
avatar for kingcripple
6 years ago
There was one girl a former CF, who would do this randomly, even in the smoking area out back when other girls were present. Just grabbed my junk and stroked away. You know her, nicespice
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
As others have said, it depends on the club. Most often the "handshake" occurs in extras clubs, but I have occasionally had a dancer get very handsy in a non-extras club. A dancer rubbing my junk at the table will not necessarily make me want to get a dance. There's a few old hags at various clubs I just shoo away, when they stop by and try. I often does make the difference when I am on the fence on whether I am considering a dance from a dancer.

Several times it has made me choose one dancer over another. Two most recent times were in Crikets and once in Flight Club in Detroit. Both times I was waiting to get a dance from one dancer, when another dancer stopped by, and I told her I was waiting on the other dancer. Both asked if I minded her sitting with me while she waited, and both then spent quite a bit of time convincing me to go to the back with her. One in particular was quite persistent and I wanted to see how long se would keep it up. I stopped her after ten minutes and had a great time.

In once case a bad attempt at a stripper handshake made me not choose a dancer I was interested in. She met all my criteria, young fit, nice natural tits, and a good conversationalist. She also had a pretty good steam of guys getting private dances. When she asked to stop by, I agreed immediately. She was a good talker, and almost had me convinced, until she attempted a very bad "stripper handshake." She was so clumsy and awkward that if she hadn't asked me if I wanted a dance two minutes later, I would have excused myself and headed to the restroom very soon.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
@kingcripple Sounds like it was very fun while it lasted :p

Wow! These are some really high quality responses. Thanks for the replies everyone
avatar for Harderlap
6 years ago
It works.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
CrazyJoe said "Apparently a guy used to come into the club and pay dancerz to kick him in the nuts repeatedly instead of dance."

That strains my rule about not telling people that they're having fun wrong...
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
>Wow! These are some really high quality responses. Thanks for the replies everyone<

Well who do you have on ignore;)
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
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