So you want a stripper to remember you?!
Somewhere in MO.
After visiting numerous SCs over the last 9 months, I have learned that you definitely get a good acting job played on you when you pay to play. The strippers are masters at making you believe that you are truly “all that”. I have tested a few things just to see if they do in fact remember me the next go round. Here is what I have found.
Your face is forgotten
Your body is forgotten
Your attire is irrelevant
Your money looks like everyone else’s
A distinctive laugh is remembered
Positive energy is remembered
Continuous smile is remembered
Performing professional magic in the strippers’ hands is remembered
SO, If you want to be REMEMBERED after your first visit, make sure you are positive, happy, fun to be around. Don’t be the Don Juan... they don’t give a shit about how suave you are. They like fun. At least that is my assessment and humble opinion.
Your face is forgotten
Your body is forgotten
Your attire is irrelevant
Your money looks like everyone else’s
A distinctive laugh is remembered
Positive energy is remembered
Continuous smile is remembered
Performing professional magic in the strippers’ hands is remembered
SO, If you want to be REMEMBERED after your first visit, make sure you are positive, happy, fun to be around. Don’t be the Don Juan... they don’t give a shit about how suave you are. They like fun. At least that is my assessment and humble opinion.
And I completely agree. As far as I’m concerned, going to a club should be FUN
I guess most customers feel like perverts for being there in the first place, so you as a dancer have to get them to relax first before they are ready to be completely comfortable.
And then a few are incorrigible and just simply want to hate on “the hustle” and want to (in their minds) turn the tables on us somehow just cause.
But as for the customer who is just happy from the get awesome and I love them dearly.
Well, from the perspective of casual fun, it's nice if the stripper remembers you. It makes the chit-chat easier. It's less fun if every visit is a scene from "Groundhogs Day".
From the perspective of extras, some dancers won't offer a full(er) menu until they feel comfortable around you. Familiarity and being memorable (in a good way) helps with that.…
I am confident I would remember someone performing magic tricks or an old man doing a split in the club - sounds fun and memorable :)
Most girls remember me. Never really thought about or asked why they remember. I don't feel I look or do anything special, unique or different. Maybe it’s less is more thing.
There are some girls I wish would forget me.
On future trips we saw that guy score every time including getting two ladies to go up with him.
I never learned magic but I learned an important lesson. Women like and reward men that show them a good time.
How and why did you learn professional magic? Around my way there’s a magicians club but they’re secretive and entrance requires knowing an active member.
I’m not going to even ask about the splits :o