
So you want a stripper to remember you?!

Somewhere in MO.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019 6:21 PM
After visiting numerous SCs over the last 9 months, I have learned that you definitely get a good acting job played on you when you pay to play. The strippers are masters at making you believe that you are truly “all that”. I have tested a few things just to see if they do in fact remember me the next go round. Here is what I have found. Your face is forgotten Your body is forgotten Your attire is irrelevant Your money looks like everyone else’s HOWEVER, A distinctive laugh is remembered Positive energy is remembered Continuous smile is remembered Performing professional magic in the strippers’ hands is remembered SO, If you want to be REMEMBERED after your first visit, make sure you are positive, happy, fun to be around. Don’t be the Don Juan... they don’t give a shit about how suave you are. They like fun. At least that is my assessment and humble opinion.


  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Sounds pretty accurate to me. I don't know why some guys go into strip clubs in "PUA" mode. Strippers don't respond to that stuff. They like a guy who makes their job easy or enjoyable.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    I dunno I think strippers remember faces
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    Who cares if they remember you?
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    When she looks at her baby's face she will remember you for a long time.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ lol
  • bigtim47
    5 years ago
    Seriously now. Dancers remember me because I tell them jokes. Sometimes even a year later, a dancer will know me when I tip at the stage. "Have you got any new jokes for me?" And I have no idea who they are, but they remember me. So you have to have some shtick or gimmick .
  • 3131
    5 years ago
    They remember cologne. If its good
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    ^That's true! Dancers love it when you smell good. I made a routine that if I went to a strip club I always put on cologne, always brushed my teeth, often put on deodorant, often took a shower beforehand with shampoo. I would get comments all the time about how good I smelled and the dancers would nuzzle my neck and take deep breathes. It felt really good lol.
  • trapdoor
    5 years ago
    I don't think you can completely negate physical appearance. I have had negative experiences with dancers who don't remember that, but do remember me from my beard. They may even approach me as if I am happy to see them, but I would politely reject their offer for dances.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Good post, Nidian. And I completely agree. As far as I’m concerned, going to a club should be FUN I guess most customers feel like perverts for being there in the first place, so you as a dancer have to get them to relax first before they are ready to be completely comfortable. And then a few are incorrigible and just simply want to hate on “the hustle” and want to (in their minds) turn the tables on us somehow just cause. But as for the customer who is just happy from the get go...is awesome and I love them dearly.
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    Agree. Good humor makes it funner for dancer and custy even if it doesn't increase the mileage. I don't get the magic trick thing though, but perhaps that's because I'm incompetent at magic tricks - still I couldn't see myself getting proficient at magic tricks and bringing a deck of cards into the club, though I suppose it'd be funny (or gross) to put a condom in the deck of cards like it's a pack of cigarettes and pull it out along with the cards. But if it works for you, great.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Daddillac said "Who cares if they remember you?" Well, from the perspective of casual fun, it's nice if the stripper remembers you. It makes the chit-chat easier. It's less fun if every visit is a scene from "Groundhogs Day". From the perspective of extras, some dancers won't offer a full(er) menu until they feel comfortable around you. Familiarity and being memorable (in a good way) helps with that.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Magic is a fantastic way to not only get everyone in a fun mood, but it brings more dancers to you because they talk about it. Keep in mind that I am talking professional magic. I’ll pull silks out of their bra while their on stage, change a $ 1 into a $ 5, hand them a 50 cent piece that turns into a silver dollar when they open their hand, vanish their cigarette in mid air, change the color of their lighter right in front of their eyes, change a napkin into silk panties, and on occasion I will bring in a deck of cards. There is so much fun to be had when you have a gimmick. Another fun thing that gets them to remember me is that I will bet that if she has 2 drinks with me, I can do the splits as good as she. The 2 drink bet is just to build the anticipation the this old fuck of a man can actually do this; they talk it up and other dancers gather closer. After the 2 Nd drink, I walk up to the dancer and do a real slow splits and bounce a bit on the floor. They seem to enjoy it. Hell, even the other customers are like “WTF did that old dude just do?!” So, having fun is what I enjoy and finding fun ways to be remembered is my goal at times.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I agree to a point with regard to gimmicks. The trick is to not overdo it. You can easily transition from "Hey, that guy is fun!" to "Hey... that guy..."
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I agree to a point with regard to gimmicks. The trick is to not overdo it. You can easily transition from "Hey, that guy is fun!" to "Hey... that guy..."
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    ^^^ true
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Magic tricks always impress strippers: [view link]
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ I count on strippers to perform the magic tricks the good ones do ;)
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Actually, in my years of experience, the dancers that I've "cherished" have all come through for me. By that I mean they were a CF or my ATF. I've no real idea why, but it never failed. Put simply, I was not rejected by them. :)
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Its like with any girl. It comes down to how you make them feel. The ones I want to remember me always do :-P
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    @Nidan111 I am confident I would remember someone performing magic tricks or an old man doing a split in the club - sounds fun and memorable :) Most girls remember me. Never really thought about or asked why they remember. I don't feel I look or do anything special, unique or different. Maybe it’s less is more thing. There are some girls I wish would forget me.
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    I am confident there are some girls that wish I would forget them too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • captainfun
    5 years ago
    Nidan - those tricks you do sound highly entertaining - especially in the mid to low end places. You should ask the girls if they’d like to see you perform the ‘hide the salami’ trick.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    I get remembered by a lot of dancers that I simply don't even recall meeting. Always one of two things: I'm a divorce lawyer and that always seems to be remembered and the other thing is that I never speak badly about my wife. Women don't like hearing guys drag down other women, unless of course they start the bashing.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    @captain. Funny you say that because one of the strippers proceeded to do just that for me. She then said, “see, all gone... now back.... gone again... and again....”. I informed her that her magic blew mine away!
  • K
    5 years ago
    A very long time ago, my friends and I were making fun of a guy doing magic in a night club attached to a hotel. We stopped laughing in a few minutes when we realized the women were coming to him and calling him over to their tables. We bowed to him when he went upstairs with one of the hottest pieces of ass we had seen. My room mate ordered a magic kit and took some magic books from the library. He never got beyond a few simple ones but they did break the ice when he needed an ice breaker. On future trips we saw that guy score every time including getting two ladies to go up with him. I never learned magic but I learned an important lesson. Women like and reward men that show them a good time.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I was at a thanksgiving party one year and I did some quick slight of hand for 3 girls. The hottest one there with the biggest tits stated me in the eyes and said, “you know how bad I want to fuck you right now?” I was speechless. Lol
  • orionsmith
    5 years ago
    Remember me? Some of them remember me and I can't remember them at all. One girl said I was unforgettable. Not sure if that was good or bad. Hopefully good. I've been pretty low key the last couple years so haven't done too much unusual. I know some dancers will likely remember me for life. The current record that I knew of about 10 years ago was 18 years. I could not remember her. I still didn't even after a bj and sex. However I could recognize her. I'm a good liar. I said I remembered after all that.
  • orionsmith
    5 years ago
    One bartender asked me at the bar if I remembered her. I said no. Then she flashed me and the whole club a very nice set of tits. I did. Said so too. Lots of smiles everywhere after that, Some girls want to be remembered. I had two different dancers make me repeat their name 3 times to remember them. I remember a nice set of tits and a pretty face. Usually.
  • orionsmith
    5 years ago
    I've only met like 3 or 4 thousand dancers so I forgot a lot of names.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    Usually not a problem for me. People usually remember me, even years later. I must be making some kind of impression
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    If people dont recognize me at first, they remember my voice, or the way I joke around.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    ^^^ or it could be the stench left behind after you destroy a SC shitter.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    I’ve had strippers say things about how they’ll remember me but I’ve actually avoided going back to those places anytime soon afterward. With clubs I’m a regular at it seems like the girls will remember me the 3rd time I meet them. Even though I’m fun I must not be very memorable.
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    @Nidan111 How and why did you learn professional magic? Around my way there’s a magicians club but they’re secretive and entrance requires knowing an active member. I’m not going to even ask about the splits :o
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