
Feeding on Roadwarriors post how are some clubs staying in business

Living well and enjoying my retirement
Friday, April 19, 2019 6:19 AM
I believe that many of the clubs that are doing well, are better managed and updated regularly, I see some clubs in my area that are laid out in very similar styles, in many ways the layout doesn’t match the way club goers act in the clubs, for example the bars are too small and the table layout around a central stage, are to crowded. Some of the newer clubs are doing well as are the older ones that have been updated regularly. Anyone else find this to be true.


  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    In Providence we have a club called fantasies. When the economy boomed 20 years ago they were #1 for 6-7 years. Then the Father retired and the son took over. Same club different manager and they got killed in the recession and have never recovered. They still refuse to change so itsa ghost town. Desires is run like a neighborhood italian restaurant. The staff is always about seeing if you're enjoyiong yourself and comping drinks. Luchj is 12-8 and free, no buffet. Drink card is $20 and comes with $25 of credits. Free shot every hour. Houirly raffle for a $10 gas card. During the recession they expanded. Thgey are number 1 and will remain there. management determines success when everyone is selling the same thing.
  • Lone_Wolf
    5 years ago
    I've often been baffled how some clubs stay in business. Some have the shittiest lay outs that would be in expensive to change. Or they allow passed their prime high hustle dancers to work that ambush and drive out any new custies. That one always baffled me. Other things such as not having dancers on stage or insane drink prices in clubs with marginal talent. All that said from a PL that's never owned a club and had no real understanding of what it takes to run one.
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    @twentyfive I guess “doing well” is relative and subjective. There are clubs in my area that were packed with 30+ girls and standing room only, even on slow nights, before the last recession. Now those same clubs are lucky to have 10 girls & PL’s on a busy night with good layout and furnishings. Somehow the club is keeping the doors open and lights on so that’s good. Girls I spoke with liked the mellow atmosphere and still earned more than there low paying day job so that’s good too. Seems like a PL’s dream...low competition/hustle environment. Personally, it's not my scene because I find it difficult to meet quality girls I'm interested in and lack of variety. There are other clubs that recovered after the recession and newer clubs that are consistently packed with 25+ girls. I think the layout and furnishings are mediocre. Somehow these clubs manage to consistently attract a larger pool of quality girls and customers that consistently spend enough to keep the girls working at those clubs. On a busy night with discounts, these clubs are packed standing room and most girls are consistently busy. Sometimes good for the club, girls and picky guys who like variety. High competition/hustle can make it difficult to meet a specific dancer who is busy and eventually leads to price increases. Especially when the ratio of PL’s to girls is very high. Bad for experienced girls that could VIP all night but miss out on maximum earning potential cause they get stuck waiting in line for a VIP room. Locally I've noticed a trend of experienced girls working doubles at more than one club. The majority of clubs that are ”doing well” here are clustered in about a 10 square mile radius in lower income areas where locals have lower total disposable income. Great if you’re a PL or girl that lives close by. Bad if you’re a girl or PL who lives far away and consistently gets stuck in insane traffic trying to get to work/monger. ”Follow the herd:” My wild @$$ guess as to why some clubs are ”doing well - $$$” and others are not would be due to different laws, regulations, lax enforcement, management and most importantly ”follow the herd” mentality. You could have the best, nicest management or club but ultimately customers want to go where the best girls are and girls want to work where there are a lot of customers that consistently spend money. In my limited experience, where everyone is ”doing well” consistently changes over time. ”Change is inevitable. Change is constant.” ”Change before you have to.”
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Good management will run the club in such a way that the girls want to work there, the more girls the more customers it’s a pretty simple formula, the variables are cost and layout, if the cost isn’t in line with expectations customers will stop coming, if the layout is uncomfortable both the girls with options and the better customers will go elsewhere, the clubs being clustered is more due to laws and zoning regulations, one thing that’s true is a few good clubs help an entire area get better.
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    @twentyfive I agree...pretty simple. The clubs that are ”doing well” are the ones where everyone is ”doing well”; club, management, girls, customers et al.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Can't argue with Ski about Desire in Providence. I'm not sure I've been to another club anywhere in the country that is as customer friendly or as well run. It's got something for everybody. For guys just looking for beer and titties, they offer drink discounts and even drink buy backs, along with plenty of tip rail seating. For guys who are looking for more, they have reasonably priced fully private rooms (closing doors with no cameras) and many willing girls, though YMMV. For guys looking for a more upscale experience, they have Club Lust upstairs, with high end food choices and well poured drinks. Members can also bring dancers up there to get to know them in a much quieter setting and even use one of the upstairs private rooms. And with all the customer traffic and room sales, the girls who work there can make a killing too. In a few hours time, I saw multiple girls easily earn $50-100 on stage and do two to three 15 minute rooms, where I am sure they pocketed at least $200 from each room visit. I can only imagine what they made over the course of a whole night. If I was ever to open a club anywhere, the Club Desire model would be the one I would try to replicate.
  • justaguy79
    5 years ago
    It's a cash business. For some owners that's all it needs to be.
  • Roadworrier
    5 years ago
    I think some places are Club Bada Bing from the Sopranos. Need your $$ laundered? I’d say most of these places are meant to separate you from your dollars first and foremost. I think there are owners/managers who earnestly try to create a good experience, but to stay in business, you need to keep the revenue flowing. Mons Venus seems to have that system down in Tampa, where money flows but in turn the customers get an experience. Diamond Dolls in Pompano seems to provide a good customer experience though obviously in a very different way. Unfortunately lots of clubs in the DC/Baltimore area where games seem to be played and they take advantage of the occasional customers as their big revenue stream - and the occasional customers are excited about titties and nekkid girls on the dance floor and the whole lap/VIP thing is just a show.
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