
What happened to all the young strippers?

Avatar for MajorBoobage

I'm been doing this hobby for a long, long time. And until a few years ago, it seemed that most clubs had a pretty steady supply of young strippers -- I'm talking in the range of 18 to 22 years old. I mean, that age range was at least 30 to 40 percent of every club, and more at some places. Until just about 2 or 3 years ago, I never had a problem walking into a club and finding a girl in my preferred age range.

Nowadays, it seems like every club I go into is mostly populated by girls in their late 20s and early 30s, or older. It's like the strippers of yesterday all got older, and never left the profession, and no new blood came in to replace them. A few months ago I even ran into a stripper at a club whom I used to get dances from almost 10 years ago at a different club when she was 19!

So what's the story? Are there no new strippers? Are today's high school graduates going straight to Tinder to find a sugar daddy? Did the Me Too movement drive them all away from a thrilling, profitable career in the sex industry? Or have I finally gotten old enough that the really young ones keep walking right by me?

FWIW, I'm looking mostly at Chicago clubs. I lived in Chicago until 2013, then in Las Vegas until 2016, then came back home. It was shortly after my return that I started noticing I never see college-age strippers anymore.


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Avatar for Icey

Ive only noticed old strippers at shitty clubs... but there's always an influx of young ones here.

Avatar for Icey

Ive only noticed old strippers at shitty clubs... but there's always an influx of young ones here.

Avatar for CC99

I have not noticed this. At my club, strippers 18-22 were always the vast majority with a decent number in their mid 20s. I haven't even met a dancer there in her late 20s much less 30s.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Possibly region or club dependent. I'm not seeing this in Southern New England. It's also possible that younger women have more options for sex work (camming, SA, etc.).

But anyway, I'm not seeing it the way you are.

Avatar for Liwet

I see college-aged girls in Vegas clubs.

Try finding the non-alcoholic (or fully nude) club(s) in your area (typical training ground for new strippers) and see what's going on there.

Avatar for GoVikings

shrugs shoulders

normally, i have no clue the age of the stripper i'm talking to unless THEY bring it up. in other words, i never ask their age because i don't care

and nowadays its not easy to tell their age by just looking

Avatar for MajorBoobage

I definitely still see college-age dancers in Vegas clubs.

Interesting point about non-alcoholic clubs. Back when Industrial Strip was NA (and fully nude), I used to go there a lot, and I would see a lot of younger strippers there. Now it's no longer NA, and I don't go there because it's topless only and there are full nude clubs on the Illinois side of the border. And I'm not sure there are any other non-alcoholic clubs in the Chicago area. (Maybe Admiral Theater, which is no-touch and therefore no-go.)

Avatar for NJBalla

Easy answer economy has made it easier for 18-22 year old girls to find mindless jobs to support thier expenses. Walk into any gym and retail job and you will see girls watching videos on thier cellphone as you use a self check out machine. That and this generation understands the damage of social media. Years ago it would be easy for a girl to drive 50 minutes outside of her home and dance for the night. Now instagram/facebook has made it hard for them to stay anonymous. I also see mostly girls in thier 30s. I dont mind it as well. Younger dancers often feel entitled and dont perform as well in the back. Give me a girl who has danced 10 years and knows the only other option she has is house cleaning any day of the week.

Avatar for Icey

Girls don't really hide being strippers much. Its a legit job plus most try to have another job on the side to at least pay into the system

Avatar for NJBalla

@Icey, good point. Thats why I like to take my cell phone out and record all the girls at my favorite clubs. They love it and the management asks me to post it on my instagram. Put the henny down icey

Avatar for RandomMember

All the college girls are on SA. It's much less aggravating than stripping

Avatar for Icey

NJBalla, I know plenty who are open about it. The ones who aren't have no problem keeping it private.

Avatar for MajorBoobage

Thanks guys --

Forgive my ignorance, but what the heck is SA?

Avatar for Kajohnston


You nearly read my mind. Except I was thinking where are all the naturally beautiful, athletic and very fit young dancers. I still see a decent amount of younger girls. I feel it's way more common to see tasteless tats, heavy makeup, bad hairdos/nails, bolt-ons top, and bottom. Occasionally, I still meet some truly beautiful women, just seems less frequent.

Maybe @NJBalla hit it on the head? Maybe I just notice these things more? Maybe I'm just getting a lot pickier? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I too prefer a more experienced woman with a great personality nowadays :)

Avatar for JamesSD

I haven't noticed this overall. I'm sure there are clubs that are welcoming to new talent and clubs that tend to hold onto girls longer.

Avatar for Subraman

SF has a general degradation in quality and shift sizes, but not sure I'm seeing the ages trending upwards.

Avatar for Icey

Degradation in quality? Have you been to Penthouse Club?? Centerfolds?

Avatar for theDirkDiggler

I think it's more that the young girls that start in this industry just don't stick around very long. It seems that making it as a stripper is much harder now, and especially with this new generation of girls with no real life social skills. And lot of the Chicago area clubs are very expensive to work at ($50-$100+ rent). Some clubs might comp a new girl's rent for the first shift or even the first few shifts, but if she hasn't gotten the hang of it by then, a couple shifts in the negative or even under say $100-$200 will probably turn her off for good...

Avatar for Kajohnston


Agree about SF degradation in quality and shift sizes. GC was a poor experience, like a desert, my last visit even with a huge convention in town. A lot of experienced women left complaining about new laws and huge club cuts of 60%. Met a couple of young ones who claimed to have driven over an hour to work there though.

Avatar for Icey

Gold Club always has great events ....different themes, parties, etc

Avatar for Icey

Do they still do the free lunch buffet? You guys are crazy hating on SF clubs

Avatar for goldmongerATL

That lack of social skills for the twitter generation of the 18-21 year old strippers would also explain why they sit together in groups on their phones. You see that at many clubs. I notice it a lot now. You will see a newbie get up from her table of other newbies on their phones and walk the entire floor row by row as if she was trying to get a dance. But she never engages any customer (and often not appear aware that men are trying to flag her down), returns to the original table with a frustrated look on her face and goes back to social media on her phone.

It's like they have no idea how to ask for a dance. They know they have to walk the room to get dances, but cannot connect the dots.

Avatar for Icey

Most clubs don't allow them to be on their phones in the main room

Avatar for Kajohnston


No doubt. GC is actually an up to date club, with a great layout, buffet, and events in a nice area with convenient access. Even has clean, well lit and furnished bathrooms where I don't feel I need to wear rubber globes and stilts to use the loo like some nasty porta potty, that's never been cleaned at a trucker stop in the middle of nowhere that some lesser clubs have. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Avatar for mark94

Not a problem in Phoenix. Thank you ASU !

Avatar for Subraman

-->" A lot of experienced women left complaining about new laws and huge club cuts of 60%"

The effect of the employee status has been uniformly disastrous, tons of girls leaving the clubs (or at least the CA clubs) although I would have thought that if any SF club was immune to it, it would be GC. I actually haven't been there in months so haven't seen it first hand

Avatar for JamesSD

Around here being on their phones is how dayshift girls bring in their regulars.

Avatar for -me

Sounds like the op is going to the wrong clubs. I've never seen a 30's stripper except in the shittiest dive I've seen..

Avatar for Icey

Subraman, That's bs. You're greatly exaggerating coz of your own political inclinations.

Avatar for Roadworrier

In the mid-Atlantic, Sundays/Mondays seem to skew older - a lot older. Mid and late week you still get the younger talent....but the tattoo / pierced face/boobs/clit stuff is getting more and more extreme. And the lack of basic social skills/cellphone issue is a thing at many clubs that don’t police it.......to the point where it ruins the experience completely.

I will tell you many of my better dances come from early 30-something dancers who know what they’re doing and still have social skills.

But SA is a thing. One of my ATFs was always looking for sugar daddies to support camgirl equipment, massage chairs so she could open a legit business, etc. Now she drives for one of those Uberlyft companies and dog-walks through one of those nationally franchised Rover/Spot apps as well. The gig economy does help pay a few bills and doesn’t require costumes, platform stiletto heels, or bearing boobiage to people you end up knowing around town.

Avatar for DandyDan

It probably depends on the club and it may also depend on when you go. On my most recent visit to a club, I was around at the shift change and the later group was a significantly younger group on average. Not that any stated their ages, but they just looked it.

Avatar for skibum609

At one of the clubs around here 23 year old dancers seem elderly. Always possible to find teen dancers and young 20's around here.

Avatar for rickdugan

I haven't experienced this. In fact, with all the money now pouring back into the clubs around here, there has been a wave of fresh young talent looking to cash in. If your clubs are aging, then I suspect that lack of earning potential has something to do with it. I saw a little more of this a few years ago when the economy was more anemic, but not now.

@NJBalla: Retail stores are not competing with strip clubs for workers. If a girl is inclined to take her clothes off for $300-500+ per night, something paying $12 per hour is not going to change her mind and these jobs have always existed. The problem for some time was that the earning potential in some clubs was just not making it worth it for young girls to strip and give lapdances, so alluding back to the OP's point, we did see a little aging. But in my area, with new clubs opening, the population booming and lots of money coming back to the clubs, the young girls are starting to outnumber the older ones. Shit, some are even advertising on Facebook.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

This is the scariest post that I’ve read on Tuscl in a long time. Please tell me that it’s not true.

Avatar for FishHawk

I see a good mix of ages at the clubs in my area. 18 or so up to mid 30’s. Although the younger side of this spectrum is fun to look at and I tip them while they are on stage. I find I get better dances and better conversation from those that have been around the block a few times.

Avatar for Muddy

Are you going at night?

Avatar for Icey

There's always a fresh supply of strippers. I think a lot of you are going to known extras clubs, which won't have the best looking girls. A hot young girl can work at a better club and doesn't have to hoe.

Avatar for FishHawk

I generally go in the afternoon. I think the youngsters think I remind them of their grandfathers and that bothers them. Those that are 30ish think that I remind them of the grandfather as well. They just don’t mind that so much.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

There are plenty of guys on here who are actually grandfathers. I don't think it bothers the younger strippers. I think that they don't try as hard because they are younger and don't feel like they have to.

And in many instances, they might be correct.

Avatar for Subraman

Regardless of age, most strippers look at middle-aged up to 60s as a choice market... once you start hitting late 60s and 70s, some of the new&young girls start avoiding, and/or jack up their prices

Avatar for Icey

True.... middle aged white men are the best marks. Married men are good for short term profits but some don't want them as regulars to avoid potential drama. Older men are good targets in touristy clubs though. Generally, being younger is a handicap when it comes to how you're profiled as a mark.

Avatar for MackTruck

They got eaten by the fat strippers

Avatar for mark94

Most of my faves are in their 30s. Still hot but also experienced. They can carry a conversation and know how to please a customer.

The 20 year old dancers aren’t always better looking than the 30 year old veteran, but the the 30-something dancer is usually easier to talk to and much less likely to suffer from GPS.

Avatar for mark94

From Ben Franklin:

Reasons to select an older woman as a mistress

i. Because as they have more Knowledge of the World and their Minds are better stor'd with Observations, their Conversation is more improving and more lastingly agreable.

  1. Because when Women cease to be handsome, they study to be good. To maintain their Influence over Men, they supply the Diminution of Beauty by an Augmentation of Utility. They learn to do a 1000 Services small and great, and are the most tender and useful of all Friends when you are sick. Thus they continue amiable. And hence there is hardly such a thing to be found as an old Woman who is not a good Woman.

  2. Because there is no hazard of Children, which irregularly produc'd may be attended with much Inconvenience.

  3. Because thro' more Experience, they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an Intrigue to prevent Suspicion. The Commerce with them is therefore safer with regard to your Reputation. And with regard to theirs, if the Affair should happen to be known, considerate People might be rather inclin'd to excuse an old Woman who would kindly take care of a young Man, form his Manners by her good Counsels, and prevent his ruining his Health and Fortune among mercenary Prostitutes.

  4. Because in every Animal that walks upright, the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill the Muscles appears first in the highest Part: The Face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower Parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: So that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding2 only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement.

  5. Because the Sin is less. The debauching a Virgin may be her Ruin, and make her for Life unhappy.

  6. Because the Compunction is less. The having made a young Girl miserable may give you frequent bitter Reflections; none of which can attend the making an old Woman happy.

8thly and Lastly They are so grateful!!

Avatar for CC99


Don't worry younger dancers are still aplenty at my club lol! I can confirm this thread to be false.

Avatar for Subraman

I agree with all the positives around older girls. But the original question was around younger ones, who definitely have their own charms. And around here, the young stripper tap is still flowing as ever.

Avatar for Icey

If she's in her 30s and looks like Kim K, sure...

Avatar for sinclair

In the 18-22 range, I'm seeing lots of young ladies doing premium Snapchats where they are posting nudes and porn. It is a heck of a lot easier than stripping.

Avatar for mark94

Most of the young dancers I know smoke lots of weed. LOTS.

Avatar for Icey

Also, I don't buy the bs about young girls being socially retarded. I get along way better with them than older ones. The best conversations I've had with dancers were with really young ones. And I never get ignored by them. The problem isn't them......you just can't relate to them. Older dancers, like past 30 basically come across like hardened whores.

Avatar for Icey

weed is a good ice breaker....smoke with them. and premium snapchat is a good side gig but thats it

Avatar for rickdugan

This complaint reminds me of the complaints about clubs dying out. Almost invariably, these complaints come from places where affluent men, who account for most clubs' income, are leaving. IL, NJ, CT, and a few other areas are suffering from budget issues and population loss despite the great economy.

Avatar for datinman

"They got eaten by the fat strippers" LOL

I have noticed a lot of the early 30's stripper are in better shape than the early 20's strippers at a lot of clubs.

Avatar for minnow

To this old fart, almost any woman 25 and under could pass as a college student. I also agree with much of what mark 94 wrote about the appeal of 30ish dancers. Still attractive, but has a lot more worldly knowledge than 18-22yo. A 30ish woman is more finely attuned to what it takes to please a man, and hold his interest. Therefore, issue raised by OP is a non-issue to me.

Avatar for CC99

"I have noticed a lot of the early 30's stripper are in better shape than the early 20's strippers at a lot of clubs."

Yeah Idk about that.

Avatar for nicespice

^I’d believe it. If a stripper hasn’t taken care of herself as well, she will likely filter herself out. And if her face is obviously starting to age, then her body has to be hotter to compensate.

Some part of me does wonder though if it’s makeup that’s has changed the appearance of dancers too? Sometime circa 2012 contouring became a thing, or just a general makeup look that’s more “sharp” rather than “soft”

I do question customers ability to be an accurate judge of age when under club lights and the like though. I constantly BS that I’m 21 to customers and I don’t get called out on it.

Avatar for flagooner

^ " I constantly BS that I’m 21 to customers and I don’t get called out on it."

Just because they don't call you out doesn't mean that they believe you. What is to be gained by calling BS on it?

And to answer the question...
Those 18-22 y.o. strippers are now late 20s and 30s.

There is a lot more sugaring going on with college girls than there used to be.

I don't know if that had been mentioned already, didn't read a lot of the above.

Avatar for nicespice

“Just because they don't call you out doesn't mean that they believe you. What is to be gained by calling BS on it? “

The same gratification,I’m sure, when a good chunk of them them like to knowingly tell me they know my stage name isn’t my real name.

Avatar for CC99

I could easily believe that NiceSpice is able to fool guys about her age. 21 year old girls look pretty similar to 25 year old girls and NiceSpice looks younger than her age so I think its pretty believable.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

“a good chunk of them them like to knowingly tell me they know my stage name isn’t my real name.”

Because it takes a humongous intellect to be able to suss that one out! :D

No shortage of 20ish ones around here. At least not based on their Facebook ages.

Avatar for DeclineToState

-->@Subraman: "The effect of the employee status has been uniformly disastrous, tons of girls leaving the clubs (or at least the CA clubs) although I would have thought that if any SF club was immune to it, it would be GC. I actually haven't been there in months so haven't seen it first hand"

------>@IceyLoco: "Subraman, That's bs. You're greatly exaggerating coz of your own political inclinations."

Subraman states fact and I corroborate it. I frequent GC and SF's other TL clubs, not the FN clubs so much and can't comment on those. And politics has nothing to do with my observations or probably his. It's true there was an exodus of good and experienced dancers from the SF TL clubs when the change from independent contractor to employee status occurred which started in Oct 2018. I saw it with my own eyes and my faves who stayed despite the employee classification change confirmed to me it was happening before I saw it for myself. Penthouse SF has still not recovered from the exodus. GC has mostly survived due to partly to influx of new dancers, partly to dancers switching clubs within SF over to GC because GC is the busiest club and the transferees are making best of a bad situation, and partly because the girls who stayed had few alternatives they were willing to pursue (retail jobs, housecleaning, whatever)for reduced income that would've been even worse than the income reduction that accompanied the classification change to employee. Lots of girls that left were ones doing it to supplement income and not as main job and I know because that included a few faves. And Nevada girls who dance in Reno clubs confirm the influx of former California dancers on the weekends where those Cali girls get compensated as ICs by the Reno clubs.

Avatar for Icey

It is politics, you're juxtaposing your political beliefs on it. Bay Area girls have always gone to Reno for the weekends. That's nothing new. If anyone told you they have problems coz of the new law its just a sob story hustle lol

Avatar for Subraman

The guys who experience it all firsthand and report facts -- that's politics. The guy who has no idea whats going on, wants his political fantasy to be true, so invents explanations about why the facts are political and everything that's happening isn't really happening -- that's real. Black is white. Up is down. Team is winning!!!!

Even the notion that my political beliefs lead to this interpretation is a made up fantasy lol

Avatar for Subraman

The guys who experience it all firsthand and report facts -- that's politics. The guy who has no idea whats going on, wants his political fantasy to be true, so invents explanations about why the facts are political and everything that's happening isn't really happening -- that's real. Black is white. Up is down. Team is winning!!!!

Even the notion that my political beliefs lead to this interpretation is a made up fantasy lol

Avatar for Subraman

damn doubletap! No idea how that happened. I might suck at interneting

Avatar for Icey

So you admit your politization of strippers being right wing is bs.

Avatar for TFP

I'm still wondering why Subra and Declinetostate even bother trying to reason with this Icey person any longer. She can be (and absolutely is in some cases) dead wrong about something and will still claim that it's the right wing tricks ganging up on her. You point out your own factual experiences, even with others to corroborate, and she'll still claim it's some right wing BS even though no one made any mention of politics anywhere.

Can we just not pay this dumbass any more attention? It's not like she's gonna reason back and forth like a person that's able to have an actual debate.

Avatar for Icey

SF clubs are doing fine and there have always been girls going to Reno for the weekend. Those are facts. Sorry it doesn't fit into your right wing political narrative

Avatar for kingcripple

They're out there. I'd consider girls even in their 20s young. I think youd find these girls in the night shift mostly

Avatar for NinaBambina

I understand your struggle. I myself retired from dancing earlier this year at age 86.

Avatar for twentyfive

Damn @;))Nina back from the dead and looking very lifelike

Avatar for DeclineToState

-->@TFP: "I'm still wondering why ... Declinetostate even bother trying to reason with this Icey person any longer."

Ya, shame on me for feeding the obvious troll. Back to ignore for that ignorant troll.

Avatar for Icey

You're a fucking idiot. You call me a troll coz I'm saying SF strippers aren't into right wing politics, clubs are fine and girls have always gone to Reno for the weekend.... You need help.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

^ LOL so says the troll that PAID to access VIP in order to troll it. LMAO you need a lot of help.

Avatar for MajorBoobage

Lots of good theories on here. I think it does have something to do with going to Chicago clubs. Guess it's time for a road trip ...

That said, a couple thoughts:

  • I think you can tell a true 18- or 19-year-old girl. She can make up her face to look older, and the older ones can make up to look younger. But you can't change your body. Even the hottest, most fit, thinnest 30-year-old is not as thin as a thin 19-year-old, because she hasn't started growing out yet. Those girls who look like you could fit one hand around their waist -- a 30-year-old just can't copy that. (Although I have gotten many, many very good dances from 30-something dancers.)

  • These days I'm mostly going to Club 390 and Atlantis. These are upscale for the Chicago area, so they might be cost-prohibitive for younger dancers. If anyone knows what club all the 19-year-olds are at in Chicago, let me know! :)

Avatar for theDirkDiggler

I'm not sure i agree that that "thinness" has anything to do with being under 20, although the metabolism is definitely higher with the teenagers. I've seen under 20s girls that had sagging, stretch marks and cellulite, and mid 20s girls that had taught skin and perky everything. A lot of it is genetics and some is lifestyle habits (smoking, drugs, tanning, alcohol, diet and exercise) as well and routine maintenance (lotions, hydration). I've also noticed that a lot of black dancers that are in their teens could pass for their mid or even late 20s. I'm also not sure that it's a Chicago specific thing besides the clubs being a bit expensive to work and the customers not being as free-spending (at Chicago pricing), but this might be an almost universal trait outside of the most popular tourist areas.

Atlantis and Club 390 have plenty of under 21 girls, at least for the short time that they work there. There's a paper with a list of names on the wall at both ends of the bar at Atlantis that shows the girls that are on the drink restricted list (probably for the bartender, but also the servers to read as well) with their birth month and year next to their names. There was something like 20+ names on the list with some handwritten additions lately (also a few girls are not allowed to drink because of issues with alcohol). I don't know how many of them still work there, but i would say at least half. 390 has started having the under 21 girls wear a wristband. I don't really see any during the day shift, but on nights and especially weekend nights, they are out there. Unfortunately, 390 has some quick turnover, even quicker than average and even more so with the younger girls that might have issue with fees, management and the heavy mileage expected from PLs.

Your best bet is probably PoleKatz, just from the sheer volume of girls that work there. Over there, they also wear a wristband, the cheap fat plastic tape style used in hospitals and some night clubs. But just like with Atlantis and 390, not every girl that wears them is necessarily underage, just restricted. Mileage is less there and the fees aren't as strict or as high (at least for paying out on dances/rooms) so the girls might stick it out there longer. Also there's the Admiral, but i think you stated you have no interest in that place. If you're willing to drive all the way to Davenport, Iowa (quad cities), there's a club called Daisy Dooks that used to have mostly college aged girls (haven't been there in years though); the other club nearby (Southern Comfort) was more older women though. Also if you go north near Madison, WI, there should be some young girls. Probably not that many near the closer Milwaukee and more black if that's your thing. Those clubs in WI and even IA tend to have even less mileage than the clubs you frequent, even less than PoleKatz. There's also quite a few young prospective strippers in NW Indiana, but they tend to commute to Illinois (390, Atlantis, PoleKatz) rather than work at the dives near them. You might find some at the combo club, Dreamgirls/Deja Vu in Lake Station where one side/floor is the no alcohol Dreamgirls and the other level is Deja Vu, but the customers and girls move back and forth between both clubs. Never been there, but haven't really heard anything good or much at all about that place.

For me, i can take or leave the 18-19 demo. I know the JohnSmith crowd loves to work on them, but the only thing i like about them, besides their slightly more youthful looks, is that they're less "jaded" than the veteran strippers. Which is why i actually prefer baby strippers that start in their 20s, so you get the better of all worlds. They're still young and "fresh", but not as inept in all ways as girls right out of high school. Those few years of life experience really do make a difference...

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