Collecting instagrams?

avatar for nicespice

I saw this on tumblr:

“strippers stop giving your Instagrams out for free, their are guys on the stripper hobby boards who only come to the clubs to collect girls instagrams, and y'all are wondering why men don't spend money anymore, why do they need to when y'all are giving it out all over the internet for free.”

Can anyone guess what board is being talked about? I really only pay attention to TUSCL and also lurk eccie once in a blue moon. And I’ve never gotten personally asked about an Instagram from a customer. :o

I’m confused. Do you guys get dancer instagrams when you go out?


last comment
avatar for Kajohnston
5 yrs ago


What’s Instagram and why would I want to waste my time using it? I prefer real vs virtual women. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Why do they think Instagram is competition? Instagram is no more competition than porn is. You can't touch a girl over an Instagram screen, the whole point of going to strip clubs is being able to touch.

avatar for GoVikings
5 yrs ago

Never even thought to get a dancers Instagram. Don’t have any interest to get her instagram

Like CC99 said, being able to touch is WAY better

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

I don’t even have instagram. The only Instagrams that I have see. Are those that are posted by Iceyloco.

avatar for Jascoi
5 yrs ago

same thing about web cam girls. i wanna touch. real time.

avatar for codemonkey
5 yrs ago

What they said. Some dancers have given me links to their Facebook pages. Some of those are their civilian pages and sort are their stripper pages where they post suggestive but not nude pics. I usually look at those pages once then forget about them.

avatar for codemonkey
5 yrs ago

sort = some

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

Seems there are guys that like to follow/look-at social media of a dancer(s) they like but I don't think it's in-lieu of seeing the dancers in the club - IMO that was SS and a stripper talking out of her ass.

avatar for Warrenboy75
5 yrs ago

If you are putting it out there for people to see then why bitch when someone looks?

It's real simple if you don't want people to follow you set your account on private or better yet don't post anything concerning that you are a stripper.

Most of the girls I follow on IG know I follow them

avatar for flagooner
5 yrs ago

You can sell stripper instagram addresses on the dark web for bitcoin.

avatar for Musterd21
5 yrs ago

I only get phone numbers!

So what is your phone number?


avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

I would think seeing a stripper one likes on Instagram would make a PL wanna go see/be-with her at the club.

avatar for crazyjoe
5 yrs ago

I jave never even heard instagram brought up at a club. I agree with others comments that i wpuld rather see a dancer in person

avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 yrs ago

I have a few from some strippers I met. One I was long time on and off OTC. I don't really ask for instagrams since they have all been offered. It's a double edge sword since it's just another way for them to spam "come see me at the club"

avatar for doctorevil
5 yrs ago

I’ve never asked, but Instagram handles have been given to me a couple of times. And no, it’s not giving away anything for free any more than giving away a business card is.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

This sounds like manufactured drama.

I know of some dancers who maintain a SC-only IG where they keep customers apprised of their schedule and post sexy pics (obviously). I talked to one traveling stripper who said that worked well for her.

Aside from that, it shouldn't impact money spent in the club.

avatar for Huntsman
5 yrs ago

I’ve never asked either but strippers have given me their Instagram handle twice. Bikini pics, basically. It’s nothing remotely close to being worth paying for but, like doc said, is like a business card.

avatar for Warrenboy75
5 yrs ago

More than 50% of the time I've been given their IG account without asking.

The real problem ( at least as I see it) is when they have pictures with other girls that might want it made as public what they do for a living on their site, especially if they "tag" the other girl.

avatar for wildbourbon
5 yrs ago

For the last year every time I go to a club I have one or two strippers ask if I have Instagram. I don't take my phone into clubs, so I have them look me up and follow me right there, then I follow them when I get out to my car.

I like IG because they frequently post sexy pictures along with their work schedules. Much better than texts at inopportune times, IMO.

avatar for JamesSD
5 yrs ago

I would argue stripper IG can be advertising and most girls don't do enough to self promote. I do understand a desire for privacy. But post a sexy IG pic to your followers who are your potential customers and it could motivate them to come to the club to see you.

Guys don't come to the club just to see naked girls and dancers who don't understand that won't last.

avatar for shanny72
5 yrs ago

Get the Instagram for the DM. Many will rather share their IG than the phone number. Plus many will post when where they are working...

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

Is Instagram better than smoke signals ?

avatar for Warrenboy75
5 yrs ago

Not sure if it is better than smoke signals but it sure good at "connect the dots" at times.

For instance......."wanna meet some Vegas dancers outside the strip club?"....... on the red circle...........I was out in Vegas the week Kaos opened up.....Cardi B stiffed them and cancelled out a few days before her concert.......

avatar for Cristobal
5 yrs ago

If there really are PLs willing to go a SC just get a dancer's IG, is he an IGPL?

Seems like too much effort to go a SC just to get dancers' IG account when you find millions of hot chicks on IG without ever leaving your mom's basement.

avatar for PaulDrake
5 yrs ago

I remember a while back there was someone here talking about posting a dancers Instagram on a club review and the community pretty solidly said it was a terrible idea and shouldn't do it.

avatar for georgmicrodong
5 yrs ago

I don’t bother with stripper IG unless they don’t use Snapchat. The latter allows nudity, where the former does not.

avatar for MackTruck
5 yrs ago

I collect stamps

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

Yeah, I agree with the entire tumblr post being nonsense. It was just a very odd thing to read and I was trying to figure out where she was coming from.

My only guess now at this point is these are the dancers handing out their personal instagrams to IceyLoco. Who become the bitches fucking for free/paying him LOL

avatar for pitch
5 yrs ago

I've noticed that girls that work together tend to follow one another. If you find one just look through her list of following/followers and you're bound to find others from the same club.

avatar for larryfisherman
5 yrs ago

Wildbourbon’s second paragraph is my reason for getting strippers instagrams.

avatar for flagooner
5 yrs ago

They'll give out their instagram if you make it rain $30K on them.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

I've gotten an IG handle for as little as $10K. Granted, that was a dive club.

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

The only time that I saw IG being a thing was at the only all Black Club I went to a couple months ago. After talking to the bartender for 3 hours without seein anybody getting LDs, I asked her how this place worked and how the fuck do these dancers make money. She told me that the club played their IG posts and the dancers get business that way. No idea what kind of business, but possibly OTC? Or perhaps the goal of being in one of the local rappers’ next video? Otherwise, that club perplexed me.

avatar for GeneraI
5 yrs ago

I've had 2 strippers give it to me recently, personalized to their strip club persona. It's basically sending a sexy pic without having to txt it to every guy you've tried to get to visit you at the club. I enjoy seeing the pics, but it doesn't convince me to see them again.

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