
Anyone else get irritated by this

Living well and enjoying my retirement
I stopped in to a club a few days ago, and there was a door girl taking a dollar for entry on afternoon shift, I gave her the dollar, and as I turned to walk in she said why no tip for me, I looked at her like she was nuts which she probably was, and once inside I mentioned the exchange to the shift manager, he agreed with me and walked outside to talk to her.


  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    yeah i've had this sort of thing happen to me where the door girl or dancer ASKS for or makes a comment about a tip, but in my experience it happens infrequently. normally they just place a tip jar near the door girl and if you want to give a dollar or two you can......but they usually ASK you to

    i guess its mildly annoying.....but it don't bother me that much
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    usually don't ASK you to, i meant
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    The tip jar doesn’t bother me the attempt at shaming a tip out of me works in reverse, she should have said nothing except good afternoon or welcome to xxxx on my way out I might have thrown a dollar or two but that just pissed me off. Extremely unprofessional!
  • Roadworrier
    5 years ago
    They have to earn a tip. Politeness helps as opposed to them thinking they’re doing you a favor by letting you spend money there.
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    I agree with you 25. she shouldn’t have said anything. IMO what happened to you is much more of the exception than the norm
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Mercifully, we don't have doorgirls at most clubs here on dayshift, and at the clubs where there are, I've never been asked for a tip. Asking for a tip puts me straight into "No" mode. It's just a couple of dollars so no big deal, but the notion of tipping her for taking my money is a bit silly, so I usually don't. If there's something in it for me I'm okay throwing a tip her way. I've been to one club where it was always the same doorgirl, she'd sometimes swing by my table and do a shot with my ATF and I when things were slow, etc. I'm more than happy to tip her
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    Getting asked for tips is annoying, especially from someone that does not do anything for it.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Shit, in one of the clubs I go to, some of the door girls will try to wheedle a tip even if there is no door fee. If support girls in strip clubs weren't trying to get their piece, I'd probably be confused about where I was. ;)

    Of course you are under no obligation to tip the door girl, but I find that a little good will goes a long way if I ever need a favor. For example, in that same club, I sometimes like to go check out another club close by and return if the other club sucks. I can usually do that without being charged the door fee because I dropped a couple of bucks in her jar earlier during Happy Hour when a door fee was not being charged ("Hey I just had to duck out for a bit - just coming back").

    I somehow suspect that the manager you complained to was not quite as sympathetic as he pretended to be and that the chat he had with the door girl didn't go the way you think it did. ;)
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ actually under no illusions just reporting the facts of it happens again I may need to include it in a review of this particular club it doesn’t get reviewed often and the reviews are 50/50 I don’t think that this particular club is top notch even though they try to market themselves as upscale.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    I guess I have always been surprised at how easily some around here get annoyed. I'm really not trying to be an a-hole when I say this, but the fact that there are operators and weird personalities in strip clubs should come as no surprise to a group of salty club hounds like this. I tend to smile or laugh most of it off and then immediately forget about it.

    The only thing that really pisses me off is when the club itself is running some egregious ripoff, like short pouring already expensive alcohol or trying to charge me for tap water when I am already spending a fortune on Jack. But little shit, like a door girl wheedling for a tip, or a bathroom troll, or a girl who tries to run a pity hustle, or some girl with a snarky or self entitled attitude, or etc.,etc.,etc., is all just par for the course. If one is going to be irritated by this stuff then one will always be a singley moment away from having his good time ruined.

    Anyway, just my two cents fwiw.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    $ rickdugan you don't have to try to be an ahole. You are an ahole!
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @ Rick I do t get short pours very often in fact I usually get deluxe pours when I’m drinking scotch not beer maybe it’s the quality of the clubs in Pasco that’s lacking, down here in So Flo we have some high quality we’ll run places, maybe that’s why I was astonished that a door girl would have the audacity to ask actually semi demand that she be tipped.
    But hey you keep on keeping on those trailer park girls need to earn as well.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Should have been don’t get short pours
  • Book Guy
    5 years ago
    Maybe the manager who "agreed" with you then promptly walked up to her and said, "That dumbass didn't tip after paying for entry, did he? What a dickweed. Let Roscoe know to look in on him in the VIP every two minutes and over-charge him for private dances, cut them short, and under-pour his liquor orders."
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ lol didn’t happen
  • Book Guy
    5 years ago
    OK just joshin' ya. :) ... but I am making at least a minor point, that (a) minimal dollar tipping regularly, to several recipients, at a strip club can possibly improve your chances of having a good evening; whereas (b) refusing to tip at all, and essentially appearing to be trying to nickel-and-dime the entire club to death, can possibly reduce your chances of having a good evening. It certainly depends on the club, the setting, the overall mores of the city, what the girls and club-staff have come to expect over the longer-term of their experience working at that club, etc. etc.. If you were at a setting where afternoon entry is usually free and there was really almost nothing doing in the club, then she was the one who's out of line. For example, if you'd entered to find just the older-timers looming over their sorry warm beers with the sunlight blinking in through the front door as it flaps in the breeze, only two dancers working, both of them whaled by managers, and the music playing on "auto" from someone's playlist on her cell phone, then the door girl's attempt to bilk you is indeed overmuch. But if, for an opposite example, this were a Rick's club (where, additionally, you'd be a moron, to have gone in the door in the first place, but that's another issue) that usually charges $10 cover, it was a weekend afternoon and twenty super-hotties were working, everyone regularly expects a minimum one-dollar tip for all interactions, there's a millionaire working as the bathroom troll, and they have such amenities as free wi-fi, shuttle rides to the airport, money-exchange from any currency, steaks and lobster and cigars, and when yo got in you were let slide in because you looked like a nice guy and because you sweet-talked the door girl, and THEN you refused the extra $1 tip? Then it's you who is the a-hole. I'm sure your situation was in-between, so, it's a judgment call as to how far either party in the "negotiation" (A. "can I have a tip from him?" vs. B. "should I tip her?") should go towards the middle.

    So, to make the story shorter, I don't know whether to consider this episode which you described as either patently annoying because of HER or because of YOU, since I don't know what the reasonable contextual expectations were.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ how many words would be needed to call you an asshole
  • Book Guy
    5 years ago
    Well then, now I'm beginning to get a sense of which one of you was in the wrong in that little episode you described ...
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    What I find annoying are little critters crawling around in my pubic jungle.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Did she show you her tits ? If not, then what would the tip even be for ?
  • Corvus
    5 years ago
    Exactly. Tell her "when I tip the dancers they show me their tits. How about you?"
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    If you too me I will show you my tits. Send me some butcoins
  • mikeym
    5 years ago
    One time the pretty door lady at Follies frisked me before I entered the club and I LDKed before I even entered the club. I put $5 in the bowl.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Seems pretty-much everyone in a strip-club wants/expects a tip from the valet-guy to the the bathroom-attendant and everyone in b/w - it's as if strip-clubs are ran not only with the intent of making a profit, but as if they want to fleece the custy wherever possible (not all clubs are the same w.r.t. this but it's def common) - whether it's being charged to park your own car (some clubs I've been to charge you for parking even if parking on the street beside the club); to the VIP-bouncer and VIP-waitress wanting a tip (aka extortion) "to not check in on you to see if you need anything"; to watered-down drinks that are overpriced to begin with - it's a seedy environment and one chooses their PL-battles as to not have one's visit foiled by getting in a bad mood; sorta when in Rome kinda thing.

    I agree w/ the arguments made as to whether a doorgirl deserves a tip (or a bathroom attendant) - for one I'm not always clear on who actually makes a salary in a strip-club and who works just on tips - I assume the doorgirl makes at least minimum-wage but I'm not 100%-sure - there are clubs that don't even have a cover-charge on dayshift but still put a girl there just to smile and say hello when you walk in (and usually a tip-jar next to her).

    I'm not a big-tipper but I've gotten better at it and I will usually tip those that kinda expect it such as the doorgirl and bathroom attendant - these days I think of it in terms of I kinda feel fortunate I'm not in that situation, i.e. I assume most of the club employees don't make much in terms of a salary although unbeknownst to me perhaps many make good $$$ via tips - e.g. places like Follies and Tootsies get a ton of customers and I often wonder how much those doorgirls pull down just standing there taking cover (and in the case of Follies not even taking a cover on dayshift) - so, I assume if it wasn't for tips they would make very little $$$ thus I usually tip a buck or two to the doorgirl, bathroom-attendant, and waitress - and over the last year or so I started tipping the doorguys at the black-dives I hit, these are small clubs and I figure these guys don't make much (usually tip them a $5, not a life-changing amount but if others helped out then he could make a little more at his job).

    Since I expect to tip the doorgirl anyway I probably wouldn't get upset at her asking for a tip (and I figure she needs the $$$ more than I do) - but if she told me in a nasty or condescending way then yeah I'd probably pass - but I assume I'm in a better financial position than her thus I'd try to cut her some slack.
  • loper
    5 years ago
    If everyone tips the door girl a dollar, then she'll go home that night with $200 or more in tips -- pretty good money for just sitting there looking pretty.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    Ok I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand I think the staff (non dancers) should hustle for tips. On the other I get fucking pissed off when they try and pressure me to tip the shit out of them or try to pressure me to pressure customers to tip them too after customer spends whatever on me.. just annoying. Makes me look more greedy than I wanna look. Idk
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    I'm already hustling my own money. I dont give a duck to hustle someone else money unless they actively helped me make money...they can hustle their own fuck em
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    I tip well in most every case, no matter where and what, BUT, the trolling for a tip is a game ender.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ there’s a man who gets my point !
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I agree with clubber
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Ricky D-bag: “Anyway, just my two cents fwiw.” His two cents isn’t worth shit. This is the same psycho that thinks you need to wear a three piece suit and pretend to be a chemical engineer in order to score OTC. https://www.tuscl.net/app/discussion.php… Anything this retard has to say about strip clubs, or any subject for that matter, should be taken with a pound of salt.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Why on earth should you tip the door girl just for taking your money? Or for letting you in when no cover is being charged? Do you tip the girl who sells you a movie ticket? Do you tip the Walmart greeter?The general rule is you tip for personal services to ensure proper service. Taking you money is not a personal service. Now, of course, if a cover is being charged, and she waived it or reduces it for whatever reason, a tip may be appropriate.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @Papi the door guy at Body Club is considered a bouncer, one of the girls told me he is part of their required tip out.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    I agree with cflock.
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    I expect equal or greater value if I am going to fulfill someone’s request.

    I met a doorman who freely provided a lot of advice about the club, dancers and even other clubs he works at. Dude saved me a lot of time and money by redirecting me to another club and helped me find exactly what I was looking for so I gave him a good tip.

    Door girl just sitting there, barely doing her job, asking for a tip. ”Maybe later if you promise to be a good girl and behave.” or ”Only if you promise to work a 12-hour shift in my coal mine.” or something similar depending on the level of sarcasm required to playfully convey no because my counter demand(s) are so ridiculous.
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    Annoyed, irritated or angry? No, I don't have time to waste on that.

    Compliant? Depends...
  • JimGassagain
    5 years ago
    Is there a humble brag somewhere in this?
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