
How much longer do you plan on doing this?

A a natural corollary of my discussion about what else strippers can do beside stripping, i've wondered if the real PLs ever quit the habit/hobby. I've only been "hardcore" SCing for the last several years, going more casually for the first 10-15 years (pre-recession and early recession). I was kind of hoping that it would be kind of out of my system by now, but who am i fooling? This experience just hasn't and isn't getting old.

It's like any other "bad" expensive habit or vice i guess (drinking, drug abuse, gambling, excessing shopping, frequent car swapping/upgrading), but generally without the serious side effects or consequences. So it's just more sustainable if not indefinitely as long as you can afford it. And for those that are attached, as long as you can hide it as well. So maybe i've answered my own questions. The only other possibility would be the dream civilian (for those unattached), but i'm not putting too much hope in that.

So i guess as long as the old guard doesn't stop till they drop and the new guard somehow gets converted (if they do), the eventual demise of strip clubs is probably overblown. Do any you guys have an eventual "exit strategy" for SCing?


  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    Until I get another decent girlfriend (marrying hasn't been and won't be part of my story), then when she shows her insufferable bitchy side, back on the train.

    Get girlfriend, take hiatus, eventually return to mongering, relationship ends, rinse and repeat to infinity.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    when i'm pushin up dasies.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    My guess is within the next two years I will be done. I have pretty much done what I wanted to and find myself watching sports and drinking beer more often than not anyway.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    That's the spirit, justme62. Until we die. There will always be a club to visit and smell the roses.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    I don't have an exit strategy. If I stop, it won't be because I consciously chose to do so. It's going to be either because I went broke, died, or discovered something else to do.
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    I don't think I can afford a good girlfriend and regular club attendence simultaneously.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I'll be 76 yo next month and have no intention of switching to playing checkers. Pneumonia held me down for the last 6 weeks but I am back in the saddle today with a trip to Follies.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Great news shadow - are you off the oxygen completely?

    Make sure to bundle up and don't over do it.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Papi - not off officially. I was supposed to see my doc yesterday but that got changed to Friday but I have only been using it while sleeping for the last 4 or 5 days and I woke up at 6AM this morning to find the damn thing came off during my sleep. I intend to carry a portable tank with me when ever I leave the house, for awhile at least, but will leave it in the car.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ nice
  • JackScott
    7 years ago
    Until I start thinking about getting married, I'm going to keep doing it. I had been in a few bad relationships which led me to becoming a PL in real life. I was heavily into porn and one day I realized that if I was going to score with the women, I had get rid of the videos and put myself in front of the real thing. It's like therapy because it's helping me work out the awkwardness that I had around women. The SC also affords me the ability to explore some of my weirdest desires so that I can get it out of my system. I'd hate to walk down the aisle with unresolved sexual issues so this is merely a bucket list thing for me.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    The younger girls aren't replacing the aging strippers like they used to. Theory only, but most young girls lack the social skills to enter this line of work. Heck not to just bash on the younger generation, but their helicopter parents have kept them soft that their egos are too fragile to handle old decrepit dirty men that frequent this site.

    My prediction is we continue to see a downtrend in talent, until guys who care about quality find other avenues. Pretty girls are a dime a dozen, and they're not flocking to the clubs dancing for old men.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    This has been on my PL-mind lately.

    For most of 2017 my SCing has been mostly meholoanda the same-old same-old, don't get much of a rush from it like I used to.

    I have not SCed for close to a month now which is a long time for me - main reason I've taken a break for now is having binged in late-October/early-November and burned thru a few thousand and it felt like the dame-old same-old and felt I wasted my $$$ instead of spent my $$$.

    SCing is currently not giving me that rush I would normally get in the past, and although I can "afford" my SCing, I can also afford to be investing that $$$ nstead and and better secure my financial future (on a per monbasis SCing is my biggest expense and that kinda weighs on me b/c I feel I shoube doing more to further secure my financial future).

    IDK if I'll keep staying away from SCs for the time being b/c I'm so used to SCing, but currently I have a "been there done that" feeling and not much about SCing is really piquing my interest right now; part of me still wants to go but I feel I would not be getting good bang for the buck since I'm kinda a bit burned out with it at the moment.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    TDD said "... but generally without the serious side effects or consequences."

    It's obvious that you haven't read any of the PL stories on here. Particularly Gawker's.

    I'll stop when it stops being fun. Plenty of guys move on. Sometimes because it's no longer fun. Sometimes because it's no longer affordable. And sometimes because they are incapable of not getting emotionally involved with their CF or ATF.

    Some guys take this too seriously...
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    I think I can go to twice my current age, so ---

    132 years old! ;-)
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’ve not devoted serious thought to this yet. When I saw this discussion title - I honestly avoided reading the contents - as it saddens me to think of my clubbing having a visible end in sight.

    As it is - I’ve been leaving larger gaps in my trips - as I’ve been waiting to “really” want to hit the club. It’s been over a month since I was at a club - but I hit the same club twice in the same week.

    I’m thinking of retiring in the next few years. Once I’m out of work - I’m not sure what the next steps will be. I might try to pick up a part time job - or volunteer regularly - to keep my mind active and to decrease work related stress. My kids will be in college shortly - and I’ve already amassed enough to handle those expenses.

    I think - as long as I desire the experience - and as long as my Johnson will perform - and as long as I have the cash - I’ll keep going to the clubs.

    On another note. I’m glad to hear @shadowcat is getting back out there! Good for you! I’m glad you are feeling better - and hopefully you can taper off the oxygen soon.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Ghengis Khan had a good exit plan I would be up for!

  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    No exit plan.

    I'm a bit opposite of most of you... I've always SCed as much or more when I was dating or had a girlfriend (or was married), than when I was single with no propects. When I'm not even dating, it feels like that's what I should spend a bit more time on, having the SC be my entire interaction with women socially isn't the healthiest place for me (just a personal thing). Whereas if I'm dating, I love the SC as some nice spice (and much younger flesh).

    The older I get, the harder it gets to keep to this general pattern (since dating gets harder), but that's where I am currently... I'm still definitely the opposite of many of you in a "get girlfriend, no SC" "break up w/ GF, go SCing" etc. type pattern
  • Rickberge
    7 years ago
    I think Im a little younger than most of you. But Ive been SC hard for about a year. Hitting the ATL clubs only when I'm working in ATL which is like 4 days out the month on average.

    I think Ill stop once the thrill or fantasy of seeing if I can get the baddest stripper in the club do things (extras) that she normally doesnt do with other customers. I have a wife at home that knows I SC so getting an emotional/physical connection from strippers dont mean that much to me at all. Its really just a game/challenge of fucking with fine ass strippers & seeing how far they go. For some reason that gives me a rush. Even if I know its SS so I give PLS (pathetic loser shit)

    Also, I only go when Im in a stripclub town & its usually to watch a sporting event and have a couple of drinks. If a bad ass stripper is there then thats a plus.
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    Meanwhile SJG will never stop telling us that we never had a good time or knew how to....
  • Longball300
    7 years ago
    To death do I party......
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I aim to stop strip clubbing completely in a few months. I will still do OTC, I have a few girls currently on my OTC roster, but when I get tired and done with my OTC girls, I won’t be going back to the club looking for some new OTC. I’ve been doing the bars and lounges the last couple of months and I’ve been having a pretty good time.
  • joeblow44
    7 years ago
    More than likely, I will always go to the club no matter how old I get. Unless I am unable to go because of health reasons or financial reasons, strip clubbing will always be in the mix. There will be times when I will take a break from it. In 2016, I only went to clubs maybe twice. Like Papi, was burned out from it and was not enjoying it like I did in the past. Was tired of so much stripper shit going on and clubbing wasn't fun like it use to be for me. Went more often in 2017, but will never go like I did 5 to 10 years ago.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I think i may have written something like this in another discussion, but as long as it isn't having any adverse effects on one's health, finances, social or professional life, just keep having at it, i suppose. The finances and social life are probably the ones that take the biggest hit, but nothing unmanageable; it's just a matter of priorities which can easily change down the road.

    Papi, Skibum and CallMeIshmael all did strike a good reason in stopping when it's no longer fun or worth it to them. I know i've had days when i wondered what the hell i was really there for during and after the visit. And a continuing lack or reduction of talent can definitely make it less fun or worth it. If it feels no longer worth it, then the financial aspect seems harder to justify. As for Gawker, i think his situation is more self-inflicted collateral damage, for lack of a better term. It's just not a long-term situation that most PLs will experience or afford. That's also a good reason to stop, when the strip club world and the rest of your real life become too intertwined. Which is also part of the social and health aspects.

    Some people may even have moral or ethical reasons all of a sudden or even latently that might make them question SCing. Being single and a red blooded straight male, i remain obdurately impenitent about SCing. However, this is not something that i can just tell or share with anyone and everyone. The type of clubbing (quality and quantity) that i do (and probably most PLs) is just not mainstream. So it's always going to be a bit on the down low. That could get a bit tiring, but otherwise, i don't see any end in sight, especially when combined with the new favorites renewing my interest, which seems to be a cycle until they run out of favorite material.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I’ll probably marry DS 69 and then quit.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    "I’ve been doing the bars and lounges the last couple of months and I’ve been having a pretty good time." Good for Larry. As I recall, that's what the folks on the boards were offering as suggestions.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    "Do any you guys have an eventual "exit strategy" for SCing?"

    Strategy is probably too grand a term. One of these days I’m going to simply stop going and not look back.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I'm fully-fluent in Spanish - when I retire I'll move to the Dominican Republic where my retirement dollar will go further and I'll get a 20-something Dominican chick to cook for me, bathe me, and "take care of me"
  • JackKash
    7 years ago
    I go in fits and starts as it is. I think one day I'll just be over it because it's become so... boring. Give me a moment, I've gone into so many different places, witnessed so much lackluster talent, thought to myself it's the same old same old. Then I find a star, a special, a girl(s) that snaps me out of it. When they become fewer and far between, when they stop, I'll (probably) stop.
  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    +100 What Polly Ski & Papi said. It has gotten kinda routine and boring. I find myself people watching or watching whatever sport is on. Done most of my deviant sexual fantasies.
    Also, currently have a wicked hot GF, the freakiest nastiest ever, so little motivation to go often.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So doesn't all of this mean that regular uses of strip clubs should be considered as a sexual minority?

  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Thanks Wallanon, you gave me some pretty good advice also which I eventually listened to lol.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Exit strategy? I'm working to build an organization which will provide for all its members all the benefits of strip clubs and more, but much better.

  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    I’ll do it as long as I can do it.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Asked and answered:

    8 Hours Ago
    When will you know it’s time to hang it up?
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    I'm currently setting a record 3.5 month record of not visiting but plan to go back when my situation improves dramatically.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    One way to know to hang it up is that strip clubs are so boring that you fall asleep in them or spend all your time surfing online instead of looking at dancers. Another is that the dancers are so ugly, you feel like throwing up instead of watching them.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago

    An excellent point. When I started going to clubs 45+ years ago, they were rather seedy places without quality women. That really improved over time, but has slid backward since it's peak.

    This may not be true everywhere, and I don't travel any longer to se how the other half lives, but I see that locally. Not often I see a fine woman.

    However, my last SC visit with vincemichaels was a bit of an eye open. Most all the dancers were decent and up.
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