
Missing An OTC Because I'm An Idiot, But Before Her Shift?

There was a thread on this, but I thought I'd start my own.

So yesterday (Sunday) I had a million chores to do, and I thought an evening club visit was in order. But I have too many regulars these days and didn't want the hassle of juggling them so I sent a text to my top 3 asking about their schedule. One didn't even reply, one wasn't working Sunday and the third gave me her schedule that included Sunday. Then she texts me that we could have some "alone time" for $300 for a half hour at 6:00. Well, the CR is $300 for 30 min. so I thought she was just sending me a commercial.

A couple hours later I realize on Sunday the club doesn't open until 6:30...and her shift starts at 7.

I did go to the club, and we do our usual dances, and I asked her if I missed anything. She said yes, I wanted to do OTC with you before work! We've never done OTC, although she struck me as being available, I have never asked her. So we have a tentative date for tomorrow...but I'm not sure I want to do OTC before she goes to work. Yes, I get dibbs that way...but the fact she won't be able to stay long has me a little annoyed. And I think $200 is more in line for a quickie.

I've always done OTC either after a dancer's shift or on her off day...seems unusual to me. But this girl is SMOKING hot and very easy to talk to as well...so we'll see.


  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’d give her a go! I wouldn’t worry about the cost - as $300 seems reasonable for a smoking hot otc encounter. See how it goes - and then decide if she’s worth subsequent encounters. It sounds that she’d probably make your time quite enjoyable.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Agree you are an idiot suckstar37. Didn't read any of the rest of your topic or post.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    How am I being a chump? I've taken her to the CR maybe 5 times and she was fantastic every time. I've never given her any money besides what I owe...and it was me who turned down her OTC invitation yesterday (albeit by mistake)...frankly your comment seems inappropriate.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Love meeting the girls pre-shift... why go post-shift and end up with sloppy 15ths? $300 for 30 minutes is crazy, though, I personally would suggest we meet at 5, get drinks first, etc.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    She’s offering pre-shift otc. You’ve got an offer for otc with clean pussy. Ignore Lloyd - and enjoy your time with the dancer.

    If it’s a bit rushed - I’d use that to get a discount on future otc sessions.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    SJG, you ARE a complete idiot...you know nothing of my life or my expectations. You're not nearly as smart as you imagine you are.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    IMO you need to get a better deal from the get-go (price and/or time) - many TUSCLers complain about sorta getting stuck at a high price b/c they overpaid at first then didn't feel comfortable asking her fir a lower rate going forward b/c how she might react.

    It seems her idea of OTC is doing the equivalent of ITC CR.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    I agree Papi...I did mention I should counter with $200 and I think I should get an hour.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Pre-shift OTC is MUCH better than post-shift OTC for the reason Subra pointed out.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I'm confused. Why areally you negotiating down? If she is willing to pay $300, why not take it?
  • Timbuck12
    7 years ago
    Pre-shift OTC can be great BUT remember these girls are notoriously late for any sort of date or meeting. If you’re already worried about getting short-changed on time you better factor in her being at least 30 minutes late for whatever time you agree to meet—and that may be conservative
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Missing from this situation is the location where the OTC would be occurring. $300 plus the cost of a hotel room that you only get to use for 30 minutes actually might be a chump's game.

    I'm curious, did she actually use the term "OTC"? If not, what did she call it?

    Around here, if a girl could make $300 off you for 30 minutes worth of "work", then she would probably be bailing on the shift that day anyway. She doesn't want to tell you that cause she wants to keep the built in time limit.

    My typical OTC pitch is: come spend several hours with me and you get X guaranteed or you can go to work and take the risk you end up with 1/2, or even 1/4 or 1/10, of X. Of course she could always end up making more, too, but a Benjamin in the hand is worth more than 2 in some PLs wallet.

    Tim makes a great point about "stripper time" too.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Multiple sessions for free by making her my girlfriend? A sex worker girlfriend and you call others names? Around here you'd be called "a wicked fuckin tahd." Live at Leeds the best live album ever? Lmao. Although I enjoyed seeing the Who at the springfield civic center in the 70's, they remain the single most overrated band in history.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    i dont mind pre shift OTC but for 300 im gonna need an hour.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Okay, first L1oyd, I AM only using her for sex. I have no other feelings for her.

    Timbuck, it will be at my house. I'm living alone these days, which is great! She said I could come to hers if I wanted, which addresses joc's comment. Yes, ALL dancers are late for everything, so if I go to her place I know I'll get my full time.

    Yes, she was quite explicit about OTC last night; I used the term when I asked if I missed something when I realized the times in her text, and she said she hinted at it the previous CR encounter we had...she said we could have some "private time" but I didn't really hear her as I was somewhat distracted by her ministrations.

    Plus, she said I could host or she could last night. She asked a while back where I lived and she lives fairly close by.

    So it'll come down to price and time I suppose. $300 IS way too much; she's smoking hot but also mid 30's and not a classic beauty. I think for $200 for an hour, I'm game. I better buy some condoms on the way home from work today!
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Does anyone else see this?

  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    "Around here, if a girl could make $300 off you for 30 minutes worth of "work", then she would probably be bailing on the shift that day anyway. "

    You think? That's why I was question a pre-shift OTC...in the past I've made the deal to be an hour and she stays (or I stay) longer. She's a top earner in the club though; she's always in VIP or the CR and always as busy as she wants to be. A real pro!
  • Timbuck12
    7 years ago
    You’re a very trusting soul if you’re willing to go to her place or have her to yours for a first-time OTC. But if she’s a long-time favorite and you’ve gotten to know her well ITC then it might (might) be ok.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I'm a day shift kinda guy to start with and I am only interested in OTC with dancers that I have done VIP with ITC and trust. I would never accept an after shift date. I don't want some tired, fuck out and hungry dancer bringing her smelly body over for a quicky.

    I have never done a before shift OTC date. I've had too many dancers tell me that they can't go to work after having sex/orgasm. They are just not into it. So it has never been offered.

    My ideal approach is telling them that if they ever want to take the day off and chill with me all afternoon, get an early dinner and still go home with money, to let me know. I may not get it as often as some of you but I'll bet I am enjoying it more.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @shadow yeah, a "day off with pay" is a better way to describe what I try to offer, too

    @rockstar that's why I don't even fantasize about OTC with the top earners. In my fav club, it's rare for a day shift girl to make more than $200 on a shift. For many, $300 is a good night on night shift. When dancers start asking me to do VIPs, I just give them my alternative plan instead.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    rockstar, is it possible this is an "either/or" instead of "and"? $300 is a bit much for tip out fees. on the other hand if she can pocket $300 clear with you she might decide to forgo a Sunday shift at her club. whereas if you decline she still has time to make it to work on time. the other thing I'm wondering, is if she has a significant other, so she has to worry about explaining where she is, which is why meeting you just before her usual work shift might be a necessity
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    ^^ good point. Or maybe childcare. I was talking OTC with a girl this time last year but it got too complicated (and she caught a severe case of GPS) cause she could only do it during times she already had childcare arranged for work.
  • JackScott
    7 years ago
    As said in previous comments, I'd try to get that down to $200 for a half-hour session also. If she takes her time and stays longer without watching the clock, then I'd tip her the other $100 provided that I got full satisfaction out of the OTC visit. The way you negotiate that is similar to buying a used car. They say $300 and you say, "That's a fair price but will you take $200? That's all I have."
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    She has no kids and lives alone. Good point about top earners being unlikely candidates for OTC...she seems an OTC type dancer though although I have no direct knowledge on how often she does it. She works 7 PM to 1 AM; 4 nights a week. If she's smelly for a post shift OTC she can shower first!

    We've had threads about bringing dancers home, but I do have her cell # and her real name although she doesn't know yet I found her name on a routine phone # check. She's been at the club over a year....So I'm not worried about being robbed; just infected.

    BTW I'm not able to see her today; I have a 'real' date and the sex is free!
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