
Home vs. Road Clubs

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
The older I get, the more my preferences change. When I first joined the site, I clubbed predominantly on the road. This was, in no small part, due to the fact that my local clubs at the time were expensive with low ROI. I did eventually find a nice [then] local club with good OTC options, but it was not as simple as I would have liked.

Then some years back, I moved down south and it has made a dramatic difference. I am now so well wired in a couple of my local clubs that I find myself missing those clubs when I go on extended road trips. I just finished one such trip to NYC and, by the end, came within a hair of overpaying for OTC with a girl who would not normally make my OTC roster. I backed out in time, but it was close. To be fair, there are few places in the U.S. that are worse than NYC for ROI, so maybe that was part of the problem, but even in better locations I sometimes find myself wishing that I was back in my home clubs.

Anyone else have a strong preference one way or another and, if so, why?


  • eyeofodin
    7 years ago
    My preferences are along the same lines as yours. Years ago I was on the road 100+ day a years (and enjoy the thrill of the hunt) now maybe 10 with most trips being turn and burns. I enjoy the familiarity of the local clubs now and not having to do all the foundation building needed to enjoy an out of town club. Guess I've just gone and got complacence and lazy in my old age.
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    The road is the best unless you live in an area with a wide selection of clubs.
    I travel way less than I used to but I do not like local clubs. I prefer my anonymity!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Me liking variety I don't like hitting the same clubs and only hit them when in the mood - I actually get more of a rush hitting clubs I have not hit b/f or don't get to hit often, and that are good.

    Unlike many a SCer, most times I don't like being a known commodity b/c I don't like girls that know me assuming/expecting I will get dances from them as soon as they see me.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I used to travel just to get to some place with a decent strip club. Now I have Follies and don't travel unless I have to.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    well I prefer road clubs, but that’s mostly because my home area clubs suck lol
  • day_trader
    7 years ago
    Nowadays most of my club visits are spent locally and are low roi. I don't travel for work anymore and I don't see the appeal of traveling just to go to a better clubbing area. Try and find options locally even if I have to pay slightly more.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I’m not so sure that where you club is as important as who you club with. I have had great times with the right girl in a mediocre club, and mediocre time, in a great club with the wrong girl.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ I hit post too soon I meant to add that cost or ROI has more to do with the part of the country you are in than any other factors.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Rick Dugan is clearly one of our road experts.

    For me, strip clubs have been a home affair. Very little road life for me. But it has always been clear to me that strip clubs and TUSCL offer the greatest benefits for those on the road. You need club lists and reviews, when on the road. You really don't need that for the home clubs.

    In the future, I will be on the road, and my first stops will be strip clubs, backed up where needed by AMPs. And of course TUSCL and its lists and reviews will be extremely important.

    This will not be sex tourism, but it will be expanding a business, and the new places will be places I plan to be regularly, and the women will be my warm ports for those metros, as well as my first boots on the ground.

    And this will apply throughout North America, and maybe even beyond.


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    On Eve of Alabama Senate Election, a Look at Roy Moore’s Racism, Homophobia & Religious Fanaticism

    NAACP Head: Roy Moore Is Using Racial and Religious Fearmongering to Sway White Alabama Voters
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    You've never seen a vagina.

    And you never will.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I have no interest in hitting up strip clubs on the road.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Larry, what need is there for strip clubs in your home metro, except for those creeps who are cheating on their wives. You should be bedding down regularly with some of the girls you meet. They can keep you drained dry, and keep you busy too.

    :) :) :)


    Marx, biography:


    Marx was right

    Stalinism is the deformity of Communism.
    Fascism is the deformity of Capitalism.

    And I add, "Neoliberalism is Neofascism."
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    I don't get to travel very often, so most of my clubbing is done locally. Then again, I don't live that far from Detroit, so I consistently get good ROI on most visits to my local clubs.

    If I were still living in any of the previous areas where I lived, I would've probably gone on several strip club trips already since the clubs in the areas where I used to live have very low ROI.
  • WillMunny
    7 years ago
    I've probably had a roughly 50/50 split in "home" vs "road" time since I started clubbing as more than a casual rarity. I'm fortunate to have a selection of above-average clubs locally with a good variety of options (dancer types, club atmosphere, and level of service), but I still appreciate the adventure of visiting a new-to-me club for the first time, or better still the novelty of sharpening my clubbing "game" in a relatively unfamiliar environment.

    Some pros of "home" clubbing:
    - Familiarity with local customs, market rates, and subtleties like the best place to sit or best day/time to visit to optimize your experience
    - Benefits of being known as a "regular" by both dancers and staff
    - Learning not just which dancers offer the performance you want, but also which ones have that "je ne sais quoi" to reach favorite status
    - OTC always presents three location options (her place, yours, or neutral territory such as a hotel room)

    Cons of home clubbing:
    - If variety is a priority, always playing on home turf makes that more difficult (or at least less frequent)
    - Anonymomity is to some degree inversely proportional to your level of "regular" status - most of us have some level of privacy we'd like to maintain, regardless of relationship or business status
    - Anything negatively impacting your home club experience can affect the whole clubbing ecosystem in short order. Maybe a local ordinance bans full nudity; or your favorite high-mileage club gets raided; or if you have an ugly break-up with a fave, she poisons the well for her co-workers you might otherwise want to replace her.

    Pro/con of clubbing away from home is largely the inverse. In some cases I've been fortunate enough to have recurring travel to top-tier clubbing cities, which in many ways offered the best of both worlds.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    Given the quality of clubs here, I won’t go on the road just to look for clubs, nor will I consider clubs a top priority when choosing a travel destination.

    I will, however, visit clubs in other locations if I can determine there are good ones. I *prefer* my local clubs, because they’re familiar, I’m known, and the girls are largely cooperative.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Luckily I travel, so clubs on the road are the way for me.

    I can’t have my car seen parked at a local club, the town I live in is too small. If I lived in a large metro area, and/or was not married, this wouldn’t be as much of an issue.
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    home AND road!!!!!!!
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    RickDugan is a gay cocksucker who couldn't hack it in NYC. I wonder where "down south" he is now? Alabama?
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    Exactly, JohnTitor, wherever I am!
  • mjx01
    7 years ago
    My only true 'local' club has terrible mileage. I like to hit clubs when I travel to see something different. However, in most clubs, I find dancers to be much less comfortable playing if there isn't a level of familiarity with you. (Detroit and Follies days are exception IMO.) Recently, I've been trying to focus my efforts on clubs within 'commuting' distance, but for whatever reason haven't seemed to gain much traction at becoming a 'know' quantity.
  • 79terrier
    7 years ago
    There's pros and cons for both. I get more action at home, as I have the homecourt advantage, but I like the variety/thrill of the hunt that the road brings.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i guess i'm spoiled in the LA area. (including tj.) but when i do travel i like to check out the local scene.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i will add that the perspective and experiences i have now is is much better overall than it was when las vegas was my home turf.
  • JackScott
    7 years ago
    I prefer the road clubs because it affords me the opportunity to control the anonymity. I can make up an identity and a back story about my life. In my local clubs, there is too much of a likelihood that I'll see someone I know who might blow my cover. If I tell her that my name is Frank and I'm a stock broker, and then someone walks by and says, HEY JACK! I'll see you down at the plant tomorrow!" I don't want the awkwardness that comes along with it. I know that the money is the only thing she cares about but I'd still feel pretty stupid sitting there with my cover blown.
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