What do you say to a stripper after she gets her college degree?

avatar for jackslash
Q. What do you say to a stripper after she gets her college degree?

A. "A lotto ticket and a pack of Marlboros, please."


last comment
avatar for WillMunny
6 years ago
And yet another Women's Studies major enters the workforce....
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
A. Sure, we can do another lap dance.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
That's the fate of most college grads these days
avatar for minnow
6 years ago
Jack, several strippers seem to be going for nursing degree. So you should say something like " I have an erection that won't go away, what can be done about it." Also several had waitress job, say "I'll take the filet mignon medium rare with lobster tail."
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
If I had a dime for every stripper who tells me that they're in nursing school...

In some cases it might be true, but I think it's just a very popular fiction when strippers talk about their non-stripper lives.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Once strippers get their nursing degrees they will make more than every male college grad who is not a doctor or engineer LOL

They r smart to do nursing more men should too
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Once strippers get their nursing degrees they will make more than every male college grad who is not a doctor or engineer LOL

They r smart to do nursing more men should too
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Once strippers get their nursing degrees they will make more than every male college grad who is not a doctor or engineer LOL

They r smart to do nursing more men should too
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Once strippers get their nursing degrees they will make more than every male college grad who is not a doctor or engineer LOL

They r smart to do nursing more men should too
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Once strippers get their nursing degrees they will make more than every male college grad who is not a doctor or engineer LOL

They r smart to do nursing more men should too
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Once strippers get their nursing degrees they will make more than every male college grad who is not a doctor or engineer LOL

They r smart to do nursing more men should too
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@Nicole that’s a very stupid statement to make.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
And she made it six times...
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Nursing is not a highly paid profession. Even doctors who are not specialists don't make that much. Business has the most opportunity for obtaining a high income.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
I knew a stripper that got her degree in Anthropology. Quit stripping and went on a field trip to Greece. 9 months later she was back stripping because she couldn't find a job.

What did I say? "Welcome back!"
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Nursing starting salary=55-60 k

Nursing with masters =100 k

Finance salary unlesss u go to top 25 college = 45-50 k

MBA avg salary unless from top 15 business school= 70-80k
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Sure business makes more ..if youre CEO or have random connections ..lmao

And sure business makes more than docs..only if youre CEO lmao..how many undergrad business degree holders become CEO ? Lmao

MBA's make $$$ but unless u don't go to top 25 business school or graduate top of class at any otjer business school nursing masters make 100 k plus bitches

Stop it now lol
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Btw I never said it was highly paid.

I said I was relatively highly paid..relatively idiots .compared to all other bachelor degrees besides engineering
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Unless u go to top 25 college nursing bachelors from any school have higher average starting pay than avg business degree

Unless u go to top 10 MBA.. Or graduate top of ur class in MBA which is what gives the connections unless u go to Wharton... Nursing Masters = 6 figures guaranteed

Who wins?.nursing

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Nursing starting salary=55-60 k

Nursing with masters =100 k

Finance salary unlesss u go to top 25 college = 45-50 k

MBA avg salary unless from top 15 business school= 70-80k
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Nursing starting salary=55-60 k

Nursing with masters =100 k

Finance salary unlesss u go to top 25 college = 45-50 k

MBA avg salary unless from top 15 business school= 70-80k
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Nursing starting salary=55-60 k

Nursing with masters =100 k

Finance salary unlesss u go to top 25 college = 45-50 k

MBA avg salary unless from top 15 business school= 70-80k
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Statistics > PL COMMENTS

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Are you having a stroke?
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I mean ..how can I not choke out of laughter regarding y'alls preference for citing CEO salary as opposed to salary of average college grad with business degree to in attempt to prove that business grads make more than nursing when statistics consistently show this is not the case lmao
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
they're stupid ideologues. if it favors the rich or the far right they love it
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
That has absolutely nothing to do with my comment, which was about them lying to reed their egos ..
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
they refuse to acknowledge anything outside their myopic bigoted little world views
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
It makes me think what percentage of the nurses in hospitals were former strippers.

I was surprised to find out that the sole one I have on Snapchat is really studying to be a nurse.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Not too many of them actually become RN's lol..
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I met a female patron recently who is a nurse and used to be a dancer.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
@nicepice. Two of my colleagues (Pharmacists) paid there way through Pharmacy school via dancing. One of them posed for Playboy TWICE. She was fun as hell and nutty as a pet coon.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
@ Nicole. One of my favorite colleagues has an Associates Degree in nursing. I promoted her to Region Nurse Manager over a 12 state region because she was just damn good at what she did. $ 120,000 /year with an Associate Degree in Nursing. No extra degree needed. Just dedication and desire to succeed.
avatar for goldmongerATL
6 years ago
Most useless degree I ran into at a strip club was a goth chick that graduated with an Art History and Arabic Studies double major. Got into a serious discussion of where she should be looking for a job. I suggested museums and the CIA. She asked me what the CIA did and I told her they were big into studying Arabs.
To her credit got a job at an art museum. Still stripped some to pay the bills but loved the museum job.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
CIA is boring work. Not as exciting as 007
Makes it out to be.
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