
Comments by WillMunny (page 2)

  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Need this place
    Pre-covid I believe day shift offered a 15-minute VIP, which IIRC was $150 all-in ($50 to the house). As far as I know, $100/30 minutes is the standard room fee anytime day or night.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Better than expected, but not that much better.
    Dancers not approaching customers at all isn't the usual procedure here. It may be partly due to dancers socially distancing, but I suspect them giving priority to regulars is a more likely explanation. (Having been here recently when it was relatively slow, some dancers did approach without tipping or other prompting).
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Tilted Kilt
    Agree 100% with those that prefer Twin Peaks and/or Tilted Kilt to Hooters. Based on my experience, there is a tremendous amount of overlap between "breastaurant" staff and dancers, some even holding down both jobs simultaneously. There's no doubt at all that any kind of approach is easier at the club, but there is a certain degree of fun to be had scanning the room to see if there's anyone you recognize or can otherwise deduce is doing some naked moonlighting.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Hot pants are back in fashion and I approve.
    @Shadowcat if that article was enough to get you excited, I think you're suffering from Follies withdrawals 😆
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    For those back at a club, any changes in the lineup?
    @GoldmongerATL did you ask the moonlighting baker if you could glaze her doughnut? Haven't seen any of my "regular" dancers post-lockdown so it's too soon to tell, but I'm willing to bet there will be a lot of roster changes - too many eligible women unemployed or underemployed not to see an uptick in numbers as concern about the pandemic ramps down enough to draw regular crowds.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How long has it been since you visited a strip club or met a stripper OTC.
    11 days. I've lost count of the potential OTC invitations (most prefaced with out of the blue "Hey, how r u?" texts) I've received since the clubs shut down.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Evening at Subi's
    "My waitress was very attractive and friendly, and she flirted with me. I'm sure she flirts to get bigger tips, but I enjoyed it." Actually she may be angling for more than just a tip. This is one of the few clubs I know of where waitresses can do provate dances, and in some cases take their turn in the stage rotation. Not sure if this is only during day shift, but if the waitress catches your interest it's worth asking (if she doesn't bring it up first). And yes, the reports of what may be available in the full nude $25/song dance booths also applies to the dancing waitresses - again, it pays to ask what's available.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    6 for $100
    I should've seen that twist coming - like the classic "Dad, we're looking for sechs" joke in European Vacation 😁 Good review, glad you were able to work out an agreement to mutual satisfaction.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Awaiting the edit button since 2011....
    First Visit Since Latest Club Renovations
    @Southy - I think they kept most of the existing "two person" rooms as-is, but if it's not busy there probably isn't any added cost or other reason you can't choose one of the larger rooms. Frankly, if you and a dancer can't get comfortable in one of the smaller rooms here then OTC is probably the way to go anyway. @goldmongerATL - I didn't get a full tour but I'm pretty certain at least a couple of the old "solid door" rooms remain, and I think the newer rooms have doors with a "frosted" glass so there is visual privacy. Acoustically speaking, some of the walls don't extend all the way to the ceiling so some sound will transfer regardless of whether you have a door or a curtain (this has always been the case but usually only noticeable if the club is slow/quiet and the DJ doesn't have the music volume at 11).
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Complete chaos!
    Speaking if chaos, Sal, this seems to be a review for Subi's rather than Landing Strip.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    One miss, one hit
    @Neverenuf: Obviously it's possible a dancer could use the "first VIP" house fee as an excuse to upcharge, but if it becomes a sticking point I have yet to meet a dancer that would pass up $25 per song trying to con someone out of an extra $50. It's even more obvious they're being honest when the club is slow and/or their shift has just started. And of course a negotiated rate for services without song count makes the 3-song minimum a moot point anyway.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Older than dirt
    I've only done a VIP with a porn actress (star or starlet only applies to a select few) once, at a strictly non-extras club. I had recognized her but played dumb to see whether or not she stayed incognito. She brought up her "porn" stage name but didn't make a big deal about it. On a couple of other occasions I've recognized dancers at a club that have done at least a few scenes, but for various reasons did not get dances or do a VIP with them. I'd estimate at least 75% were extras-friendly, but this probably varies by market (SoCal and Florida being major porn production centers probably deters dancer-actresses playing with customers in those regions). The other scenario in the dancer/actress nexus are the women who go on to performing in porn after you meet them as dancers. Only had this happen once that I know of, but I don't watch as much porn as I used to. The case I'm aware of was an extras gal but her asking price was too far above market rate for me to sample her services. If I saw her again I'd probably pay the premium just for the novelty, but odds are good she's probably charging even more now that she sees herself as a "star."
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Opportunities Wasted
    It's been a while since my last visit but a true day shift here is still relatively new (going back a year or two, before that they didn't open until late afternoon). Unless they've scrapped it, there is a day-only option for a 15-minute VIP room (with a corresponding break in the dancer's cost, $150 all-in). While you make some valid criticisms of Tattletale's day shift operations and pricing structure, suggesting they could turn the club into "Follies South" and be more successful misses the important fact this club is located within the Atlanta City Limits - ergo subject to a lot more scrutiny than Chamblee has thus far brought to bear. A slow day shift and lower contact on the floor even during "prime time" keeps this club off the list of places most likely to be shut down by the cops and/or hostile local government (next to the Cheetah it's probably most likely to end up being taken out by rising land values and gentrification of the neighborhood).
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Yeah, Baby
    Now honestly, Doc - is there anyone on this forum that *doesn't* like slutty Latinas?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    One miss, one hit
    I've noted the same phenomenon you did of dancers looking to ensure the first VIP session of the night doesn't end up as a net loss - i.e. they want a 3-dance/$75 minumum payout. The up-side of this is you generally know when a dancer hasn't done a VIP yet, and is therefore (a) more inclined to make a deal, and (b) less likely to be offering you "sloppy seconds."
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Quirky & Weird Clubs
    Honey's in Gary, IN occupies a former bank building and themed one of their VIP rooms accordingly - in addition to the couch and end tables, there were shelves stacked with "play money" and similar props.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: PITA website security
    I abhor CAPTCHA, especially if it comes up when browsing on my phone. The "click all the boxes" variation is better than the older "distorted letters" variation, but they're invariably frustrating. I suppose it's still preferable to hooking us all up to Voigt-Kampf machines....
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    North Carolina
    Not as bad as the reviews suggest
    I believe the cover charge here begins at 7pm (any day of the week). So if you stayed past 7:00 that would explain some people being charged. It's also possible some people were just getting singles at the entrance, not being charged a fee. Was $60 what the dancer quoted you for the room fee? This seems high for day shift unless you went to the rarely used "upstairs" VIP room (which I thought was more than $60)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Tattoos! WTF?!!
    +1 to Warrior's sentiment - but let's be honest, if ahe made great decisions odds are she would not be on the pole. I don't usially mind a moderate amount of ink, particularly when it's artistically tasteful, but too many young, otherwise gorgeous women seem intent on covering their bodies in poorly-considered and poorly-rendered graphics simply because "everyone else is doing it." My latest experience was a 20-year old fave that pulled something similar to @Lone_Wolf's example - a large, ugly tattoo covering most of the forearm. Not enough to take her completely off my list, but definitely moved her several slots down the priority list. The real irony with dancers is how much money they blow on ink when they haven't paid all their living expenses yet. I assume I'm not alone in seeing dancers with new tattoos complain about needing a VIP to make rent/car payment/etc. (And yes, I know some of the ink is paid for "in trade," but not all).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    anymore late-late night strip clubs exist?
    @Shadowcat - Can you give any insight on prospects for extras with the breakfast shift? 😄
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Beer belly on a beautiful girl!
    I believe it was Dave Barry who offered the sage advice that you should never say anything to suggest a woman might be pregnant unless there is a baby actually coming out of her at that moment.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    when did you get your first cell phone?
    My first was in 2002, at a time when they were common enough that most people I knew already had one then. @Jackslash - nowadays there are probably fewer adults without cell phones than people who still know who Mork from Ork was. But I think we should start trying to bring back the expletive "Shazzbot!"
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Charlotte UHM Clubs
    You'll be happier saving your $$$ for metro Detroit than settling for the lack of mileage (or quality) pretty much anyolsce in NC.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Harley Accident
    @Jackslash, when I saw this title I was expecting a story about the Subi's waitress 😆
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Extra Mile
    Having a hard time adding new club listings
    Papi is partilally correct - there are cases where a club undergoes a name change but the old listing is still active. In that instance I would say submit a review and note the name change (and you can also message founder with the info - preferably with some verification auch as the new website). In other cases a club's page goes inactive when it's closed, so you have to message Founder to either have the old page reactivated and updated or open a new page (not sure what the policy is on the difference between these two cases).