
Is anyone else sick of assholes calling every positive review a club ad/shill/wh

Extra Mile
Monday, June 3, 2019 6:14 PM
Why is there a natural proclivity on this site to call out every positive review as being a club ad? I suspect very few clubs or club staff would bother. It’s discouraging and pathetic.


  • founder
    5 years ago
    I'm getting a little annoyed
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    From the OP’s most recent review. —>“mikeymThis shill has its head so far up James Kleinhaus's ass that I am not sure where the shill's head begins and the Kleinhaus ass ends. Maybe mgmt should pay the bar maids/ door hosts more than minimum wage type pay so they dont feel a need to pull this crap. But this is the lowest drivel of all the strip clubs from the c” IIRC mikeym is just a bit cantankerous. I remember going through some of 25’s reviews once and there was an outright flame war from him on there 😂
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    But I agree. Less accusations of club ads, and more comments related to destroying airplane shitters
  • SergeD
    5 years ago
    @founder thank you for your comment/support @nice yes, but I was far from solely motivated by that alone. It’s a constant thing I see and it’s crap. And as for mikeym, major respect for the number of reviews he’s turned in, but if you are going to not just flame but actually reject legitimate reviews then you are doing a disservice to this site.
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    It's suspect when there are clubs that you've been to and you know exactly how and why they're shitty. Yet some guy writes a review and mentions none of the crappy stuff and makes the place sound a lot different than it really is. Those are the ones I mainly call out. Yes there are some members, mainly one, who goes way overboard with calling every mainly positive review a club ad. But besides him I don't notice too many others abusing the club ad accusations. Still, there ARE reviews on here that really do read like ads. OP have you really not seen any?
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    Ok I just read your review that prompted you to post this. Yeah that mikeym dude has some issues. I saw the same thing that nicespice was talking about with his comments on twentyfive's review. Don't know what his problem is, but your review doesn't read like an ad. You even said that the spaceship room and those other VIP areas aren't worth it to you because the mileage doesn't justify the expense. When I see stuff like that, I know it's not a shill. An ad review would have said "The VIP rooms are totally worth the cost, there's a ton of fun to be had there". And then scores of 10 across the board. Still, that's why the system is working. That one asshole wasn't able to block your review from being published because 4 other level headed guys read the review and saw that it was good. So don't worry too much about the Nazi review guys.
  • SergeD
    5 years ago
    @TFP haha, fair enough, well said. Appreciate it.
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    Lol ive hated this since desertscrubs "Daily club ad of the day" comments. My experience lack is club managers the foresight to manage twitter, instagram page sites let alone write positive club reviews.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    We have some "eccentric" characters on TUSCL, kinda part of the TUSCL "ecosystem" - it can be off-putting at first when one is not used to it - but it being an anonymous site w/ no-moderation for the most-part, this will happen- most TUSCLers learn to not pay attention to it after a while to where it does not phase them - this is where having the Ignore function being global to the entire site would be helpful.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I wish that users would click through to the reviewer's profile before making a shill accusation. Usually, it's pretty easy to to tell the difference between an actual shill, an experienced customer who just really likes a club, and a newbie who just touched his first boobie.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    I'm surprised y'all put any mind to the "club ad" comments. The reviews get approved. That's good enough for me. Members would be best served to treat most things on this site with a little bit of skepticism or at least recognize that there is apt to be a bit of exaggeration. The discussion board, the reviews, and the comments. Except for my posts of course. Through it all you can still get a pretty solid impression of the clubs. The reviews are valuable as are the comments. I consider the "club ad" comments to just be an over the top suggestion to the reader to take the review with a grain of salt.
  • Naughtyhoney
    5 years ago
    I honestly think some people have good experiences at clubs others think are shitty. I was a regular as a customer at my current club I work at and it doesn’t have the best reviews but I always had an amazing time there. Let people have their experiences, I honestly think most being marked as shill are not. Strip clubs tend to shill review more mainstream platforms like Yelp from what I hear from my GM/manager
  • Naughtyhoney
    5 years ago
    My GM actually had never heard of TUSCL
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    You just have to learn to accept that there a quite a few mentally deranged people on this site.
  • Naughtyhoney
    5 years ago
    Flagooner your comment nails it on the head.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    One who doesn’t trust himself fails to trust others.
  • Naughtyhoney
    5 years ago
    Strip club managers don’t give a shit about reviews either lol. That’s too much work.
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    I don't know how many club ads are on TUSCL, if any, but I'm absolutely certain there were a couple of FKK Tour shills (maybe the same guy with two different handles) trying to convince PLs planning on going to Germany to sign up for some FKK Tour group instead of planning the trip themselves. They were servicing this company so much that the jizz probably overflowed from their mouths to their keyboards. I called them out for it and they get all butt-hurt, calling me a few names, and disappeared. It was their only discussion comments and they had no club reviews or anything else posted, so they were easy to spot and call out.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Stop being such a drama queen. One guy made a questionable accusation while 4 others approved the review. If you want to contest the accusation, just respond in the club comments.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Why is there a natural proclivity on this site to call out every positive review as being a club ad? I suspect very few clubs or club staff would bother. " Is there? I've written plenty of positive reviews and I've never - not once - been accused of being a shill. Also, why wouldn't some club managers use this place to advertise? Your brilliant expert opinion aside, there aren't exactly a plethora of sites offering strip club reviews, so it should come as no shock that some might decide to use it to their benefit. Now I'm not saying that your review was a club ad. But that initial sweeping statement, followed by a rather naive and uninformed opinion, made you look both dramatic and not particularly bright.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    As flagooner mentioned, TUSCL should be taken with a grain-of-salt - strip clubs are often bizarro-world thus so is TUSCL to an extent (neither should be taken completely at face-value). TUSCLer "dessertscrub" and others seem to use "club ad of the day" for any review they may disagree with for w/e reason and thus should not be taken too-literally.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    So Founder agrees with SergeD, but the Douchebag wants to chastise him for being a "drama queen." I think I'll go with Founder on this one. What a dip shit (the Douchebag, not Founder, obviously). The Douchebag also wants to chastise SergeD because he started a discussion instead of "just respond[ing] in the club comments." This is the same retard who got so bent out of shape over a bad review I did of his favorite little redneck dive club that he started a discussion just to criticize my review. [view link] What a hypocrite.
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    I'm not sure exactly what Founder was annoyed at- the individual who trolled Serge, or another complaint that Founder put to bed in a recent thread started by Founder. My impression is that he wants Tuscl to be a low maintenance site.
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    I agree with Rick and Flag and will add that people have different opinions of what should be included. It got posted. Tell the person who didn’t agree to fuck off and be done with it. And funny comments coming from sourspice who averages less than one review per year and maliciously trolled some of my recent reviews in the comment section like the child she is.
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Strip club managers don’t give a shit about reviews either lol. That’s too much work. And +1 Naughthoney. I’d always imagined they were too busy trying to keep the cat fights to a minimum and making sure the bar girls don’t skim than worry about the thing called the internetz
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    And some people here piss on me for not submitting any reviews.... :p
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    The thing that makes me suspect a review of being a shill is 10s across the board on someone's first review. Their review will focus on things that aren't related to the strippers or lap dances and won't mention anything negative in the review itself.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ @Flagooner +1 That guy is so fucking profound.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ not a word I’d use to describe @flagooner but I guess it’s a descriptive;)
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    doctordipshit posted: So Founder agrees with SergeD, but the Douchebag wants to chastise him for being a "drama queen." I think I'll go with Founder on this one. What a dip shit (the Douchebag, not Founder, obviously). " ************ I don't blame you for giving founder's backside a little extra tongue action Dr. If I were like you, a weird ass dude who abuses this site by racking up VIP with parking lot club reviews when you're not trolling, I'd want to be on his good side too. 😉
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    Naughty honey said "I honestly think some people have good experiences at clubs others think are shitty. I was a regular as a customer at my current club I work at and it doesn’t have the best reviews but I always had an amazing time there." This is absolutely true. Some people have a negative vibe and attract how they are treated negatively. Someone with a positive vibe is going to be treated better. @ naughtyhoney you seem to have a positive vibe
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Now in hindsight, maybe I was a little rough with Serge. I get why he didn't like a negative comment on his review, though he could have handled it with a little less whining. But to believe that some clubs aren't going to try to slip positive reviews onto the most active national database of strip clubs in the country is kinda' silly. Of course some will be tempted, it is simple human nature.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Remember, NO ONE is forced to read reviews or anything on TUSCL. Really, no one ever HAS had to visit TUSCL. Having been here nearing 20 years, I can say I am eternally thankful for having had TUSCL available all these years and certainly appreciated founders many years keeping TUSCL afloat!
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I had my first two reviews rejected as shill reviews. I did not take it personally, I simply read my review as if someone else wrote it and sure enough, they kinda looked more positive than they really were. Live, learn, carry on.
  • Electronman
    5 years ago
    For a veteran TUSCL reader, it is pretty easy to adjust your subjective trustworthiness factor for folks like desertscrub (too many false alarms on his club ad tag line) and mikeym (his tantrum about 2001 made no sense in the context of SergeDs review). The problem is that the neophyte TUSCL reader doesn't know which reviewers and commentators are worth trusting. Fouinder could list the number of trusts next to the reviewer byline (next to the three icons next to each reviewer name). But that has a problem-- some veteran TUSCLers who actively post will have lots of trusts (Papi is a good example) and others who are relatively new but still write good, accurate reviews will not have many, if any, trusts. One solution is to create a "mistrust" button that is separate from the block button. This would allow an accumulation of the number trusts AND the number of mistrusts and provide even the neophyte reader a snapshot of how trustworthy a specific reviewer was. So the ratio of trusts to mistrusts might look like this: Hypothetical veteran user: 75 trusts/3 mistrusts (count on this person's opinion) 75 trusts/75 mistrusts (wildcard-- look carefully at the review and commentary) 2 trusts/75 mistrusts (don't believe anything this person says) Neophyte user: 0/0 5/0 0/5 Each of these patterns say something helpful about the trustworthiness of the reviewer that is independent of his/her length of participation (which mostly adds to the number of trusts but doesn't capture the number of mistrusts). Some people change their mode of operation (e.g., I think that desertscrub has become more discerning on his club ad commentary) so it would be good to a) allow mistrusts to be removed and/or turned into trusts or b) report only trusts and mistrusts over the most recent one or two years (to make it easier for someone to repair a trustworthiness rating). Probably far too much trouble. I'll just make a mental note of the reviewers who post unfounded and/or incoherent commentary.
  • Lovelyeast
    5 years ago
    @desertscrub declined my review because it was shill, a club ad and but outed a manager. Well which one is it motherfucker, smh
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I tend to only vote on reviews that are of clubs I’ve visited, occasionally I’ll reject an obvious review for a place I’m not familiar with,written purely for free VIP but those are the ones that contain zero information and generally obvious.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    The problem with both trusts (and therefore mistrusts) is that they frequently aren't used to reflect whether or not the user posts good SC reviews. That said, if the unpublished and then published review showed some reviewer statistics (for unpublished, sans user name), then that might be helpful. I think people would be less inclined to cry "shill" if they see that the reviewer has 60 published reviews of 40 clubs. My 2 cents.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I should have added I will upvote a review written by a trusted member whose style is distinguishable, those are usually on point.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    25, Easy to vote on clubs we've attended, but after that, I think we each have our "hot buttons". As I've written before, I treat reviews as though I've never been to a particular club or am new to club visits. That is why I put cost above most criteria followed by dancer info. Imagine a newbie reading a review and they think, "I just have to go there!" So they do. OK, "$10 to park. I had no idea." "What, $20 to enter the building?" "OK, I can handle that. Let me get a beer. $12 for a beer?" You can get the drift as why I think price is one of the major "has to be theres".
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Club I respect your perspective I try to include costs in my reviews but you need to realize that not everyone is cost conscious and there are other factors that make a visit fun, just as in ymmv you might not get the same discount that I do, sometimes a place that seems overpriced to one PL might be cheap to another.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    25, Of course, but most of what you say comes with experience. I treat a review as though I am telling a newbie. Us old farts pretty much know the ropes. Hell, we can see a club from outside and KNOW the basic costs. Take a quick look at Tootsie's vs. Papi's The Trap! :) BTW, I've been to both many times, just not recently. They were in my "wheelhouse" when I was working and out driving around. These days, pretty much stationary and almost never alone.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Clubber I always thought The Body Club should be renamed 5 dollar club 😂
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I think an Unpublished review should be anonymous as possible w.r.t. the submitter as to avoid any potential bias (which I assume was Founder's original intent). In every other circumstance, I think providing as much detail about the TUSCLer is desirable.
  • WillMunny
    5 years ago
    Am I the only one that misses the Indian Packers & Movers shill ad of the day?
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Will, PM me, I think I kept their number somewhere. :)
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