Quirky Strip Club Regulars

avatar for NJBalla
I suddenly realized that every strip club has a quirky regular. Im not talking about guys who go the same club, sit in the same seat, every day to the point that you think they are part of management. Those guys are fellow comrades in the game called mongering. An example is this:

Example A: He would come to the bar disheveled with a bottle of lotion and gave the girls free massages. Wouldnt buy drinks or get lapdances. He just got off on lotioning the girls up. Some didnt mind, but he was there so often that it freaked out the girls who danced there regularly. Management and bar maid didnt even bat an eye.

Example B: This guy came every 2 weeks. Wouldnt be interested in lapdances, but comes to the club with around $500. He sits at the bar and pulls out 20 straws. Each straw has a prize on it with different denominations. $20,$40, $50. While this was all in good fun for the dancers it wasnt for the customers who would watch the girls crowd around him for 15 minutes.

Example C: Comes to the club with his girlfriend and he gets 5 dances a night. The wierd thing is his "girlfriend" would watch and insult him while the dance went off and when they were at the bar she'd treat him like shit.

Anyone quirkier than this?


last comment
avatar for minnow
6 years ago
Not quirkier, but at Mons Venus, there's an older bearded guy known as the Candy Man. I've never seen him buy dances, but he camps out with various candies laid out, often 2 or 3 dancers hang out with him.

Same club, someone different occasionally shows up who gives dancers back rubs, or massages their feet.

Several years ago when I had business trips to San Diego, there was this guy who had a spanking fetish, and would buy dances with a dancer just to spank her. (Cheetahs- San Diego)
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I don't pay attention enough customers to notice things like this to be totally honest. But I do hear stories from dancers, like "foot fuck guy" I'll just leave it at that.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
6 years ago
About a decade ago, there used to be this one guy at the Millstream Inn in Baltimore. Dressed just like an extra in Olivia Newton John’s “Let’s Get Physical” video: exercise shorts(even in winter), pastel t-shirt, headband. He would always sit at far end of the bar and have a few drinks in the afternoon. Never saw him interact with the dancers and the dancers ignored him in return. According to a couple of dancers, he never watched the stage, never tipped; just watched tv or stared into space. It seems he was a regular at the bar before it became a strip club and he refused to move on.

avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Strip clubs are normally a place where no one gets judged - aka bizzaro-world and thus some bizarro-PLs
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
The guy whose preference is active ass lap dances.

The guy who talks a lot and likes to tell lots of jokes and pull pranks involving Hershey’s kisses.

The guy who shows up when it’s practically dead in the club and turns it into a party atmosphere with hard drinking.

The guy who refuses to buy dances but instead tips the dancer tableside to sit and chat and listen to an OTC pitch.

The white dude in the middle of the black club looking for the thickest meatiest darkest dancers.

The guy who has fwb (not p4p)

The guy who thinks spiking dancer drinks with ghb is a casual normal thing
avatar for GoVikings
6 years ago
"The white dude in the middle of the black club looking for the thickest meatiest darkest dancers."

you mean, Mr. Chulo?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ that's not quirky - that's normal
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
Saw a guy carry a sketch book into the club and sit at the bar sketching the dancers. He was obviously a regular. Some of the girls would sit with him and look at his sketches. Never saw him get any dances.
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
@OP - think yours all beat mine, there was Boner Sweatpants Guy guy that would always be there and come and either wear sweats or basketball shorts. He would never sit at the bar always stand and when girls approached him, he would make sure his crotch was jammed up against their body and sway back and forth while chatting them up. He would occasionally buy lappers so that’s why the girls put up with it. Used to make me laugh 😂 but I’m guessing most clubs have one.
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
There is a regular at my home club who pays $60 to dancers to use a wand style vibrator on them to make them orgasm. He likes to line up 2-3 girls together at the same time in the VIP.

There also was an Indian guy a few weeks ago who was clearly fresh off the boat. Was wearing a fast food uniform complete with his nametag. Kept trying to feel up every dancer who went on stage and was clearly really confused as to why they weren't willing to make out with him.
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
@pistola - I think if I remember correctly there was a guy on here who said he was way into frotteurism (rubbing your boner on girls) and he used to do it in public but since finding the SC he had a legal way to get his fetish satisfied.
avatar for herbtcat
6 years ago
A while back, there was a guy who made the rounds at most of the San Fernando Valley clubs: Deja Vu North Hollywood, Godfather's Canoga Park and Van Nuys, Rhino Van Nuys, etc. He always wore a button down shirt, with a tie and looked like a 55-65 year old nebbish from the extra's casting for Hill Street Blues. He never bought dances, but a few of the girls would sit with him and chat on slow days. As I recall, he was known on a local SC blog (can't say Z-name of the blog; hint, hint) as Jerry Fucko.

I would see him regularly maybe 65-75% of times I visited local clubs. After several months of noticing him and never talking to him, I had a rather disappointing epiphany one day when I realized that I was seeing him so often, that it may have been ME who was the Quirky Strip Club Regular. Yikes!
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
@ifigottabedamned - Ha. When I saw the title of this thread, I thought of that guy at the Mill. 60’ish, bleach blonde 80’s spiky hair, thin short shorts, even on 20 degree days in the winter, always orders a pitcher of soda and sits at end of bar near the 15 min room, barely with a view of the stage. Yeah, he was there this past Friday.
avatar for DandyDan
6 years ago
I was told once at my old favorite club that they had an actual minister who came there regularly. He would always wear a tie there, which would have been wildly inappropriate for there, and always drink Diet Pepsi (it was a BYOB club with pop vending machines). I seen him a few times and someone was always taking him to VIP. It's like he wanted a dance with every dancer.

A different club had a guy they called The Professor, who was an Asian guy who would pay the cover and just drink pop the whole time. (This was a juice bar.) Never bought dances or even tipped. Supposedly, he was a real professor at the nearby college, although how anyone knew that is beyond my understanding, because the dancers all avoided him.
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
@ nicespice Help i am talking and I can't shut up... lol

There is a guy at a local club who would come in and set up a table and put out all kinds of candy and snacks for dancers. He would also massage all the dancers. One of the dancers told me he had spent $80,000 on dances with one dancer over the course of a year, as well as dances with other dancers. Management finally kicked him out because theybdid not like him touching the girls. One dancer told me he just went to another club where they gave him his own corner to set up his table at

avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I was at one club where some dildo tried to impress dancers with magic tricks. He thought he was the life of the party, but most of the dancers were laughing at him behind his back.

Another time I saw some tool wearing a white 3-piece suit in a dive club over in Pasco County. Fucking weirdo.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
I heard about a guy 8n Florida clubs that sits in the corner and eats fruit cups
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
Many years ago there was an old guy, probably in his 80's that came into the Columbia Platinum Plus. He was known as "Mr. D". He always wore bib overalls and a base ball cap. He always ate the free buffet. He always had 2 or 3 girls sitting with him and he bought them drinks. After lunch he would always take one or two of them to the couch room for some lap dances.

I was told that one day "Mrs. D" came into the club, grabbed him by the ear and dragged him OTC. She was heard saying " So this is how you have been spending your afternoons".
avatar for lotsoffun201
6 years ago
There is an older guy at my regular club who sits at the bar, orders a beer and plays solitaire with cards. I asked one of the girls about him and she told me he’s just a harmless older guy who likes to hang out there.
avatar for ATACdawg
6 years ago
I'm betting that OTC session wasn't a lot of fun for him! 😂
avatar for ATACdawg
6 years ago
That comment was on shadow's post....
avatar for magicrat
6 years ago
The was (maybe still is) a guy that goes to a club near Charlotte NC that the dancers call Dan Dan the Foot Man. He will sit there rubbing a dancers' feet on his face all afternoon. I've given a foot massage to a regular a time or two but damn!
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
I go to the clubs about once every month or two, and I always see the same regulars who are always there!

I hope I always enjoy going to the club, but if I ever become a daily visitor please take my man card away from me.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
At my ATF DS club I think the quirky regular is either myself or another one that sees a different stripper. We both are there exclusively for our stripper.

I'm the guy that is always spooning and massaging my ATF DS and never getting dances with anyone else but I do tip the stage if a stripper is alone up there. I also know all the bartenders well and am on friendly terms with the owners and most of the strippers. Then I get dances with my ATF DS and leave. What makes me quirky is that I have the same exact routine. Everyone knows I'm there to see my ATF DS.

The other guy does the same but he rarely gets dances with his ATF and stays longer and talks with his stripper longer. When I'm there for 1-2 hours, he's there for 2-3.

At the same club there used to be another regular that was known as "Mr. Horse Cock". He would drink a lot and basically party with any of the strippers and occasionally get dances. All the strippers, my ATF DS included, said his dick was huge and he was known as such and without fail every visit one of the strippers would tease him and openly grope his crotch. He's an honorable mention quirky next to me and the other guy.
avatar for WillMunny
6 years ago
@NiceSpice - what exactly does an "active ass lap dance" entail? (Feel free to post photos to illustrate)

@DrEvil - your sketchbook guy was probably either a struggling artist/art student who found a cheap source of "life models," or a wannabe artist working on a new system (Phase 2 is asking the girl back to your place to show her your etchings).

I've seen quite a few oddballs while clubbing but the only one that really stood out in my mind was on a recent visit to Follies. An older gent, probably mid 60s, dressed in typical "dirty old man gear" (t-shirt & basketball shorts), was camped out at one of the high tops. Several dancers came by and spoke with him but I never saw him get a dance. Instead, every so often he would stand up at his table and dance all by himself. Not sure what his story is/was, but the dude was clearly having fun on his own terms. 💃
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ that jackslash I tell ya
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
I have a friend (I’ve mentioned him on TUSCL before) who dressed as a cleric when he went to the strip clubs even though he had no religious credentials or inclinations.

It got him lots of free attention.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Some dancers pointed out a man sitting at the bar, surveying the room. He looked like a successful lawyer or businessman, dressed in a sharp suit and tie. The dancers told me that they called him "the $50 man" because he had been coming to the club for years and never spent more than $50.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
willmummy. i am that old man. but with one difference. i get dances.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
From my perspective, the guy who only sees the girl ITC is the quintessential looser.

Now yes, when trapped in a lethal marriage, I was that looser. And I will never forget that.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
^ From my perspective, the guy that posts about how to interact with strippers from the public library and doesn't actually go to strip clubs, ever in this century, is the ultimate pathetic loser.
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
@SirLap thanks for pointing that out. Wow @SJG Id say you have to have 8,000 posts in your history and not one review? Tell your wife you are going to costco and have some fun. Your life sounds like a netflix documentary in the making.
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
^^^ lol!

Loyd’s the king of dumbasses!
avatar for JDisRight
6 years ago
SJG....have you always been a douchebag?
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
damn ! you guys describing each other ? ;-)
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
LMAO san_jose_creep uses bashing PLs that go see strippers ITC, the intended purpose of strip clubs, as his defense mechanism for failing at his marriage. Instead of it being his fault for seeing strippers and spending money behind his wife's back, he blames the strip club business model and bashes PLs for making the same "mistakes" he did.

And the irony upon irony is that he doesn't even go to clubs or see strippers IRL today yet he is the "expert" on how PLs should interact with strippers. All he does is post about it from the public library but he never actually goes to see strippers IRL. SMH!
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
The only one I recall is a guy that would come into the Pompano Beach Cheetah. He'd get a table dance where HIS dancer would be on the table dancing. He would never want her to strip. His favorite was also one of mine. She had no idea why he was that way, but he paid her well.
avatar for prevert
6 years ago
Hahaha! I overheard some girls this weekend talking about somebody they call "boob guy". Supposedly whenever anyone asks him for a dance, he asks if he can play with their boobs. Even for the "dollar dance" he doesn't want a dance, just fondle their boobs for a couple of bucks. Funny thing is, they actually sounded concerned instead of mocking. Supposedly he hasn't been there for a few weeks.

Anyway it seemed funny that he'd just be that blatant about it.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
6 years ago
@JimmyMcNulty: Wow, he’s still there!?! Thanks for the update! I’ve only been to Millstream a couple of times in the last five years. Not the club it used to be. Besides, I no longer have other reasons to be on the west side.
avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
Worst I’ve seen is an ancient fart who would come to a little dive club several nights a week with cheap carnation flowers and hand one to each girl as they left the stage. He acted like he was handing each of them a stack of Benjamin’s. Most girls threw the flowers in the trash in the dressing room. I never saw him spend money on anything other than cheap flowers.
avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
“Another time I saw some tool wearing a white 3-piece suit in a dive club over in Pasco County. Fucking weirdo.”

Ats funny.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
This is just two days ago and very late at night -- an 80-yr-old female customer was sitting at the stage. Dancer told me that she didn't have any money. She would occasionally get up and flirt with the male customers. Never seen anything like that.

She would make a perfect mate for @Flagooner. He could take her OTC to the nursing home and she would laugh at his jokes.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
Think how boring it would be if we didn’t have weirdos to marvel at...
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
Lol there is an old Chinese woman who comes to a club to sell DVDs. Doesn’t smile, just sits in the corner and waits for you to get settled before she approaches you. She’s 20 years too late on the business idea
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
( I think this is the shortest Papi Chulo comment!)

don’t give me wrong Papi. i admire your ability to discuss and convey and describe the details to infinity .
avatar for BGSD3100
6 years ago
I was worried I might see myself mentioned on this thread.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
There are a few at my favorite club....

1- Guy comes in near the end of day shift and offers girls $80 to suck on their toes... but he only likes girls in open toe shoes, with dirty feet.

2- Very old white guy who likes to cuddle with very young Black girls, then falls asleep.....and they just leave him in the corner....

3- One guy comes in every day, gets two $10 floor dances, then leaves right away.

At another club....

A group of old men come to watch this 68 year old stripper who dresses like a school girl.
avatar for whodey
6 years ago
Almost 20 years ago at the old Deja Vu in Cincinnati there was a guy that came in paid his cover, ordered an orange juice and sat at the bar with his back to the rest of the club reading the bible.

I asked one of the girls about him and she said he was part of the "citizens for community values" group that was trying to get the club shut down. Unfortunately those bible thumpers succeeded in turning Cincinnati into a strip club wasteland and have spent decades trying to do the same around the state.
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago

“This was just two days ago and very late at night”

Now there’s an example of an old entitled quirky guy trying relive his glory days at a strip club. No wonder he is Randumb.
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