Tilted Kilt

avatar for goldmongerATL
I asked a girl it this was her first strip club job. She said no, she had worked at Tilted Kilt in Florida. She said there was an extra storeroom that was unused and around a corner. You had to know it was there. Some girls made lots of extra money in that storeroom.

I guess that explains why some waitresses seem to disappear for long periods of time :-)


last comment
avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago
Never saw that happen in any of the Tilted Kilt locations I visited in So Cal. Too bad.. it might have brought in enough business to keep them open.
avatar for sugarray
5 years ago
Back when Tilted Kilt was in Florida there was big bust at the Kilt in Clearwater. Apparently the girls were dealing benzos like Xanax and Ativan. Always wondered why that location was so busy compared to their sister store in North Tampa.
avatar for JAprufrock
5 years ago
Been to Tilted Kilt a couple of times, and it never occurred to me that "extras" could possibly be had. Had I known this, I would have reported it to the police because prostitution is illegal.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Over the years I've had two meet@greets on SA with girls who turned out to be Tilted Kilts waitresses. Neither went beyond first meeting. I take it TK doesn't pay that well around here.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Both Tilted Kilt locations near me have closed up. Replaced with some Italian chain place, like Olive Garden but even worse. Is Tilted Kilt still in business?
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
It sounded like someone took advantage of a physical characteristic of that particular building. They usually did not build their own space. The one near me (gone at least 5 years) was a former Macaroni Grill. Never got the hooker vibe, but in listening to them chatter among themselves they were all wannabe swimsuit models trading notes on where the next auditions and shoots were. One claimed to also work at the Cheetah in Atlanta.

I did overhear a couple of times comments to the effect of whether a girl was going to hook up with a cute customer. I got the impression that if you were under 40, did not look like a troll and had money could easily pick up the Tilted Kilt girls. Or most women!
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
The remaining Tilted Kilts seem to have the best looking waitresses out of the breasturant chains.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
The last Tilted Kilt in Florida (Boca Raton) closed, recently guess it was done in by the Corona Virus
avatar for ATACdawg
5 years ago
@sugarray: I heard that there were a lot of big busts at Tilted Kilt.....😉
avatar for trpterp
5 years ago
The nearest TK to me never actually opened. They went bankrupt during the buildout and wound up being sued for the many thousands of $$ owed to various contractors working on the place.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago

They list 47 locations. None in Floriduh. One left in Atlanta but about 30 miles from me.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Maybe we need to start exploring OTR - I can't help think some of these girls might be down
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
Takes much more care, Papi. No one can blame a guy for exploring sex with a stripper. Hot waitress is another level of skill.

I knew a guy that scored more than once by laying his Ferrari keychain on the table at restaurants. With his Dodge keys on it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ LOL - clever strategy
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
I regret not trying more at the breasturants. To be fair I would rarely go, it would be more a boys night out kind of thing, but oh man. Hooters and the Twin Peaks in El Paso had so many ridiculously hot waitresses. If they stripped there would easily beat out most strip clubs. The thing they probably aren't asked as much with money. I'm sure they get asked out normally, I'm guilty of that and then they reject a million guys, me often being one of them. I'm just not gonna be one of those super duper pathetic dudes who just come to the bar to oogle and come up with nothing time and time again. And they know it. What a waste doing that.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
I am not a fan of breasteraunts, neither the food nor the eye candy is worth the visit.

My few experiences at breasteraunts was years before I became a mongerer and it was disappointing, now that I have experienced extras, VIP fun, and TJ breasteraunts are not even a blip on my Monger radar.

If there is extra activities going on with breasteraunt waitresses, I am glad o do not frequent the establishments, as these girls Handle food, I do not want them handling a PL's junk while on shift but that's just me.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Tilted Kilt was a neat concept at first. But if you don't have good food at a restaurant, people will not go back no matter how cute the girls are. And if the place is not doing well, the best girls will go somewhere else. Twin Peaks is the best of the bunch because it's actually run by restaurant people, not mongers that want to hang around young girls.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
For decades the only ones we had in Atlanta were Hooters. When they first opened up in the mid-80's, the one I went to was off the charts wild compared to today. The girls would all be 8-9 on the stripper scale. There were no bras. Most shirts were cropped to show lots of underboob. Bartenders completely flashed whenever they reached for a glass, which were ALL stored on shelves above the barstools. Girls sometimes hung upside down hooking their knees over the ceiling supports, and hula hooped over a lucky table. They would sit in your lap, run their fingers through your hair (and then serve food but no one seemed to care), and wiggle while taking your order. I remember telling one girl I was having trouble deciding and she said she could tell it was hard :-) I had more than one waitress lean in and accidentally hit my hand with her boob. My usual tip was 100% which got one last rub of the boobs across my arm and a nip of the earlobe.

I want to go back to my younger self and scream in his ear. GO TO THE ATM! THESE MIGHT AS WELL BE HOOKERS.

Then the wives and church ladies got a whiff of what was going on and the parties were over.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
I enjoy the breastestaurants but I guess i haven’t been lucky...
(because after all... i am an old fart.)
avatar for sugarray
5 years ago
Never been to Twin Peaks. I think there are a couple over in Orlando. When I was visiting a buddy in DFW several years ago we ended up going to a breastaraunt called Bone Daddy's. The menu was BBQ and the girls there were either wearing Mary Janes or cowboy boots for footwear. I definitely dig the look vs the old orange shorts and sneakers on Hooters girls.

avatar for Heellover
5 years ago
I have been to Hooters once- over 20 years ago. It was for a friend's 21st birthday (he was/is more of a shall we say reserved guy and wouldn't go to a strip club). It was an awful experience -the restaurant itself, not my friend. Overpriced beers, lackluster wings (this was when Native New Yorker had cheap pitchers of beer and good wings), they wouldn't even acknowledge his birthday over the intercom unless we paid like 20 dollars which was a lot back then, our waitress was actually only "average" looking at least by today's standards and man oh man was she stuck up and bitchy (and no its not that anyone asked her out and got turned down, she just was straight up bitchy!). She refused to use the hula hoop or whatever even though the tables next to us all had good looking waitresses using the hula hoops at least a little bit. I pretty much said I'd give my money to strip clubs instead of this from then on.

I did go to a Tilted Kilt once I guess maybe 3 years ago or so. My friend's birthday (different friend and certainly not his 21st!). We had other mutual friends that wanted to bring their wives and their wives were not going to go to a strip club-shit like that etc. Anyway, it was a really cool time! Our waitress was beyond good looking. She was so fucking hot it was like holy shit! She was really cool too though. Our birthday friend was meeting us there all a little later and before he arrived we asked if she would take a picture with the "birthday boy" after we were done eating. This friend was the only single guy out of all of us and is really shy. He was pretty nervous even when we told him. The incredibly good looking waitress after we were done gladly posed for a picture with him.....and even got her friend to get in the picture too (her friend was really hot too). By the way, the food was good and reasonably priced as well......because you know that's the main reason we were all there right? To take our friend to a nice fancy restaurant that possibly may have some sports on. I've never made it back in, but would go again for sure. To a Tilted Kilt, not to Hooters.
Never been to Twin Peaks, my friend in the group that had been to both Twin Peaks and Tilted Kilt before said he much preferred Tilted Kilt (so that's why we met at Tilted Kilt). So there you have all my experiences with breasturants.
avatar for Heellover
5 years ago
And Sugar ray ....I looked at the bone daddy's website. I think I'd probably be a regular there if they had something like that in AZ (somewhat close to my house). Good looking ladies and bbq! and I must say I did like that dress code. I agree much better than the tennis shoes look at Hooters (but then again I don't really care for Hooters-the restaurant haha) based on my above post.
avatar for DoctorDarby
5 years ago
I was a barstool regular at a now-defunct TK in NE Ohio and enjoyed getting to know the bartenders and a few of the girls. Never got much of the pick-up vibe but then again, I was just a colorful old coot to them. Stayed friendly with one girl who worked at another local restaurant. Used to leave the Kilt and go to the air-dance club right up the road (you Ohio guys can put this together I bet!) for boobs and beer. As lame as that was, I miss it like crazy now.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
I’ve been going to breasturants for decades. Not frequently but often enough to have seen the good and the bad over many years and from all across the country as well as beyond the nation’s shores.

First Twin Peaks had a menu that looked inviting but the food sucked on the plate. The lumberjack themed costumes were fucking weird. The waitresses’ attitudes and interactions that I experienced were really poor. On the plus side at least the ABQ location did bikini car washes in the parking lot. Otherwise I’m done giving them a chance.

Tilted Kilt had a very good menu when they opened but disappointingly when I returned after about a year break they had changed it and not for the better. They seem to be able to attract and hire very nice looking girls but their training program is lacking. The girls don’t strike me as having an attitude or anything but too many tend to be missing the point that a major attraction of breasturants is playful interactions between customers and waitresses. I had a long discussion about this with a TK bartender who was once a Hooters girl. She knew how the game was played, tried to teach the younger girls and had a loyal following walking away with a purse full of generous tips nightly. I still go to TKs and in fact went just last week when they finally reopened.

Hooters has a long a storied past. The problems are many from the top to the bottom. Two different corporate structures, over reach/development (including such dumbass ideas as Hooters Airline), poor menu, and societal changes have all hurt the brand. The original concept was “really” good looking girls trained to flirt (wholesomely) with customers. This worked well when managed well but over expansion often times did not make good sense and the inability to find good looking girls with the right understanding and attitude to make it work brought the brand down in too many places. One result was lack of continuity from location to location. There are still some really good locations but also some truly awful locations. Primarily, good versus bad management seems to make the difference.

What I will say is that the international Hooters that I’ve been too have all been great. In one case, there was a Canadian shift leader in Tokyo who was responsible for training all the local girls how to be out going which is not a cultural trait. It was a nice place to have a good meal and a few beers and they were very popular with the locals as well.

Whether or not any of these places succeed will depend on if management understands what it is all about. It’s about salesmanship and making customers want to come back again and again. Good atmosphere, good food/beer along with friendly and attractive women. Even in today’s feminized society I think the concept still works when well executed but the stupid Covid-19 lockdown may have doomed many of them.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
BabyDoc, your mention of international reminded me I had been to the Hooters in Singapore. It is in a touristy area with lots of bars and restaurants. The cultural norm of not interacting made it a strange experience. Waitresses quietly waited near the kitchen until it was time to perform a task for a table and then went directly back to their safe place. The food was even run out by a guy. It was "American" so the place was packed, too.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago

Yeah I've seen the "American" thing before but IMO that is only good for so long. The world (well until recently) has gotten smaller and smaller. There is no longer a black market for blue jeans in the former Soviet Union.

Adapt or perish will always apply but IMHO hot young friendly girls will always be able to make a sale anywhere, any time.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
The idea of a private “storeroom” is very useful at a breastaurant - for customers and waitresses who want that added service.

I’ve only been to one Tilted Kilt once - in Jacksonville Fl. It’s obviously for the scenery - and the beer - not the food. I’ve been to a few Hooters - and I wasn’t impressed.

Adding a room for extras would be a good idea -
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
Hooters' food is horrible. Wing sauce had a chemical taste to it. TK has better food and ladies, but none in my neck of the woods.
avatar for Heellover
5 years ago
Tetradon. I think I'm still tasting the chemicals from the wings (wing sauce) from my one visit to Hooters over 20 years ago. Overpriced no flavor (no good flavor anyway) food, stuck up no energy waitress, asshole management (and no we weren't drunk or causing problems or being jerks) no nudity. Do I recommend, I'd have to say no! I don't care if it was over 20 years ago, it was an experience to remember and obviously not a good one.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 years ago
Not sure how Hooters is still open. The power of brand recognition I guess.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
The breasteraunts are high risk, low reward mongering establishments, it requires a different game than P4P most Mongers are used to.

With few expections, breasteraunt waitresses are eye candy only, so you have to have a strong civvie game to pick up a Hooters/Tilt A Kilt waitress.

Similar to the Vietnamese Bikini Coffee Shops, those waitresses are for the most part eye candy only, so trying the P4P game rarely works.
avatar for WillMunny
5 years ago
Agree 100% with those that prefer Twin Peaks and/or Tilted Kilt to Hooters. Based on my experience, there is a tremendous amount of overlap between "breastaurant" staff and dancers, some even holding down both jobs simultaneously. There's no doubt at all that any kind of approach is easier at the club, but there is a certain degree of fun to be had scanning the room to see if there's anyone you recognize or can otherwise deduce is doing some naked moonlighting.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
Don't mind them, Hooter's, Kilt's..... used to be a lot of knock(er) offs too including one in Clearwater called "Mugs and Jugs". It's not like I go out of my way to go to one but, when confronted with a choice of say, Applebee's and a breastaurant, I will surprisingly go with the boobs. Hey, you Tampa Bay guys; Is "Cooter's" still open out in Clearwater Beach?
avatar for ATACdawg
5 years ago
I went to a Hooters on the beach in Biloxi MS several times (before Katrina cleared it right down to the foundation). Their food was acceptable, the drinks were good but most of all, there was one waitress with long blonde hair, a beautiful set of Cs, and a pair of "to die for" legs. Besides that, she was friendly, flirtacious And always vigilant about cleaning up any spills. She was known as "Legs" to customers and the other servers alike.

I've often wondered what happened to her after Katrina.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
@ATAC - Biloxi has made a nice bounce back since Katrina; have been there a couple times and it helps that now the casinos no longer have to be "floaters". There are actually two Hooters in the area:


I usually wrap in a stop there when I am going to NOLA.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
The Hooters target market is blue collar 21-45. Whenever I rarely go to Hooters in Atlanta I see lots of commercial trucks with blue collar guys as the majority of the customers.
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
Hooters has been a mixed experience for me. A few times I have had very attentive, attractive waitresses. Other times attractive but distracted. Been to one Twin Peaks, nice time, good beer and burger. Waitress was nice but spent time at a table with 4 guys. Went to one Tilted Kilt near Orlando. Waitress was very attractive and very flirty, don’t remember the food.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I’ve never tried mongering at a Hooters. Maybe it’s worth a shot?

I prefer the easiest of whores - so I’ll wait and see - if a waitress sneezes and her orange hooters shorts flutter - I’ll know she’s loose in one or both holes!
avatar for BuckMcNutter
5 years ago
I find most of the Hooters girls are getting fat and don’t have high standards for hiring anymore unless it’s the one at Bayside Miami where they are smoking HOT. At least Twin Peaks makes girls send in photos before they are even considered for hiring.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ I haven’t to Bayside since last year but my recollection of the H 👀ters girls was they really were pitiful and needed some new talent.
avatar for Johnmancha
5 years ago
Any good ones in NJ that are good to try ?
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
I feel like hooeters VERY much depends on whoever manages it. Some are great and some you wonder why you even showed up
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
w.r.t. Hooters - in a way it looks like to me that they wanted to go "mainstream" and "not offend anyone" and they seemed to make their clubs less edgy "in order to fit in" I guess - in part it looks like they started hiring less sexy girls maybe as a way to not look "discriminatory" - seemed in the late 80s hot chicks were common and often dressed very provocatively - by the 2000s (last time I visited one) seemed hot chicks dressed provocatively were more of the exception.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... One of the north scottsdale bartenders at twin peaks will bang otc. She has quite a following i hear. Expensive but good fuck ..."

Find out her Instagram
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
The only food I've tried at Hooters is their customizable burgers and I feel like I'm the only person that likes said burgers. Heh. But I don't think I've ever seen an unattractive Hooters waitress down by me.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
I like the possibilities ...
and actually I prefer the burgers at Hooters over Twin Peaks and Tilted Kilt!
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
but it’s all good for Eye candy ...
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