Tattoos! WTF?!!

avatar for Lone_Wolf
Distant family aquantance. 19 y/o. Sexy charming just blooming with sensuality.

Recently posted a Facebook pic sporting a full sleeve tat on her lower arm. Ugh!

It's like watching someone splash car grease on a beautiful painting.

Nineteen is far too young to make such a huge decision.

I can't stand to perv on her FB pics anymore. Baffling!


last comment
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
We disagree. Depending on the quality of the work, I'm on board with tattoos.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ "full sleeve tat on her lower arm"

Is it a full sleeve tat if it's just the lower arm?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Flagooner... No. Full sleeve goes from shoulder to wrist.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 years ago
Just lower arm. I mispoke
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Alas, sleeves are one of the things that are a bit tougher for me to overlook. It's not neck tattoo obnoxious, but she has to be pretty spectacular otherwise if she has a sleeve tattoo...
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Excellent. I'll happily take advantage of the hot inked dancers you don't like.
avatar for rh48hr
6 years ago
If there are other options I like I'll pass on the sleeve tattoo. But I won't completely dismiss if she has the other assets I like.
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
I love good artistic tats.
avatar for Funkycold88
6 years ago
Doesn't bother me one bit but I have multiple tattoos also so.
avatar for gSteph
6 years ago
Lots of women have them, definitely more so among stripper population. Used to be mostly against them, till the day I got a dance from a stripper with lots, including one covering half of 1 of her boobs.

Caressing her during grinding I realized I couldn't feel any difference, not with my hands, cheeks, or lips. Not sure why that kinda surprised me, but ....

Now I admire the 'artistic' ones, but, on boobs anyway, still prefer beautiful, un-inked ones.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Extensive tattoos will eventually fall out of style. Instead of looking young and trendy, they'll look old and foolish.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
Lone Wolf. I"m with you. I consider the girl as damaged goods if they cover their body with tattoos. If it's something that is small and cute, that's OK. But covering an entire section of their body just makes them look dirty.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
I never saw a woman whose appeal was enhanced by a tattoo.

Nevertheless, when I am on a late night love safari I often find myself drawn to women with tattoos because of their documented ability to make decisions they will regret in the morning.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
If one is over 40 then less likely to like tats (I'm 49) - back in the day tats were often associated with low-class.

I don't care for them but kinda accept them as part of what's in today just like long hair was back in the 60s and 70s.

More recently I've kinda taken a liking to them on strippers bc they exude a bad-girl vibe (prude strippers are often no fun) - but even then only some tats on strippers I find kinda sexy but a sleeve tat is not one of them - and a tat across her upper stomach just looks low-class and gangsta.

I'm less tolerant of tats on civilians especially the bigger tats and if they are in places like the back of the calves, etc - but I just accept it's kinda the in-thing right now.
avatar for gammanu95
6 years ago
I've recently often remarked to Mrs. Gammanu how out of step with pop culture we are. Neither of us has tattoos, and neither of us understands the appeal of tattoos. I can understand getting a memento of something important to you. A lost loved one, a ship or unit you served on or in, or something else fairly personal or classy. These neck tattoos, sleeves, tramp stamps, ribcage scriptures, on all these people who can't afford to move out of their parents' house baffles me. Plus, not everyone can pull it off. Lastly, what might have been cute or sexy on your pre-baby 24-yr old body will look like hell two kids and 50 pounds later.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Lydia the Tattooed Lady…
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
The 25 year old ladies with cute tats now will one day be 60 years old and those tats will not impress nearly as many people.
avatar for GoVikings
6 years ago
I find tats distracting. To me, they only lessen a girls beauty. But they only really bother me when they’re excessive. I don’t mind a few. I haven’t had many fav strippers, but the ones I’ve had have all been girls who don’t have much ink on their bodies
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
I’m old, but I’m not a fart. I couldn’t care less if a girl has a tattoo. Not my business. I might pretend to be interested to have something to talk about with a 20 something, but I really don’t care. If she’s hot, she’s hot, tattoos or not.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
flagooner said "The 25 year old ladies with cute tats now will one day be 60 years old and those tats will not impress nearly as many people."

Between the ages of 25 and 60, there's a great many things that become less appealing. Tattoos are low on list of things that'll bother me, because tattoos change nothing about how all the bits and pieces feel.

Twenty to 30 years of age and use on the other hand...

Also, I remember in the early 1990s when people said that getting tattoos was a trend that would fade away with time.

avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
-->"These neck tattoos, sleeves, tramp stamps, ribcage scriptures"

I'm with you on neck tattoos and sleeves. I can easily overlook tramp stamps but they don't exactly exude class. Oddly enough, ribcage scriptures, I find trashy girl sexy. Dunno why! I also find tats on the upper hamstrings, and from ribs down to the pelvis, can turn me on in that trashy girl sexy way. I'd always prefer no tats, but if she has to have tats (beyond a princess ankle tat), those are the ones I like
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
There is one positive about a girl with Tats. It means she has a propensity for making bad decisions. So I've got a chance ! :-)
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Not to mention that cute butterfly tattoo on her ass will look like a flounder after a few pounds
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
I still like tramp stamps. But not a fan of too many, a few done right can be hot.

What I dont get is I see some barely tatted beauties hanging out with dudes with tats on their face or neck, those gross ear lobe circles, etc.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I go mostly to black-dives - the ones I find sexy on the ebonies at the dives I hit are:

+ a thigh tat

+ her hip; or hip and/or running down the side of her thigh

+ on the upper part of one boob (not both for w/e reason) - i.e. a flower or heart on the upper part of her left-boob (def don't like them on/around the areolas)

+ on her lower-back/small-of-her-back
avatar for WillMunny
6 years ago
+1 to Warrior's sentiment - but let's be honest, if ahe made great decisions odds are she would not be on the pole.

I don't usially mind a moderate amount of ink, particularly when it's artistically tasteful, but too many young, otherwise gorgeous women seem intent on covering their bodies in poorly-considered and poorly-rendered graphics simply because "everyone else is doing it."

My latest experience was a 20-year old fave that pulled something similar to @Lone_Wolf's example - a large, ugly tattoo covering most of the forearm. Not enough to take her completely off my list, but definitely moved her several slots down the priority list.

The real irony with dancers is how much money they blow on ink when they haven't paid all their living expenses yet. I assume I'm not alone in seeing dancers with new tattoos complain about needing a VIP to make rent/car payment/etc. (And yes, I know some of the ink is paid for "in trade," but not all).
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
-->"+1 to Warrior's sentiment - but let's be honest, if ahe made great decisions odds are she would not be on the pole."

That's at least partially what I mean by trashy sexy also. It can be exciting to see her poor decisions so visible and marked permanently on her body, as long as they don't take away too much from her beauty lol
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
I used to say that if I wanted "Pop Eye" I'd go to a gay club but now if I were to exclude dancers with tats, I would be pretty lonely. So I put up with them. Unlike piercings, at least I can't feel them.

Even my own daughter has one on the back of her shoulder.
avatar for AtAboy
6 years ago
First, agree that several tats on a very young stripper tells me she’s impulsive and may not be concerned with worrying about how today’s “fun” effects her tomorrow. This is good.

I’m close to 40 so yeah I remember a time (in my teens) when tattoos on a women usually meant a lack of class. Myself and my other half do not have any. For a mate, I want someone that is more than someone who will do FS in a back room for a tip. Call me old fashion. We’ve been together almost 20 years and I strongly preferred no tattoos then.

However tattoos are not what they were and I know plenty of professional people with class that have many tattoos. Things have changed, and I’ve strongly considering getting one myself some day.

On a stripper, I’ve had CF everything from 1-2 tiny tats in discrete sexy places, and some CF that we’re pretty heavily tatted and young, meaning they were working toward covering 100% of their body surface I think.
What they have matters. I’ve seen a few that have like a flaming skull with other grotesque images like on their chest or back, and that’s just too much for me. Like why? Are you sacrificing people on the side as a hobby? Are you in a gang? I stay away from girls with those types of tats, but anything else, or meant to be sexy, I’m fine with.
If she’s got the assets I like, I’m fine with let’s start a thread on nipple piercings...visually appealing but the taste and feel in my mouth I don’t care for.
avatar for AtAboy
6 years ago
Shadowcat, I was still typing when you posted, yeah the piercings...I don’t like the taste of metal on my mouth
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
Like anything else tatoos can be tasteful or tasteless. In either case it is sometimes a good ice breaker in the conversation. You can talk to the dancer about them ask what they mean to her. Run your hands over them. Ask if she has anymore to show you in a more private area. I would not get one, but lot’s of 20 somethings have them if they are a dancer or not.
avatar for wellhungsac420
6 years ago
A bad tattoo can ruin a perfect breast or ass.
Tattoos never make a bad ass or droopy tits look any better no matter how good and arty they are.
For those reason alone I'm not a huge fan.
I definitely think there is a generational aspect to it. I'm in my mid 40's and strippers in my age group, 35+ usually don't have ink like the younger girls.
I had a 20-something friend with a few terrible tattoos. She had a pot leaf tat on her outer ankle that looked like a 13 year old drew it, I hated it, but I never saw it in any position we had sex in, even when her ankles were up on my shoulders, it was out of sight out of mind when it mattered. She also had a horrible lower back tattoo which was off center, too big, and too black, it ruined what would have been a perfect the view during doggy style but it never kept me from finishing all over it... So I guess the point I'm making is that while they might not look great, once you get past the visual aspect they don't change the physical experience.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 years ago
I recently attended a fancy wedding that ended up having a surprisingly high number of beautiful ( mostly white) young women. The ladies were wearing sexy gowns.

The ladies that had no tats looked very classy. There was a good percentage that were noticibly tatted. They did not look classy.
avatar for gawker
6 years ago
I’m not too much of fan or a critic. I have a daughter with a large tat on one wrist who just was hired as a company executive at a $200,000 yearly salary and a $100,000 signing bonus. Her tattoo is more than 20 years old and hasn’t affected her life or employment in any way. Her sister has a couple, too, and is pulling down $150k in a supervisory position in a professional field. There is one Asian dancer I know who’s tats add to her allure. A full sleeve running over her shoulder and down her back. Very exotic.
I’ve also been turned off by poorly done ink work which look like jailhouse work. I know a dancer who wanted a “monkey on her back” but she was shooting cocaine with the “artist” for the four hours he worked on the monkey. It’s the ugliest monkey I’ve ever seen and has an asshole that’s way too big.
avatar for madhouse
6 years ago
I think they are a major turn off, but I’m really only interested in them if they will let me tattoo the inside of their mouth.
avatar for prevert
6 years ago
I consider tattoos on their own merits and don't judge the person who has them based on the presence of tattoos alone. That would be stupid. As stoopid as judging someone by the color of their skin.
avatar for AtAboy
6 years ago
^ agree each tattoo should be individually judged, like by what it is, location and why the owner got it. But I just want to point out that one doesn’t chose the color of their skin, however one does choose to get tattoos.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ yeah - that was a shitty analogy comparing tattoos to the color of a skin's person
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ of a person's skin LOL
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Weird phrasing, but it actually works either way.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
I like tattoos and I have tattoos, but I absolutely make some judgement calls based on the work. Good quality, creative, artistic tattoos earn points in my book. Amateur hack work subtracts points.

And then there's the reality that some tattoos will tell you a lot about a person.

A few years ago I was getting to know a new (to me) dancer at the Cadillac Lounge. She had a large tattoo across the top of her chest. It was actually pretty good work. So good that the two sets of Waffen SS symbols that were artfully incorporated into the tattoo were hard to spot at first, but undeniable once seen.

I sent her away quickly and not politely. When I say "fuck Nazis", I don't mean literally.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 years ago
The most sensual tat I've seen on a dancer was a snake that started in her chest and wrapped around her body to her leg. Extraordinary.

She danced at Christie's Tempe and is an excellent entertainer.
avatar for rh48hr
6 years ago
It is definitely more main steam now. My kids HS English teacher last year had a tattoo that's pretty close to being a full arm sleeve.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Also, the tattoos you see in strip clubs are rarely higher-end work. Here's some tattoo artists that I like.…
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
I don’t like tats and I don’t like piercings beyond one in each ear.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
That said... I will not let tattoos and piercings stop me from enjoying an otherwise beautiful woman.
avatar for prevert
6 years ago
Yeah, maybe not the best analogy. But my point was that judging someone by their appearance alone without knowing anything else about them is dumb. Sure a tattoo is a choice where skin color isn't you you don't know what led to that decision and just because you don't like that particular tattoo doesn't mean it's not special to that person.
avatar for BGSD3100
6 years ago
A few months ago, I got my first tattoo and I commented to the artist that he probably doesn't see many people my age, 50, getting their first tattoo. He replied that it was actually very common. He said that most middle age people getting a first tattoo had wanted to get one for years, ever since they were kids usually. But, back then tattoos were seen as a sign of rebellion and associated with biker gangs and other anti-social groups. We were worried about what our parents, our college professors, and our future employers would say. And we were scared to enter a tattoo parlor because of the stigma attached to them.

Now tattoos have gone mainstream. Seems like just about everyone has one today. Employers don 't care anymore. Tattoo parlors have gone mainstream too. You used to look at one of those old buildings and wonder how many bodies were buried in the basement. Place I got mine at is in a mini-mall, next door to an auto parts store. And, while guys my age aren't really into rebellion, we are at a point in our lives when we just don't care what anyone else thinks. Especially my ex-wife.

Tattoos: Not just for criminals anymore.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
I got my first tattoo in my early 40s. My tattoo artist commented that older tattoo enthusiasts generally make better decisions.

Tattoos are definitely more mainstream and more accepted in many work environments, but not all. If you're looking to get a job in banking / investing and have visible tattoos outside the borders of business attire, you have a steep uphill battle ahead of you.
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