For those back at a club, any changes in the lineup?

avatar for nicespice
Tried to go back in the club for the first time in forever. First tried out one club, but the way the parking is handled (staff on one side, patrons in another), I could see the really unfavorable dancer/customer ratio and didn’t bother. Which was depressing because Wednesday nights are amateur contest nights and that usually at least brings in *some* foot traffic. Might have had to do with the heavy police activity about a block away, idk.

Went down the road to the dive club not too far away. Took the manager’s advice over there and decided not to work because of the dancer/customer ratio and would have had to pay $100 house fee. (It’s on me for showing up as late as I did 🤷🏻‍♀️) Will probably go back tomorrow but one thing I noticed before leaving was that holy cow the lineup is different. The stomachs are flatter and dancers looked more athletic. Still far from a thin girl club like others in this city, but different than I remembered for sure. No idea if most were newbies or returning dancers. But it was the opposite of any suspected quarantine weight gain people had talked about before.

Any observations about other areas?


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avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
A lot of dancers who are back in the club look about the same, but I know dancers who have chunked up a bit. One of my faves was complaining this week about she put on weight (maybe 5 pounds) but it actually looked good on her. I did notice a couple of dancers wearing outfits that covered more because they're a little heavier, but I wouldn't say any of them have done a Shawn Kemp.…
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
I have only made one visit so the sample size is small.
There were about 10 dancers, so it makes the math simple.
20% were girls I recognized from previous visits. However, of three others I talked to two of them claimed to have worked there for 3 months and 2 years respectively. I can understand having never seen the relatively new girl. I can also believe the other girl if she has changed her look, her shift or her work days. The club has many dancers. the third girl was working her 2nd shift. Her day job is a grocery store baker.

As for quality, I would say 50% were normal quality for the club, but 50% were below to way below average.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
I haven’t been to any strip clubs at all in the last three months but my one visit last week to a nightclub/restaurant in the northern part of Phoenix was very encouraging. seeing the waitress girls was a delightful time.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
I've lost weight during the lockdown. I've also saved a ton on money. But I'm going to wait to return to the clubs until I hear reports on the club experience with social distancing rules.
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
My usual club has several girls not wanting to go back yet. A few are giving up dancing. I was told a couple girls got let go because they tried to work at other clubs that opened earlier. Evidently the club will not let you work at another club within 50 miles. Don’t know any names and all that information is from other dancers.

avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
Couldn't tell.... they all had masks on.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
i have been to BSC only, staff wear mask and i only saw 1 dancer with a mask. She needed a mask anyways. The lineup was about the same but the girls were thicker, not my type. i like spinners.
avatar for NinaBambina
5 years ago
I've lost weight during the lockdown. I've 'also saved a ton on money. But I'm going to wait to return to the clubs until I hear reports on the club experience with social distancing rules."

I feel the same. I've also lost a bit of weight during the quarantine.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Kudos to all who have lost weight.
avatar for samiel
5 years ago
Most of the regular girls I saw either stayed about the same or gained a bit of weight. I didn't notice any that had lost weight.
avatar for WillMunny
5 years ago
@GoldmongerATL did you ask the moonlighting baker if you could glaze her doughnut?

Haven't seen any of my "regular" dancers post-lockdown so it's too soon to tell, but I'm willing to bet there will be a lot of roster changes - too many eligible women unemployed or underemployed not to see an uptick in numbers as concern about the pandemic ramps down enough to draw regular crowds.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
A few less girls and some of the returning characters have put on quarantine weight, but otherwise not really.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Oh okay I figured out what was going on. The Cubans have found their way over here. 😝
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
Checking w stripper contacts - most afraid to go back to clubs or forbidden by husband or boyfriend. Some of these now cam girls. One does 6 ft air dances otc plus photos. No contact. A couple back but charge the rate on dances these 2 don’t play. One seeing clients otc CFS $300 a session (up from $200 before covid). She brings thermometer takes their temp before preceding w session.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "Checking w stripper contacts - most afraid to go back to clubs or forbidden by husband or boyfriend."

Shit, IME the SOs are the ones most eager for them to go back and start earning. I guess that Houston is a different sort of place. :)
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
One of my favs is on a super double secret probation lockdown by her SO and it's not looking that good she'll make it back to the club. Call it COVID-19 fallout.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Visited 2 clubs Saturday, both had fewer dancers than expected for the time (mid-afternoon).
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I visited a club Friday night I have been to no more than 800 times. Other than fewer tables and no stage dances it looked the same.
avatar for Techman
5 years ago
Cowboys in Lexington KY is open, I will write a report as soon as I can get down there.
Concepts in Lawrenceburg IN is mostly back to pre-China virus.
avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago
I’ve only been to PTs.
The vast majority are returning dancers. A few new faces. No noticeable weight gain.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Went today. Lineup was a little thin, but it was a Monday at 5 pm. I would say some of the hottest girls were missing from the lineup. The dudes showed up more than the girls.

Overheard management complaining about girls who are collecting unemployment not wanting to show up.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... Overheard management complaining about girls who are collecting unemployment not wanting to show up ..."

One would think that until the enhanced federal UI doesn't end (end of July) that this may cause many a dancer to stay on the sidelines (and it's not certain enhanced-UI is not extended past end of July, time will tell) - the enhanced-UI makes it for many-people more easy, if not more advantageous, to stay home and not go back to work.
avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago
The top talent at my favorite sports bar is not back. Judging by their social media, they are too busy having fun. I don’t expect them back until at least end of July when the weekly $600 runs out.
avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago
Bars and strip clubs are starting to open up but summertime is upon us and many young women’s priorities are not recouping lost earnings. The beach is calling.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Friday a few new faces; a few old faces; no one was heavy; one dancer looked great naked after a day at the beach.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Popped in again today briefly this afternoon. The A squad was back. 5-15 pound weight gain for about half of them. One new set of bolt on boobs. PL to dancer ratio was about where it should be, especially since a couple guys came in, went back to VIP and left within 30 minutes.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Girls were happy. Guys who were coming in the past few days were spending. "Pent up demand"
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