
Quirky & Weird Clubs

Tuesday, September 3, 2019 6:58 PM
This thread (assuming it doesn’t get derailed for any reason...lol) is for listing clubs that have some kind of oddity to it. List the club and explain what the weird feature with it is. 😁 So far, I know about: Peppermint Hippo and Oval Office: It seems that region attracts some fun themed clubs. One club is the same name as a Southpark parody, and another club has a White House theme to it (included with portraits of presidents in there and different themed champagne rooms) Too bad what isn’t so fun is those places have some weird as fuck hiring processes and shitty NYC style house fee/vip cuts. Otherwise, I’d have loved to have tried one of these places just for fun. [view link] [view link] Treasure Club A video game VIP room...need I say more? [view link] Hustler Club There is a sex shop attached to the club. When you sell a VIP, extras are discouraged and can probably get you fired if caught. But it’s totally encouraged to get the customer to buy some toys from the shop so both parties can play with themselves in there. (As long as nobody touches the other person with said toys...) I considered not including this club in the list cause no doubt PDX likely has places that out-weird it, but ah well. [view link] So...what else is out there?


  • kenrodchitown
    5 years ago
    ^ I've been to the Washington Park Hustler Club dozens of times and never heard this proposition. Guess I've got a conversation starter to try out when I get back there. As long as I'm here, Country Rock Cabaret a few miles away has a penis-shaped electric bull.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^ Yeah, it was a dressing room conversation I had with three other dancers. One girl in particular seemed to enjoy doing that and openly talked about it. But then again, she also likes to wear a butt plug too while working, so it’s maybe a specialty for her so to speak? Idk
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    At the Lucky Lady Cabaret in Sweet Springs, MO, There is an active dungeon VIP set up with shackles on the wall, St Andrews Cross, whips, paddles, a cage and a hinged stock. It is also attached to an adult toy/novelty store with a back room for a swingers club.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I haven't seen this personally but I have seen pictures of it."Tango India" in San Jose, Costa Rica has a restored Convair 240 parked inside the club.
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    2001 in Tampa with its flying saucer VIP room.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    There was a place in Bucharest that some work buddies and I went to thinking it would be a strip club (thanks, TUSCL), but ended up being a restaurant. Except for around 9 two young women walked in who were unmistakably, in any country, strippers. They walk past us without a word and into the back, but came back out a little later dressed as belly dancers. They did a little of the standard belly dance tease, then started giving out some very nice lapdances tableside as the men were whooping it up and women were looking uncomfortable. To this day I'm not still sure if that was supposed to be a stealth strip club or not. It was never spoken of, but I'm pretty sure a couple of the guys went back for some takeout. I ended up off on my own wandering around town looking for clubs listed on TUSCL (and not finding most of them since they were gone) and eventually on an off the books taxi tour of night spots with John the Cabbie. Any time a taxi conversation veers into "You want the dance or you want the fuck?" the night is going to turn out interesting. One of the clubs that I ended up at that night didn't have a sign, was in a residential neighborhood, and had "The Grupe" scrawled onto the brick beside the front door.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island Dolls is in a residential neighborhood. All triple deckers and one strip club.
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    Someone beat me to the punch at 2001 Odyssey - Tampa. So called flying saucer is actually 1 of the few "Futuro Houses" built in the late 60's. Google Futoro House, nicespice, when things are slow at your club. Some others: St. James - Houston- Outside built to look like a church. Men's Club- Dallas. Probably still has outdoor pool where dancers allegedly sunbathe topless. Late afternoon buffets served in pool area in good weather. May still have enclosed phone booth where you can select background noise to resemble places like bowling alley or DFW Airport while calling wife/SO.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    In Forest Park (Atlanta) Pink Pony South later renamed Horse Play and now closed had a sushi bar right above the main stage.
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    Minnow, I think the St. James was originally a church rather than a club built to look like one. Definitely agree it’s unique and I’ll have a review shortly of my first visit there last week. The Lodge in Dallas. Unique rooms and style. Agree on 2001. BDD for the size of it, seven stages and bright lights. Follies and Diamond Dolls Pomano, because how the hell do they stay open? πŸ’° πŸ’° πŸ’° πŸ’° I’ll nominate some locals: Millstream for its residential neighborhood, stripper cage stage and silk swings. Ebony Inn for its restaurant entrance straight through to bargain debauchery.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I’ll nominate Tootsies for the most creative repurposing of a big box store
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    There was a time where a number of clubs had all sorts of gimmicky things to bring in customers, but over the last 20 years most of those things have gone away as LD and CR rooms became more common. Nowadays most girls don't even bother to learn pole tricks because there isn't much upside in it. Shower shows, shaving cream wrestling, sex toy and girl on girl, stripper boxing and a host of other things could be found in clubs across the country, but no more. Now we are limited mostly to some unique buildings and maybe some unusual stage setups. There are also still a handful of clubs out there that sell hot tub experiences and limo rides. There are also a few clubs that have adult novelty stores attached and maybe self touching booths, like Show n Tel in Philly. In more recent times, the weirdest setup I saw was in Fort Worth when Main Stage was still open. They had actually trapeze swings that girls used to do tricks on. But that club closed after a shooting.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Out here in Portland... - The Golden Dragon offers bedroom VIP sessions where you can mutually masturbate. As your stripper takes you to the bedroom, she picks up a towel and a bottle of lube. When you are in the room you are free to drop your pants and whack off to her instead of getting a lapdance. - Casa Diablo plays the schtick of being the unique "vegan club" in town. It's pure schtick and a gimmick for marketing purposes. If you choose a club for it being vegan you might be in the wrong hobby. - Devil's Point was the first club in town to make stripper karaoke night a regular thing. A few other clubs do it now too but DP was the first to make it a thing.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Mons Venus in Tampa. This club has lots of odd rules. One in particular is that the girl must always have one foot on the floor at all times. Limits the number of positions you can do. No full cowgirl, but a reverse cowgirl is just fine. Both of her feet are on the floor.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    25, I did all the "big box" computer work in Tootsies! :)
  • Piggie
    5 years ago
    Grand Hyatt in Singapore, basement bar is a nice bar with a live band. 30 to 40 working girls there everynight. You have a drink, watch the band and take a girl to your room upstairs. Or hop in a cab and go to your hotel. All out in the open in the nice part of Singapore. The hotel is so nice, our local client had the business dinner there the night before.
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    @Warrior a lot of clubs still have that one foot on the floor rule. Most of these big Vegas clubs have that rule.
  • loper
    5 years ago
    At Mickey's in Cumberland RI girls crawl slowly along a long bar and stop at each patron for a tip, making a lewd move of some sort at each stop. There is no pole and no dancing. Mickey's is known as the last stop on the stripper highway, and truly most of the girls are older, fatter, or in need of dental work, not the same specimens you find at RI Dolls or Desire's, although you can often find a diamond in the rough there. The girls are all knowledgeable about what do with you in the lap dance room. Speaking of lap dances, you buy a token from the bar tender for $20, give it to the stripper, and she'll give you a five minute "dance" as timed by her egg timer. Bring your own tissues. The place itself looks like it was last remodeled in the 70s, lots of linoleum tile and formica table tops.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Spearmint Rhino
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    I’m surprised that no one has mentioned Mitchell Brothers club with all its theme rooms. Now, that was an experience in its heyday.
  • Assmanjoe
    5 years ago
    Show n tel in philly used to have rooms in the back where you could get a show. It was like stepping into the exam room at your doctors office - eerily similar set up, with the uncomfortable leathery bed/seat with the paper on it lol - except you were surrounded by dildos and a stripper fingering herself. Weirdest β€œVIP” ive ever seen, by a long shot. This was many years ago though.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    I forgot what to this place was called so had to look back through my old reviews. Cafe Risque in Dunn, NC. Thankfully it's been closed for years. [view link] Quoted from an actual review: "I would not was my time at the club. This place is pretty much a waffle house with tits and not all that of tits either." Yeah. It's hard to describe how quirkily, nastily bad this place was. Truck stop diner with meh dancers. If you've ever wondered what it would be like to have a truck stop princess hold her snatch two inches above your eggs and bacon, this was the place. That and getting your hands put in straps attached to the wall if you wanted a lap dance made this a no fly zone for me when it was still open.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    "I’m surprised that no one has mentioned Mitchell Brothers club with all its theme rooms. Now, that was an experience in its heyday." @mark yeah MBOT is/was set up like a naked ladies theme park. In one club you have a standard strip club stage, a burlesque/showgirl stage, a lesbian sex jerk off observatory, private rooms, etc...
  • Piggie
    5 years ago
    Sadly they did away with most of that. Now there's the main stage where the lighting guys still uses a spot light on the dancer, the two girls show and the small room show where they hand out flashlights, so you can piss off the dancer by lighting up her privates. Fun place, but expensive.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    When I went by the MBOT lesbian sex jerk off observatory I thought it was creepy and weird. Like being a peeping Tom with other fellow peeping Toms creepier and weirder.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    Is that the one where all the dudes are in little booths with the chics in the middle? I stood in one of the booths for a few minutes and even fed in a $5 or whatever it was to get a dancer to come over. It was definitely weird.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @wallanon that's how I remember it from the 90s. Not only are the booths creepy but also looking across the room you see the silhouettes of other creepy dudes in their booths. Weird and creepy.
  • Piggie
    5 years ago
    And often, dudes were rubbing one out.
  • rl27
    5 years ago
    Kandy's Adult Playground in Waterford, PA, outside of Erie. [view link] If you are in the area, I would recommend it just to take in the complete and utter tackiness of the club. The website while it describes the club, does not do it justice. The club has the look of an old 1970's country western bar, with concrete floors and a large bar around the outside of the club. There is an outdoors Volleyball court, which I have seen the dancers actually playing volleyball one. Now a volleyball court would be Ok, but there is also a fake 1970's looking cop car that looks like it crashed over the fence headlong into the grass, along with another fake cop car, in the club that you can get lap dances in. There is also a fake electric chair on stage which I have only seen used once for some hapless bachelor. The club does get a good amount of business, and I have seen dancers playing volleyball outside a few times. Private dance rooms are also nice, although quite tame.
  • rl27
    5 years ago
    Ok, hit enter too soon. By dancers playing volleyball I mean against each other, in various forms of undress, with no other customers. The last paragraph where I mentioned dancers again, I mean customers playing volleyball often with a dancer joining in.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Fuzzy Holes, Johnson City, TN. It’s a combination year long Halloween Party and dive strip club. My review from a couple of years ago: [view link]
    5 years ago
    Daily Planet, in Oakland, NJ. Place is a log cabin, literally, so far out . in the woods that a curtain divides the VIP room from the bar, but there are tall windows looking out into the woods. I'm surprised some low lifes don't hang out in the woods waiting for a show. Warning - there are ticks in the woods outside and the ground is really swampy around the back. According to a friend. lol.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Bliss Showgirls is a high mileage, extras club but it has the weirdest set up: The lap dances area is an open area at the back of the club with a slightly high wall but it does not block the view very well, so customers can see the PL receiving the lapdance. Then the VIP room is a corridor with five couches separated by partitions, so you do not see the PL next to you but you see his dancer (I saw one on her knees and the PL next to me saw my dancer up against the wall).
  • Electronman
    5 years ago
    At one time, Bogart's (Inkster MI) was characterized by even more debauchery than in its current incarnation. There was a time when all of the private dances were performed in a raised platform with metal chairs around the perimeter of the platform. The folks on the main floor could not see over the waist high divider on the raised platform but the folks in the private dance area could easily see over the railing to the main floor. Of course, the patrons in the private dance area could also see the fun that was happening around the perimeter of the room. It was like having a live porn show, watching the other PLs getting BJs and FS (mostly in cowgirl) around the room. My favorite memory was when two guys set down beside me and had their dancers drop their G string and bend over at the waist while they each did DATY (and DATO?) from behind and the girls kissed each other.
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    I've never been, but there is a club that occasionally shows up in the reviews called Berlin News club in NJ. Sounds like a swingers place, but the ratio sounds like 10 guys to a girl and not a rabbit hole I want to go down.
  • lurkingdog
    5 years ago
    Fantasy’s in WV, at the time I went, had a very open menu in VIP, had an open (lame) lap dance area. And apparent had an S&M dungeon in the basement (did not partake)
  • crsm27
    5 years ago
    About 15 years ago was in a club up in Brandon MB, Canada. Keystone Motor Lodge. It had a restauraunt in the front and shared the bathrooms/hallway. People could look in the back and see the whole show on the way to the bathroom. No doorway, curtain, separation. Also at this place it really wasn't a stage in the middle it was like a dance floor and no tip rail. Also you didn't tip normal or place the tip on a "rail".... you chucked the tip at them (in canada they have $1 and $2 coins). Also they didn't do any lap or table dances. It was just not what I am used to in the states.
  • WillMunny
    5 years ago
    Honey's in Gary, IN occupies a former bank building and themed one of their VIP rooms accordingly - in addition to the couch and end tables, there were shelves stacked with "play money" and similar props.
  • Local Hick
    5 years ago
    I haven't been (yet), but there is a bikini club in the middle of Illinois that is an old school house that has been turned into a club. Only open a couple nights a week if I remember right, but I hear that it still looks like school rooms. [view link]
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    might hk be a bit quirky and weird?
  • rick33
    5 years ago
    Brad's in Indy - laps on what looked like benches in a small area, for 100 there's an open room about 20 by so with couches on the perimeter for 30 min but there's no privacy, then for 200 there's a tiny private capsule which feels like they are going to use it as a submersible - not for the claustrophobic. MBOT - those curtained cubicles intent is for the dancers to circulate and negotiate business, then enter with the PL- in the showroom multiple tables with 4 stools- on the tables would each be a 2 girl show up close and personal, and of course the movie theater with curtained rooms in the back, and dances given in the theater chairs - a few years ago they actually staged productions in the theater instead of just movies Gold Club Atl- reg folks downstairs high rollers in what looked like stadium boothes with sliding glass doors overviewing the room - probably where the nfl got the idea Ecstacy in OC - Just Bed dances at 50 per Lil Darlings in vegas used to have shower shows in addition to Bed Dances and themed couch rooms The ol Tally Ho in vegas had recliners in the second story showroom, and curtained rooms around it for 175, and a video game room - not sure what the point of the rooms was as any and everything occurred in those recliners - the music was from a jukebox the dancers would take turns selecting from - and they had to pay for the songs..odd Hollywood- ESL- Never understood why inside it was lit up like a grocery store with florescent lighting - actually painful - not to mention the dancers there needed less light not more
  • HarmonySlinks
    5 years ago
    Club Omaha in Nebraska!! It's actually my main club that I work at. We offer nude, touching bed dances... but the kicker is our Toy Show option and our Mutual Masturbation option !! :):) I love it. Nebraska needs this! Lol
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    My current (and favorite of all time) club, called Lust in Martinsburg, WV offers shower shows and a champagne room nicknamed the "Gator Room" because of the life sized alligator mounted on the wall. (Fun fact: When I first saw this thing, I thought it was a crocodile and decided to name him Cecil. Oopsie! I still affectionately call him that though...πŸ˜‹) We also boast a beautiful back deck with a wrapped wall that makes you think you're sipping rum drinks on a white sand beach in Tahiti... or, if you have enough of said rum drinks could feasibly convince you that you're actually there! Smoking is allowed on the deck and there's a pole that can be used for an impromptu semi-private performance (just gotta keep the naughty bits covered out there... sorry fellas!) Maybe these things aren't in and of themselves, weird...but, not at all what I would've ever expected to find in West Virginia.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Those clubs seem great. 😁
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    This isn't that quirky, but Stars Bridgeport out here tried to implement an aerial hoops stage. It was there a year ago but now it's gone. I remember being there and strippers trying it for the first time. I tipped for appreciation of their skill but it certainly wasn't as sexy as watching standard pole and stage dancing.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    I had not responded to this because I did not have vip access and finally wrote another review... lol Two clubs in Denver
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    Dammit, got cut off... Two clubs in Denver I would consider somewhat quirky are Shotgun Willies and PT's Show Club on Evans. Shotgun Willies built a new building right behind where the old one was a few years back. When they tore down the old building they build the Smoking Gun. The Smoking Gun has the same owner as Shotguns and it is the only place in Denver you can buy and consume weed in the same establishment. You can go get high then walk 30 feet across the parking lot to the strip club. They also have a fireman pole where dancers used to drop in from the second floor. They did quit allowing this because a dancer tried to go down it upside down and hit their head. They also have a board room with a long table and surrounded by chairs. This room is all glass. The reason Shotguns was able to get this passed is because the husband of one of the owners was Mayor of Glendale at the time..haha PT's Show Club is a large club in an old building. There are quite a few different rooms and hidden corners. It has alcohol and topless only in the main area, and another area to one side as well as an area upstairs that are no alcohol and full nude. There are 3 or 4 stages in the main area surrounding a dance floor. The dance floor is like what you would see at a regular night club. On Friday and Saturday nights customers dance like a regular club and there is strippers on the stages surrounding the dance floor. Female customers are allowed to take their tops off. I used to know a couple who frequented this club and hear stories about him taking his wife's shirt and bra and running off and leaving her topless! I don't think she minded though haha/ On Friday and Saturday nights they also have Male strippers. They are usually off in a corner of the main room. There is also an area upstairs in the no alcohol nude section where male dancers give lap dances. I have seen male dancers walking around the club while there but there is usually a large crowd of ladies and dudes into that sort of thing surrounding them, so if you want to see the guys you would have to look on purpose.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Good story bro
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    PT Showclub seems awesome
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    It sounds like the kind of club my wife would join me on a party night, but seeing a male stripper in just a banana hammock thong would be a serious buzz and boner kill for me.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    I am sure PT Show Club would work well as a lapdance factory πŸ˜€
  • groundball
    5 years ago
    @doctorevil woah, missed your review of that Tennessee club before, thanks for the pointer, that was a fun read!
  • EGor1
    5 years ago
    Back when my friends and I were getting invited to lots of bachelor parties, Niagara falls was the big destination. We'd hit the Sundowner and it's next door neighbor, Sinastions. At that time (and I haven't been there in 15 years) you walk into sinsations (which we called suck sations) and the girl would literally walk up to you and ask you if you want a blowjob. Then, you'd go to a semi private area and get blown. I remember being there, getting blown and seeing several of my buddies with their heads back enjoying similar treatments. Wild place.
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    On Friday and Saturday nights they also have Male strippers. They are usually off in a corner of the main room. There is also an area upstairs in the no alcohol nude section where male dancers give lap dances. I have seen male dancers walking around the club while there but there is usually a large crowd of ladies and dudes into that sort of thing surrounding them, so if you want to see the guys you would have to look on purpose. MackTruck God Bless Dancers October 19, 2019 Good story bro β€”β€” Just a cut n paste, shows the truth!! You like dat story, huh Mack. πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸŽ―πŸŽ―πŸŽ―πŸŽ―
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