How long has it been since you visited a strip club or met a stripper OTC.

avatar for shadowcat
12 days for me.


last comment
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
About 5 hours.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Strip club or stripper actually 2019. I think November. Met up with like 3 sb’s since but that’s it. So like 4 months.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
10 hours ago.
avatar for SaltyNuts
5 years ago
8 days, one day before AZ closures
avatar for joatmon
5 years ago
about 3 weeks.
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
5 years ago
Six days ago.
avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago
17 days ago.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
A few days, but there's always tomorrow. lol
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
Feb 28th
avatar for Summit21
5 years ago
3 weeks. Never done OTC
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
last club was three weeks ago.
otc... hopefully next week.
avatar for clubdude
5 years ago
8th of this month (March). Been offered a few OTC, but I'll wait it out.
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
March 13 last visit. No OTC until this craziness has subsided a bit
avatar for captainfun
5 years ago
March 9 SC visit
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
Tuesday, March 5th (review should get posted in 2 days from now). I went on the 19th which I had planned and the club had been closed due to the shutdown.
avatar for GoVikings
5 years ago
February the 28th

avatar for whodey
5 years ago
About 6 weeks since I have been to a club since I rarely go to local strip clubs due to the poor quality and that was when my employer eliminated non-essential business travel.

Last Saturday for my last P4P interaction, not technically OTC since she stopped stripping about 2 years ago.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
3 weeks in godforsaken Dayton Ohio.... but, for the $$ it wasn't really that bad. Luckily I had two trips to The D and one to Niagara Falls within a four week span in December / January to look back on.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
At least a month maybe longer
avatar for azdd
5 years ago
February 20th for both OTC and club visit. Now experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
avatar for Huntsman
5 years ago
About a month.
avatar for BuckMcNutter
5 years ago
43 days, 12 hours and 15 minutes ago @ Follies (((
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
March 13th and it was a hideous waste of time as explained in my reviews. It turned out being a day or two before our governor ordered all bars closed.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 years ago
March 15th, 10 Days...
avatar for EastCoaster
5 years ago
Friday, March 13. I got lucky that day. Probably my last bit of luck for some time, though.
avatar for jayveeuu
5 years ago
Wondering how you bring up OTC options to a stripper? Any suggestions?
avatar for lotsoffun201
5 years ago
Since this shit started and the clubs closed
avatar for Youngatheart2
5 years ago
I'm with jayveeuu, any suggestions on the best way to bring up OTC options to a stripper?
avatar for samiel
5 years ago
Since Mar 4.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"any suggestions on the best way to bring up OTC options to a stripper?"

If you're asking now and your locals clubs are already shuttered, you're already past best way and somewhere around longshot if you've never discussed OTC before with an intended dance partner. Do you already have numbers or is this a hypothetical question?
avatar for Youngatheart2
5 years ago
I have numbers
avatar for richardspayan1
5 years ago
8 days back ... Last day before closure ... Was fairly liberal with the tips ... small bit to help the poor girls
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
Unrelated to Covid19 I’ve been stuck in my own personal medical hell here in the States. I managed to squeeze in one last visit to a club in early January and have been consoling myself ever since with daydreams of how I was going to break the bank partying once I got away from the damn doctors (fucking doctors think they know everything, they're all idiots).

So now I’m free and what the fuck did you all do while I was locked up? Closed the entire fucking world, that’s what. I can’t even get anywhere. Every country is fucking closed. And every fucking strip club in the States is closed. Hell I can’t even go sit down and have a meal and a beer because every fucking place is closed. WTF kind of Twighlight Zone episode am I in?

Despite my ranting I know that I have it good. There are many people that I care about around the world that are much worse off than I am. Most of them are currently unreachable and I feel really down that there is nothing I can do to help. Even the banks here are closed except for drive through so I couldn’t even wire money not that anyone on the other end could pick it up.

Be thankful for what you have. I know I am though I wouldn’t mind being thankful with a naked girl to hold onto. Any takers? Anyone?

avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
A few weeks ago for the clubs, a few days ago for OTC. Those numbers are really starting to pan out.
avatar for RTP
5 years ago
Last time I was in a club was two weeks ago with you Shadowcat. If you are going to make it a final visit for a while, might as well make it Follies.
avatar for Hannathedog79
5 years ago
Tuesday, March17. Have never had the chance to OTC. Gotten a couple of phone numbers over the past couple years, but when I called- Crickets. To be fair, I pretty much only go to clubs when I'm in Az. for Spring Training and I seem to get the numbers on my last day in town. ("Call me when you're back in town!") Of course, when I get back a year later, those numbers are likely no good anymore. Once every couple of years, I might find time to hit a club in Sacramento, but that's obviously not enough to really develop a rapport with anybody.
avatar for DrStab
5 years ago
March 12. Met my girl at the club and then OTC’d. Then all hell broke loose in Michigan. Been locked down since.
avatar for bubba267
5 years ago
6 days.
avatar for minnow
5 years ago
8 days.
avatar for ATACdawg
5 years ago
20 days. Looks like it will be at least May before anything can break for me.
avatar for WillMunny
5 years ago
11 days. I've lost count of the potential OTC invitations (most prefaced with out of the blue "Hey, how r u?" texts) I've received since the clubs shut down.
avatar for rl27
5 years ago
Last visit, March 7th, two weeks later all bars and restaurants were shut down.
avatar for nj_pete
5 years ago
About 6 weeks, have never done OTC.
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
When the local clubs closed down, my phone lit up with strippers needing money. Since the clubs are closed, I decided seeing somebody was better than not fucking, so I’ve been seeing a couple.

Saw one of them yesterday.
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
avatar for sshrfrsky
5 years ago
March 16th, right before Covid imposed closures or limited services restrictions. It was a Monday and I never go on a Monday. One of the better visits I had in a awhile since I met up with an old fav and a new dancer who I've seen on other visits but wasn't able to connect with.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago
6 weeks ago in Florida.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Was the idea that the thread gets updated if anything changes?
avatar for IHearVoices
5 years ago
March 14: I was on the fence about going, but had a feeling something like this was around the corner.
avatar for DandyDan
5 years ago
Back in January. I was going to go one day when I was up in the Twin Cities 4 weeks ago, but decided I was too tired to do anything after my activities with relatives were over that day. Have no idea when, or even if, I will go again sometime.
avatar for chimera422
5 years ago
22 days, but last visit was to Outer Space/La Pearl. So that might count as 2
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
It's funny. Since I got involved with Sugaring last year, I really haven't wanted to go to clubs. But now that I can't go to one, I have this incredible urge to go. The Inner Room in Cocoa Beach just sounds like so much fun right now !
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Last time I was at a club was 02/26 😭
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Last time was mid-February.
Had planned a visit on 1st day of spring, retirement day, but . . . . . .
avatar for bang69
5 years ago
it's been 3 months. And I don't do otc
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
My Great Timing:
I hadn't been clubbing for 18 months; metro area clubs were really dreary & uninspiring with poor ROI.
Just before shutdown I was considering checking out some nearby clubs 😁
Oh well, word is the stimulus checks will take several months to distribute anyway.
avatar for ButterMan
5 years ago
Feb 15th. I remember because it was the day before my birthday. And then the coronavirus shit hit. I am considering OTC with one this week i'm sure she could use the money.
avatar for SteveSutton
5 years ago
Too long ago. So many opportunities right now, but as a married man, just way too risky.
avatar for BigPoppa99
5 years ago
Saturday, Feb. 28.!
..that night held me over for a couple of days.. lol

OTC scheduled in a day.
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago

avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
5 years ago
Just did my first OTC since the shutdown began. A long-time ITC favorite but the first time she has done OTC with me. Well worth the $300.
avatar for Bamaeight
5 years ago
Small market area so otc is less common but seeing them come up on SA.
Has for me my SB is doing great job now that she is off work she’s makes tons of time for us.
avatar for Heellover
5 years ago
15 days ago-strip club
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
I told my long-term SB that we should stop meeting for a couple of weeks. But realistically I don't see the level of risk changing for months. So it's probably over and I'm not too happy about it.

I can't risk binging this home...
avatar for Garfield84
5 years ago
With clubs closed, you would think more girls would be down with OTC action. Some are but charge something stupid And others want you to join their Unless it's porn and cost next to nothing, I'm not paying for virtual pussy
avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago
Why don’t the two of you wear a mask?
Corona virus is not transmitted through fucking, AFAIK.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
I think we need some way to preserve Bavarian's last post. Can we nominate some form of that for a TUSCL tagline?
avatar for irishbob
5 years ago
Just about a month ago and now everywhere is shut down. My Otc have all retired or gone to jail for awhile.
avatar for bkkruined
5 years ago
February 25th. I was in St. Louis two weeks later considering a trip to the Southern Illinois clubs across the river but instead hooked up with some nice young lady I met on several night.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"My Otc have all retired or gone to jail for awhile."

The other week I was shopping late, and saw a familiar face walk around from another ailse. Last time I'd seen her was a couple of days before she'd written me in a panic about needing money asap or she was going back to jail. A minor detail she'd left out when we'd been hanging out was that she was out on bond for something or other. So far as I knew, she was still in jail. She was with some dude, so there were more ways that whole thing could have gone bad than good.
avatar for mal_hodgson
5 years ago
Over 2 months since I’ve been to a club and over a month since the last OTC. I’m supposed to see her tomorrow though.
avatar for orionsmith
5 years ago
I had to look it up to remember. December of last year. I haven't been to a club all year. I wasn't planning on taking such a long break. I'm still working it seems like all the time. I expect my situation to change maybe in another month or two. Hopefully clubs will open back up. Hopefully the local bar and grill will reopen too. I hope I can stop working weekends as well as the week. To my surprise, government considers everything I'm working on as essential business too both during the week and weekend. I want to get the weekend work over with though. I'm not planning on hiring anyone to help after all this time. I might if I'm not finished and the virus scare has lifted.
avatar for aussiehinz
5 years ago
March 6th, in Columbia MO of all places. So just what in the hell is everyone doing during this unprecedented time? I guess if you're married or have a long time live in girlfriend, you're ok for regular sex. But if you don't have a partner, then WTF? I'm in that "elevated risk" category, so I am very hesitant to hook up with someone for OTC, even though I have several numbers and it's certainly been a practice in the past on numerous occasions. It's a rhetorical question that I sadly know the answer to; I will simply have to wait for this shit to ease up. Isolation is not that great for the human condition, though, and I wonder what things are gonna be like on the backside of all this. Just keep washing my fucking hands, I guess...
avatar for ancientlurker
5 years ago
20 days.
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