
avatar for gawker
My CF and I were in a hotel today and I was having a little delay in launching ( that’s a subtle way of saying I couldn’t get it up; could not maintain an erection.) Despite the best efforts of my partner, it was like trying to put an oyster in a slot machine. She was great about it until I said I guess I don’t have to pay you. There was about 30 seconds of silence before she figured I was only joking.
Luckily, I had my iPad and we watched porn together and soon there was stirring in my loins. However while watching porn, she at one point said, “ Oh. I think I know her.” I read somewhere that the large majority of porn is with females doing one and done. Sure there are “porn stars”, who do it for a living, but if you go to pornhub or xnxx there are many actresses who you’ll never see again. Many are truly amateur productions. About 2 years ago I got a blowjob from a gal who had done two segments of “ the old audition” trick and she was able to call it up on the internet and show me. ( she had put on weight and didn’t look anywhere as good as the film.)
Have any readers ever noticed a porn actress that you knew? I’ve got about 10 hours of my ATF and her BF on tape including about 45 minutes where I was the camera man. As expected, lighting and editing are the greatest need. But I’d think statistically we should bump into an old favorite, a neighbor, a high school classmate, or whatever
When sending flicks back & forth with my ATF I’ve been using Google Drive for really large files.
Oh, and thanks for asking. Yes I did arise from the barely living and fully enjoyed the company of my CF. She does do BBBJCIM but insists on a condom when I’m working below the waist. She’s right and I respect that but I’ve had 9 years of BBFS and that’s sorely missed.


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avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I got dances at Follies from a dancer named Valentine. I understand that she is now working at Tattletales. Her porn name is sinderella.…
avatar for WillMunny
5 years ago
I've only done a VIP with a porn actress (star or starlet only applies to a select few) once, at a strictly non-extras club. I had recognized her but played dumb to see whether or not she stayed incognito. She brought up her "porn" stage name but didn't make a big deal about it.

On a couple of other occasions I've recognized dancers at a club that have done at least a few scenes, but for various reasons did not get dances or do a VIP with them. I'd estimate at least 75% were extras-friendly, but this probably varies by market (SoCal and Florida being major porn production centers probably deters dancer-actresses playing with customers in those regions).

The other scenario in the dancer/actress nexus are the women who go on to performing in porn after you meet them as dancers. Only had this happen once that I know of, but I don't watch as much porn as I used to. The case I'm aware of was an extras gal but her asking price was too far above market rate for me to sample her services. If I saw her again I'd probably pay the premium just for the novelty, but odds are good she's probably charging even more now that she sees herself as a "star."
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
There’s a former porn “starlet” on my facebook friend list. She’s sober and married now, and has a “real” job.

She’s actually kind of fucked up by drugs and rape, but she’s recovering. Kind of pity her actually.

I’ve met her; she was working for a while at a restaurant I eat at pretty often downtown, and she’s a pretty girl.
avatar for Dolfan
5 years ago
I've gotten dances from a couple Porn Stars turned house dancers. I've also seen a couple of girls I've gotten dances/more from in porn, one I recall was a one & done "actress" in a Bangbros (Miami based) video. She never brought up her porn experience & I didn't see it until after I stopped talking to her. The other was a girl who worked at lower end clubs, but gathered a bit of "fame" after her stint on Bangbros and had her own website & whatnot. She also did some escorting/etc. She never brought up her outside activities ITC.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"I got dances at Follies from a dancer named Valentine."

Checked out that vid link. She was actually much hotter in person.
avatar for sshrfrsky
5 years ago
Surprisingly never. Ive watched quite a bit of porn over the past 20 +years mostly online of course. And mainly homemade and amateur porn.
avatar for rickthelion
5 years ago
Let me guess gawking ape, you got lil gawkie to stand at attention when you found a little white girl sucking the BSLC. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, I’m glad I could be of service.

You’re welcome!!!
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Cameron Cain, who in her heyday was pretty hot, has been slumming around Ft. Myers hooking and shooting up. She even PM'ed me on another site, but I would never touch her in her current condition.

There's another girl, much more of an amateur and not at all attractive for me, dancing at Babe's and soliciting for shoots. I never learned her name, but did not recognize it when I heard it. She posts her health dept test results online and carries it in her purse at the club, and will show it to you on demand.

If you held a gun to my head and made me choose, I would go with Cameron and just douse myself with bleach afterwards.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
I've heard rumors about local dancers doing amateur porn, but I've never seen it in the wild.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
I brought up a couple of her vids on my phone in the club, just for, you know, research and verification. They were there on pornhub, but I wasn't going to partake. blech.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
I met one dancer who used the line "I did a porn scene" to sell a VIP room and she passed the oral exam with flying colors.

I met a few Import models who did nude videos.

Also knew two Import models who did amateur porn.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
I may have had a dance with a porn star, but not sure. After I fucked her hard in the VIP room, she told me that I need to call her friend, Dennis out in Nevada. She said that he would have a role for me. Had no clue what the fuck she was talking about. I looked him up about 6 weeks after that encounter. Turns out the SOB died about 3 weeks after she told me to call him. But, I’m thinking she may have been a film starlet of some sort for that guy.
avatar for rl27
5 years ago
This isn't something new, I have met a few dancers over the years who did one or two porn shoots and quit. However it's become a lot more common the last five years or so.

Three were favorites of mine at the time. Both had done a few magazines, the first some lesser known porn magazines. The next two were both fitness model and started in mainstream fitness, then went to porn mags and finally both did a few videos.

Then came cam sites. I recall four dancers who worked at the same club. two of which had their own camera site, and the four would swap between both cameras. Three of t
avatar for rl27
5 years ago
my browser decided to refresh and post.
Three of them did a lesbian scene with each other, and two did a three way with a minor male pornstar.

Now that sites like pornhub, have started being more prevalent, I have seen an uptick of one and done videos.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
If a hot young female can't get me up, porn would be a waste of time.
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
*hot young female* must be code for Ron Jeremy
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
i’ve had the pleasure with a few porn girls...
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