North Carolina
Comments by Lurker_X (page 14)
discussion comment
7 years ago
Maybe some women are actually fine with earning less than minimum wage to sit around for hours talking, looking at their phones, getting some free drinks.
discussion comment
7 years ago
He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
One of my clubs has auto-sensing faucets and hand dryers. So when the troll is there he hands out paper towels to be "useful".
I remember someone asking him if he liked the job, and he said yes... He likes talking to people...
discussion comment
7 years ago
He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
It protects the club by deterring drug dealing in the bathroom. They may also earn a few bucks if the troll pays to be there.
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7 years ago
Evil Lair
North Carolina has crept up a bit now that Greenville SC and Columbia SC became tamer. At least it isn't as restrictive as TN or VA.
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7 years ago
I think strippers rationalize a slew of poor night's when they get a good night. They don't type them all up in Excel and determine the true median... Even the good night could be a previously crummy one, that a dancer just happened to become the focus of a bachelor party group in the final hour.
In a way, a marginal dancer at a club resembles a gambling addict playing the slots or lotto cards... Just enough "wins" happen to create the illusion of success just around the corner.
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7 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Sometimes you're waiting on a specific dancer for VIP and you feel like burning off some time... I would not want those girls to know they are fluff but that's how it is... I don't have a long fluff list though. They ask for VIP too and I end up making excuses why not.
discussion comment
7 years ago
In my area I feel like nights other than Fri/Sat are generally lean ones for strippers. Maybe a third or even half of them earn very little. I get the impression that dancers don't properly pencil out what it really costs them in fees and drinks to work at a club. Isn't minimum wage around $10 now? It could be less.
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7 years ago
I would Google for "art appraisal advice" and read up, before accepting the ramblings of mongers on this subject
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7 years ago
North Carolina
Probably, for the most part, PLs who can afford clubs usually followed the rules and conventions of the business world. They are not types who are looking to make a statement to outsiders.
discussion comment
7 years ago
HAVE FUN! Really. Who looks more like a cop? A guy who quietly sits alone and studies the club? Or someone who approaches the stage and says "oh my God what a fine ass!" with a big smile and putting some singles of there.
discussion comment
7 years ago
I think clubbing helps a guy realize that it's OK to "be real" and tell women what you think. If they can't handle that, it wasn't your problem of being rude. Some of us start out with too much nice-guy-itis... Reluctant to say anything that could be disagreed with.
discussion comment
7 years ago
I didn't do much dating in my life - the last few months of clubbing have allowed me to really compare women, and sense the differences in how they physically express themselves.
I've also come to realize that some of them live incredibly messed up lives. I appreciate even more, having one that is stable with debts that are manageable and no past drug abuse.
discussion comment
7 years ago
The only dancer I am following up with for OTC is one that told me she sees a few customers on the side, which of course led into the discussion shortly afterward for how I could become one of those. She is very flaky though, forgets where her drink was, forgets her phone, etc. So still I have not actually met up with her. I view setting up a date as a dart toss, don't take it personally when she does not show and has another excuse.
discussion comment
7 years ago
I don't negotiate extras - I keep purchasing time. I like to see if she is explorative on her own... They can be curious too sometimes, or decide to spice up the same old routine.
This hasn't led to any major acts yet but I may get "a hand on my pants" a tit in my mouth. There is some plausible deniability left for her. Ooopsie! I'm so clumsy, haha! It allows a dancer some scraps of dignity to not have been paid to do extras. And long term, it may be cheaper for me to get her to view it as all part of our participation together.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Even with my limited experience, I get the sense with repeat girls, that they establish a mental baseline of expectations for what you usually spend. I anticipate this... If I plan to spend less that night, I'll telegraph that early on so that she is not frustrated a few hours later. It is fair, she should have the option to float around the guys more and fish for bigger tips, if that is how she would rather spend her time.
discussion comment
7 years ago
North Carolina
Gen x is a transitional generation for tats. I cannot remember anyone from my peer group in high school in 1986 getting one or expressing any interest in it. But this was a rural high school in N. C. When I lived on the west coast for a while, in the 1990s,was when I began seeing people in my age group getting them.
No, I don't have any...
discussion comment
7 years ago
I think of OTC more as another layer of familiarity. You get to see more into her real life, may get to spend a little more time with her getting dinners or even helping out driving her around (seems like revoked licenses for DUI and failure-to-appear are common, as well as cars they can't keep repaired.)
discussion comment
7 years ago
I have only been seriously clubbing for a few months... Most on one dancer in a night would be $200. Most total I'd say $800-$900. No true ROB experiences yet - just minor hustles and disagreements over song length or package pricing or whether touching tits is an "extra" I should tip more for.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Dumped by ATF?
Do some shopping for your next fave. Find several dancers that are plausible and let them compete for you. They will not all make an equal effort. The right fave is the one that makes things simple for you. Don't get too hung up in picking a specific look, because then *you* are chasing a stripper, and that is too much like normal life...
discussion comment
7 years ago
Dumped by ATF?
Sounds like she is bored with you, perhaps making good money with other guys and is not prioritizing you. Move on, find a fave in a more convenient club.
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7 years ago
Atlanta suburb
The guys I usually see being removed from clubs are really drunk, or grabby foreigners that don't understand the uptight nature of clubs in the usa.
I think the selection of guys who post here are more methodical in their approach to clubbing, and can don't normally drink to the point of losing their acumen to successfully monger.
discussion comment
7 years ago
If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
No, but before I visited my first "massage parlor" for my 29th birthday gift to myself, I did. I wanted her to spend more time trying to complete things, lol
discussion comment
7 years ago
Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
Dancers do not want guys up there dragging dirt and small pebbles from their work boots onto the stage.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Clubs in N. C. risk losing their liquor license quickly if this is going on. Girls nearly always restrict this to somewhere offstage.